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9:00 PM
Talking to the filesystem/database/whatever without having to block is pretty damn useful.
Yeah, relatively common; which means that if you want to do something just slightly differently, you're SOL and have to delve deep into the core stuff again
At least with Java there's no surprise
@fge TypeScript is a language that compiles to JavaScript that offers type safety.
You have to deal with the core stuff unless you have a good surprise and a library does it for you
And Java has the best ecosystem out there for libraries
This is an undeniable truth
@fge No, it means that if you want to do things slightly differently, you don't use await/async, you use Promises, and if that's too rigid for you, you can use callbacks.
asm for bytecode, testng for unit testing, mockito for mocking, assertj for assertions...
I don't believe in Promises, they still can't deal with errors
9:01 PM
@fge Mocha for testing, Sinon/Mockery for mocky, should/expect for assertions
Sorry but that's a fundamental for me
@fge What? Of course they can
Oh? Are you required to catch in the event of a possible error?
Note: required
Java forces you
@fge And if you don't?
And that is a Good Thing(tm)
9:02 PM
Doesn't compile or blows up on error?
If you don't that's a compile error!
In JS this is a runtime blowup
At least if the exception is checked
Which is unfortunate, I'll admit.
There are unchecked exceptions too
Well, I hate runtime blowups which could be avoided if only they were but documented
And for instance, python's documentation of possible exceptions is miserable
And that is insulting "miserable"
9:04 PM
But even if you aren't required to handle errors, not handling errors is pretty idiotic.
It's the void, the ultimate blackhole, nothingness to nothingness, etc etc
I agree
@fge :D
But then you have to know that these can be thrown at all
@fge It's not always that a Promise might reject
Promises may very well be 100% successful
Of course, but then I'm a Peano sort of guy
If "there exists x so that !p(x)" is true, then "for all x, p(x)" is false
It's that simple
9:06 PM
@fge But to that I can answer that I'm not sure that this check for error handling isn't already performed by JSHint
And Java is the greatest "Peano language" on Earth in my opinion
And that if it is not, then it can and should be added.
I can't follow you there, sorry, my JS experience is ultra limited
@fge JSHint is a static anlysis tool for JS
It will go through your code and give you errors about problematic areas
I kind of understood that from earlier, yes
9:08 PM
For example, when you're relying the (horrendously crappy) automatic semicolon insertion, that's a lint error.
When you're yielding inside of a function which isn't a generator, that's a lint error.
When a loop can only be broken with an exception, that's a lint error
So I don't see why "If you don't have an error handler on a promise, that's a lint error" isn't possible.
For every object with .then() you must have at least one .catch() (or a ,then() with the second argument defined)
It sounds like a pretty simple thing to check in static anlysis.
Every single piece of code I write does not pass the build step if it doesn't pass linting, that's a big part in why I don't have type errors
JavaScript is a very loose and forgiving language, but it's because of that that you need to be very disciplined as a developer.
And I don't think that's a fantasy, and I sure as hell don't think myself as "lucky" in that sense.
I am disciplined, I hate myself when I test only 95% of my code, I never allow code that didn't pass lint + tests into the master branch
That discipline came from getting burned in the past, and seeking alternatives.
Type safety is a very cool and important feature, but it is not, and never will be a replacement for your discipline and sanity as a developer.
And that, is my opinion :)
I agree
(with my C past I have to agree)
But still, type safety gives me piece of mind, and piece of mind means I am more confident in the code I write, therefore understand more, experiment more, then I am more confident etc etc
@fge I have lots of pieces of mind.
9:16 PM
Let's agree that Java is not as bad as I make it to be (it's probably not as bad as I think it is either), and JS is not as bad as you think it is.
Well, I only used jQuery
@fge To that, I say
Because, well, it is VERY well documented
But I do the minimal stuff necessary to send stuff to the backend, which is Java
jQuery was created at the time of IE7/IE8
Where handling DOM was horrible
The result is here
9:17 PM
jQuery took that horrible ugliness and inconsistency, and made a single, simple API from it.
And it sucks, I know
But I didn't know better at the time
And sorry, but I don't like the Naruto series :p
Today, IE7 and IE8 are considered very old and very IDGAF
If you want a "real" anime go watch GIST-SAC :p
DOM handling is pretty consistent throughout browsers
As I said: not my domain of expertise
9:18 PM
So jQuery, today, in 2015, it not really needed anymore
And actually, not recommended.
I do intend some day to port my parser debugger app to a webapp so when I do I'll have more interest in studying the subject
(Unless by some madman's whim you have to support IE8)
But right now, no interest at all in the subject, sorry :p
The only GUI stuff I am learning about is JavaFX, and it's actually pretty good imho
@fge Haven't looked into it, so I won't argue with you there.
As for anime, Naruto isn't my favorite
Madara is probably one of my favorite anime characters, as I truly sympathize with his opinions and feelings
But as an anime Naruto wasn't that good.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Code Geass, Death Note, Attack on Titan
All of the above get 9/10 or more from me
(With FMA:B getting 11 XD)
Attack on Titan I quite dislike
Code Geass, yes
Death Note, unfortunately it has quickly gotten old to me
FMA:B, yeah
9:24 PM
@fge How so?
My picks: Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex (both seasons; and the musical score is by Yoko Kanno to boost); Fate/Stay Zero; Baccano!
AoT's ending was altered by the way. It was supposed to go like "There were once people living inside walls in fear of the titans, and one day the titans came in and ate them all, the end."
And a few others
And they changed it due to the immense popularity it got
@SecondRikudo the atmosphere; I really dislike it. What is more it looks like most characters are hysterical, and I quite dislike that too
9:26 PM
Oh, also Mirai Nikki
This one I hate
I have watched it but truly, I hate it
There were exactly two things I hated about Mirai Nikki
I hate whimpy types
@fge I can deal with that
Well, I can't
9:27 PM
You get a future diary from God, right?
You're thrown into a game where you either die or become God yourself
Now, you aren't sure if it's completely real at first
But then this maniak terrorist comes and blows up half the school
Yeah, I do remember the plot
So you know shit goes down
So what do you do next?
you join another fucking school
Well, turning into a panic is the very last thing to do and any sane, real-life strategy starts there
You have exactly two possible futures: You either die, or you become God
In neither of those futures will school ever help you, in no possible way
Get some weapon training, asshat
That one really pissed me off :P
The second one was the ending
I was like o_O wut? for the entire last 5 or so episodes
Well, your first mistake is to look for logic in anime :P
9:30 PM
@Gemtastic I beg the differ
There are two kinds of "logics" in anime.
The one is "This is the universe, accept it" kind of logic
Mangas tend to have a little bit more logic to them since they can fit more backstory into them
@Gemtastic I put a frontier between "lack of logic" and "hysteria"
There is a God and he gave 12 people diaries that predict the future
@Gemtastic case in point: Baccano!
If you don't know this anime, go watch it
@SecondRikudo That is a perfectly valid logic
9:31 PM
But first GIST-SAC
@Gemtastic Indeed
It is just... Well... Excellent
And there's "I'm still going to school after I know exactly where my life is heading and school wouldn't help me in any way"
And the musical score complements it perfectly
@fge However much you hate it, Mirai Nikki has buttloads of excellent music.
9:32 PM
COmpared to GIST-SAC?
The issue is that a lot of anime and manga contradict themselves, anime especially so since they need to cut out a lot of parts and make up their own anime explanation
Do you know Yoko Kanno? :p
@fge Never watched it, can't really say.
You watch anime and read manga to have a good time. If you expect things to make sense and be logical, you will mostly have a bad time :P
Example linkies please?
@Gemtastic I'm not one to usually be picky
9:33 PM
Heck, I really enjoy Index and Railgun
THe opening theme (long version)
And there's a guy there that can control vectors (think about what that means for a second there)
Hmmno, actually, that's the anime version
@SecondRikudo oh yeah, I love this one
I don't really watch much anime any more since the mangas in 9/10 cases are better
And by better I mean more extensive
I love Ouran High host club, then I read the manga and suddenly things actually made sense
9:35 PM
@fge Did you read the novels? Or just watch the anime?
Shounen in general tends to be pretty outrageous. Like Dragon Ball. Still love it though
@SecondRikudo anime only
But I do love the characters
@fge Do you intend to read the light novels ever?
They are excellent and the story is well above average
@SecondRikudo I didn't even know those were extracted from light novels, this is news to me
@fge The anime (both seasons) only cover half of the first series
9:36 PM
As often I guess
There are two serieses for index
Railgun is based on a manga
Both are still ongoing
And Index's anime stops right before it gets interesting
Yeah well, go watch GIST-SAC :p
Noted, added to my watch list
Honestly, this anime is mindblowingly good (imho)
@fge BTW, that's GITS, not GIST
9:38 PM
And so is Fate/Stay Zero
Yeah, sorry
Ghost in the Shell, not put your code here :P
Well, I certainly do hope that humanity does not end up that way
But I do love the fact that this anime just makes it part of the context and deals with it "casually"
As far as Index goes, the light novels are not so light
(We're talking 10 more volumes you have to read there, that is a lot, and that's just to end the first series)
Good, the literacy in light novels sometimes really disappoint me, but then I don't read Japanese so I can only read the translated versions
@fge Translation by baka-tsuki, it's really good
9:40 PM
Yeah, this is where I go as well
But I don't think it's officially available by them anymore (because a company bought the license for translating the series)
To completely change registers...
(yeah, I love this song)
So you either wait until my kids are old enough to read (note, I have no kids), or you go pirate :P
I think I have the PDF version of all volumes somewhere, if you'd like I can poke around
And then how would I get hold of them?
33 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
I think I have the PDF version of all volumes somewhere, if you'd like I can poke around
9:42 PM
Ohwell, that's not my priority item #1 at the moment :p But I've learned something
If you liked the characters and the abilities
You'll love the light novel
OK, noted!
A little teaser
Do they tell about the past of Mikoto? :p
What you've seen of Accelerator at the end of season two is not his strongest :P
@fge Not as much as I'd like sadly
But they do tell about Misaki (the #5, with the mind controlling remote controls)
9:45 PM
Ah, yeah, I recall another excellent anime
Witch Hunter Robin
Come join us in Anime & Manga
We've an active chatroom there :P
(well, excellent; at least I appreciate it a lot)
I may!
I'm surprised @Vogel612 never mentioned it
(Shame on you @Vogel612! That's not how I raised you!)
And, uh, about the song above? :p
@fge Not quite my style, but still good.
10:11 PM
Well that may be because you didn't raise me in the first place @SecondRikudo
@Vogel612 Details, details.
Aaaaaaand back to watching senseless 'shit blows up, yeeeha' TTGL
10:37 PM
Sorry, this is a repost, but...
I can't resist
@Vogel612 ^^^ the drummer in this video is André Ceccarelli
11:21 PM
Multithreading testing is hard
hello guys
it's late and I'm tired so this is my excuse for asking this easy question: say I have four numbers in an arrayList(ordered), 1,4,14,18 and my number is 16. The number I would need in the arraylist is the nearest number to the left of my number, which is 14 (in this case). Another example in this case if my number was 3, the nearest to the left would be 1. how can I do this ?
nevermind i got it

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