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10:00 PM
@RaghavSood Yeh I removed the curlinfo in case it was screwing with the process somehow, is it still giving you the full page back as the body response?
Yep. The whole thing
Oh wait @RaghavSood I know what the problem is
Referer: http://moodle.tsrs.org/login/index.php
^ missing from your php headers
Nope. It's there
I can see it in the php.log data
Here's one from a request I just made: pastebin.com/xfrrF8XG
Line #9
It's not in your php code on the question
I've spent a bunch of time today with C++. I really like having the control over memory layout when I need it.
10:04 PM
Ahh. Yeah. I think someone in this room pointed that out after I posted it. It's there right now, though
@AndreaFaulds I'm surprised at the number of people who haven't voted. This past week the chat and mailing list seemed quieter than normal; maybe for whatever reason they were just busy.
Well, anyone got any alternatives to cURL? :/
@LeviMorrison Yeah, I wonder about that, it seems odd that so few have voted. If it's not changed much by Friday, I might extend it.
I don't think OpenShift is going to let me install that
10:07 PM
@AndreaFaulds I wouldn't do that. It has a 10 day window; just spend more time promoting on about Wednesday if votes are still low.
Use twitter, etc.
I try to promote RFC's just before voting close on twitter.
I am not sure if that's helpful at all.
@LeviMorrison Yeah, but perhaps having a second weekend is a good idea?
For this particular weekend I'm not sure it will help.
It's some sort of holiday in the US, right?
That's an understatement.
Thanksgiving weekend is in some ways bigger than Christmas and New Years.
Of course, I'm not sure how many of the people who haven't voted are in the US anyway.
Is thanksgiving the turkey-day thing?
10:10 PM
It's an open-source, mostly English-language project. Most contributors are American or European.
@Ocramius Yeah.
Realistically, it's way more about commercialism and pushing sales to kick-off the end-of-year. Which is sad, given its roots of being grateful.
For me it's about visiting my extended family. It's the only holiday where we get together.
I like the fact that we get together only when I get back to Italy (like now)
which luckily happens at most once a year :D
Would anyone here happen to have experience with the Photobucket API?
@Ocramius luckily? :-P
@bwoebi shhhhhhhhhhhhhht <_<
they may read that
10:18 PM
You can choose your friends ... :P
@Leaf not really, but try asking anyways, sometimes someone in here is pretty intuitive and good at guessing
@RaghavSood does pastebin.com/eY7cXsbu do anything for you?
(note that I changed the function a bit so it accepts the un/pw as args)
Still returns the entire page :/
At this point, I'm completely lost
I tried switching to POSTing to one of our other school websites
And that too works from the terminal, fails from PHP
@RaghavSood Does it give you the failed login message?
10:30 PM
Yep. It populates the form with my username
It's always fun to debug php when you forgot make clean…
@RaghavSood Try changing curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); to curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data));
That's my last idea, really
Nope, didn't help
This stopped making sense a while back, I think. Yay cURL
so, how do I get someone to star one of my conversations ;)
@RaghavSood Can you show the full command you are using on the command line (just * out the un/pw)
10:40 PM
I don't know why
But I replaced your cookiefile with a hardcoded cookie again
Like I had in the first request I tried. And now it's working
Except, I need it to work with dynamic cookies, because the hard coded one expires every half hour or so
Well yeh, I thought that
I noticed there are actually 2 cookies though, a session cookie and some kind of ID
Don't know if that's something to prevent hijacking or if it means something else
10:42 PM
in the source there is a input with "testcookie" .. [=
<?hh //strict
interface Comparer<T> {
  public function __invoke(T $a, T $b): int;

class Box<T> {
  public T $property;
  public function __construct(T $property){
    $this->property = $property;

class BoxComparer<T> implements Comparer<Box<T>> {
  public function __invoke(Box<T> $a, Box<T> $b): int {
    if ($a->property < $b->property) {
      return -1;
    } elseif ($b->property < $a->property) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;
Yeah, I don't know why that's there, but even the terminal command fails without it
@LeviMorrison Why I immediately dislike this code… I saw generics…
(saw <?hh)
Night night..
10:45 PM
@LeviMorrison :D
It works now permanently
OpenShift has some really weird issues with filepaths
Movie the cookie file into my api directory has everything working
@LeviMorrison You writing Hack code now?
@bwoebi Generics or not, this shows exactly why my collections don't use a Comparable or Comparer type.
@AndreaFaulds I've dabbled with it since it came out. I've fix a bug in HHVM and reported several more.
@DaveRandom internet makes me sad
@LeviMorrison I should try out HHVM, but doesn't it take hours to build?
10:46 PM
@AndreaFaulds Yeah, building from source is ridiculous. Use builds whenever possible (they do nightlies).
How the hell does anyone work on it if it takes so long to build?
> There is no current prebuilt package. Only a compilation method to get HHVM working on Mac OS X. Compiling is similar to the Linux installation guide.
I'm not sure how the Hack or HHVM team members can be productive.
Even incremental builds are atrocious.
@DaveRandom Thank you so much for all the help! :D Happy to help you back anytime with anything Android related
@LeviMorrison at least I needed 3 minutes to figure out what that little snippet of code does at all.
I guess Zend has a few things still going for it, then.
@LeviMorrison Maybe someone crazy should make a Zend branch that supports Hack.
10:50 PM
@AndreaFaulds I'm not sure how much of the build time is due to templates and such, but that is one worry about C++ over C.
@RaghavSood yw, although I didn't really do anything :-/
@RonniSkansing I'll give it a try, thanks! [:
Basically, I'm just trying use PHP to periodically replace a single image in my Photobucket album incrementally with about 8 other images that are on my server. It's for a domain that allows custom background urls but only allows Photobucket, so I can't simply change the image on my server.
I'm currently trying api-php5-pear, but it seems like it's way more than what I need, and I keep running into issues with it and the OAuth they provide.
Does anyone know of a simple way to just upload a Photobucket image through PHP?
I'm not sure what I did either :P I appreciate the time and effort you've put in, though!
@RaghavSood I think it's likely that your problem is either that the cookie jar isn't behaving properly or you need to go an GET another page before you try and do the POST to get a fresh set of session cookies.
@AndreaFaulds I had to reimplement the whole thing in master because of the different code base… that's why it took me so long now :-(
10:52 PM
@bwoebi It's basically the "formal" equivalent of:
class Box {
  public $property;
  public function __construct($property){
    $this->property = $property;

function compare_box(Box $a, Box $b) {
  if ($a->property < $b->property) {
    return -1;
  } elseif ($b->property < $a->property) {
    return 1;
  } else {
    return 0;
@bwoebi constant array defaults?
@LeviMorrison I got that, but it took me some time to unwind these generics in my head...
@bwoebi I'm curious; why did it take so long?
@bwoebi Thanks for taking the time to fix it :)
@LeviMorrison Comparer<Box<T>> Didn't really get that thing instantly... Until I realized it's a comparer with T = Box<T>...
bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=68446 Funny how Stas just commented a few seconds after I pushed :-D
And now add a test …
10:59 PM
I was just about to say...
Again. Heh.
I just say it because I know that you'd say it otherwise :-P
@Danack E_TZ
@AndreaFaulds done
@bwoebi :-)
^ again?
11:12 PM
@bwoebi UTC4 EVAR
I knew HHVM didn't check function signatures as parameter types at runtime, but I guess Hack doesn't check them either.
I was checking to see if an object that has an __invoke method would pass a (function()) check of the same signature. I was surprised that it did! Well, it looked like it did; turns out they don't check them at all.
11:28 PM
@LeviMorrison Yes, isn't most of Hack's type checking done at compile-time?
Hack's type checker is done offline.
I think HHVM may enforce things differently at runtime if you have strict enabled; I'm not sure.
@LeviMorrison Right, that's what I meant
If anyone ever extends/alters the hh_server and hh_client to support normal PHP inference, I'd just absolutely love that.
(Not exactly sure what I meant by that, though)
@AndreaFaulds So… I just looked at installing HHVM from source on Mac OS X 10.9 and well… I won't be doing that anytime soon.
(I'm on 10.10 anyway, but I figure it would be roughly the same)
@bwoebi Not sure if intentional, but look at HHVM: 3v4l.org/46bPX#vhhvm-301
Also, why on earth did you use the verbiage "type hint" in code?
What the freak were you thinking?
>.< /pet peeve
11:52 PM
@LeviMorrison I only did in commit message… because the error message was talking of "type hint"
@LeviMorrison yeah, they've looked at PHP and copied the same bug...
Yeah, they do that sometimes.
instead of reporting a bug…
Well, they have opened some things as bugs.
@bwoebi I can't remember; would you prefer return types to be 1) covariant at
compile-time with limitations, 2) covariant at runtime or 3) invariant?
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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