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5:00 AM
By the way, I'm beginning to like to make iterator objects instead of implementing Iterator on the object itself.
It felt overboard at first, but I think it's better.
Okay, just pushed. Let me run down the notable client changes ...
Client::__construct now asks for an instance of Spl\Mediator
Added Client::setActivityTimeout($seconds) to halt response retrieval if the connection is still live, but more than X seconds pass between IO reads or writes.
Requesting and decoding of gzip and deflate encoded entity bodies is now off by default. Turn it on with Client::allowContentEncoding(true)
Added Client::addListener($callable)
5:06 AM
The client only emits one single event -- artax.http.client -- and each broadcast's first data parameter is the value of a class constant (e.g. Client::EVENT_CONNECT_OPEN or Client::EVENT_IO_READ) that serves as the notification code for the type of event that occurred. I felt like this was more sensible than having many specific event names.
Client::addListener($callable) exists for what purpose?
Shouldn't the listeners be on the Mediator?
They are -- but you can go through that method and not need to know the event name broadcast. Let me show some example code:
Say you only cared to be notified when connections were opened and closed:
$client->addListener(function($eventCode, $data) {
    switch ($eventCode) {
        case Client::EVENT_CONNECT_OPEN:
            echo "+ $data" . PHP_EOL;
        case Client::EVENT_CONNECT_CLOSE:
            echo "+ $data" . PHP_EOL;
        case Client::EVENT_CONNECT_ERROR:
            echo "+ $data" . PHP_EOL;
hello guys is there any way that a trait can be used inside a class? like this example pastebin.com/0Y6yU46k ,the error says "Strict standards: Non-static method say::sayHello() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:\wamp\www\traits\index.php on line 15". or im using trait all wrong
5:10 AM
You could just as easily do the same thing by adding the listener directly to the mediator like so:
$mediator->addListener('artax.http.client', function(){});
I feel like the Client violating some principle if it can accept a listener.
Can't quite place why yet.
I didn't like it, honestly -- I felt like it would make it easier for someone who didn't understand how an event mediator worked :)
Maybe that's the wrong demographic to target :)
I'm 70-30 in favor of removal.
5:12 AM
How do you feel about the part where the client only broadcasts one "official" event and includes an event code as a data parameter for every broadcast?
It just seemed uber-verbose to have separate mediator events for artax.http.client.connection.open and every other notifiable event ...
This way, any number of listeners can just subscribe to the artax.http.client event and then check the notification code to see if they care about the event.
I guess that could result in a lot of wasted function calls, but it seemed simpler to me.
I personally would rather have different event names. Can you give me something more concrete than 'I felt like it'?
My case is that if you only have one event, have the Client take a callable and have it call it . . .
Why take a mediator for that one thing?
5:17 AM
@LeviMorrison You're completely right.
Public Service Announcement: iterator_to_array exists. Who knew?
I just need to map the Client::EVENT_* constants to the exact mediator event names and do that instead.
@tomexsans You should just be calling $this->sayHello and not say::sayHello ... the trait code acts like it's part of the class.
@LeviMorrison The class constants solve all my problems. That way you don't need to know the event names, you can always just do $mediator->addListener(Client::EVENT_IO_READ, function(){})
@rdlowrey , oh i did not think of that i was trying to use try->sayHello, thank you now the error was gone. . .
5:21 AM
@tomexsans glad I could help
@Lusitanian Thanks. I'm not actually going to get time to try it tonight, but I'll let you know how it works later tomorrow. Thanks again!
iterator_apply . . . wow.
Why did it take me so long to find you?
@LeviMorrison Probably because ~95% of php devs don't use iterators so there's not tons of literature on them :)
OMG iterator_apply is awesome
It's exactly what you wanted for your mediator impl, methinks.
Naming question!
What to call the method that takes a callable and applies it to each member of the container?
There's map, apply, walk, forEach, etc.
5:30 AM
map is the one i've seen and used most often
but it has certain connotations...namely that you're translating the iteratee into another collection
I think I'll end up making two methods, actually. One applies something to each object of the container (modifying in-place) and the other returns a new container instead.
I'd name the former apply.
The latter one could be map or forEach.
I like the former because it is consistent with the PHP naming.
good luck naming a function foreach :P
Oh yeah, this is PHP.
withEach, maybe
i dunno
or toEach?
5:35 AM
or onEach?
I like onEach
let's see...how many more prepositions can we come up with that fit...
lol I know right
map it is.
class VectorIterator implements \Iterator, \Countable Anything else you think should be implemented?
Nothing comes to mind at the moment.
5:39 AM
that covers half the built-in interfaces...lol
@LeviMorrison Are you okay with the mixed return types in the Client methods? i.e. in the following ...
the rest don't seem worth bothering with. maybe ArrayAccess, but that doesn't seem all too important when you can foreach over the collection
$responses = $client->sendMulti(array(
    new StdRequest('http://stackoverflow.com', 'GET'),
    new StdRequest('http://totally-nonexistent-address', 'GET')
$responses[0] will be an instance of ClientResponse, but $response[1] will be an instance of ConnectException
wait...what? returning an exception? something seems a bit odd about that...
5:41 AM
Definitely agree, cHao.
Would you prefer all of the parallel requests fail if one fails?
That seems wholly wrong.
How about FailedClientResponse?
But there's no response involved ...
You'd just be creating a value object to hold the exception message
5:42 AM
how about a class that's not an exception
regardless of name
I guess that'd work :)
ResponseFailure object?
Something like that.
and there is a response involved. it's just not the one you'd like. :)
Or RequestFailure would probably be more appropriate I guess
5:43 AM
I mean, there wasn't a result from totally-nonexistent-address but you are giving a generic response of some kind.
But I don't see how that's any better than returning the instance of the exception -- you get all the debugging possibilities of an exception and the included trace that way.
Pretend you are in Java for a moment. That would a List<ClientResponse>.
Too bad Exception isn't an interface.
Multiple inheritance!
@Sam hi ...
5:45 AM
@Goofy hi
don't get too terribly caught up on inheritance and types; one of php's strengths is that it can duck type. but the object you return on error should probably at least quack like a ClientResponse
But a ClientResponse has far more than is needed for an error response. You'd have to implement an entire HTTP Response API ... getHeaders getBody etc
@Sam u remember me?
There's no way you could subclass a Response object for a failure return without murdering Barbara Liskov
@Goofy lol......a little
5:48 AM
your ClientResponse class doesn't have a statusCode or isSuccess?
@Sam thanks ...
@Goofy lol......thanks?
@cHao No -- it models HTTP communications. If a 500 response were returned, you'd get a 500 response object. The failure situation only occurs for network errors where no response is possible.
Like a connection failure or a connection that's dropped mid-transfer or something like that.
@Sam for remembering me and for your help that day
5:50 AM
@rdlowrey so, you couldn't manufacture a 500 response or something?
@Goofy you are welcome......that's what we do on here
But a 500 response is a lie if you, for example, cannot even make a connection to the remote host.
> Internet is broken, we need to fix that shxt.
599? :)
or, hell, 0
@Sam ok... i am in need of ur help once again
5:52 AM
@cHao yes.
0 actually makes sense, if you think about it
ask.....I might not be able to help though; only about 10% of my concentration is here
People who respond using the HTTP status codes whiten a 'HTTP 200' should be hanged.
it lets you say if ($response->statusCode)...
and http will never introduce 0xx status codes, because it interferes with 3-digit codes
I don't know, you could easily introduce errors in your program if you forget to do a check for if ($response->getStatus()) and start accessing things with $response->hasHeader('X-MyAuth-Header') ...
5:56 AM
I think correctness is more important than robustness there -- I'd prefer someone get the exception from calling a method that doesn't exist on a returned failure object than not realize something was amiss.
you have a point
@Sam please see this ... http://pastebin.com/ZNKWZvxE ...
i am creating xml files based on value from DB... Prob i when i run the php file i should be able to get multiple xml files. instead i am only getting one xml file
@Goofy welcome to http. one request --> one response.
I think I'm going to create a generic ClientRequestFailure object and have it expose a getException() (or something) and return that for failures within parallel requests. It's a non-issue for individual, blocking requests because those can simply allow the exception to bubble up and it's the user's job to catch it. But for parallel requests it's a PITA because you don't want to let an exception from one request bubble up and crash the other requests.
OMG it's 2am I did not realize it was so late.
6:02 AM
@Goofy you want to send multiple files? zip 'em up or write some js to trigger the downloads
@cHao thanks your corect. Lets me explain i have 3 rows in Db now when i run the php file i need to get 3 xml files... this is what i need to do...
need 2 sleep
@Goofy why exactly do you need 3 xml files?
@Goofy there's so many things wrong with that code: mysql_functions, incorrect db schema, and the foreach loop
@cHao correct...
@Sam please see this pastebin.com/ZNKWZvxE
6:05 AM
@Goofy i'm asking why. why can't you just put the three in one xml file?
@LeviMorrison yeah -- me to
Good night. I'll see you guys later.
later :)
@LeviMorrison later
@cHao the reason is there are 3 different student records... for each student i need different xml file so that when the student login in he can use that xml file.
6:06 AM
@Goofy as my earlier message said, there's many things wrong with the code
@Goofy erm...where's he going to get that xml file (and not the other 2) from?
@Sam yes ... i will correct that but please see only that while loop which i have written thats wr the logic lies
@cHao as the student logs in he has to download that xml file...
@Goofy hey Goofy... long time...
@ShyamK yup... i am back to php again
@Goofy but you're gonna send him 2 other students' files for the hell of it?
6:09 AM
@cHao the xml files would be saved as each student id.
@LeviMorrison Just ran into a small error -- you'll have a pull request on the hashing mediator when you wake up -- check it out.
@Goofy how many rows does that table have?
@Sam currently 3 rows so 3 xml files... i run this code i get this error "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/samcorgo/public_html/ssss.com/samcampusFiles/attendenceFileGeneration.php on line 244"
hey @Sam you've not been here in a long while.. whats up on your side of the world? "D
@ShyamK hey.......how you doing? been busy with work and school
@ShyamK you?
6:12 AM
@Sam work mainly.. but v have weed occasionally so tat helps me pass the time... plus gaming is there :)
@Goofy that one's pretty easy...the $dom->save(...) line at the end has no semicolon
@ShyamK cool......
@cHao nice catch.....:-D
@cHao i checked that also but i am getting this error...
This page contains the following errors:

error on line 3 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
that sounds like a client error rather than a php error
@Goofy change this $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0"); to $dom = new DOMDocument(); and try it again
6:15 AM
@cHao yes corect but i am not understanding what that error is
@Sam ok...
and it's fully expected, considering you're trying to send a second document tacked onto the first
and a third tacked onto those
quit echoing the files, and that error should go away
@Sam i tried that still same error...
@cHao sorry i didnt get u?
@Goofy you are echoing three xml files, concatenated to each other, to the browser
that's not legal
any browser that expects xml and tries to treat it as xml, will choke on it
@cHao ur great ... i removed this echo $dom->saveXML(); and it worked...
@Sam thanks a lot it worked
@Goofy what worked?
and I think it was @Chao's suggestion
6:20 AM
@Sam now its generating 3 xml files...
which i wanted
that's cool
@ShyamK what other languages do you work in apart from PHP?
@Sam I just started working :) so its mainly PHP. But of late I had to do a little shell scripting and Python for some of the tasks that I was assigned.
Just 6 months into the IT/ Software field.. so I have a long list of languages to master... Sad part is tat the list grows faster than my completing it
@ShyamK Python is deeper than many people claim it to be.........not harder, just deeper
@ShyamK well......for me, web-wise, I choose PHP only (unless I get interested in others); desktop: Python, C/C++ mobile: Android
6:36 AM
@Sam ya.. totally.. Ubuntu is apparently completely based on Python.. that gives a scale of its possible depths...
^ not sure bout this though
I thought it's based on Linux
well apparently if you delete the Python folder from it you're screwed.. But (again) I'm not sure about this..
maybe some of its features are based on Python.....cause I know it's a Linux-based OS
@Sam Ya I wanna learn Android.. then I can buy myself a Droid phone.. and make my own apps.. (can't afford an iPhone yet :))
thing is I can't make heads or tails of Java (yet).. so I really haven't looked in that direction
@ShyamK I'm not an Apple fan anyway......so, no current intention to develop on it
@ShyamK I have a moderate beginner knowledge of Java.......but I seem more interested in Python, especially for desktop purposes
6:43 AM
@Sam I have played with Apple.. nice interface.. little too costly... which is gonna be their downfall...
@ShyamK developer.ubuntu.com/get-started it seems many applications in Ubuntu are developed in Python
Thanks to XCode.. its just drag and drop for setting up the UI for Apple.. but its a little more harder in Android (I hear)
isn't Drag N Drop for wannabe programmers and designers? :-P
@Sam hehe.. yep...
@Sam Yes!! Got something to do besides gaming when I go home :D Thanks for the link..
@ShyamK online gaming?
6:56 AM
@Sam nah.. online gaming is really not my thing as here the band width is quite low and hence there will be a huge lag in the gameplay.. I'd rather code or play around with Photoshop (try to create something visually appealing) than game..
@ShyamK I'm not a gaming fan either; I prefer actual sports or reading to playing games
hi guys, what's cook-ding??
hi tom
@Sam ya.. sports (I like footie) but most of the guys here are into cricket...
@tomexsans heya
traffic seems low today.. its normally buzzing around this time..
on here?
7:07 AM
@Sam India.. Kerala to be more specific
south kerala.. more of cricket fans here than footie..
wow, im beginning to love netbeans as my IDE, why haven't i tried this one before. .
@ShyamK lol.....where are you? in a bar?
@ShyamK, cricket? . looks like easy to do but its hard to bat.
netbeans freezes up on my system a lot........more than twice everyday; I still prefer PHPStorm to it, but it's not free
@tomexsans hard to bat.. sure.. but it's boring as hell for those who the ball doesn't go near
7:10 AM
@sam, yup it freezes on me sometimes too, but when i code i kinda have mood swings on my editor . so i'll use it with my all time favorite Notpad hehe
footie is more of a work out for every1
uses sublime .. does not care
@Sam hell no.. Hate drinking... too bitter for my taste.. smoking is more of my thing.. we all gonna die anyways.. so lets go down in smokes :P
@ShyamK, i tried to play football, i could not last a minute, went back to coding :)
@tomexsans haha.. a little bit of physical exercise is always good... ya.. you need huge amounts of stamina to keep on running with the ball..
its a good thing footie has got substitution and a half time.. else I'd be dead
7:17 AM
what's footie? football (soccer)?
@ShyamK, physical exercise is what i love to do, but i have not been able to do . . i think i will only last 45-50 years hahaha
@Sam ya.. thats what I call football/ soccer with luv :)
@ShyamK lol......that sounds girly
@Sam haha... soccer.. manly enough for ya?
@tomexsans well too much time in front of a computer (sedentary work) can give you back problems..
I got stuck in bed once... literally couldn't get out of bed...
i haven't played it in a while.........but I've played it all my life; now, I'm just trying other sports I haven't played before
@ShyamK sit on a ball once in a while to strengthen your core
7:24 AM
@Sam ya.. its always nice to explore the unexplored..
@Sam ya.. and hope for the ball to hatch?
@ShyamK lol.....it's a medicine ball google.com/…
@ShyamK, well i don't want that to happen so now i'm looking for my running shoes
@sam , a medecine ball we used to carry that when practicing basketball, and thats heavy
no.....these ones are usually larger; they can be as tall as an average chair's seat when fully inflated
how did we move from coding to balls? :-P
@Sam aah.. medicine ball...
@Sam I have no idea...
I've been reading up on DI and Observer pattern all weekend, and it still feel as if I haven't fully understood them
7:50 AM
testing ExpanDrive ... seems like good alternative to the fiddling with winscp , but i am not sure how it will handle unstable connection
good morning
net use X: \\puter\share
not really an option on windows with remote sftp
sure :)
7:57 AM
well , i guess you could do something like this with DustFS , but when it had a tendency to crash while bringing down entire OS with it
seems like a good thing, but I guess you will get only a "dumb" drive, meaning no other options that you get in FTP client...
i am not looking for full (S)FTP client , only something that lets me code directly on remote FS
@LeviMorrison why? he write a lot, but most of it makes sense
guys , what are you opinions on disabling E_WARNING when rendering a template ?
afternoon all
8:12 AM
@tereško A terrible thing to do?
Why would you disable warnings?
@NikiC , here is an example : you have form template , it sometimes has error message
how else would you implement it ?
"it sometimes has error message" why?
i am talking about templating system that evolved from codeangel.org/articles/simple-php-template-engine.html
@NikiC , because user entered invalid value and submitted it
@tereško Why would that trigger an E_WARNING? Wouldn't it just trigger a validation error?
as in "email address already registered" error message
8:15 AM
But what does that have to do with E_WARNING?
because <?php echo $email_error_message; ?> variable is not always defined
it should be
how ?
how will a simple template know, that it has a value, which has to be defined, without re-parsing the template ?
Or if it isn't always defined, then you should check whether it is defined, before outputting it
that makes template hard to read ( IFs for every value output )
8:18 AM
in that case have some helper structure ;)
Some kind of $validator->getError('email') or whatever
I don't know how your system works, but you should be able to come up with something ;)
that solution that a came up with was "disable warnings while rendering template"
because it seemed to be the cleanest solution
Disabling notices in templates is just not worth it. It might be convenient at first, but in the end you'll miss faults because of it.
like ...
Disabling notices in templates is no better than disabling them in the rest of your code ;)
why ?
8:20 AM
hi awl
Like: $_POST['name'] isn't always defined! Let's just disable notices to avoid checking that it is set.
Plz tell me which one is best WordPress/ Joomla or Drupal
@tereško you could also use set_error_handler so that you don't have to send them to the standard error reporting, but can still log them.
@NikiC how would that be related to templates ?
@tereško It's not. It's just the normal-code analogy for your situation ;) Why would disabling notices be good for templates, but bad for this?
8:24 AM
Because in normal code you would base the behavior on this value. In that context it is important to know that the value does not exist, since it would be a reason for different behavior.
I guess I will have think on this a bit more
You should ;)
btw , you reasoning made no sense at all
hey guys im back
8:28 AM
Only one week to go at my current job! yay
im in middle of class right now
@tereško Your's didn't either, if that's of any comfort :)
@PeeHaa And then?
morning btw
@tereško Hey man how r u doing
8:29 AM
@NikiC 2 week holliday and after that new job :)
23 mins ago, by tereško
guys , what are you opinions on disabling E_WARNING when rendering a template ?
@PeeHaa Where will you work then? (And where do you work now?)
First vacation in 2 years :P
Guys are u all seriously ignoring me!?
@PeeHaa hehe
8:31 AM
=( im gonna cry!
@tereško bad idea, it will only cover up errors, you are better off passing it everything that it needs. You always have to get the inputs correct, a template is no different.
@NikiC It's a bit like the same job only at a bigger company with a better future for me. My current company is too small for me.
@TemporaryNickName You haven't said anything that would require a reply yet ;)
@PeeHaa Sounds nice :)
@tereško Don't do it? What compelling reason you have to do it?
@NikiC Yup. Really excited to start
@NikiC i see, but ain't I just a small avatar person?!
im keeeeeding!
8:34 AM
@PeeHaa avoidance of sprinkling <?php echo isset( $foo ) ? $foo : ''; ?> all over codebase
I have a SQL question
what is purpose of using foreign key constraint
@tereško You would still have (empty) HTML tags in that case right?
@tereško Have you considered __get or ArrayAccess?
im looking more at value="" attributes here
do you actually need foreign key constraint?
8:38 AM
@Paul no , but maybe i should
CREATE TABLE weather (
temp_lo INTEGER,
temp_hi INTEGER,
something life that, are there any specific purpose of using REFERENCE function
hmm .. yes , that would actually make a quite clean solution
seems like i will have to sleep on this whole thing
posted on August 20, 2012 by Derick Rethans

Derick's MongoDB tour London, UK Monday, August 20th 2012, 09:12 BST It has been a while since I have written anything. In the last few months I have been busy rewriting the connection handling parts of the MongoDB driver for PHP. The next post will go deeper into that, and what else will be new in version 1.2 of the driver. Anyway.

@tereško Template variables is the only thing I have used magic __get() for in the past. Might not be the cleanest option, but when correctly documented it is the most flexible option imho
yes, its definitely a thing to get right once.
8:46 AM
hi guys what does this mean 4<<5??
@tomexsans it means 1<<7
Q: Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?

anonWhat is this? This is a collection of questions that come up every now and then about syntax in PHP. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list. Why is this? Stack Overflow does not allow searching for particular characters. As a consequence,...

seriously, because << is bitshift left.
sorry , don't know what to call it
@Paul, @tereško thanks
@Paul hehe
@tereško @PeeHaa Can I get a quick judgement on how much de.php.net/yaf sucks (or not sucks)?
8:50 AM
@NikiC wtf?
@PeeHaa Hm?
It's a PHP framework as a PHP extension
why are you hurting us
Never heard of Yaff until now, but:
> Yaf_Application implements the singleton pattern, and Yaf_Application can not be serialized or unserialized which will cause problem when you try to use PHPUnit to write some test case for Yaf.
is it MVC
8:52 AM
@PeeHaa I just saw it because laruence (one of the main PHP contributors) sent a mail about it to internals ^^
@PeeHaa Hm..... ..... ..... okay
Why does PHPUnit serialize stuff btw? Is that for process isolation or something like that?
Keine Ahnung :)
github.com/laruence/php-yaf should it be faster since it's C?
because even smart people have a habit of doing stupid shit
Though that note seems to be outdated (as the class has __sleep and __wakeup, so it probably is serializable)
@webarto If you want performance don't use PHP :)
8:56 AM
@tereško What is that referring to? (which line in chat?)
2 mins ago, by NikiC
Why does PHPUnit serialize stuff btw? Is that for process isolation or something like that?
as for YAF , it's like my first PHP framework , but in C
@NikiC Have you seen their source? :P
@tereško ah, okay. makes senes ^^
Huh? What is this? — PeeHaa 4 mins ago
@salathe Oh, is it E_ERROR, "This class can't be serialized?"?
8:57 AM
@NikiC even better than that
@Nick to create a mock object without calling the original constructor
now I have to look...
@salathe loool
well that's fancy...
and __clone is a very nice method too :D
@NikiC Care to share a link to the linenumber :)
@NikiC , my verdict : it sucks, but without reading the C part it is hard to know to what extent
8:59 AM
@PeeHaa hardware is cheap these days :P @NikiC thanks, very useful link, not to see how much Yaf is fast, but to see how much others are slow...
@PeeHaa For context: This is what one would usually do in the situation: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_closures.c#424 (assign the deny handler which throws an error)
@webarto Yes, that was also the most interesting part for me ^^
@tereško thanks :)
from the looks of YAF_Application source , it sucks under the hood even more then i suspected
even normal methods have internal global state
if he is core developer, I can't see a reason him wasting time on Yaf, while there are bunch of others (better, not performance wise), and if performance is needed I'm sure there is some black magic for that also...
@NikiC Thanks
Good morning
morning @Donut
long time since you last was here?
I was here yesterday :)
9:23 AM
you were?
i didn't see you talk in here for a while ;)
maybe I already missed you ^^
^ made me shed a tear
9:47 AM
I want to use it as a reference question for dupes
@PeeHaa: don't blame me, I'm not the one who posted the question (and the title) :-)
@Jocelyn hehe. I don't blame you :)
If it works it works. You can't really make it better, it's too small. Only thing that's not good is style. validateEmail would be corret, as well as passing $email, not $EMAIL. — Qmal 20 hours ago

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