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4:08 PM
@MarkR Part of your responsibilities is doing tech hires right?
@MarkR How do you define these two terms? They're often used synonymously. In explain in the RFC why I believe readonly + withers are a bad solution to this problem, especially for growable data structures.
5:00 PM
@IluTov DTOs + value objects? Generally the DTOs involve some element of hydration/serialization, value object is probably not the most precise term to use, but if I had an object representing, say, a prepared email message, that was passed between components, immutable, having the withers enforces the immutability, it's less of a factor on DTOs although plenty of those are read-only too, but generally they're unchanged after setup or hydration
if there was clone with { ... } i'd expect the withers to go away, although in some cases they can be handy, i.e. our value object representing an email requires setting to email + name at the same time
5:21 PM
I'd rather have Foo {...$foo1, field: $value} syntax than clone with.
The clone with syntax always looks really weird to me.

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