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1:12 AM
Yay, new Angry Mac Bastards episode up.
8:14 AM
anyone work with cocos2d?
12 hours later…
8:11 PM
I'll have to pin this again
Rule Numero Uno: If you want to ask a question, post a link to your Stack Overflow question alone so it one-boxes and then be patient and see if anyone answers. If nobody answers, do not get angry or start disturbing people, simply try revising your question since it may not make sense. Pinging people to answer your question or, worse, asking without an SO question will result in nobody answering your question.
Rule Numero Duo: Check your sense of entitlement at the door. Nobody is obligated to help you and neither are you entitled to be helped. If someone can answer your question and wants to, they will. If they don't, then that's fine too. Acting like you are owed an answer will only serve to make you and everyone else unhappy.

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