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8:01 PM
Shhh the sophons are listening...
What are "sophons"?
The Three-Body Problem (Chinese: 三体; literally: "Three-Body") is a science fiction novel by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin. It is the first of a trilogy titled Remembrance of Earth’s Past (Chinese: 地球往事), but Chinese readers generally refer to the series by the title of the first novel. The title itself refers to the three-body problem in orbital mechanics. The work was serialized in Science Fiction World in 2006, published as a book in 2008 and became one of the most popular science fiction novels in China. It received the Chinese Science Fiction Galaxy Award in 2006. A film adaptation of the same...
@Michael Did you read the Chinese book?
@JennaSloan They are super computers made out of protons that can listen to your conversations.
@ItachiUchiha Yep. I'm currently reading the 3rd book in the trilogy.
8:12 PM
I bet Oak must have narrated you the whole story from a ebook which you made him to download from a website which keeps pirated books to download for free.
You bully Oak to do all the nasty stuff
8:23 PM
The sophons were created by Trisolaris to disrupt humanity's quantum physics experiments and prevent us from advancing our technology.
They can also eavesdrop on all human communication, written and spoken.
To create them, they unfolded a single proton into two dimensions, graphed a super computer onto it, and then folded it back up into 11 dimensions.
Good morning :D
@Michael What... the... fuck?
9:29 PM
@Michael So... it disrupts humanity by listening to everything we say?
Hey Jenna :D
Hello, @geisterfurz007
How are you doing? :)
I'm fine, how about you?
Decent :) Since a long time I finally take the time to work on a project I wanted to approach for weeks and never really did :)
well it is 11:30 pm but that does not stop me :P

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