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1:00 PM
> the latest efforts to make PHP more secure
^^ which are?
@rdlowrey Sauce?
So ... like ... my TLS PRs? :)
1:08 PM
Is that in yet?
/ RFCed yet?
@JonyKale I stopped reading at "Manuel Lemos".
@PeeHaa I've had several PRs for general TLS fixes and improvements merged. @dattibaw has had some nice ones merged as well. I need to actually initialize the voting process on the peer verification RFC.
@rdlowrey Is there already a conclusion about including the ca cert bundle again?
I really haven't opened internals for a long time
lol me neither -- I've been totally off-grid for a month.
1:12 PM
The feeling I got before was that people were opposed to bundling a ca cert but in favor of making it secure by default.
For some reason that leaves me with the image if you with hobo-gloves and an unruly beard
BTW @rdlowrey offtopic, but related: slashdot.org/story/13/11/17/2330210/…
I combined the two and went for the hobo-beard.
heh. sounds sweet.
1:14 PM
So the manual would need to be updated to explain to people why you need a ca file and how to procure one if you want https:// client functionality (or just disable the feature).
@rdlowrey Yes it is an recurring topic. One which I have been bitten with in the past
mornin guys!
But the current functionality is really no better than zero encryption. At least that change will force people to learn about what's really going on when they type https://
monning @reikyoushin
was sick for 4 days.. T-T
1:16 PM
I now am enjoying my first day off in 1 1/2 year
I'm pumped about getting TLSv1.1 and 1.2 support merged. That's a big deal for my aerys server.
@PeeHaa Very nice!
Previously the openssl extension would segfault if you tried to use it with underlying OpenSSL libs that were recent enough to support TLSv1.1/2
Define recent
stable debian recent?
1.0.1 -- most distros come with openssl 1.0.0.
1:19 PM
ah k
aerys is...?
BTW you have a fan github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib/issues/… @rdlowrey
But if you want security against things like governments then you really need to be using 1.0.1 (for TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2)
@PeeHaa hah, nice.
@Fabien It's my (currently) closed-source, high-performance http and websocket server written in php. I've been working on it for about a year.
1:21 PM
Sounds promising.
What's a good resource to learn more about http and websockets in general?
You're going to hate this answer, but:
2616 :P
and 6455 :P
1:22 PM
Dangit. Too slow.
I need to get around to implementing artax in the twitter-api-php lib
Good lawd!
I initially thought... "The scroll bar isn't too big..."
If you want to really know and understand HTTP/websockets the only thing to do is to study those RFCs. Period.
Related: I fucking hate reading and understanding rfcs
@PeeHaa It's an awful thing to do to yourself, TBH.
1:24 PM
I just want to understand the importance of them. Things that help me as a programmer.
The only way I'm able to make myself slog through RFCs is to actually implement the relevant protocols. Otherwise they're just a cure for insomnia.
It's like an internal keyword score. I hear it enough I start to wonder what it 'really' is.
sockets/websockets are way up there.
state is too.
Well the easiest way to describe websockets is probably ...
HTTP is stateless, right? We want a way to communicate between clients and servers that doesn't involve a new HTTP request.
1:29 PM
We could do the same thing with lots of ajax or long-polling but there's high overhead involved and most http servers aren't designed with that kind of load in mind.
So we created this other protocol (websockets) that eliminates HTTP overhead and allows us to push/pull data from either end.
Ah I see.
@Jimbo Nonsense. You only say that because the existing php websocket options suck and when you played with mine it was really far from mature :)
1:31 PM
Isn't there an issue with having too many open sockets?
if that's the correct phraseology
Like mysql 1040 :P
@rdlowrey I really liked how yours was going though. I'll switch over when it's ready... I tried adding you to the seedstream repo so you can see how I'm using websockets, but DaveRandom is the owner so can't. Edit, I shared it on bitbucket if you want to take a look
That reminds me...
Congratulations and good luck to @DaveRandom who starts his new job today!
@Fabien Not if you use a single-process event-driven server. Traditional threaded approaches (like PHP web-SAPI) aren't capable of doing that.
@Fabien but that was a big motivation for why I created my own -- I wanted to do websockets using the same php application that serves my HTTP resources.
1:34 PM
help, a password hash function shouldn't give different results every time, r-right?
I var_dump( hash('Ashelin') ); twice and both keep giving me different results
@DarkAshelin It's supposed to do that, lol (it's creating a new, random salt each time)
@Jimbo I honestly won't get to it in the next couple of days because I have a backlog of work to catch up on from my sabbatical but I do think it's a really interesting project that I want to help with once I finalize all my aerys things.
@rdlowrey Implemented something like that last weekend, only experimental however
My first websocket application
@rdlowrey Sounds pretty cool. I'll read more in to it and look forward to aerys. Your code is a great resource for newbs like me looking for SOLID code example.
@Jimbo then how do I compare if a password is correct?
1:36 PM
PHP is at a severe disadvantage when it comes to websockets because they rely on an initial HTTP upgrade. This isn't a problem in other languages where fully mature HTTP implementations exist, but due to PHP's lifelong reliance on third-party web servers it lacks good HTTP server libs.
@DarkAshelin Usually there's something like a password_verify() function, like that within the password_compat db. See this
The hard part is fully supporting HTTP/1.1 ...
And implementing HTTP is not really fun ...
^^ that.
@Jimbo possible I don't have the password_verify function? it's not autocompleting
1:39 PM
@DarkAshelin Yeah, it's only in PHP 5.5. You'll need ircmaxells password_compat lib. Then when you upgrade to php 5.5, you just remove the lib and it'll still all work
(5.5 has the same functions within it, this just provides backward compatibility for those functions)
@Jimbo I don't understand how my login function was previously working. can u take a look at my code? It's Yii
@DarkAshelin I've never used Yii unfortunately
@rdlowrey which event loop do you use?
@ThomasWeinert mine
1:41 PM
There were several features that I needed for my HTTP server that simply didn't exist anywhere else so I had to roll my own.
In particular, disabling/reenabling scheduled events and the ability to have more than one "watcher" callback on a specific IO stream were important to me.
yay \o/
gz :D
@rdlowrey so libevent and streamselect at the moment?
1:44 PM
For example ... in my HTTP server if the maximum configured number of clients is reached I need to pause new client acceptance without stopping the server. So I call $newClientWatcher->pause() when I hit the limit and then $newClientWatcher->resume() when someone disconnects.
stream_select() works really well if you don't need to handle more than a couple hundred concurrent streams/sockets and it's nice to have the same interface for both so you can slot the lib in regardless of the environment.
libevent seems not working on windows at the moment, adding a stream resource event seems to crash the loop :-) i am still debugging it
same problem in reactphp and my own implementation
I have had success with libevent in windows FWIW ...
0.5.0, 0.4.0 crashed on GC
what's the error? Does it have to do with closures being destroyed?
1:48 PM
yes, segfault
0.5.0 the problem is gone, but I can't add a stream reader
I haven't tested in windows lately but I've recently switched back to win for my desktop so I may be of help if you continue having problems.
@rdlowrey I will add your loop to my implementation (like I did with reactphp) and check
Cool. Lemme know if it solves your issue (or if it fails spectacularly).
@rdlowrey it would allow to use arduino with aerys
lol arduino is the first thing I want to do once I finalize aerys v0.1.0!
1:58 PM
@rdlowrey I implemented Firmata for PHP and started developing device classes
@ThomasWeinert oooooh is that open source? How mature? Are you going to continue development?
yes (MIT) and yes
@rdlowrey my brain has gone blank, did/do you have an example on github showing websockets and https requests using the same event loop?
@salathe Yeah I did, but my repo has all it's innards ripped out at the moment (I'm in the midst of some refactoring) so I can't slap one online just now :/
@rdlowrey s/spectacularly/fabulously
2:01 PM
@tereško alliteration FTW!
@rdlowrey sounds... painful
You just know a spec is going to suck when it starts out with:
> The original community specification used a somewhat different
terminology that maps to this specifications as follows (original
community terms provided on left):
@PeeHaa oh god.
@ThomasWeinert woot!
2:03 PM
@salathe basically the http server and the websocket server have to add their respective events to the same event loop
is @DaveRandom now doing something useful or still making websites ?
@ThomasWeinert yes the concept is easy enough, I just wanted @rdlowrey's example code
@tereško Says the one without a job :P
@rdlowrey video is at the end of the post
2:05 PM
@salathe like, the example of how it's used?
@rdlowrey I have never used your libraries before, I just remember an example existing and figured it would be a good quickstart.
I'm just wanting to use websockets for something, and it's either react/ratchet or yours
Well TBH my server stuff is still constantly in flux (and behind a private repo besides), so you couldn't really use it at the moment anyway :)
but if your repo's a mess, probably not yours :P
My goal is "public before christmas"
ratchet it is then
2:09 PM
@salathe Is what I did, but I'll be switching over after
Good morning
@Jimbo yeah exactly, it shouldn't be any bother switching over at a later point
good mornings
Morning @ircmaxell @hakre
Hi @PeeHaa!
I love this site! It's amazing! Thank you so much!
Anyone have a clue why PhpStorm is producing this error: Expected \Swift_Mime_Message, got \Swift_Mime_MimePart for the var $message in the last line of this code:
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
    ->setSubject('[Contact Form] Message From ' . $contactId)

/** @var $app \Swift_Mailer[] */
@crypticツ Presumable ->setBody returns a mimepart?
@ircmaxell Morning. How is "lame-duck-but-still-getting-paid" status suiting you? Is it awesome? Because it sounds awesome.
2:21 PM
It's half amazeballs, and half ulcer-inducing
@Danack I'm following the same code as the Silex docs says to use, and the code works fine and sends the email, I think maybe my \Swift_Mailer[] comment might be wrong. I did get_class() for $app['mailer'] to get it.
@crypticツ The example is probably wrong:
   /* @return Swift_Mime_MimePart
    public function setBody($body, $contentType = null, $charset = null)
Or you've just failed at copy+pasta. The example here does:
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance();
The 'fluent' style functions don't return the same type as they're called with.
So this way is sending a different type silex.sensiolabs.org/doc/providers/swiftmailer.html#usage than if I didn't chain with the instance call? @Danack
yep, that was it. The error is fixed.
Is this a bug of some sort?
@crypticツ Yeah, that example looks bogus.
ping @igorw read above
Ah - I'll just open an issue.
I'm too lazy =o(
Yo dawg I herd you like RFC's so I link to RFC's in my RFC's which link to RFC's so you can follow links to RFC's while reading RFC's by following RFC's #rabbit-hole
2:37 PM
Just came back from the JavaScript room... felt like I was in a room full of tereško's :X
5 upvotes in less than a minute.. cool? stackoverflow.com/questions/20050365/closures-with-php
@MackieeE LOL.. :P
Just been made redundant.
Awesome :(
@Fabien :(
Really.. ?
@Fabien You been there over two years or?
Sorry to hear that, sounded like you were learning a lot dude.
2:39 PM
@reikyoushin Similarly odd voting: stackoverflow.com/questions/20045026/…
I went over to the JS room once. One guy was friendly, the other one was a mod who wanted to argue with everyone
@MackieeE 11 months
Oh that sucks :(
sorry to hear dude
Yeah, it was a good job. C'est la vie.
@Danack now it has 7 upvotes.. WTH >.<
2:41 PM
Went through that myself a few months back
I'm glad to have had the opportunity
Is it a pretty big company?
Can someone explain me in short words what Dependency Injection causes & how to prevent it? I've read about it and didn't understand, even watched a video
I know it's something to do with constructors
I've had 3 development jobs including this one and been made redundant from 2. heh.
2:41 PM
@JonyKale try asking google..
Nah, it's a small company.
5 people.
> what Dependency Injection causes & how to prevent it?
@reikyoushin why?
Well, often the IT and Marketing are the first to be fired.. it's hard to see an actual business value in these departments
why would you prevent dependency injection? i thought most of the time it's good.. or have i been confused again?
2:42 PM
Oh god, the quotes in here are awesome today
@JonyKale Because you continuously ask dumb questions that you could find the answers for from google.
btw, i didn't star that XP
@reikyoushin By the way, I think those quirky coding questions always get the highest type of votes on SO
@MackieeE seems the end of the world is really near... ^_^
That's almost as good as the guy who asked about mysql injection
2:45 PM
i REALLY don't get what's in the mind of those 7 people who upvoted this
@Fabien Look on the brightside dude! new challenges await!
@reikyoushin yes, we get it :) also, nobody wants to close it apparently.
@crypticツ Actually - that code works 'for me', even though it looks like it shouldn't. What version silex and swiftmailer are you using?
@MackieeE Yeah. I do have some backup options too. Not great ones but better than nothing.
2:54 PM
I'm considering applying at Amazon
@SweetieBelle Now that would be cool :)
@MackieeE Well apparently they use a lot of perl. Just happens to be my best lang. :P
And I've seen you chat a bit about Perl on here.. so you'd be at home :P
Perl is by far my favorite language.
I program for a team of 3 people, I really can't imagine what programming with hundreds of other developers must be like
2:57 PM
I work in a pod of 8
and we have 4 pods
That's a nice size!
Ish.. :| Well, alot of learning and bouncing off ideas between each other or.. very individual?

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