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12:09 AM
so how do I do it
I mean making another object doesn't necessarily work
forget it
1 hour later…
1:24 AM
Hi people im new here :D
@Unihedron Okay, so yes to both. What should I use instead of ArrayLists as a catch-all for storage?
1:40 AM
and why is it a problem that I use them so much?
welcome @JaydenFreh
2:00 AM
good morning~! hello ROs and new ROs ;)
2:19 AM
3:01 AM
@RamandeepSinghBedi don't make another object, make another variable that points to same object, guiObj will be the SAME object
3:16 AM
mhm - come to know the terms deep copy, and shallow copy
of an object
... o/
3:30 AM
Did I just become a RO?
@Gemtastic Count me in as well xD
1 hour later…
4:35 AM
sigh still working full flow
that sucks man
No it doesn't, I like my job
But I like it a little too much... Only 4 hours sleep and I'm back at it again
Sounds like me, except i don't work that much
i dont work at all actually..
I have no job xD
Who do u work for?
4:47 AM
@ItachiUchiha Yes, Yes you did :)
A Spanish company
@fge ah
Any difference between using .add and += when adding elements to a list? Example
if there is, when should each be used?
You can't use += to add elements to a List in Java
If you can do that and it compiles, it's not Java
Now i see
my ide said it was successfully executed but with a runtime exception
You misconfigured your project somewhere then
5:02 AM
Yeah, ill go back through and check everything
@UnknownOctopus this only concerns applets; JNLP is not affected
And you should be using JNLP in 2015 anyway
@fge I know it only concerns applets, and i'm sad to see it go.. That's what i started programming in java for. (of course by now i quit applets xD)
You're sad to see applets go? You are a rare breef
i had taken a class for web design and part of it was utilizing java applets.. From there i kept experimenting and wella
5:29 AM
@UnknownOctopus yay another reason to hate google
@Unihedron :D
Applets are mistakes and should be destroyed asap..
@Gemtastic :D :D
> Both EFS-Web, the USPTO’s online patent application and document submission tool, and Private PAIR, a secure portal for learning the status of a patent application, utilize Java programming script for authenticating users when they sign in to those services. The USPTO has posted guidance from computer technology corporation Oracle Corporation (NYSE:ORCL) recommending the use of alternative browsers such as Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer to access these services in the future
6:26 AM
6:43 AM
I'm out guys
see you
using this chat for the first time.
do i have the ability to pm?
6:51 AM
No, there's no PMs
You can address someone specifically with an @username but that's it
@Gemtastic like this? :D
@Gemtastic where do you live?
Please read chat.stackoverflow.com/faq and chat.stackoverflow.com/faq#formatting to increase your own and every one else's chat experience. If you wish to test formatting out, please use the sandbox chatroom:


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
@HarisGhauri Scandinavia
Nice @Gemtastic
6:56 AM
wonders why on Earth it's so difficult for most people to get basic Java I/O right
Well, maybe I've been doing Java for too long yawn
7:12 AM
I don't get why I/O java would be harder than any other language..
Exception handling and resource handling are explicit
And that makes it HARDER?
It's very common to see antipatterns like opening resources in the try block instead of outside of it, for instance
Or files/connections/SQL statements opened but never closed
Or even Streams
@fge I don't understand what you mean by that
@Gemtastic for people coming from languages where it is possible to read a file's contents using one liners, certainly so
7:18 AM
For instance try { InputStream in = ...; /* do something with in */ in.close(); }
That is a horrible thing to do
With try with resources, yes
*When you have access to try with resources
If not, well, use Guava's Closer
Morning! :)
MOrning :9
@fge I've never heard of Guava's Closer
7:25 AM
/javadoc Closer
@fge com.google.common.io.Closer: A Closeable that collects Closeable resources and closes them all when it is closed. This is intended to approximately emulate the behavior of Java 7's try-with-resources statement in JDK6-compatible code. ...
Running on Java 7, code using this should be approximately equivalent in behavior to the same code written with try-with-resources. Running on Java 6, exceptions that cannot be thrown must be logged rather than being added to the thrown exception as a suppressed exception. (1/6)
Now, a Java question: what is the main difference between Closeable's .close() and AutoCloseable's .close(), apart from the declared exception? :p
Ah, that looks very handy
> Note that unlike the close method of Closeable, this close method is not required to be idempotent. In other words, calling this close method more than once may have some visible side effect, unlike Closeable.close which is required to have no effect if called more than once. However, implementers of this interface are strongly encouraged to make their close methods idempotent.
It's all about the JavaDocs
Yeah, reading the javadoc helps :)
7:32 AM
"It doesn't have to be idempotent, but it's horribly bad to not make it that so please do" XD
@Gemtastic actually it's even "worse"
"It doesn't have to be idempodent, but if you don't make it idempodent, everybody will hate you" :))
@Vogel612 Better?
Well, I do understand that it isn't required to be; after all if you use it in a try-with-resources, it is guaranteed that .close() will be called only once
Unless you're dead stupid and try and close it in the try block as well
7:34 AM
"They will hate you, your children and all your descendents if you can manage to even have any children at all"
Hmm.. feels like it's time for the morning break and then I'll take my computer and work outside
@Gemtastic give me three! I'll break the first two!
morning btw :P
Hey Tavster
7:53 AM
why is @fge no longer a RO?
@ItachiUchiha I resigned
@ItachiUchiha read transcript
@ItachiUchiha not enough Java going on to my liking; I'm not fit to be an RO
7:57 AM
@fge or you'd have been the right RO..
IMO, you were the perfect fit for a RO
@Tavo Hehe
why are we not funding that?
Though IMO activity > no activity
8:02 AM
Noone's ever stopping the conversation of Java in here
let's talk about generics
Hmm.. I managed to get sunburned in the face without the pain
@ADG Yes! Let's
New topic: Java generics and how broken it actually is.
yup it also makes problems when interconverting arrays and collections
Guest speakers this week are the regulars fge and @MadaraUchiha
8:04 AM
Java generics sucks
@Gemtastic Hey, I'm left out!
Whatever. I'll be more productive working instead of chatting anyway.
@Unihedron Sorry, we have a seminar hosted by our Lovely RO Unihedron
I think no ever used intarraylist.toArray() never
@ADG toArray sucks
.asList maybe too
Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)
8:06 AM
new topic: find a java feature that @uni doesn't consider it sucks :P
Why does .toArray() even exist?
@Tavo System.exit(0)
main(0); <--- another hater thing
why is System.out.println() so long
8:07 AM
@Gemtastic lol main is String..., unlike C
@ADG everything in Java is long and the syntax is verbose, deal with it :D
python has print(3)
@Unihedron I thought it was int?
@ADG Ruby has "puts 3"
well python is for people with very less time
@Gemtastic nonono
8:07 AM
@Gemtastic actually it's String[]
it's very concise
public static void main(String... args)
It is not long. The name of the method is println. The rest is just name space
I suppose they come from cmd
8:08 AM
kiheru is correct
You can always import static java.lang.System.out.println; if you're fed up with the long names
then you can use println(3);
^ that
well i hope there was a way to do this in java 2DPoint:=Pair<Double,Double> which prevented me from typing new Pair<Double,Double>(3.0,5.6) again and again
@Vogel612 Actually String... is fully valid but deferred
@Gemtastic String... is syntax sugar for String[] in var
/javadoc VarArgs
@Unihedron Sorry, I never heard of that class. :(
8:09 AM
@Unihedron Exactly
okay so... I drank a whole cup of coffee
@Gemtastic that's different from deferring
well has anyone imported println ever?
and I'm still not even able to think about what I have to do today...
8:10 AM
You can also change args to ignored if you want to ensure that any args sent into main are ignored.
That doesn't really do anything.
Ignoring, I mean.
and that defining for generics... nyone?
If you don't think of Java generics as generics it's not as bad IMO
Then don't use a syntax like real generics! :P
8:12 AM
and btw, what are the requisites to be a owner of a room like this?
warnings, I get
@ADG I promote who I feel right to be a room owner to a room owner.
some qualities they most posses?
active participation?
my general judgement is that if I make you a room owner and no one would question your candidacy, you're in.
@Unihedron Just syntax sugaring :P
well that's not well defined
8:13 AM
I don't care about any arbitrary matrix.
@ADG Nope, it's not well defined.
have you studies about sets?
@Gemtastic `int main(int argc, char **argv) in C
Or you can also have main() with no arguments
Set<Integer> setOfInteger = new HashSet<Integer>();?
@fge Yeah, as they say in the link I linked :P
And the return value is the process' return code (in Java you have to System.exit())
8:14 AM
In mathematics, a set is a collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its own right. from Wikipedia
a collection of well defined objects
I've been voiding my mains for so long now I forgot all about C++ main but the int return type
well another thing, the question I asked yesterday , I have solved it....
the CARE,RACE,1296,9216 one
Now that I think back on it, it makes sense to type return 0; but I didn't know why back then
I forgot that time that leading zeroes should not be there... like "0518" when parsed by integer.parseint becomes 518
It is the exit code of the program.
8:17 AM
@Unihedron Yes, I know that now, but noone told be back then
tempted... resist the urge...
C++ in senior high was pretty much "write this and it will compile and run"
well, that's school in a nutshell
whoops, I'm aboutn to tick off fge again
8:17 AM
Argh, C++
I loved prog then
@Unihedron meh, I don't care anymore; you're hopeless in this matter :p
well what do you thing how much time/problems does it take for someone to be proficient in say java?
@ADG define "proficient"
8:19 AM
I may be proficient with some parts of Java; in some others I have zero knowledge
@fge lol
atleast in part you say
It's also very individual as everyone don't spend as much time on it and learn differently easily...
on average?
Live and breathe java for 2 months and you have the basic Java down.
8:20 AM
that's too
small of a time!
I should mentor programming.
Since I quit my last job three days ago.
@ADG Not if you live and breath Java.
@Unihedron You had a job? (Or do you mean you completed your most recent freelancing job?)
When you have the basics down you have a lot left
@Gemtastic yep!
8:22 AM
another thing about the Java8 where dd you learnt it?
Like project architecture, libraries, design principles, best practices...
I've been part-time & freelancing for a while, quit my part time
@Unihedron Interesting
about to resign from oratio as well
I didn't know you had a part time job, but then it makes sense why you've been a little less available here lately.
8:23 AM
and .mapToInt(i->Integer.parseInt(i)) can be shortened with ''::" but how?
Well, it may have been exams...
@Unihedron That's what I assumed...
or both
no idea
Probably both
@ADG Integer::parseInt
8:25 AM
that's kinda why I'm resigning from oratio the startup ^
friendliest CEO ever
@ADG first and last warning. Don't repeatedly ask basic quesions without showing any research effort whatsoever!
Hey, Gravity Ghost is on humble bundle games!
@Unihedron What's that even supposed to mean?
@Vogel612 that's because I wrote "mapToInt(Integer::parseInt())" only and got a compile error but anyways I'm sorry as I didn't knew it was too basic for anyone
8:27 AM
@ADG Read up on lambda forms.
I didn't knew we didn't had to use () after the method
I read one but why I don't know I skipped this detail
Consumer<Integer> doNothing = anything -> {};
8:29 AM
hi all
@Unihedron Oh look; trine 2! Too bad I already bought it
@OakBot howdoyouwork()
@ADG Type /help to see all my commands.
public void ignoreParam(int anything) {}

Consumer<Integer> doNothing = this::ignoreParam;
8:30 AM
@ADG ^ that's what :: lambda forms are
it turns a method into (params...) -> method invocation
@Gemtastic lol, I don't have hack n slash but I'm not interested either
I have all the games I bother getting, and gravity ghost had amazing story and voiceacting
what does this mean: `boxed():Returns a Stream consisting of the elements of this stream, each boxed to an Integer.`
I supose the explaination shouldn't use the method name itself. Now I can't understand what is boxed :(
@ADG IntStream -> Stream<Integer>
int is primitive, Integer is boxed number type
8:32 AM
OK the wrapper thing
It's not a wrapper. It's a boxed number.
you mean Integer in not the wrappper of int?
34 secs ago, by Unihedron
It's not a wrapper. It's a boxed number.
@ADG No it's the Object version of int
Otherwise known as object
8:33 AM
Boxing = turning primitive to object
@Gemtastic or it could be a sport
Integer is an object and also the wrapper class for a primitive int; boxing is turning a primitive type into its wrapper class, unboxing is the reverse
And it's done automatically by the Java compiler (NOT the JVM)
8:34 AM
@Unihedron True XD
hmm OK
that's why it is called autoboxing
I've heard autoboxing recently...
You should remember it
OK I'll read more on it.
8:35 AM
anyone can tell me something about spring security?
Well, that happens if you try for instance to .add(3) to a List<Integer>; in fact the compiler will turn that into .add(Integer.valueOf(3))
OK I hope BigInteger also had one primitive but since there's some problem with computing chips ...
There can't be
BigInteger has arbitrary precision
Yay! My translation credits are deployed! lichess.org/translation/contribute
good job
8:39 AM
I love discrete open source projects because they're the only sites that you'll expect deployed daily.
Betcha can't do that with real clients.
I though you were on their programming team
I am also on the contributors' team.
this incites me to translate to hindi
*it to
:P only translate to your native language plz
well why do you doubt it isn't
ohhhhhhhhhh so that means I was right, you're japanese!
8:45 AM
No I'm not.
native in 1337, obviously
well I am now searching for meanings of english words to find appropriate hindi words :P
If you need google translate to even use the language properly, please don't translate it ;)
8:47 AM
@Unihedron If you need to use a dictionary at all, don't translate it.
@Unihedron morning sir! i know since the day i came here, i was more to JSP. NOw i got a new project to be done for bank. Actually a sub-system. You always told JSPs are deprecated. Then what is the best alternative for JSP in 2015?
@CrazyNinja I think we already had that not too long ago
@CrazyNinja Javascript
did fge step down as RO?
8:49 AM
@Sword Yup
@Gemtastic but Javascript is client side. Can't even access session attributes :(
Because Java @ SO != ##java @ freenode
@CrazyNinja The whole point is to put the clientside to use
@CrazyNinja What exactly are you using it for? A server?
@CrazyNinja No, write a Javascript server. Use iojs.
8:52 AM
@Unihedron So, basically Node.js ? "io.js is an npm compatible platform originally based on Node.js™."
iojs is a fork of node
it runs a lot better & has es6
it can be assumed that they'll merge again but meh
@Unihedron but the end file is still in .jsp format, huh?
@CrazyNinja Why on earth would it?
no that's .js
additionally, if you don't have a rewrite module to hide the extension you're probably not fit for webmaster-ing
12 messages moved to Trash
8:59 AM
@Vogel612 Hey!
If you want to know, read the transcript.... discussing it here helps nobody

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