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9:00 PM
class Array{
function add(TypeYouWant $a){}
get($key){ return ... ; } // no need to check the type here...
as you know for sure Array contains only TypeYouWant @Jimbo what i believe joe's patch did is foreaching() the array every time it is passed to a function to check if get() always return the expected type
basically what happens with function(Foo ...$aaa)
@NikiC just saw PhpParser\PrettyPrinterTest::testRoundTripPrint produces 87 risky tests. Is that because of returns in there?
is that clear enough? :B
@Ekin yeah
i blogged again
night o/
@Patrick /me zooms out
9:08 PM
@bwoebi big screen? I just changed layout and only viewed it on my laptop...
what would be a good font size?
@Patrick 16px is big, but fine, IMHO.
@bwoebi hmm that looks very small on my screen
I personally prefer 12px, but I think, you want a bit bigger font, so I'd recommend 16px
@PeeHaa ?
"why separate them? the code is going to be the same in both classes"
"the code looks the same now, how do you know it's going to be the same in future?"
@Patrick http://wiki.c2.com/?PrematureGeneralizationIsEvil
9:11 PM
@Patrick … what's your pixel density and how far are you from your screen? :o
domain ftw
@DaveRandom Sorry. I am knee deep in JS right now. Will bug you later
hmm will fix tomorrow
@Patrick Bob's eyesight is insanely good
@DaveRandom how is it on your screen?
9:13 PM
@DaveRandom as long as things aren't farther than 3 meters, then it gets a bit blurrier
@Patrick It's fine. Bob's weird
… seriously?
I find it insanely big…
I could live with it being smaller but I wouldn't say it needs to be
@bwoebi wait till you reach my age
BTW @Patrick s/Article/Product?
@PeeHaa I'm not going to be old and grumpy. Only old.
9:14 PM
tbh what bugs me about most sites these days is that they use like 50% of the available horizontal space, at best
@PeeHaa we actually had an entity for both of those (meant different things in the domain). but I'll switch it out, makes more sense
@DaveRandom yes.
no-one has 4:3 monitors any more, and responsive CSS frameworks are pretty much zero effort these days
@DaveRandom easier to read
9:17 PM
I would have gone for 980ish width and it would have been perfect
All you are just bitches
I think you could make that at least 50% wider without losing readability
/me continues trying to write js
pro-tip @Patrick: never ask for (or listen to unsolicited) styling advice in #11
@DaveRandom i guess, I just enlarged the font without changing anything else
I'll have a closer look another time, for now I'm happy that everything is working :)
Yes. It's totally fine.
9:19 PM
try to explain your designers the difference between mobile, screen size and input methods
You spend your spare time making LED arrays do stuff with PHP
Which is cool and all, but hardly selling aesthetics :-P
We are all fucking weirdos in here with no idea how to make things like nice so that normal people will like it
with the possible exception of @Wes
@DaveRandom and you are telling me that only now? cc @kelunik :P
btw I need some crawler/spider to feed a search index. Do you have any suggestions
9:24 PM
Artax Is Great And Does All The Things
hmm that looks like an interesting option to built a crawler, but did someone already implemented it?
@Danack has done stuff like that before I think
Jeeves does a few bits of fetch-HTML-and-process-it things with it as well
@ThW this code is shit, and needs documenting github.com/Danack/SiteTool/tree/master/src/SiteTool and I can't remember what state it's in. Can you define what you want your spider to do, and I could look at saying where you'd need to poke stuff
long story short, the effort for that site crawler actually got to be part of my last job, and can't remember if I got the code in that companies repo working, or my own. Plus I got distracted making pretty graphs out of event based programs.
@Danack I have two use cases on is classic html indexing - metasearch for some existing pages
@ThW single site or multiple sites?
9:32 PM
but defined set
the other source I control - I still need a crawler, but no scraper - I can provide readable data
the target is fixed - a rest api to a solr implementation
This is the code where the first url is passed to the event manager to start scanning, which is a callable that the cli app is told about here
looks interesting
What do you want to do with the output?
pushing it into the solr index (here is a a lot or grammar/analyzing behind that)
originally the company that implemented the analyzer, used a crawler. but now they want a push or files
and this is where the things that hook into the event system are defined.
9:40 PM
So theoretically, you might just need to duplicate this processor and have it pass the html to your solr server.
@Wes Keep the php logo
the original one
They don't care, seriously
It looked way better before
that wasn't my logo :B
and yeah that was nice
@Wes Do you want me to be honest or nice? :P
9:41 PM
Jan 1 at 15:22, by Danack
user image
honest, obviously :B i know it's not great. i did in literally 5 minutes
I really dislike the p's in that font
@ThW That's why I started playing around with graphviz - trying to understand the flow of events in event based programs is quite difficult without a diagram.
how about the narrow font?
regardless of the p
That's ok I guess
9:43 PM
@Danack did you get an email that your php looks like javascript? :-)
That's funny - my Javascript looks like PHP.
I got that email :-)
consider this @PeeHaa i'm doing a logo specifically for web design. that one and the previous too look great at low resolutions. so it doesn't look so great when magnified, but it's very clean when small
imagine this in a site header. works great for me :P
Still annoys me the P lost part of his head
@danack I stored some bookmarks and might ask some question later. Or not if I can avoid that bullet...
9:48 PM
can improve it, i tried something original :D it's not going to change much
cool, laters.
wait for it...
@Wes nope
I like that one better
9:51 PM
@Wes better
hello everyone :)
@PeeHaa this is what i mean. looks great in a header i.imgur.com/y3eRLk2.png
at least imo
yeah looks good
purple and green is such a nice combo btw
getimagesize fails with relative path – #74504
yeah it's good :D
10:06 PM
Reminds me of my android side project I am never going to finish
10:26 PM
@Jeeves that sounds like a chgdir problem
@ThW For you it is.
perfidious: deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful.
10:28 PM
@samayo Only 1 day, 1 hour and 31 minutes left until Rebeccaday, OMG!
@Jeeves say something
@samayo Are you in a relationship.
@Jeeves obviously not
@samayo You only talk to me if I am a girl?
10:28 PM
get out
10:40 PM
@PeeHaa Literally every .io for this project has been taken
Think of any names?
I wanted dispatch.io
Thinking, but you are kinda asking the wrong person for this kind of thing :P
what is the project about?
10:47 PM
Gifs now? :P
@Wes Something about that gap after the checkbox is a little off. Consider adding a fourth cube beside it
I really cannot come up with anything right now @Jimbo :P
Like nothing
@samayo it's 3x3 units, but one unit, the green one, is zoomed in. that was the idea :P
10:51 PM
Yeah, it gives the impressing something is missing or incomplete
I am not sure about the font and color choices as well. It seems 2005-ish
The logo might be better if it appear first, before the beginning of the text.
But that's just me. It's subjective.
/me tweets "I'm 2005ish"
colors are perfectly fine imho, so is font
but hey, i'm not a designer
anyway @samayo you are welcome to try github.com/belanur/phpunit-logo
Hmm belanur.github.io/phpunit-logo It seems there is no need. I see a bunch already that will be hard to top, albeit due to lack of motivation
11:04 PM
Yours is good too.
what are your favs?
Not a fav, but a bunch of good ones. Just above average.
these are what I would choose i.stack.imgur.com/T9Pcv.jpg
pretty much the same i would choose :P
11:36 PM
if ('attr' in el.dataset)
Who the fuck came up with that fucking api
11:50 PM
laravel developer
@PeeHaa I made dispatch-php/dispatch. That'll do for the moment. Once I've gotten workers set up as a separate repo fancy testing?
Sure I can do some testing / playing

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