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6:01 PM
I'd test: one internal function, one internal method, userland function, userland method, __call and __callStatic … That should be enough
@bwoebi well, it will definitely impact at least some extensions
either way, will work on it later
@ircmaxell sure, it'll be affecting reflection, runkit, uopz… but apart from these who access these structures directly, it won't have general major impact
well ... I don't think anyone is going to work on runkit for 7 are they ?
and reflection changes will be implemented with patch I guess ... I wouldn't like to wait for 8 ...
dunno… Isn't that @Sara extension?
think so
I haven't finished uopz for 7 yet ... it's about half done ...
6:06 PM
But isn't runkit anyway obsoleted by uopz?
@bwoebi if done right
yeah, pretty much ...
@bwoebi sara won't agree there :-P
runkit does things uopz doesn't still ...
but nobody works on it ...
@JoeWatkins true… but it does things I can't imagine the need for.
6:08 PM
@JoeWatkins Sara does
using strings for everything is horrible
it feels like it hasn't been updated since that was the only way to do things ...
@JoeWatkins yeah, nobody misses the time before closures…
meh, people depend on it still, would be nice if it worked on seven whatever ...
I'm not touching it ... and I'm really brave ...
many people still depend on runkit?
for ungodly test suites, fraid so ...
6:14 PM
The Dreidel of Death™ claims another victim. #pnwphp http://t.co/PY8Opm0eTz
I have to do human things like feed kids and walk dogs and what not ... lata
people depend on runkit AT ALL?
6:30 PM
@nikita2206 Terrifyingly, yes.
@JoeWatkins I've been doing some initial work on runkit for php7, but it requires quite a lot of work since it touches all the nasty underbelly stuff
@LeviMorrison Probably yes. So some of these seem more useful than others:
I think @kelunik is right about caching interface… you really just need get(string $key): string | null, set(string $key, string $val, int $ttl = 0) and del(string $key) … strings are universally transmissible… if you need something more complex inject it in something being able to serialize. It's really the most simple you can get… When I look at the caching PSR, I definitely only can sigh.
@Danack uh, why would you want to do that?
@bwoebi Levi thinks it might be a good idea.....but no-ones come up with a use-case that doesn't involve a programmer making massive 'typos' e.g. accidentally spelling closure('fopen') instead of closure([$this, 'foo']). It might just be good as a shiny object....for the discussion.
wow, Ubuntu's default scrolling implementation keeps scrolling after you let go, for seconds
@ircmaxell doesn't OS X implementation too? Or are we talking about a much longer time?
6:42 PM
@bwoebi I'm failing at git - what branch is github.com/php/php-src/commit/… in?
@Danack Try github.com/bwoebi/php-src/commit/… … not sure if github bug maybe…
@bwoebi no, I mean that if I alt-tab after hitting the bottom of the page, the next screen starts scrolling
possibly - it looks weird.
Looks like github requires the repo to be the one where the branch exists to find the branch...
@ircmaxell oh okay
yeah, sad
6:47 PM
@bwoebi there's something weird with permissions maybe? I can pull from your repo, but I can't fetch....
@Danack git fetch https://github.com/bwoebi/php-src closure … or what are you trying?
I added it as a remote, though sourcetree but it seems fine in config......fetching from inside SourceTree gives 'permissions error' with no description of the error, and doing the command you said seems to be sitting there doing nothing.....I'll try doing a fresh checkout from your repo.
@Danack doing nothing? git checkout FETCH_HEAD not giving you my branch then?
(It just maybe seems to do nothing because the head is already there?)
The clone appears to be working....the fetch said it was doing something.....but then I was still on the same branch as before, and your remote is not present with git branch -a
7:03 PM
@Danack a fetch just fetches to FETCH_HEAD (if fetching a specific branch)… doesn't add the branch. git checkout -b bob_closure FETCH_HEAD for example then
@Danack If you'd tried git fetch https://github.com/bwoebi/php-src, git branch -a would have shown it.
The clone worked....I'll go from that.
This is such a weird coincidence........I've been looking at php-src and now git, and out of nowhere I'm getting a migraine.....what are the chances......
@Danack obviously… you begun to think "what if this were perl and svn..."
7:36 PM
@bwoebi He's only talking about a migraine, not suicidal thoughts
7:53 PM
@Danack I'm not sure what the magic call stuff is; can you explain that?
I'm going to log off - I am actually getting a migraine, what I meant was:
class foo {
	public function __call() {}

closure([new foo, 'bar']);
but that obviously is covered by the instance one.
and the magic instance one doesn't need to be separate.
8:10 PM
I had a migraine once. It sucked. I had pain on the right side of my head and I was vomiting and felt like I couldnt stand up; really woozy
8:38 PM
@taco that sounds like every morning I had while in college :)
goor morning
Are you guys familiar with the Audio Technica ATH-M50x
sorry no
@Orangepill ouch
@Matthcw you could probably ask in the Jamexchange room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/39426/jamexchange-fm39-426
8:46 PM
@taco it was self inflicted :)
@Orangepill what'd you major in
CS ... but only went 2 years
good enough imo
college seems like a waste for some people
I have friends who spent $150K at SCAD ... to learn photography... really...
I went to meetups, shot monthly in studios, shot events at clubs and probably learned more than her and I did it for free & got paid.... I like her alot but it's just not worth it sometimes
I think I would have gotten more out of it if I had gotten to the more advanced topics... but for the entry stuff I was teaching myself faster than the class could.... I already had a pretty good handle on programming in general.
That was like 20 years ago though.
got the first year of college paid on a scholarship... lost that because my focus was too much on having fun ... footed the bill myself for the second year.
I never went. Just picked up telecom/IT skills in the Army. I'm surprised at how many college students now accept the debt and lackluster job market
9:05 PM
Yeah military training is just as good or better then college imo
@taco did you learn programming in Army ?
@kirugan I was in a 2nd level Telecom role. My secondary job was in IT and heavily depended on landing in a higher echelon role. That job was Information Management Officer. It had to do with Information Security mainly
Lower echelon people in my role had the same secondary role, but I got lucky because others reported to me so I had more responsibility. But no, programming wasn't a part of it. It was IT. I coded in HTML 3 at the time, but only for fun
9:21 PM
HTML3 ? oO
When I first met HTML it was 4 version at 2009
@taco so this was you ?
@Orangepill No those were the 31C radio operators. I was the 31U Signal Support Systems Specialist, which basically means we fixed telecom equipment and IT equipment at a Level 2 role.
Job MOS #'s change though, so the 31C and 31U nomenclatures may have changed
I'm not overly familiar with the army... I was a navy brat.
so was i.... which is why i went army partially
That's why I never went into the service... growing up having to move every 2 years sucks.
10:01 PM
I have no childhood friends because of it. I've found 1 on facebook
I have four siblings and we all agree it was rough. Wouldn't do it if I had kids or a wife
A good number of the cheaters on Ashley Madison were military, too. Not sure that means anything, but I wasn't surprised
@DaveRandom hah :-P
In my next talk, I make fun of Python, while using PHP as an example of correct behavior. #ifeeldirty
@ircmaxell I'd like to hear this story too :-D
oh… just typehints… meh ^^
@ircmaxell jup, seen that linked in the replies to this tweet :-)
def async_query(on_success: Callable[[int], None],
                on_error: Callable[[int, Exception], None]) -> None:
looks like they made a big RFC instead of going with small steps
> It is possible to declare the return type of a callable without specifying the call ignature by substituting a literal ellipsis (three dots) for the list of arguments:
def partial(func: Callable[..., str], *args) -> Callable[..., str]:
at least with our current return type syntax we can simply do callable : ReturnType
10:48 PM
@ircmaxell holy fuck! all-in
but is it implemented already?
11:09 PM
so.. a late night thought... for random.. create a machine that shakes a box with a high number of dices, then shots them out and read their top value
would it be random?
also generics...
@RonniSkansing assuming perfectly uniform dice, yes
Fun.. did some googling afterwards, someone already build it geek.com/chips/…
11:39 PM
@bwoebi oh yes, I saw that :3
@RonniSkansing isn't that similar to how the lottery's done

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