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5:47 AM
In grafana.ini, I have set the value of domain variable to hostname
2 hours later…
7:47 AM
Is the root_url correct when interpolated? So if protocol is http, domain is your_host and port is 3000 then the url would be your_host:3000. Is that url the correct url? You could try setting the root_url to not have any variables - for example http://myhost. (Don't forget to restart Grafana).
Another question - how are you testing this? With the Send Test button?
2 hours later…
10:12 AM
1. No, the root_url is not correct when interpolated.
2. How can I hardcode the root_url? that is exactly what I need to do.
3. I did restart Grafana.
4. I print the JSON body from alert webhook on my nodeJS application. I see localhost:3000 there
1 hour later…
11:18 AM
To hardcode the root_url to the correct url, just change it in the ini file. For example, if my host name is mygrafana. Then I would change the root_url to be http://mygrafana
11:38 AM
I was getting worried that this is a bug in Grafana so I tested it out myself. And it works as expected. I set my root_url like this: root_url = http://mytest.ocm and this is the JSON I got from the webhook:
"evalMatches": [

"ruleId": 1,
"ruleName": "Memory \/ CPU alert",
"ruleUrl": "http:\/\/mytest.ocm\/dashboard\/db\/big-dashboard?fullscreen&edit&tab=alert&panelId=4&orgId=1",
"state": "ok",
"title": "[OK] Memory \/ CPU alert"
5 hours later…
4:52 PM
Its not Grafana, its me. I am doing something wrong :(
Cant figure out whats wrong

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