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12:05 AM
$command=$_GET['command']; $op=".$command"; how do i get the $command to get executed
Is that code going to be exposed to a network? If yes, I would seriously reconsider what you are about to do. It's never a good idea to act on user supplied data without proper validation. Allowing the user supply a shell command directly can be quite dangerous.
no we have authetication check before it
i tried $op=".$command"; $op2=shell_exec(".$command"); both dont work
You can never be sure that someone else didn't introduce a bug that sets your servers on fire.
for now im only considering how to get this done
you have a limited and known list of commands, right?
12:15 AM
ok good i got it just had to use double quotes in shell_exec
yes if u say this could be fatal i can put a check if command is only one of those specified in some list
if(!empty(($_GET['command'])) { // pseudo code
	switch(strtolower($_GET['command'])) {
		case 'ls':
			$it = new DirectoryIterator();
			// logic here
} else {
thanks @Rangad
is there a way to format the output in the way bash shows it, eg, cal command is all in one line
maybe becoz im using variable to store op?
If you really can't avoid calling a shell with user supplied data: PHP has some functions to handle such data (you still need to validate it yourself in context of the command (a value supplied to ls needs different actions than a value supplied to git): e.g.: php.net/manual/de/function.escapeshellcmd.php
on formatting: Just use the normal set of string functions and operations.
and 1 of my sccript asks yes/no from user, if i run it from web, is it possible to take yes/no input from user.... currently i am thinking to remove the yes/no prompt from my shell script
my 1st task is to format, how do i do that
12:30 AM
Depending on how you implemented the question you might be able to do `echo 'yes' | command
About formatting: You have a string. You can do whatever you want with it (don't forget proper treatment before you output it to an other context like html or sql).
yes basically want to display the output , that i would have seen on my linux terminal. Is there a way to do that?
If you need more controll about the input look at the user notes and examples on proc_open. Output to html?
Best guess: Look at <pre>
Oh man, guys.
12:38 AM
ok, i did see it somewhwere
When PHP 5.4 reaches EOL
It'll be easy to spot production servers using it and exploit them
Because PHP 5.5 removed Logo GUIDs, sites that support them must be using 5.4 or earlier
12:39 AM
what have you done
To be fair, they were a massive security issue anyway
security issue? why?
@bwoebi You can find out what version of PHP a site runs in more detail by looking at ?=PHPB8B5F2A0-3C92-11d3-A3A9-4C7B08C10000 (prints credits)
@AndreaFaulds as long as your version is up-to-date, a non-issue.
<pre> works well, but all newlines are now starting with -e option . (the script called uses echo -e for newlines)
12:51 AM
@user1977867 Modify the string before you print it or modify the command to suit your needs.
Can't the guids not be removed in a 5.4 patch if they (severly) impact security (which they might do after 5.4 eol)?
@Rangad would be possible, sure
Possibly in the last 5.4 release in september (according to the supported versions page). BC should really not be an issue then.
1:14 AM
some of my commands need full paths, will source(".bashrc") before running command from php work?
basically i have one directory listed , in which all scripts present dont need full path
1:54 AM
How would I be able to build a multipart form that sends an image name and image bytes?
Hi I'm trying to execute a child script in bash through php shell_execute("$command") whose contents are like below. It had some other checks aswell, to make it clean I wrote a parent script to call this child script
touch ${snoozedir}/snooze.${pattern}
echo -e "Snooze activated ! \n Sending mail, please wait."
echo "Snooze started at: $hour for pattern= $pattern by $user for $snoozetime seconds, reason = $4" | mutt a@b.com -s "Snooze active"
( echo -e "Snooze was started at: $hour on pattern = $pattern by $user for $snoozetime seconds, buffered contents are below:\n " >> ${snoozedir}buffe
however I only get the first email and not the last line of script
basically i create a touch file then send a mail then sleep and then email again and rm the touch file
2:52 AM
@AndreaFaulds and @NikiC given our discussion yesterday, why is nobody in that list asking the question if a HTTP API needs to be in core? They seem to be caught up in the implementation details of pecl_http vs PSR7 without asking if they should.
public function testSomeException()
    new FooBar('some input to cause exception'); // can I do this and not assign it to a var?
@ircmaxell I think we should have an HTTP API in core, we effectively do already
It's just a bit of a patchwork
well, I think we should have primitives
but not an OO api
Rather than adding a new extension, we should just fill in the gaps in core
2:53 AM
what API is in core?
There's some header/request body parsing/generation stuff in places, we have two different HTTP clients (stream wrappers, cURL), there's the stuff provided by SAPIs, there's the superglobals, there's cookie handling, other stuff too...
/me is off for a while
@ircmaxell +1 ... I think we need functions to do basic parsing. OO APIs are something that doesn't benefit from a C implementation and can be standardized in userland.
anyway, I should sleep, night
later to both of you :)
2:59 AM
I don't think we have a way to decode multipart/form-data in user-land.
No, we definitely do not. That would be extremely helpful.
It's just parsing ... I can do it in userland but that sort of thing is just so much faster in C.
Stuff like that could be in core, I think
That's what I'd like to see in core: parsing for all the common http things such as cookies, header parameters, multipart/form-data and http messages.
Just header parameter parsing by itself would make http content negotiation significantly easier in userland.
3:03 AM
That's something that should absolutely already exist in php as a "web-first" language that doesn't as of today.
QUESTION about the language parser:
   bar baz
   { $?-> :( ; $$ = zend_ast_create(ZEND_FOO_AST, $1, $2); }
Is there a way to refer to "foo" itself?
^ @NikiC ... I summon thee!
...not sure what you mean. You mean the name of the rule
I can refer to bar with $1 and baz with $2, but can I alter foo?
I am pretty sure $$ is foo.
Whatever you set $$ to is foo.
3:06 AM
^ I tried that, but my $$->attr is somehow not being lost...
so I might be doing some shit somewhere else :)
@rdlowrey lol, hope he's not sleeping
* my $$->attr is somehow BEING lost... (agh)
OK, found it, the error was somewhere else. Thanks @LeviMorrison.
BTW, linkbait !!! wiki.php.net/rfc/batch_use_declarations for the ones who missed it
@marcio nice :)
3:23 AM
I personally like the batch syntax. And I think I agree that nesting is just too difficult to read. I don't mind not supporting it.
so you would vote "yes feature, no nesting"
good to know :) the poll (tracking) is 7/2 for now, let's hope it survives the discussion phase
Not to discourage your work, but I'd rather see real packages.
As in, completely aware of every file in the package.
@LeviMorrison that would be a good follow up. I said this before here, a real package system would need (speculation ahead) a coordination with PHP FIG and a PSR-2 complement.
Anyway, I'm trying to make RFC future aware of this (despite I doubt it would happen until PHP8)
Do you think that the desire for "real packages" could block this RFC in some way?
I don't see why it would unless people feel like the syntax somehow interferes with what we'd need for real packages.
@marcio Also, I don't see any mention of use function or use const in the RFC. It's probably worth mentioning how those interact with the changes to avoid questions.
3:33 AM
@marcio I don't think it needs any cooperation with FIG at all.
Honestly, we could probably leverage PHAR for packages somehow.
I think it's good to be inclusive, but FIG doesn't carry a ton of weight around internals :)
@LeviMorrison but that would mean give up of "lazy loading". I couldn't care less if the engine is fast enough, but people do.
> My programming style is defined by organic arcs of different sizes and timescales, Each arc starts with exploration, trial and error, hacks, and temporary variables. Basically, a good deal of scaffolding. A picture begins to take shape. Later on, I come back and dot my i’s and cross my t’s. The end of each arc is something like implementation-ready code. (“Cleaning my studio” is a necessary part of finishing the cycle).
> The development arc of my code contribution is synonymous with the emergence of a strategy, a design scheme, an architecture.
> And sometimes, after a mature organism has emerged, I go back and start over, because I think I have a better idea of how to do it. Sometimes I’m wrong. Sometimes I’m right. There is no way to really know until the organism is fully formed and staring me in the face.
3:36 AM
^ I've posted this before, but I love it.
@rdlowrey @NikiC warned about it, I'm fixing this right now :)
I want a package that could be included at compile time.
I want a package that could be written in PHP or using a well-defined C API
If you're interested, it's from The Case for Slow Programming
@LeviMorrison That would be sweet
3:38 AM
can anyone help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/28206235/…
A package that is written in PHP but included at compile time would be very useful.
And if it can be in PHP or a C API, then you could theoretically replace it for performance later.
but @LeviMorrison, only those packages would get the benefits from the package system... like "use Foo\Bar\*"
I think more of PHP's "standard libraries" should be written directly in PHP.
Right now internal functions and user-land functions have a fair number of differences.
the composer ecosystem would still suffer from the same issue, use this; use that;
By writing a significant portion of them in PHP that would be eliminated.
3:42 AM
I just want to ask how do you handle the socket listener,if the client is not writing on stream, do you put timer like 2 seconds then exit the listener and re-run again?Is this the correct way of handle the listener
to think about a package system without taking composer in consideration seems a stretch, but maybe you're too smart and I can't envision what you have in mind :)
(no irony :p )
Composer is just a tool. It's a useful one, but if we design it correctly it could work with composer or any other number of tools.
It would definitely need collaboration to be successful.
(And I don't mean collaboration with composer people; I just mean collaboration with a lot of people)
( This discussion about the package system is very important, but I'd like to keep it away from the discussion about the namespace enhancements :D as far as possible )
Sure; they are probably orthogonal concepts.
@jemz Are you talking about an event loop system?
3:51 AM
@LeviMorrison Anyway, your POV is nice. The "easiest" path I have on mind would be a PSR that somehow is aware of all package entities, keeping the lazy loading but allowing preloading when a wildcard is found "use Foo\Bar\*". But a 100% PHP side implementation could be much better.
@rdlowrey,I dont think if i understand you correctly...Okay my socket listener keep loop waiting for connection for the client if the client does not write on stream,I put timer like 2 seconds to stop my listener.then re-run again the listener by the task scheduler
@jemz Are you using stream_select() for this?
I use this if (socket_select($read, $write , $except, $tv_sec) < 1){

@rdlowrey, is there like jsfidle to show my php code ?
I mean jsfiddle for php
Oh, socket_select() is essentially the same thing.
4:07 AM
is socket api available on 3v4l?
Hmm ... actually it may not be as they probably don't want people running all sorts of socket operations on their servers :)
4:20 AM
:) kinda late here (time to sleep), good night all
@marcio 'night
4:52 AM
stackoverflow.com/questions/28206235/… redirecting to file is the first problem i need to solve
5:04 AM
5:29 AM
hey @marcio, your rfc rocks =]
5:54 AM
What do you guys use to develop on windows? Right now I have an Ubuntu Hyper-V VM installed, but that is just frustrating. No working rdp, no screen resizing, no clipboard, .. :(
I do not use windows, but if I did, I would probably setup vagrant or something
ooh, never used that one
=] yea I dunno, maybe people use something different today, I just remember it as a easy way to setup and provision a box
@RonniSkansing Thanks for the suggestion. I've installed vagrant just now. The only thing left is to figure out how to use it :D
5:59 AM
I just keep a vm hanging out that resembles whatever environment I'm gonna deploy to, but using something like vagrant or docker would work just as well. Really depends on your situation.
Morning @PaulCrovella
6:22 AM
I have been just said in even 5 years its not possible to master a framework, but the problem is I don't have a 5 year time, how should I proceed?
@argentum47 it does not take 5 years.
you should learn to code php without any frameworks before you start considering using frameworks
1 - 1.5 at most ?
at most
Moin @JoeWatkins;
6:24 AM
em I have been doing php for more than an year, I don't have a mentor though, its just bad codes everywhere :P
can anyone plz help me in redirection in php
Guys I am trying to make Half pie chart using Jqploat but unable to do that can any one help me out
Q: running bash script having subshell commands from php

user1977867I'm trying to execute a child script in bash through php shell_execute("$command") whose contents are like below. $command=$_GET['command']; $op2=shell_exec("$command"); echo "Command $command output is <pre> $op2 </pre>"; On submit I get Command /path/to/childscript some_pattern 20 usernam...

Q: How to Plot a Half pie chart in Jquery

VikramI have two form arrays, $expenditure = $_POST['expenditure']; $revennue = $_POST['revenue']; I have to use the values from these array and plot a Pie chart ,Like half of the pie chart will show the relation of expenditure and other half revenue I tried using Jqplot something like this $(do...

6:27 AM
@user1977867 that looks real dangerous
@RonniSkansing why ?
because you are taking $_GET param and executing it blindly
yes maybe i will put a check on it soon
other things that look dangerous ...
but currently i'm stuck on redirecting to file
6:28 AM
I like that one @JoeWatkins
im absolutely new to web devl, and ts only been some hours i've started,
but i'm stuck at cat somefile > somefileotherfile
@user1977867 the first thing you need to learn how to do is listen ... someone saying "that looks dangerous" should prompt the question why, always, today, and ten years from now ...
once you have your answer, you need to learn to act on it ...
act on it now ...
but i have used authorisation before anyone could use this
it does not matter
6:31 AM
i can put checks on the command string i get
basically i will limit it to a particular list of commands... if they match then only it will execute
then do it, and ask for help with that code ...
hi guys
realise that you're asking the question "how do I make this dangerous code run?" ... nobody noble is going to give you a good answer to that ... fix that first ;)
anybody have any idea about positronics.io api
6:35 AM
only check i need to put on it is: if (strpos($command,'myhiddenkeyword') !== false) { go execute }
I find a link that seems to be good butunclebob.com/ArticleS.UncleBob.PrinciplesOfOod
now can anyone please help
@JoeWatkins I like this image :)
@JoeWatkins How ya been buddy?
@rdlowrey it speaks volumes :)
6:37 AM
Just because all my libs require PHP7 doesn't mean I'm dangerous, okay. OKAY?!?!!?
@rdlowrey not bad, I spent the last couple of months or something researching something I have to drop ... so slowly backing away from the ideas it took months to form ...
Ugh, I know that feeling. But at least you learned a bunch right?
6:38 AM
@user1977867 don't do that
Is there a way to remove the password for my Ubuntu 12.04 on my VM on startup?
y guys, becoz u think someone can run rm -rf type commands over there
@rdlowrey yeah research is good, but I went into it thinking I'd come out with code ... and I'm coming out with "no, we shouldn't do that yet, let's look again in a year or something"
@user1977867: Please stop using anonym when chatting....
what you working on @rdlowrey, anything good ?
6:41 AM
@JoeWatkins Oh same sweet ass userland server stuff. You should pop over here real quick and check out the websockety goodness: dev.kelunik.com/rooms/1
@NNToan thanks i'll put the name soon, can anyone plz give me some hint with the redirection thing in php
Hey, I need some help configuring apache, can anyone help me for a few minutes?
I have a few absolute noob questions.
Oh god. /me slowly backs away ;)
lol just kidding. I don't know a ton about apache but if I can answer any of your Qs I will.
@rdlowrey oh hi!
@rdlowrey well, I have a "usual" noob question, I installed apache on a server and my .htaccess file isn't working. I don't think it's even being called
6:46 AM
pffft ... I got nothin for ya :/
I know .htaccess files can override one another so maybe there's some other one doing that?
It's not even being called, if I put rubbish in it I don't get a 500 error
@BenjaminGruenbaum Also, if you have the AllowOverride None option set somewhere
I checked my configuration, couldn't find one.
6:48 AM
like in your httpd.conf or any relevant vhost.conf files too.
I have an apache2.conf, changed it there from none to all, didn't fix it
^ did you restart apache?
@RonniSkansing yes, I did
Bah, I think I'll just RTFM
No harm in that
:( sorry ... I exhausted my full knowledge on the .htaccess override subject and it wasn't good enough.
I don't think I configured Apache once in 5 years :D
6:51 AM
can anyone plz suggest me on redirection in side bash script called by php
@BenjaminGruenbaum try checking the last answer stackoverflow.com/questions/10769880/…
I will, thanks
@user1977867 why are you using a bash script?
because all my feature is implemented in bash script
and what is that feature, sending a mail?
6:57 AM
@user1977867 why not check the exit code and redirect based on that?
no, it sends a mail to alert and creates a lockfile for certain amount of seconds. basically after touch it sleeps and then removes the lock file it touched and again send the alert
'night folks :)
night @rdlowrey
nn @rdlowrey
there is some other process running on my linux machine which works according to status of lock file
6:59 AM
that sounds really horrible
@JoeWatkins whatever it sounds, i only need to touch a file at particular location and then remove it after some time
for it i wrote the shell script which does all good work for me
and the same script i wish to execute from web
if your machine comes under intense pressure, cron can get backed up, and will spawn processes as needed to catch up with the schedule it wasn't able to keep while the machine was overloaded ... if someone talks to you listen, ask why, don't just argue ...
under pressure!
@JoeWatkins i was seeking help, someone started posting random pics,i told i would limit commands that can be executed. Rather than joking around its better if people can help others. why would d machine get overloaded... i run this script 1000 times a day from my terminal... it runs perfect
you are getting help + advice. Before you had a frontdoor into your computer
7:07 AM
and if that same script is invoked via php, why is it wrong
and if this is dangerous whats the best way to execute this script
Thanks for everyone who helped
I built apache myself and it worked
=] gj
it wasn't a random pic, it was a joke, a message ... a funny one ... I'm not gonna argue at all ... good luck @user1977867 ...
Sorry @user1977867 this is not a solution center. You should edit your question to fit with some of the feedback you already gotten. Also you have a couple of comments on the question which are worth noting.
also your question seems related to stackoverflow.com/questions/28011553/…
hi friends
I am using codeignitor. i am trying to send url as get parameter. ( localhost/dealsharkz/index.php/userarea/user/redirect/… ) . but it send me to 404. if i remove link after redirect its working good.
7:27 AM
what have you done to debug it? Put the code in a pastebin or etc.
Why is PHP.ini so huge :D?
because if you suggest anything is removed, you will provoke anger, so much anger ...
@RonniSkansing yes indeed I got that worked out (the other question), will post my answer soon.
good morning
good morning
7:30 AM
posted on January 29, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Bastien */

7:49 AM
morning o/
8:09 AM
no more IDE's, develop in explorer!
Any idea what might be causing "Not enough free shared space to allocate" in apache?
@SergeyTelshevsky whats the limit for path name length again in windows, 255 chars? :D
lol @AlmaDo
8:25 AM
How does one limit the content of an article to a capped excerpt with a "read more" ellipsis at the end with PHP?
@nosille The same you would with another language. Take a substring of X charachters, add a "..." to the end
@AlmaDo so there's only one PHP endpoint, am I right?
@nosille the best way is to have two article texts
@nosille one is a short description shown in the list, one paragraph in length, the other is the full text
nosille you ask alot of questions every day, not that it is wrong.. but do you try to solve these before you ask?
Sometimes just googling your question gives a lot of the info you are looking for.
@AlmaDo I've seen that before. My guess is that this graphic was made by a frustrated web-designer who tried to pick up any of that languages and failed to do so, plus a site he made in PHP got hacked and now he's whining :(
need help to install mongodb php driver
I am a troll and I'm proud of it.
don't tell me you made that awful thing :D
WordPress now recommends PHP 5.4 and up! Huge progress (but it still supports PHP 5.2) http://ow.ly/3w6yYN /cc @AndreaFaulds @ircmaxell
@AndreaFaulds well done!!!
@DejanMarjanovic 2 more needed
8:41 AM
I don't care about wordpress
and what is the huge progress? The fact that they recommend the oldest non-endoflife php version?
baby steps can be huge progress
@MarcelBurkhard Yeah, I'm missing the point too tbh. What they recommend doesn't matter, requirements matter.
8:50 AM
good morning
who knows the answer of this question ?

caught the multi accounter
See, and there's no room owner to unstar that and kick him, out.
@SecondRikudo Thank you Obama @ircmaxell :-P
ok I will just flag his question
@DejanMarjanovic your point?
@Bassem kkthxbye
@MarcelBurkhard sorry ?
@ircmaxell No point, we've been through this 100x times, just chaining on @SecondRikudo.
@Bassem I guess your accounts will be merged
9:00 AM
@MarcelBurkhard That depends
Generally if there isn't a vote fraud there's no point in merging accounts. And if there is vote fraud there's merging and suspension.
If he continues to abuse chat with another account, he'll get suspended from chat.
@SecondRikudo hmm ok thanks for the info, I thought multi accounting is not allowed in general
@MarcelBurkhard No rule against having multiple accounts (no real way to enforce that too, what if my brother has an account and accesses Stack Overflow from the same PC as me?)
As long as we don't excessively vote for each other, it's all good.
@marcelburkhard , this account was banned from asking
thats why i create another one
now ^ that's gonna get you a suspension for sure :D
@SecondRikudo yeah I know you can't enforce it but they could forbid it anyway
why @marcelBurkhard ??
Is that my problem to inform you that i have 2 accounts
9:04 AM
Do you really think they ban you from asking question so you create another account?
@MarcelBurkhard if it can't be reliably enforced there's little point in treating it as a problem unless people are doing problematic things with it, then you just tackle those cases. it comes down to what's practical.
You're in violation of site rules
so what can i do to remove banned from first account
@PaulCrovella yeah doesn't make much of a difference I know
=] hihi.. cops @Bassem you're under arrest anything you say ... bla bla
9:06 AM
@Bassem you should have read the rules before posting low quality questions, now seeing you still didn't get that I advise you to just leave us alone
Q: What can I do when getting “We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account”?

Robert HarveyDo not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. While trying to ask a question, one could get: We are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more. Likewise, for answers: We are no longer a...

yes u r right
@paulcrovella , thanks
So what about my quesiton , does any one have idea ?
yes debug your code
use var_dump() and die; alot
make sure the content of the variable always is what you think it is
I even know the solution but I'm not gonna answer for the sake of punishment for bypassing asking-ban
@Ronniskansing , @sheetdata array variable doesn't initialized yet because of this error
@marcelburkhard , it is one of my tasks that assigned to me that i need to solve it ASAP, but any way as u like :)
9:18 AM
ASAP means as soon as possible not "today" and maybe not even this year :P
does the answerer get a share of your salaray?
oh @marcelBurkhard :D
no salary , i work for free , for just learning :P
@Bassem what do you learn by getting the answer?
He learns that to solve problems, he just asks at stackoverflow. If he gets banned while doing that, he learned that he can just create a new account and start over.
All of u jokes at me , Thank u so much for this time , have a great day
MarcelBurkhard sounds like something that should be / is automated
9:22 AM
@Bassem a joke from which you could learn more than a solution to your posted question but yeah, you're welcome
Maybe a Auto user generating / answer asking/fetching / chat spamming SO saas is a viable product
I guess so
business opportunity detected
1. No more dealing with rude chat members
2. Just ask and get quality answer
3. Outsource what you where paid to do
(or not paid to do)
URL would be free-freelance.com
9:28 AM
Morning @kelunik && @Jimbo;
foreach (array("kelunik", "Jimbo") as $user) { echo "Morning @".$user; }
I think the chat should allow commands like that
@MarcelBurkhard while (true) { echo "spam", \n; } ← Yes, I like that. :)
@BenjaminDiele Using a CMS, can't do this
Yes, I'm using github.com/TazeTSchnitzel/escapes for that. ;-)
9:34 AM
@nosille did you get my question earlier?
@nosille Why can't you? Just return a smaller portion of the otherwise large text you'd show.
posted on January 29, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Evgeni Raev */

@MarcelBurkhard maybe like array_map(function($user) { echo 'Morning @' . $user . \PHP_EOL; }, ['kelunik', 'Jimbo']);
@RonniSkansing probably better as I run my code and figured that it output Morning @kelunikMorning @Jimbo which isn't that readable
@ircmaxell do me a favour, ban @DejanMarjanovic from this place
9:43 AM
@JoeWatkins when you apt-get install php5-phpdbg (PHP 5.6.5-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 (cli) (built: Jan 26 2015 11:42:37) , I can't seem to figure out how to access phpdbg, any clues?
should put phpdbg binary in path I guess
/usr/bin/php5dbg -____________-
I was typing /usr/bin/phpdbg, thanks @Joe.
makes sense to avoid conflicts with php4dbg of course
9:56 AM
anyone where with symfony2 knowledge? I got a best-practice question
@Kemo He's called @webfarto, get it right!
Shut up, @Dumbo
@DejanMarjanovic Did you manage to sort out your controller resolver auryn stuff
Yes, @kemo and I did, <3
"license": "proprietary",
"require": {
    "php": ">=5.6.0"
that alone makes this job worthwhile
9:58 AM
>=5.6.3 or gtfo
You hear that @kemo ^
We're on 5.3.3 atm -_-
Because puppet or something, something.
@PaulCrovella because security fix or...?

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