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10:00 PM
@CSᵠ Not sure I get the question. Why would you do that?
Q: github.com/fabpot/PHP-CS-Fixer code like this isn't meant to be extended?
@TOOTSKI call lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_API.c#1706 directly with a cached key… else you can't ;-) (except just adding the property totally manually without any property handling functions)
@NikiC to not kill the pc/server with a loop running too long doing 'very important business'
a microsecond would give enough time to the cpu to take care of other stuff...
@CSᵠ Still don't get it
root# php -r 'var_dump((object)["" => 1]);'
object(stdClass)#1 (1) {

Notice: Illegal member variable name in Command line code on line 1
10:02 PM
Scheduling is preemptive anyway, so I don't see how the usleep helps
@bwoebi :O 5.6?
@TOOTSKI master.
@NikiC well, it does, i just don't know how to explain, argh
@bwoebi Blah, sent an email to php net address, so you can see what I'm trying (too long for here)
@TOOTSKI I'm Bob, not Joe? oO
10:06 PM
@bwoebi Nice to meet you :D Sent it to Joe earlier.
@bwoebi Both are three letters. Basically the same
php -r "echo levenshtein('bob', 'joe');"
Only two letters.
@NikiC And Nikita and Bob are also basically the same? Letter count mod 3 is zero!
10:09 PM
@bwoebi Well, we can at least agree that '0Bob' == '0Nikita' ...
I totally spammed @NikiC too.
I'm not sure which one is the bug… my example with the object cast or the json one ;-) But it's inconsistent.
And we're talking about PHP. So it must be a feature.
I mean, the entire object property stuff. No one actually knows how that works :D
@TOOTSKI just understand source.
10:11 PM
Yeah, that will take time...
So guys, whenever you change something, you need to compile?
Oh, my...
well. We don't compile. We just make it compile.
> alias everyfuckingtime = "./vcsclean && ./buildconf && ./configure && make -j8"
@TOOTSKI @bwoebi The array -> object and object -> array casts are buggy as far as I'm concerned. (But BC and all. The evil ORM folk actively use those bugs.)
Whether the actual prohibition of empty object properties makes sense is another question. Anyone know why that was done?
10:15 PM
I was looking it more because of consistency in json_*, Ilia "fixed bug" for array, but that is valid for objects too.
You can make empty object property and you can't, at the same time.
21 hours ago, by TOOTSKI
root@tootski:/opt/php-src# ./sapi/cli/php json.php
Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /opt/php-src/json.php on line 4
This is when I tried to var_dump it.
Well that's just f* mad.
@bwoebi got totally different message. (oh, notice)
@NikiC What do you mean with buggy? The ones with protected/private? I consider them a feature… or something else?
@NikiC good question…
@JoeWatkins yay for $argv passing in phpdbg from command line or phpdbg prompt: github.com/krakjoe/phpdbg/commit/…
10:30 PM
That's also where I encountered previously that bug with _update/_add… Now $argc will be wrong until next micro release… (is fine with master now)
@tereško I hadn't. Sounds pretty epic.
@Fabien it seems like a good alternative for X4, which looks like a disaster
Wonder how they'll manage a never-ending environment
@bwoebi if I shove what you've told me here, you think it would work?
To set property with empty name. /cc @NikiC
10:39 PM
@TOOTSKI Why do you even want to do that?
nobody decodes json to objects.
HAH. Still?
Object oriented programming, have you heard it?
@TOOTSKI object oriented programming is not no-array oriented programming
Sigh to you, Sir :)
Now, where do I obtain this so called z_key...
give that up, please oO
just call it _empty_
Stop ruining my dreams :'(
OK :)
Z_OBJ_HANDLER_P(root, write_property)(root, (key->len ? key->c : "_empty_"), z_key, (key->len ? (key->len + 1) : sizeof("_empty_")), child TSRMLS_CC);
10:49 PM
const π="3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679";
@CSᵠ is M_PI not exact enough?
@bwoebi nope, because it's (float)
and that's a string to the hundred`th decimal
anyway, who ever needs more than 6 decimals...
They always say, finance, but that's not true.
fiancee, yes, no, please, what?
10:58 PM
I've used 4 decimals for millions of $ and error was marginal.
Why is it so useful to have php-src access as extension dev? You can just put there and there little changes to give your extension more possibilities :-)
@bwoebi Ask the elders, hehe.
And btw. static functions suck. Always when I need them I only realize they're static when linker fails…
I wouldn't know ^^
@bwoebi what's a better way to speak out loud 'object operator' / 'linker'
i use the sound of 'na' :lol
11:03 PM
Laughing so hard at this @bwoebi
> this definitely need a RFC
Hi :) I'm trying to find out how to let a html element depend on a PHP object. A concrete example would be to set the innerHTML of a paragraph to an objects string member, when some event fires. Can someone point me in the right direction? :)
You can write shitload of code and still doesn't need RFC, and then, this :D
@Kensing maybe you should use javascript?
I will use JS for the event handling
and the binding to the html element
11:06 PM
but I'm not sure how to change the html to bind to a new PHP object
learn about event bubbling
maybe I'm not explaining it right, just a sec
I would have a paragraph that displays a string member of object A, and when an event fires, it should instead displays the string member of object B
@Kensing You realize php is serverside right?
11:10 PM
@PeeHaa Not knowing that would most likely mean also not knowing what server side is.
are you saying I shouldn't be using PHP at all for this?
@Kensing I'd elaborate more on what you're trying to do.
11:13 PM
@RonniSkansing get your cat off the keyboard
all right, let me think how to explain it best :)
Can someone take a look at PHP-CS-Fixer and suggest how to extend Fixer classes? I can't understand quite clearly.
I'm guessing it doesn't have to be cascading, just extend wherever because of include_path.
@TOOTSKI Extend how?
So I would need to override that class (or whatever), not sure how
11:16 PM
I'm not going to help you with converting shit to two spaces instead of the proper 4 man!
But it's tooo long :D
Moment let me see
That's OKish, I can't stand 8 spaces.
@TOOTSKI primitive beginnings
@TOOTSKI if your code is nested deeper then two levels, then your code is shit
also, I need to sleep, bye
11:18 PM
Mine is not, but I can't force others, night.
Use tab for spaces?
@PeeHaa Thank you, I'm guessing when I composer that it should be in /vendor/lib/Symfony and I should just create \MyNamespace\Fixer\Shit and load that somehow.
@3ventic Are you trying to get beaten?
Maybe. I don't know.
Am I?
to give you the big picture.... I have a set of story objects, for which the logic is coded in PHP. These are displayed on the middle of my page, and I want to allow users to flip through stories with the click of a button (I do the event handling in JS). My question is this: How do I bind the PHP object array in my JS code so I can choose which to display when the event fires?
11:20 PM
@3ventic Tabs are out of question :P
Most editors I've used let you press the tab button to create spaces instead of tabs
@3ventic just use tabs. They're optimal. And ... shut up @NikiC!
@bwoebi LOL
You boys are looking for trouble.
I'm using them all the time. I never have problems with them.
I started using that feature when I came across a file format that required 4 spaces as indentation.
11:22 PM
actual tabs are good in "tabular data" files!
The only no-go is using tabs for fine-grained alignment...
As long as you implement the FixerInterface you can add custom fixers, but I don't see a way to unregister fixers
tabs wouldn't do, less spaces wouldn't do
So you might want to overwrite / extend / whatever this
@PeeHaa Oh, sorry, I'm blind. I need to checkout first to see if it gives me only Symfony folder or the upper one (with config) too.
I'm new at this, bare with me :D
11:24 PM
@RonniSkansing did I explain it well enough? :)
composer.json  composer.lock  vendor
@PeeHaa yeah, I guess I need /app now and stuff.
I'll just copy structure from one of your repos :P
Looking over Requestable and PitchBlade helped me.
Now I am busy butchering it with my own code.
11:30 PM
Don't get too horny.
I reckon by about the time I finish this project PeeMS will come out and nullify all my hard work.
Did you people also get a request to fill out a survey from a researcher based on github profile?
> As part of a research team at TU Delft in the Netherlands, I am looking for
active GitHub users for a survey. We are interested on how people do distributed
software development through pull requests. Through my data, I noticed you are...
11:33 PM
Can always reply saying 'time is money'.
cc @lusitanian ^
@Fabien Neh opening it now and if it isn't stupid will fill it in
> 6. Which project repository do you mainly handle pull requests for (e.g. rails/rails)?
Wut? Only one? :(
@PeeHaa Nope, maybe 'cause you're from NL.
it would seem you guys are all out of my league :) good evening!
Well.. we are pretty attractive but maybe you have a nice personality.
@Kensing looks into xhr or ajax as the cool kids call it
11:36 PM
@Kensing Think along the lines of a page in PHP which loads stories based on URL. Use ajax to contact that url and get the appropriate story.
Why do xhr/ajax include the term XML even when mostly you transfer something else like JSON?
@bwoebi Because of Microsoft Office. Seriously.
and btw. ajax is so 2012. Websockets ftw.
@Danack wut. explain?
11:40 PM
@bwoebi because microsoft thought xml was totally enterprise at the time they invented it
(Trying to find the link)
Why did ruining the OS of most PC not suffice to Microsoft?
@Fabien all right, so I'm on the right track I believe ( jsfiddle.net/MkYA6 ). Just the object passing that has me stumped, as I can't find equivalent or strval/intval. Can it be done with json_encode/json_decode?
Are you using jQuery at all on the site?
not more than you see in that fiddle as of now
meant to say the object equivalent of strval()/intval()
11:50 PM
@bwoebi Can't find the link following is approximately correct. Basically doing async shit in the browser was invented by Microsoft, however for whatever reason the IE team didn't want to include it, but the Microsoft Office guys needed a way of pulling in data remotely from websites. So it got included as XMLHttpRequest as the Office guys were only pulling in XML from the server.
And Ajax is just 'Asynchronous JavaScript and XML' as it predates the widespread use of Json.
XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is an API available to web browser scripting languages such as JavaScript. It is used to send HTTP or HTTPS requests to a web server and load the server response data back into the script. Development versions of all major browsers support URI schemes beyond http: and https:, in particular, blob: URLs are supported. The name was standardized to XMLHttpRequest for compatibility. It may be misleading, in particular because any textual data may be received from the server, not just XML. Data are also commonly received as JSON, HTML, or as plain text. Data from the resp...
Thank you for the info :-)
That's the guy who's responsible ^
ty, that's the one I was looking for @PeeHaa
What would you say is a good pattern to follow for user roles?
11:54 PM
"the thing is mostly about HTTP and doesn't have any specific tie to XML other than that was the easiest excuse for shipping it so I needed to cram XML into the name"
@PeeHaa wow such website much sunset
@Fabien They should follow real world employment titles where possible - though you may need to provide more context.
More along a CMS basis
Some people will publish content, some will be able to change site design. Some with limited content.

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