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5:04 PM
@LeviMorrison I like them.
there are many correct ways to make chips
I'm still mildly irritated that we have a spaceship operator, but lack of operator overloading.
@Andrea "chips" ugh
@DanLugg I can totally get behind that.
I'm just mildly irritated.
We have operator overloading, you just can't use it :P
5:05 PM
@NikiC yeah, that. :P
I still think we should have a between operator looking like >=<
or |-0-|
@NikiC If it doesn't exist in userland, it doesn't exist ;-)
@MarkBaker <==> ; )
$takeThis <==> $andPutItOverHere;
5:07 PM
@salathe …because it is Friday?
@DanLugg that's a terrible name, doesn't fit PHP at all. It should just be T_LTR
@LeviMorrison Haha, nah. My default state is mildly irritated. :)
Oct 1 at 13:11, by salathe
@BhawinParkeria it's a spaceship, it brings aliens who probe you.
5:11 PM
@DanLugg in the PHP src we use abbreviations because obviously newcomers would know what T_LTRASS means
@marcio I think the effect would be better with T_LTR_ASS
It should really be T_MFMAL_LIMIN because Hebrew. (note: I know no Hebrew, and used a phonetic translator, YMMV)
@marcio learn to read… jerk?
@DanLugg It complements Paamayim Nekudotayim well
5:13 PM
/cc anyone know knows Hebrew? ^^ @MadaraUchiha -- referring to משמאל לימין
can we have T_HAKUNA_MATATA
Only if die becomes T_SCAR_KILLED_MUFASA
by the way
we have die and exit
why don't we have kill for the same purpose?
Because obviously 2 ways to do the same thing is good enough.
@nikita2206 Be honest. Do you really want to throw the word "kill" around in Internals?
5:17 PM
Following that seriously: die is self more referencing than kill which sounds targeted.
I died, when you killed me.
die; // I AM DEAD
kill; // WHO AM I KILLING?
we need threads and then we can use kill to kill them
Would also be confused with processes. I don't think it follows that die necessarily kills a process
murder(int $p_id) : int
stab(int $p_id) : int // proxies kill, but with a knife
5:20 PM
Yeah for threads it should be murder_child(int $t);
or Moiraicide for the classically trained
btw, I made 7/10 on this test malevole.com/mv/misc/killerquiz
Press F12 to police the Internet
5:30 PM
Anyone have online examples of good looking database information displayed nicely?
This is how I am currently displaying my information:
This way ^
@DanLugg thats what I am using :D
Forge ahead sir, forge ahead.
Who cares? Nobody looks at the UI anyway.
I'm just running into the issue where if I need to add anymore columns everything will get squished even more close together.
Move the description into a hidden second row, and only display it when the user clicks on that entry
5:45 PM
@tereško Dear god.
that about covers it, yes
I was thinking of rearranging the data into another layout but I would lose the tabular layout...
@MarkBaker so you mean something like this:
6:07 PM
@DanLugg confused, yet knows what an IP is, suspect
Yeah! Finally getting somewhere with my patch :D
the issue was the httpd :D
and now it's totally calling my callback, and segfaulting, I've never been so happy!
@DaveyShafik Segfaults should make us all so happy. It would probably help with the alcoholism…
@Trowski :D
is this an obvious thing I'm missing?
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_MAKE_STD_ZVAL", referenced from:
zval *header_count;
6:24 PM
@DaveyShafik Wrong PHP version
ah, what's the equivalent in 7? :)
There is no MAKE_STD_ZVAL in PHP 7
If you show some more code I can tell you ;)
Probably the equivalent is replacing those two lines with zval header_count;
one sec, lemme commit and make sure github has the latest code
@DaveyShafik In that case, yeah, just drop the * in the zval declaration
yeah, that doesn't compile
6:34 PM
@DaveyShafik You need to use &header_count when referencing it
ah! that does seem to be compiling
6:47 PM
finally getting somewhere :)
@DaveyShafik you working on an RFC?
Help, trying to find a composer package that formats exceptions.. I know I seen one, belive Laravel implemented it in there framework. Does anyone know what I'm thinking about or if there is any other?
@DaveyShafik Ooooh! Nice. Want to join an "RFC Show & Tell" discussion on PHP Roundtable next month sometime? :)
@SammyK sure :)
@SammyK I'm heading to the UK ~16th -> ~30th, so before then is best :)
otherwise timezones suck ;)
(and internet)
6:53 PM
Lol. Indeed they do :)
Sweet! I'll put you down and contact you closer to an air date
@ErikLandvall I can't recall, sorry
@SammyK maybe by then I'll have the damn thing working ;)
Bah, I was too busy yesterday to push my large BC break changes to Ardent.
BC break Friday it is :D
@LeviMorrison You fiend
@DaveyShafik :D
Wow that took waaaay too long:
PHP 7.0.0RC7 (cli) (built: Nov 12 2015 22:31:26) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies
slow box is slow
7:02 PM
Hmm. I forgot why I use branch aliases for Ardent.
Maybe because it's pre 1.0 or something?
OK, I'm getting a segfault trying to call the callback
the callback is assigned: github.com/php/php-src/compare/…
good mornings lads and gents!
o/ @hakre
7:16 PM
\o daniel-san
btw. the X230 laptop I was asking about here recently works like a charm!
for some reason, this json: {"format": {"rule": ["matches","/^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\\d\\d$/"],"message":"Applications.submit_birthdate_format"}}

does not decode, it returns null. Any ideas?
@rdlowrey \o
@hakre the 4GB?
It looks awesome though.
7:20 PM
@VikingBlooded Check the manual about how to debug json_decode
@VikingBlooded json_last_error() or similar
finally working on some async postgres stuff ... like two years later
@hakre @PeeHaa it's return 4, syntax error but I am running it through JSONLint and it validates, so maybe something in the regex not escaping that I am missing
@rdlowrey Did you look at @DaveRandom's lib?
@kelunik I totally didn't
7:26 PM
Didn't even know that was a thing. Does it do amp?
How heavily does Grovo use Postgres?
It's about to use it a lot more
@VikingBlooded Here is a way you can inspect this to the problem itself: Assing your JSON string to a PHP variable, like $buffer. Output that variable and take that output to JSON lint. Also look close what the difference is.
7:30 PM
Bitbucket is like google's second serp
@hakre did, it fails because the escape characters for \\d\\d aren't coming through
@kelunik ah that one needs pecl/pq ... I want to write one that uses the ext/pgsql that comes with standard php distros
@VikingBlooded exactly, that is the cause. that's because it's an escape character itself. so you need to write '\\\\' to create two <back-slashes>.
@hakre you are my mf hero today
@bwoebi @kelunik It's been a while since I've gotten to play with amp ... the API is really fucking great :)
7:36 PM
@rdlowrey :-)
@VikingBlooded hehe, you're the hero. If you think about it, you can also write '\\\d' to create two <back-slash>es and a "d".
Also: php7 is the hotness.
fml, now I get a preg_match unknown modifier "."
Why do we have a stray ini option here github.com/php/php-src/blame/master/php.ini-production#L1082 ?
@rdlowrey You should have really had time for OCSP stapling.
7:46 PM
/me flirts with hakra
@kelunik what makes you say that?
sup hans baby?
@rdlowrey I want to enable it now. :-P
Yeah, it would be nice
7:48 PM
I love anonymous classes and I don't care who knows it.
you'll get us all in trouble
@rdlowrey They're not that good when debugging.. ^^
well, I only really use them for "struct" type objects with public properties just to move data around between functions
I don't really give them behavior
omg.... changed delimiters and all is well now... that's annoying.
7:50 PM
@kelunik we still have the option of changing their names to like... anonymous@<file>:<offset>
(line:char) not really doable easily
@VikingBlooded Tried regex101.com ?
@Leigh Sounds good, maybe stripping the leading / for <file>.
aside from Derick, can you think of anyone else who might be depending on the names being in that format?
But actually I don't care about the null-byte, as long as bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=70894 gets fixed.
@Machavity hadn't seen that one, thanks
8:02 PM
@Leigh Perhaps wrap it in curly brackets like closures? {anonymous@file:line}
@LeviMorrison WTF
Did I just see a PHP project use make?
Why? WHY?!
probably "because I he can"
that why majority of strange things are made by regulars here
8:21 PM
@Leigh banana?
@hakre mmm, yes?
8:45 PM
@Leigh ^ ^ so you're in a flirty mood or you just discovered hot pictures of me on twitter?
@hakre I was just being friendly. I didn't see you for a while :)
There are hot pictures of you on twitter? brb fapping
Hmmmm I just realized I forgot my twitter password
@Leigh yes, long time no see.
You been in prison or something?
the prison named office.
^ ^
8:50 PM
you're a prison officer now?
imphprison - the framework that guards you
halp mi
Which build I should go with for a doctor's office PC: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/…
and should I change anything?
> Insights, instantly
Get an overview of your data with informative summaries and a selection of instant charts.
WTF google
get an integrated ITX mobo
40 euro for the mobo and the CPU together
8:59 PM
not an option here ... also, they seem to be shit
/me looks at spreadsheet and realizes he has no idea about hardware and takes another sip
of course they're shit, you want cheap
they're good enough for my HTPC
not for games
as I said, not an option here (nobody sells that sort of combos in my country)
Logitech has a decent KB/Mouse combo. Should be available in EU amazon.com/Logitech-Wireless-Combo-MK270-Keyboard/dp/B00BP5KOPA
I have used that combo. It's horrible
especially that kewyboard
9:03 PM
looks like it comes with CPU
hmm ..
needs to be good enough for excel, youtube, and a shitty 1980s doctors office DOS app right?
me thinks about a new package: imphprison/larahell
@hakre instastar if I can find it on github
/ packagist
I just got a fresh php-fpm init script from source:

Are thise @foobar@ values coming from somewhere or are they placeholders?
As in: do I have to change those
looks like a template
9:08 PM
So I have to change it
what is the source?
this is probably for a package manager
@PeeHaa you're looking at the .in file?
that's a template thingy.
Yeah ^
9:10 PM
autotools... what? :)
@NikiC It isn't required.
I just build php from src and now I want to add php-fpm to init :)
template + build = final file
I picked the wrong file?
The GNU build system, also known as the Autotools, is a suite of programming tools designed to assist in making source code packages portable to many Unix-like systems. It can be difficult to make a software program portable: the C compiler differs from system to system; certain library functions are missing on some systems; header files may have different names. One way to handle this is to write conditional code, with code blocks selected by means of preprocessor directives (#ifdef); but because of the wide variety of build environments this approach quickly becomes unmanageable. Autotools is...
9:10 PM
@PeeHaa make install should put it in the right place.
if you did a make install, the template will be merged with values
Makes a phar, runs tests.
ugggh hold on I catted the php-fpm binary :P
... clear and reset :D
@tereško If you don't need the speed from a SSD, I'd buy a 1TB HDD
9:12 PM
for a doctors office, you don't need ssd OR 1tb
@Machavity what would be the point of 1TB?
Cannot abort it...
@PeeHaa make sure you're setting at least these directories to the appropriate values
for your system.
I totally didn't set those first three
@tereško it's the sweet spot in pricing now. You might save a couple of bucks going 500GB but 60GB is not a lot after Win10
9:13 PM
doctors office should be like.. monitor with a NUC backpack thin client onto a server
This is going to sound stupid is there any way to abort my cat command. I tried ctrl+c and ctrl+x
close sesh
ok, that's official - from now on I will ignore everything @Leigh says about hardware
or new session and kill
@tereško shrug, your healthcare system isn't my priority
We're savvy folk when it comes to interneting and Google-fu and so on. How does one fight the urge to sleuth for a partner's internet artifacts?
9:21 PM
get a partner you trust
Artifacts of the past.
I looked at my partners skype messages once, she was gone the next morning
The "I wonder what other things they've used this username for" snowball effect.
@DanLugg "can't possibly be worse than mine so not really interested"
9:23 PM
@PeeHaa I thought the same. Also note, I should have asked this question 8 months ago.
I've already thoroughly PTSD'd myself, I'm just wondering how I should go about stopping.
@PeeHaa ctrl+c does. which terminal are you using? is that a ssh connection?
@DanLugg Well… I trust them.
@hakre yeah ssh
9:24 PM
@DanLugg is there anything there that truly bothers you?
@PeeHaa disconnect the session (if nothing else goes)
@Leigh Short answer yes.
Surely aborting cats is considered cruelty to animals
Duplicated session and killed bash
Not the answer I was hoping for
9:24 PM
Seemed to be the only thing that worked
Answer in that case, you don't stop
Yea see? That's where I'm at.
@DanLugg Well… if it's something illegal you may want to address it. It if isn't illegal then I don't know.
lol, not illegal.
@DanLugg You found out she did ruby?
9:25 PM
^^ phew, that's a relief right?
Man, if you can't trust your partner you've got more serious issues
@PeeHaa His name might've been Ruby, I'm not sure ;-)
@DanLugg question is if you've got faith in change then I'd say.
@DanLugg You have to talk about it if it bothers you, otherwise it will consume you. Once you're safe knowing you can talk openly about these things, you wont feel the need to try and find out about them behind her back (in a magical world where everything is nice and people are happy)
9:27 PM
@Machavity trust can be an anti-pattern
but seriously, you gotta talk, not bottle it up
@Leigh Well, here's the issue; we've already talked about it. I just find myself periodically consumed with the urge to look shit up.
Leigh is 100% right. Secrets are the antithesis of relationships. Keep them long enough and they erode everything
ignoring shit that bothers you without attempting to resolve it is what erodes you as a person
> Okay, Google: repairing relationship trust
9:28 PM
@DanLugg well ask her if internet stalking should be added to the mix as it's part of your obsession with her. like leigh wrote, don't bottle it up.
@LeviMorrison :)
@LeviMorrison No results. Did you mean "drinking heavily and pretending things are okay"?
@Leigh Well… to a degree. If you are seriously bothered by the way the other partner puts the toilet paper on the roll… problem might be you, dude.
@DanLugg honestly, I've been there, and now I'm on my own again. Like everything you read on the internet, take my (or any) advice into context first
But seriously, want me to ask my wife for her advice too?
9:30 PM
@LeviMorrison My bad for assuming we were at a level beyond that :)_
Assuming said partner puts it on wrong that is reason for problems imo
good point
People tend to think of truth in relationships as a nuclear arms race (You destroy me, I'll destroy you) but the opposite is true. With someone you trust it can be very freeing
/shrug -- Maybe it's hilarious irony, that I wouldn't have found her without the internet, simultaneously I wouldn't have discovered things without the internet.
Funny shit that; have a good night folks :-D
maybe she's doing exactly the same thing to you
so cancel it out :P
9:35 PM
@Leigh Yea, but I don't leave things lying around.
ah, so she trusts you :)
night bro
lol, don't do that :-P
@Leigh sorry! just now got back from the burbs
haha :)
@SammyK totally forgot personally
u still down for a hangout? :)
9:37 PM
sure give me 5
Thanks @Danack. I think I missed a couple more useful flags
sounds good!
@SammyK right, ready when you are, does a hangout involve me making a g+ profile? ;x
@Leigh Sounds good! It shouldn't require a G+ profile. I'll send you the link via email. :)
9:46 PM
I can see you in the hangout but you're muted
Im trying not to be muted
"microphone access denied"
my chrome is probably automatically denying
@Leigh You can edit that when clicking on the page icon on the left side of the URL bar.
france under attack again?
9:54 PM
seems like
@Abe Did I miss something?
dafuq, even explosions... 18 deaths confirmed
60 hostages
OK, so I've narrowed down my issue
uggghhh trying to find out what happens by looking at "news sites" guessing is impossible
10:02 PM
Looks like a number of different attacks
What I got from it was that 5000 terrorist child raping dinosaurs invaded paris
- fox news
buzzfeed.com/nicolasmedinamora/… is apparently a good source
vine.co/v/iBb2x00UVlv explosions heard during the game
Yeah just saw that
so libcurl (obviously) passes in CURL handles, but I need to somehow turn those into resources to pass into the callback… but I cannot figure out how :/
10:06 PM
30 deaths latest estimate :(
@SammyK you stud. (my favourite bit was at just after 2:05 :)
@Leigh Haha! Thanks! :)
@ircmaxell the france thing or sammy being a stud thing?
10:17 PM
@Leigh france
@PeeHaa I would say the same thing
Any sane person would do. That is just full retard
@PeeHaa incredible...
40 now. this is huge
grumble, Paris doesn't need thoughts and prayers...
Even with the defined path I don't get an init script. Will just try to make it myself @Danack
Aaaaaand twitter died
same here
10:24 PM
Parts of it are working – probably cached ones?
English live feed from Paris: france24.com/en/livefeed
Fuck. I'm stupid
10:41 PM
If I drop the Exception suffix, how could I name AcmeException? ProtocolViolation is fine for a subtype, but I'm not sure how to name general exceptions like that one.
it's a dark friday indeed
@PeeHaa Looking in the wrong place?
@Danack Not carefully reading at all and blaming everything but myself
@kelunik you need to find a verb I think....what was the cause of the exception?
Currently it's just the basic (and only) exception for kelunik/acme, so you can always do a catch-all.
10:52 PM
And I think I'm still going to keep a generic LibraryNameException for the "I haven't given enough thought into creating custom exception yet" naming scheme.
....and although pretty much agree with that article (that I presume you're reading) I'm actually not sure how much value there is in naming individual exceptions, when they are actually exceptional, rather than retry-able.
@PeeHaa starred #revenge
@MarkBaker !
@Abe :P
Hollande declares state of emergency for whole France, closes borders.
What does state of emergency actually mean in this case?
10:58 PM
@LeviMorrison it normally means that police and military forces have special powers.
Less questions more action?

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