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9:34 PM
Ah ding-dang-doo.
@DanLugg async is not so async than I always thought…
@Leigh I don't know if you've followed the arguments for allowing strings in list() but in hindsight I too agree with that change, though my first inclination was to vote against it.
The shortlist:
1) Should work on anything implementing ArrayAccess
2) Strings are currently arrays of characters
3) More code is required to disallow it than to allow it.
4) This is a BC break to remove it, and one I could see in production (who checks the manual when something works without a warning?)
@LeviMorrison I'd maybe ping that to all room 11 voters…
/cc @Ja͢ck @salathe @JoeWatkins
9:42 PM
Also ping @AndreaFaulds
As always you are free to vote how you want; I just thought I'd share why I changed my mind on this one.
10:19 PM
Anyone ever had a form with method=post where reloading the page did not cause a postdata warning (with no redirect)?
Thanks, but I'm not wondering about redirect after post
I have a form that when I watch the inspector on the network tab, data is there, but when I print $_POST, some values aren't there (I'm doing this on the first line of the file)
And I'm having a weird thing where reloading the page isn't causing the postdata popup
is there anything obvious as to why this returns null? github.com/Ralt/php-src/blob/issue-67949_5.6/ext/dom/…
line 1715 is called
@FlorianMargaine Uhm, is it intentional that you destroy the return value before returning it?
@NikiC I don't see how else I can do it :/
I'm in a read_dimension function, I have to return the value
10:35 PM
@FlorianMargaine you probably want to use Z_DELREF_P instead of zval_ptr_dtor there
also your way of copying the zval is wrong
use a macro instead
MAKE_COPY_ZVAL or something like that
@NikiC ah...
@NikiC ok, I'll see what exists. I just reused the existing code for this part tbh :P
@AndreaFaulds I checked, if you want to randomize the HT basically the only option is to switch to SipHash
That's about the only PRF that's fast enough for a hash table and has the necessary cryptographic properties
It's what Ruby uses and Python also uses it since 3.4
If you feel like it, you might try to substitute the current DJBX33A implementation with SipHash24 and see how it performs. Or I'll try it sometime maybe
Are segment sizes in zend_mm always multiples of 1 << 18?
@DaveRandom Band of Brothers. Watched?
Though thinking about it, that only solves the issue for strings, but not for integers. Not sure whether hashing integers is a good idea...
10:49 PM
@NikiC actually, it only gets critical if the integers all have the same value when modulo (table_mask+1)…
and I doubt that this should be too often the case so that it isn't necessary to hash the ints…
11:02 PM
@NikiC Interesting
@bwoebi Hi, sorry
@AndreaFaulds sorry for what?
@bwoebi taking so long to respond, took too long to reload tab
@AndreaFaulds Nobody expects from you to be here 25 hours a day, the minute sleep time subtracted.
@bwoebi Oh sure, but I've been here the whole time, I wasn't unavailable :p
lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_5_6/Zend/zend_alloc.c#ZEND_MM_SEG_SIZE ... there are like a hundred of thousands of macros in that file… takes some time to find values…
11:13 PM
@bwoebi sure, we were talking about hashdos, not accidental collisions
@NikiC well, as long the hash function isn't randomly generated on each install/process/request, it won't help to prevent such hashdos…
@bwoebi No, segment size is configurable
@bwoebi the hash function is keyed
with e.g. a per-process key
but as said, that only goes for strings, I'd have to do more research to see how integers are handled by other implementations
@NikiC you just can pass a pointer to the hashfunction and pass it the sizeof(long)?
It's easy to do… you just would have to measure impact…
easy to do for sure, but I think that would be really really slow
for strings, not such a big problem - after all hashes are cached
but adding an extra hashing step for integers sounds pretty crazy ^^
@NikiC I have no idea how these (caching) mechanisms work exactly, never needed to dig in deeper and their implementation is also spread all over the place…
there are literals, there are interned strings, etc. I don't have any overview over all that caching…
11:24 PM
@bwoebi You should just stop developing for ancient php versions like 5.6
in phpng everything is simple: zend_string has a property storing the hash ^^
@NikiC I will, when I'm finished with phpdbg things.
@bwoebi what'd ya want me for?
@NikiC aren't that also a lot of unneeded hash calculations? Or is hash calculated when needed for the first time
@AndreaFaulds that was related to Levi who forgot to ping you, see the messages above my ping.
@bwoebi yes, first time
@NikiC okay, seems sensible to me. Adding integer hashes there would be crazy, yeah…
11:27 PM
@AndreaFaulds I've been porting fatal errors to exceptions ... I totally feel your pain with bigint tests.
@bwoebi Ah, okie dokie
@NikiC are you now going to change something in your original engine exceptions RFC?
or just put it again to vote, just targeting phpng?
@DaveRandom 5.6 patch done
I won't write a 5.5 one since it's a new feature, and 5.5 is feature frozen
@NikiC How the hell would you implement scalar object handlers in PHP7/ng? We don't store the zval for the object, it's now a zend_object, I think,
By "you" I mean the generic you
@bwoebi For now I'm porting the old code and will additionally add parse exceptions. Then post to ML and see what input there is. Then maybe split into multiple exception types, or not.
11:36 PM
@NikiC Yeah, it's a pain. Now you know why I gave up on the E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR for zpp thing
that breaks literally thousands of tests
@NikiC okay, we'll see :-)
@AndreaFaulds you mean EX(object)?
Just answered something on SO … I have to say, your array expanding feature is really nice. @NikiC +1
@NikiC Oh. I could just make the obj in the call stack be NULL then, and use EX(object)?
@bwoebi I'm not sure that is such a good idea ...
@AndreaFaulds No, I was asking whether you're referring to EX(object) being a zend_object now
or some other place
11:39 PM
@NikiC how do you mean?
@NikiC Oh. No, the callstack. Is that also a zend_object?
@AndreaFaulds what's the callstack?
@NikiC zend_vm_stack_push_call_frame
@bwoebi it's a very weird way to append an array I think ^^
@NikiC you have any better idea how to array_merge() and preserve keys from the first array?
11:41 PM
@AndreaFaulds yes, that's what I meant by EX(object)
EX(This) is still a zval, I assume that's what I think it is
@AndreaFaulds In any case, I don't think it's practical to store it in $this anyway - I had / have a bunch of bugs because of that in the scalar objects ext
@NikiC Hmm, what would you suggest?
I think a more robust (and ng compatible) way to implement it is to just translate it to a static call with the array/string being the first argument
I think that should be very easy to do in ng (unlike previous versions where adding additional arguments is a major PITA)
@NikiC That sounds like a good idea and much saner. Would that permit by-ref?
11:43 PM
@AndreaFaulds nope
by-ref is a nogo generally
good night

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