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12:27 AM
Hi anybody here who have free time and interested to develop a small PHP framework? Hehe, I know it's reinventing the wheel but I'm looking for a mixture of ease of usefulness and lightweight.
@AllenLinatoc I already wrote two. One is fucking horrible and the other is meh ;)
@AllenLinatoc Pro tip: focus on a library / multiple libraries with useful stuff instead of a framework
@PeeHaa hahah that's what I'm doing right now ^_^
I'm also incorporating existing lightweight libraries into this framework
12:55 AM
hey, quick question here folks. Why are variables not namespaced in PHP? I know there are a million ways to do whatever you're doing without namespacing variables, but it came up and im curious
@PhilSturgeon Not sure what you want to namespace there. Variables are scoped. Isn't that enough…?
@bwoebi refresh that gist. but yeah, that seems a little odd
@PhilSturgeon yeah, variables are in that scope… they aren't bound to the namespace… and there's no reason to.
@bwoebi im asking why they aren't.
If you need a scope, do something like (function($___path){ include $___path; })($your_path); (PHP 7)
@PhilSturgeon because includes just share the same scope. also when you have multiple namespaces in a single file… a namespace is not a scope.
a namespace is a scope for static resources (constants, classes, functions). Variables are dynamic and as such scoped by function borders.
1:04 AM
I would assume $foo to be in a different scope though as its in a namespace. it seems odd that functions and classes are in a different scope, but not variables
right. seems a bit pick and choosey
@PhilSturgeon Even if they were namespaced, you've declared the variable in the example in the top level namespace, which I would hope makes it truly global
just fyi… that'd mean, we couldn't share variables with a non-namespaced eval() for example. @PhilSturgeon
I can assure you, it's sane the way it is… but feel free to ask, maybe you recognize it yourself too then ;-)
Leigh: Declaring function foo() in global still lets me declare foo() in the namespace, right? so I would kinda expect variables to do the same
@marcio thanks, I'll vote in a few minutes :-)
1:08 AM
@PhilSturgeon but if you don't declare it in the namespace, and you call it, the top level one is used
true for functions, but not classes. they'll just say "nope, doesnt exist."
variables in namespaced files should act a little bit more like classes in that regard i think
I guess it's apples and oranges, functions can only be defined once, so implicitly if you redeclare one in a namespace, you can assume it should be in that scope, but variable assignments can be done practically anywhere
@Leigh what are the valid use cases for "I declared a variable in the global scope, worked with it in a namespaced file and want it to modify any global variables that have the same name." ?
thats what im wondering. "PHP works this way because shrug"
1:20 AM
If you change it, things will break :)
thats why im asking about the use cases. when is it valid and useful to do the thing i said
if you dont know when its used, then you dont know if its useful, then you dont know if it'll break anything
I can be pretty certain something somewhere uses it
if anyone finds out let me know, im curious.
gotta run!
@Phil is there any reason why variables should be namespaced (That'd be awkward in my eyes…)
@bwoebi it depends on your expectations. if you're a massive OOP fan and you're all about classes all the time, then you'd just use properties. if you're coming from another language where variables (along with everything else) are namespaced then you're gonna really f**k yourself over
then you go googling to find out why you've ended up f**ked over and find out "Oh, lol, namespaces are only for classes, functions, constants, etc, but not variables." and its another lolphp
theeeen you ask somebody why its like that and everyone shrugs.
1:28 AM
@PhilSturgeon that's the modus operandi of every PHP code relying on global variables out there. If you namespace variables, like languages with a decent package system do and which I think would be the saner thing to have, we would have a BC break on all shitty code everywhere.
@PhilSturgeon Well, there are reasons why e.g. in C++ you have namespaced variables… because namespaces are there a direct scope… you don't have code outside of functions. In C++ you have cases where you need global vars, while in PHP you just can in an OO world put everything in classes.
Or even… PHP functions can have static vars. Nothing we'd have in C… We need globals there.
So, in PHP we have the possibility to have true global variables, accessible without restrictions from everywhere.
@PhilSturgeon if you really want to propose such a thing without being combated like the devil incarnation by some internals and with a chance of success, you could try to add modifiers for variables so they could be selectively visible only on a given namespace :)
namespace ns {
    private $my_var;

isset($my_var); // false
/me runs
No, really. Do you really want that?
@bwoebi just "brainstorming" xD I hate variables floating around like that, but this makes sense if somebody is going all procedural.
@marcio if you're all procedural, you can have value objects to share your vars. (value objects are procedural… see structs in C.) And if you need global state, you do something wrong. (It's like static in classes.)
1:39 AM
@bwoebi Won't argue with that. I probably wouldn't use it because I hate variables floating around like that on PHP code, but hey, usually languages with first class package system have that and people use it without complains.
Because it makes sense there too. As you cannot have code outside of functions…
Yes. And if PHP ever get some kind of "first class" package system, namespaced variables should become a thing. But I think we'll have to use visibility modifiers so shitty code out there won't break.
yes, maybe.
I think the solution to the yield * problem is a doubly-linked tree, which all Generators referenced in maintain a reference to. I think it's impossible to avoid walking the tree in all cases.
With this solution I have in mind, we only need tree walks from leaf to root in case where some part of the yield * chain is passed to another yield *. (Update of leaf node pointer and list of multi-children nodes needed when leaf gets a child in direct path from leaf to root node.) But only in that case, which should be a fairly rare case (which is then possible, but not totally cheap).
The root of the tree is then the currently executed Generator. The subnodes of the tree (all except the root node) are all Generators which do yield *. Each node of the tree knows a pointer to one leaf descendant node. Each node with multiple children needs a list of all leaf descendant nodes paired with pointers to their respective child node. (The stack is determined by leaf node pointers)
Nodes with only one child just don't need a list, there it is enough to just have a pointer to the child node. Further, each node has a simple refcounter. Also, leaf nodes store a pointer to the root node.
That way, when we advance any generator, we just need to look up a leaf node (which all have a reference to a root node). Then we can see at the root node whether current Generator is finished. If it isn't, all is fine and we can just continue. If the Generator finished, there will be two cases.
Either it is a simple node with just one child: decrement refcounter, free node if needed and go down to child node.
Or it has multiple children and we now will remove the current leaf node from the list of nodes (unnecessary, is microoptimization), decrement refcounter and go down to the child node whose reference was paired with current leaf node. Child node is then removed its parent reference and becomes new top node.
Or the current node references the Generator we're currently executing, then we can continue from the YIELD_FROM opcode. When a node referenced as root node in a leaf node has a parent, then we go the way up until we find a root node without parent and increment the refcounter at each level.
In case we go into a new yield * level, a node is created on top of current root and becomes the new root. Leaf node needs to be updated with new root node then.
When a Generator referenced by a node of the tree is added to yield *, that node now gets a list of children (we need to walk the descendants of that node and nodes of the tree of the other Generator down to the first multi-children node and copy all the leaf node pointers from there). In case there was no multi-children node (linear tree), we just add a pair (pointer to leaf node, pointer to child node), with the child node being in a direct path from leaf to the node.
Also, each time a node is created, refcounter of referenced Generator is incremented, and each time the refcounter of a node drops to zero, it is removed (and the eventual children list too) and refcounter of referenced Generator is decremented.
typedef struct _generator_node generator_node;
struct _generator_node {
	generator_node *parent; // NULL for root
	zend_object *gen;
	uint32_t refcount;
	/* 32 bit alignment padding? */
	simple_linked_list *children_list; // maybe HashTable ? ... we need to test perf here.
	generator_node *child; // if just one child (integrate into linked list maybe)
^ @NikiC @rdlowrey
@BenjaminGruenbaum AAAAAARGH… you broke my combo :-(
1:46 AM
ccccombo breaker.
Sounds trivial. Can totally be done in a day or two by people who already have other stuff they urgently need to finish up.
@bwoebi s/combo/blog post ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum btw. he never heard of php -a?
@marcio no, not really ^^
yield* isn't a tree it's just a linked list isn't it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum the issue is when a generator is yield* from two independent Generators
1:51 AM
How can that even happen?
It's a generator, it's consumed once
@BenjaminGruenbaum No?
function gen() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; }
function useGen($gen) { yield *$gen; }
$gen = gen();
$gens[] = useGen($gen);
$gens[] = useGen($gen);
@BenjaminGruenbaum you now can advance the two Generators in $gens independently.
so, if you advance $gens[0], $gens[1] and then $gens[0], you should get 1, 2, 3.
yield * is nothing else than proxying yield through other Generators. When you advance $gen by the one Generator, you still can advance $gen by the other.
Oh, you mean delegating like that
Yeah, that makes sense, though since you can't send values to generators in PHP or throw exceptions to them or all that other JS stuff - can't you just implement it like a for loop? Why would it even need that special engine support?
@BenjaminGruenbaum huh?
1:57 AM
Transform yield * to a:
We have $gen->send() and $gen->throw()...
Oh, you do? That's nice, didn't know that :P
$gen->return() too?
LOL… you never looked at Daniels Code.
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's a RFC for it by Daniel. (For PHP 7)
Well, I assumed there was some way to handle coroutines that's similar to send() and throw() but now that makes your life oh-so-much harder with yield *
To add: @NikiC @rdlowrey A linear tree (all generators are yield * only once) is then just like a simple stacked approach and exhibits the same performance characteristics. Even with multiple yield * on a same Generator, it's still pretty fast, but when you do that too often, that will slow down too linearly (upper bound is the number of yield* you applied to that chain).
It's the best I could come up now. Please try to understand and imagine in your head what I wrote… I hope I don't have a fundamental flaw in my thoughts…
@BenjaminGruenbaum It makes implementation harder, yes. But that's the price to pay to have nice things ;-) At least we try the fastest way to achieve it, which is in best case O(1) (no multiple yield * of one same Generator). (Which should be also the usual use case).
Also, constant factor is fairly low here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But I think, with these features, Generator functionality will then finally be complete. We even have Generator keys :-P
2:09 AM
To be honest I don't think yield * is that useful in JS so far - it's usually just kind of cute. I only used it like 4-5 times that were useful.
Good evening
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just can assure you, that with Daniels Amp framework, we will need yield* much more often. (Well, we need if nearly all the time…)
@ircmaxell Here it's 3 a.m.… Does that count as morning? … Well… Good morning :-)
hehehe :-)
@bwoebi what for?
is it 3 in the morning already damn
need to go to bed :)
2:15 AM
God… I spend last 4 hours thinking about optimal yield * implementation and doing nothing else… That's really fatiguing. Thinking about an implementation costs a lot of brain power…
@BenjaminGruenbaum coroutines?
Why would you need that for coroutines?
@BenjaminGruenbaum everywhere where you need to be in a Generator context (because I/O), you need coroutines.
Yeah, but why do you need yield* for that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Didn't we have that discussion recently in the t@lk chat? Where Amp accepts Generators as yield argument too and not only Promises. That's because we need to wrap it to forward it to the general Generator resolver in Amp.
we wouldn't then need to have a wrapper any more, but can just directly resolve Generators. Should be a lot faster and also, we have then syntactic sugar to differentiate from a coroutine and a Promise…
Resolving generators is a broken abstraction imo.
2:20 AM
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm now a bit too tired to explain that all… @rdlowrey is currently writing the RFC for yield *, I'm sure he will explain this use case in detail, then you can read that ;-)
He said to finish it for tomorrow evening…
Sure, although what you really want in the language isn't yield * it's streams and observables :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum well. If we had an async keyword which could do that… yeah… but that's not really feasible with PHP currently.
So just add an async keyword?
no? I wonder...
Though that'd also mean promises in core php.
2:23 AM
i wonder if you could do that in an extension
I probably can't, but you probably can, it's just a generator. It's super easy in JS for example to transpile async to generators.
that's precisely what I was thinking about
eih, I already have too many projects.
It's less than 20 lines of code to pump a generator into a coroutine in JS, and just swap keywords.
@ircmaxell the issue is that we'd need to have native non-blocking solutions for everything. If we want real async.
yeah, thats a problem...
2:25 AM
Oh but it'd be such a fun experiment
and until this happens… It's a nice long-term goal… but short-term, we need yield* which is feasible to implement in a few days. (chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/21838759#21838759 and following posts about what I think to implement)
@marcio eih, remove the declined RFCs too…
which one?
error_handler and pecl_http
2:28 AM
^ this is how it's in JS btw (in babel)
sumon' pin the thing please :3
@BenjaminGruenbaum well… I can try to look at it tomorrow… tired now.
Good night :-)
Can unpin the other one due to tablet
@ircmaxell open meta post for bad tablet UI :-)
2:31 AM
2:44 AM
@marcio Did you run a performance test for the context sensitive lexer on any non-trivial code base?
I don't care that much, just wondering, as it's the only (sensible) reason people might vote against it.
3:04 AM
typedef struct _generator_node generator_node;
struct _generator_node {
	generator_node *parent; // NULL for root
	zend_object *gen;
	uint32_t refcount;
	uint32_t children;
	union {
		simple_linked_list *children_list; // maybe HashTable ? ... we need to test perf here.
		generator_node *child; // if just one child (integrate into linked list maybe)
	union {
		generator_node *leaf; // if > 0 children
		generator_node *root; // if 0 children
@NikiC @rdlowrey was sleeping… but noticed that I forgot leaf/root node information in struct.
why am I still here
3:21 AM
@Danack hi, I took this library redbeanphp.com/download, copied the source code inside a if(false) { statement and run it like 10.000 times. No diff noticed, both patched and non patched versions oscillated a lot around ~ the same numbers. So I decided not to proceed with a better benchmark.
Oh, and the PHP test suite takes the same amount of time to finish too. But I encourage people on other environments to do the same and see the results.
@Andrea good point on the test. Will remove it shortly.
@Andrea hey, nice to see you here :) Do you care to explain why the "no" vote on the lexer RFC?
3:54 AM
"no" vote on lexer, and "no vote" on scalar types. There's that PHP consistency again ;D
4:14 AM
@Danack I made the shitty bench described up there, again. This time against the most recent master. Results:
=== master:

0m 39.973s
0m 45.864s
0m 41.187s
0m 36.087s
0m 36.054s

=== patched:

0m 40.708s
0m 44.270s
0m 40.175s
0m 37.683s
0m 35.029s
@Danack the last 3 iterations of each group were made without waiting for the CPU to cool down. I considered there is no noticeable diff because the difference might be so negligible I'm probably benchmarking how my CPU works at 27°C vs 60°C
4:29 AM
Following a linear logic, it was expected to have the patched version consistently slower at least by a small margin. But... we are using a lexer generator. Only the activation of the lookahead macro github.com/php/php-src/pull/1054/… already created a gigantic diff on the generated file.
I simply concluded there is no good way to know the exact difference neither by tracking the changes on the generated lexer and neither by exhausting the lexer with a huge number of iterations. Too much iterations and you are benchmarking your processing power. Too few iterations and the diff will be almost random for each side.
Maybe somebody with more knowledge about RE2C lexer generator could make a better benchmark.
@marcio I found Dmitry's testing methods - wiki.php.net/phpng at the end of the page.
hey, if i've got php files that are run from my local disk in the browser, is this a reason for them not to work?
The instructions 'retired' may be more useful an indicator than the actual timing on box that is not otherwise under load.
4:45 AM
Do i necessarily need to put the php files on apache to see them work? I cant just run them from the disk?
@redCodeAlert You could use the php built in server for testing php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php but yes, in general a webserver is needed.
ok thank you
@Danack right, but remember we are trying to isolate the lexing/parsing phase as much as possible, hence the "if(false){" trick. Execution should not be measured.
5 mins ago, by Danack
The instructions 'retired' may be more useful an indicator than the actual timing on box that is not otherwise under load.
That's a really small code base that you're testing against, as it's only 10k lines, most of which are comments. Unless your computer is under other load, it's not going to be an accurate speed test, as the data caches, memory bandwidth and disk IO and all going to be completely available to the parser.
running here...
5:00 AM
As I said, I don't particularly care. Unless the patch makes it massively slower, releasing the keywords to be used would still be good. But it's ought to be checked.
^^ sure, but I appreciate your help on how to measure it
wow, callgrind takes a while ZzZzz
>>> master

==3420== Events : Ir
==3420== Collected : 93938276
==3420== I refs: 93,938,276

>>> patched

==3445== Events : Ir
==3445== Collected : 96246399
==3445== I refs: 96,246,399
It's getting late here, I can't analyze anything anymore. See ya.
5:24 AM
@marcio night
1 hour later…
6:39 AM
A: re-compile from source to include setInterval functionality?

Andre I don't think there is a way to recompile PHP from source. If you want to delay the execution of the loop you could use the sleep function, which is used for delaying execution. For example, I want to print 10 number after every 2 seconds then the code below should do the job. for($i=0;$i<=10...

> I don't think there is a way to recompile PHP from source.
6:55 AM
Any idea why PATCH and PUT wouldn't be accepting multipart/form-data file uploads? $_FILES is empty unless I POST the file.
7:16 AM
Q: PATCH/PUT not accepting multipart/form-data file uploads?

Zachary ChristopoulosAny idea why PATCH and PUT wouldn't be accepting multipart/form-data file uploads? When I run var_dump($_FILES) it outputs array(0) { }. Any ideas why this is happening? If I POST the file, it works fine. Below is an example of the request I am running. Thanks in advance! PUT /test.php HTTP/...

@Andrea why no on context sensitive lexer rfc ?
2 hours later…
9:13 AM
9:34 AM
@RonniSkansing morning
Hey @NullPoiиteя weekend is ending too soon =[
@RonniSkansing its like 7 days weekend for me i work from home as freelancer :)
oh [=
@RonniSkansing weekends are boring ... :P
The only part that I really think about is that I have to get up early in the morning when it is not weekend
I enjoy sleeping and going late to bed
10:06 AM
anyone knows the answer of this question:
Q: How to retrieve data from non-WSDL using SoapClient

user41888There is a non-wsdl web service URL. This web service takes some authentication parameters directly in URL with XML format : [Snip: I changed my actual domain with example] http://example.com/WSV2/StaticData.php?xml=<StaticDataRequest><Header><Code>TT4533</Code><Username>skyman211</Username><Pa...

@MRS1367 is this your question?
@RonniSkansing -> nope
but I've same question as what is asked in the mentioned question
Morning @kelunik
@MRS1367 I am not sure I get the question =] Have you tried anything?
That's my question
@RonniSkansing I tried something. I mentioned my try in the question
10:19 AM
@RonniSkansing -> who needs to the answer is now here @HamedKamrava
I asked the question for him
Isn't it better to use traits? github.com/Aurora-MVC/Config
and he is now in here
4 mins ago, by Ronni Skansing
@MRS1367 I am not sure I get the question =] Have you tried anything?
@HamedKamrava ->
oh @HamedKamrava you got multiple users?
Yes or Not eighter. That user is for our team users. Not just for me :-)
oh okay =] "Here is what I tried so far, and I'm not sure below statement are correct or not :" so have you debugged it? What does it respond, do you have errors/notices on?
10:25 AM
You can see my webservice structure here :
@RonniSkansing I'm sure what I tried is incomplete.
@HamedKamrava Why do you have that input as a query param instead of a POST body?
It's a business WS. That's not mine. I just can use it that way.... :-(
If I want to translate php coding standards what should I do?
which php coding standards?
PSR-0, for example
10:35 AM
is there a active translation project?
No there isn't any
I guess you could just fork and translate it. =] But isnt english good enough?
Well, I think many of php programmers from my country are missing this standards.
@kelunik It's a business WS. That's not mine. I just can use it that way.... :-(
@VeeeneX it seems to me like there are active translations.. take a look in the pull requests for the project
10:44 AM
There isn't Slovak
Nope, but that kinda implies that there is way to do a translation
and submit it to the project
regarding your original question
"If I want to translate php coding standards what should I do?"
Yes, :D only accepted seems to be translated
10:56 AM
yea, I asked you how you debugged it? If you got errors/notices on?
@RonniSkansing Actually, this web service does not have any functions to call !!
What does it mean?
I think we don't require this part :
`$return = $client->__soapCall();`
And Why?
because soapCall() function needs function name and its parameters
@RonniSkansing But in my case there is no function to call
11:02 AM
@HamedKamrava I did not ask you to call any function. I will not repeat the questions for a third time.
Debug it, make sure you have errors/notices on
But you did
@RonniSkansing Oh yea. here is errors:
Warning: SoapClient::__soapCall() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in /srv/www/htdocs/ortmas/inc/client.php on line 41
I mean warnings
@RonniSkansing It says soapCall() need "functoinName" & "function Parameters"
@HamedKamrava Have you seen example? php.net/manual/en/soapclient.soapcall.php#example-5478
11:05 AM
@RonniSkansing But in my case there is no function to call !
@VeeeneX Yes. But..
@RonniSkansing This web service parameter and function kept in URL :
Code, Username, Password ans some other parameters
kept in URL
11:36 AM
Will PHP 7 have variable variables?
Can someone please help me with stackoverflow.com/questions/28792419/…
been struggling all morning
@райтфолд what do you mean? php has that already
@RonniSkansing What he mean?
$ /opt/php7/bin/php -a

php > $x = 'Foo';
php > $Foo = 42;
php > echo $$x;
11:41 AM
Ou, yes ninja code
11:57 AM
Can someone please advise me as to why my question stackoverflow.com/questions/28792419/… has 42 views but no answers? im not complaining but is it because the question is poor?
@user3605739 Your question is maybe difficult
Oh ok, well if that's the case I can understand
I was just wondering if it was because I failed to supply information or something
12:13 PM
hi i have problem in calling the log in function of the account class in codeigniter A3m. home page is loaded but when i try to login it shows me error ---redzoon.com/account/sign_in
@SajadA That's nice what about code?
i have not changed any thing
it is just as i have downloaded
i just uploaded it to the www.redzoon.com
How can I autogenerate and send email messages when new posts are added?
@VeeeneX please help me. i try everything, even i changed .htaccess file several times but nothing changed. i think there is some problem in .htaccess
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /CodeIgniter2.2_A3M/
# Directs all EE web requests through the site index file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ./index.php/$1 [L]

<IfModule !mod_rewrite.c>
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php
@IonicăBizău that question is too broad
12:25 PM
waiting for some clue!
@RonniSkansing Is it fine for Wordpress SE? I'm not sure... :/
no, I do not think so
you have to try and solve it
Yeah... Maybe I will ask on their forums. I'm not a PHP guy...
Thanks anyway..
@IonicăBizău no problem.. if you are not a php guy maybe you should pay someone to do it
this is not a make-your-code-service =]
I know how SO works, but I hoped that somebody can give me a hint here. :-) No problem.
12:32 PM
Well you will probably have to use one of their hooks/actions
but without knowing the wp "api" and/or php that will be hard from a to z
@RonniSkansing please help me
How can I install specific version of Laravel framwork?
I want to install Laravel 4.2 instead of 5
I installed Laravel via Composer. But it installed last version of Laravel. I need version 4.2 not last version
@SajadA I dunno how to help you... I would suggest spending some time checking 1. how to debug server errors (check the log files) .. 2. learning how .htacccess works
12:38 PM
RewriteBase /CodeIgniter2.2_A3M
# Directs all EE web requests through the site index file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
@RonniSkansing did you check?
@VeeeneX i made a benchmark with hhvm and theres no such difference (0.003725 vs. 0.003821 ms or 3v4l.org/iQDjn ), the work is also done in the constructor. a case were a object creation makes no sense to me.
@pce Buggy xdebug maybe
@VeeeneX do i need to update .htacess file
12:40 PM
ok sir let me check it
@pce I will you inMethod Thanks
What are you testing?
If it's better to execute "heavy" code in construct or in method
I had created this test pastie.org/9990332 and I tested it with xdebug
@RonniSkansing But I'm not sure about tests
12:59 PM
Morning room 11 people
@PeeHaa morning
@VeeeneX now it is showing page not found redzoon.com/account/sign_in
@PeeHaa Mornin
@SajadA Search for advanced settings in your hosting panel, you should look for .htacess or contact your provider.
I wonder whether there is a Decision tree generator on php?
1:15 PM
@VeeeneX please stop putting logic in the constructors
@tereško Yes, I know it was just a test, inspired by Phalcon Adapter for configs
that's not really a good inspiration for good programming practices ^^
Yes, but it's quite fast
define "fast"
benchmarking an empty application is kinda pointless
1:23 PM
besides, the point why developers pick a frameworks is "ease of use" and "functionality"
the goal in that case is to cut down the development time for small and repetative projects
But it has some really cool features
it also comes with a major penalty:
whenever there is a strange bug in a framework-based project, you will end up digging into said framework to track down what when wrong
however, it's not an option with phalcon, because it is written in C
you cannot just add few var_dump's to find where the frameworks input filter has fucked up some string
it's something that you have to keep in mind, when dealing with this framework
So true
And with all Extension driven frameworks
There's more than 1 person insane enough to try and write a framework as an extension? =o
1:43 PM
Can anyone who has an instance of PHP 7 handy test whether the test ext/spl/tests/dit_004.phpt is broken for them?
@AllenJB I know two such frameworks: YAF and Phalcon
.. and I have head about few in-house frameworks of this type too
@VeeeneX cool features like what?
1:59 PM
@Danack I'll prepare an RFC for "constructor must yield an instance or exception", or do you want to?
@m6w6 gist.github.com/Danack/3826a5c9115d1ed1c869 - I'm just about to post it.
Though if you have feedback, that would be good.
I'm going to change the wording slightly to make it clearer that the standard applies to both current and future code.
But not in a way that sounds too bossy. Oh, and I also need to add some links to bugs where people have been caught out.
still strucked in same position, server adminstrator said problem may be in application
what to do??
@Danack Awesome, I'll have a read. Big +1 from me.
AFAICT today is the last day to propose RFCs for 7.0
@m6w6 My middle name is procrastination.
@Danack These clasesThese class … ? Always use classes there.
2:08 PM
Yes Bob, that's a typo - thanks.
Also: I like your RFC :-)
@bwoebi I reckon it's another RFC where one or two people are going to be quite vocal about, and then pass by 90:10
90:10? hehe … If only every RFC had so much participation.
that's a ratio...
uggghhh having to work a lot with 3rd party code I strongly disagree with your latest blogpost and repo @Ocramius
2:14 PM
@Danack oh okay. then say 90%…
It is trying to prevent people from doing stupid things by forcing them to do even stupidier tthings
I was going to but that could mean that the vote would be 95% yes, 5% no...
Way better than I could have written up today (but you may already know by the first version of the pecl_http RFC) ;)
If somethings passes by 20% it implies the vote was 60:40.
@m6w6 ;-P
2:24 PM
@Danack I meant… 90% yes votes…
The situation is actually worse than I could have imagined; great research @Danack.
Many of Libraries are wrapped in Http namespace. What about http2?
+1 on this, also I would just ignore Stas when he will start talking about it being perfectly fine to return null from constructors
2:47 PM
@nikita2206 One of these days, I'm going to download SugarCRM and see what it looks like inside it, if one of (the?) senior guy working on it has such weird beliefs about code.
@nikita2206 I miss something done correctly in this line…
So classic

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