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10:00 PM
It's Freiday!!!
@DaveRandom: nvm, used getopt("o:h")
@bizzehdee how can that work if $argv is disabled?
I always thought getopt works on argv
10:07 PM
it appears to be working even though $argv doesnt exist
Thanks to youtube I got a new understanding of the term world-music: youtube.com/watch?v=COYPd-szxqo
@webarto ^ wut?
@bizzehdee interesting
bah, finished technical example based on their spec. not holding out hope though. not happy with the code. github.com/bizzehdee/example-php/blob/master/example-oo-cli.php
If you have the need to add comments like /* for */ you are probably doing it wrong ;)
10:15 PM
@bizzehdee for whom do you write that?
@PeeHaa埽: i usually drop those, but when im writing quickly, i throw those in so i can glance over the code and know what each brace ends.
@hakre: a job im applying for sent out a spec for an cli script as a tech demo
Singleton === FAIL
@bizzehdee so this is show-casing? Just some demos to show you can write software I suppose.
I also stumbled over the singleton.
to show i understand OO and how it works in PHP and a general example of the fact that i actually know PHP. and the singleton is because i think $inst = new App(); $inst->Run(); looks dirty when initing an app class
and (new App())->Run(); only works in php 5.4
@bizzehdee I do not buy the looks dirty argument, especially not that this requires a singleton to not look dirty.
but you still do not need a singleton - just invoke once and return the (single) new instance.
10:20 PM
@hakre: tbh, its in there to show i know what a singleton is
@bizzehdee do not comment code, it should be obvious...
@bizzehdee let's check.
@webarto: usually i dont, if the code was hard to write, it should be hard to read... but, im trying to get a job. i have to brown nose a little
@bizzehdee that class is not a singleton.
already been sent over now anyway, and im too warm to care. if i get the job, i get it, if i dont, ill apply for another one
10:24 PM
I disagree. The main reason __isset exists is exactly so you don't have to do that in __get. — Jon 3 mins ago
just saying, you're in good company with your implementation of a singleton in PHP with 9/10 of the first page in google for "PHP singleton pattern"
Good evening ...
hi @Baba
@hakre how are you doing today ?
@Baba fine. IMHO there is no need to call __isset() in get, just use isset() directly.
:) - good music here: youtube.com/watch?v=KKSV7LNRzmc
10:27 PM
@hakre Oh ok ..... let me change that ....
but can you imagine what someone like Jon is saying
@bizzehdee Overall it's good, one class is not enough to judge, but merely to distinguish obviously bad choices...
@bizzehdee Why do you use singletons and why do you pass objects by reference?
to demonstrate understanding of those concepts to the guy who is reading the code
Was it a requirement?
Yeh but objects don't need to be passed by reference and singletons are evil...
10:30 PM
hey PHP dudes... trying to get some feedback / support for this feature.
Mostly the first point though, passing objects by reference is completely pointless
Q: support for oneboxing OpenGraph data in the chats

rlemonI had originally asked for ThinkGeek products to be oneboxed and the answer provided made me wonder why support for oneboxing OpenGraph data in the chats does not exist? At the moment we get YouTube and Amazon oneboxes as well as a handful of others, however the important geek sites like Think...

And potentially harmful
@Baba: But you are not calling $c->b->c. You are calling isset($c->b->c), which is a huge difference in PHP. For example, $a = array(); echo $a['foo']; echo isset($a['foo']);. isset() does not produce a warning, that's why we have it. — Jon 3 mins ago
demonstration of "all aspects of OO PHP", i know that pass by ref is pointless with objects now, i just need to be able to show it thats all
10:31 PM
I just think that it's a bit :-(
That's bad aspect of OOP.
I'd rather not demonstrate that I understand horribly bad practices, I'd rather just demonstrate the good one
Namespaces and shit.
The compiler sees isset($c->a->b). It treats this code as isset($c->__get('a'). Why does it not treat it like isset($c->a) ? $c->__get('a') : false?Jon 44 secs ago
I feel that I should just reiterate how much of a FUCKING AWFUL language VB is.
It's really just painful to use
10:36 PM
I haven't used it lately. But I have no problem doing a stunt with it :)
@Baba I don't get why Jon is so surprised at all?
@Baba I don't get anything, tbh.
havnt used vb myself since i dropped it to learn C
@hakre am looking at his comments and i don't know what to say
@Baba Maybe he just has a bad day. No clue.
is there a way in youtube I can say it should repeat the current video X times?
var1 & """" & var2 & """" HOW IS THIS SANE SYNTAX????
10:39 PM
@hakre lol .. ...
@Baba Yeah or just flipping. I mean he could have expected that. But only because you expect something you must not totally run against the wall just because it's different. I mean this is even documented in the manual and also makes sense.
@DaveRandom to have the quotes. But right, nowadays I need to think a moment longer reading it.
I cannot get to the end of this project soon enough
@hakre he is looking at it from the prospective that a would always be object .. what if its a file resource and the programmer was drunk and used c->a->x ?? How is that a problem of PHP
I was going to offer to rewrite the whole thing in C# but fuck that, I'm just going to get another job
10:43 PM
@DaveRandom What's the point of this really?
Work project, which I just want to be over so I'm working on it pretty much constantly
@hakre "libsexy" really?
@igorw no clue, I don't read it that way.^^
@hakre watch the "how to build this library" screencast
@igorw Perv.
10:48 PM
My next scraping toolkit is called PleasureDOM
it is so freaking awesominominal you just get a lift by reading the first sentences of the README.
Ah herro
Evening all
@hakre yay porn scraper!
@Jimbo evening
hi @PeeHaa埽 @hakre
after a long time :)
i have a regex doubt, can i ask?
10:59 PM
hi @Jimbo!
hi @NokImchen - shoot. We are killing regexes whole day long.
@igorw uuuh, just listening. libp sex iiiiy
quite a horny voice that guy.
How you guys doing? Heading to Manchester now, flying to Berlin at 6:30am
@Jimbo what you up to? invasion?
@hakre thanks :)
@hakre please wait, m asking in another chatroom. i have been in this error for the last 3 hours :(
Can't @reply on mobile :/ Invading ze Germans, heading to PHPUCEU on Sat :)
[oO][lL][hH][cC] is a regex pattern
u see, it can select ohlc case not sensitive.
but thats exactly opposite of what i want
how to inverse select?
11:07 PM
@Jimbo ah cool. I missed the date, was just seeing today on twitter that it is at the weekend and I can't make it (I think).
@NokImchen what do you mean by inverse? select nothing?
select all but not the end of each line if [oO][lL][hH][cC]?
i want to select everything but not "olhc" case insensitive
@hakre btw, m using vb.net 2008
@hakre not exactly, pliz wait, i'll make it more clear
@NokImchen: rather than using regex, try php.net/manual/en/function.fgetcsv.php
@PeeHaa埽 I've seen it before. I don't personally find it very useful. To me trying force everything into the non-blocking paradigm is pointless in PHP. It's just wrong. PHP is not JavaScript, and trying to make it behave that way is a step backward IMO.
ahh, right, vb.net... not php..
@bizzehdee oh, sorry, though m in php room, m actually using vb.net
11:14 PM
lol. vb.net 2008. I must admit I have no clue at all. maybe: ^(.*)[^oO][^lL][^hH][^cC]$ but that is PCRE regex. no idea which regexes VB uses nowadays.
The reactor model of concurrency works really well for narrow server use-cases but I have no interest in writing applications that way.
@hakre [^oO][^lL][^hH][^cC] dont work :(
@NokImchen Anchors to the end. Select all the rest. You need a capturing group. The capture is the result.
@hakre ya, i tried that, but i just cant do it :/
i tried like this .* ([^oO][^lL][^hH][^cC]).*
but the 1st line dont get removed
@NokImchen looks very wrong.
11:20 PM
@hakre hmm...how to correct it?
but honestly I have no KFC'ing clue about those chicken barbecue grilling in VB 2008 net.
@hakre its regex in general, m using gskinner.com/RegExr to test regex
regex in php , vb.net, etc are all almost same
@NokImchen yes, and for the not so almost part and how to use in different languages, there is:
Hi, i can't ask questions anymore because the downvoting in this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16312110/make-a-program-to-solve-minesweeper?noredirect=1#comment23356470_16312110

Can anyone open this question to give an answer?
Thx in advance
11:23 PM
@hakre omg
@NokImchen good book worth to have near your desk.
" You will wonder how you ever got by without them" m wondering even though m not mastered in it :P
@hakre well, ya, i'd like to red, but programming is just an hobby, got academic books to read :(
@ChrisPappas you need to address it on meta which already has Q&A about it: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/86997/…
@Jocelyn I sometimes wonder why no such auto-close for header warning has been implemented on site :)
11:29 PM
@hakre I'm going to ask on meta if I continue seeing these questions popping everyday!
"I realize this is most likely a duplicate" - you are not the only one I suppose. — hakre 29 secs ago
^ that guy actually is pretty ass-clever, have you read his question?
> Let's see if I can get a question that might address a lot of peoples concerns...
that guy should read through the dupe first :) ^^
I believe the duplicate gives already much valuable information addressing the issue
No need to post one more identical question
"Cannot modify header information" questions very likely to be closed
(more than 400 questions in this list)
hello all
hi @SethJeremiMalaki
How are you all doing today?
hi @hakre
11:41 PM
@hakre question updated check plz
@ChrisPappas so you want to answer your own question, is that right?
And it does not work because right now because it is closed?
@SethJeremiMalaki we are just chilling with Sloth and cat and their chillout music.
5 hours ago, by kaiser
@ChrisPappas ping ping
coolies ;)
honestly I think we should TL all those questions. I'd rather someone come to site and search for the term "headers already sent" and be provided one relevant answer, than being shown hundreds of pointer questions as well. There should be a point where pointers just end up polluting the tag with what is an obviously top voted and common question. One day we will have 10,000 headers already sent pointer questions all more of less pointing to the same duplicate. When is it enough? =oP
@hakre i wan't to take some advice of how can i improve this code..
I also want's some reputations, because now i can't ask any new question from this account
@ChrisPappas well, personally I'd say take a look if there is a python channel or so.
Honestly, I can't help you with that.
@crypticツ TL?
11:51 PM
@hakre =oO Too Localized
@crypticツ okay. Well as the new auto-delete rules kick in now, we could create some queries on data and take care to vote the ones we find into the deletion zone and then just wait for them to disappear.

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