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12:09 AM
gn yo
12:26 AM
function compareTo($other){
    if($this->isNumeric() !== $other->isNumeric()){
        return $this->isNumeric() ? -1 : 1;
    }elseif($this->isNumeric() && $other->isNumeric()){
        return (int)$this->toText() <=> (int)$other->toText();
        return (string)$this->toText() <=> (string)$other->toText();
Do not use <=>
function compareTo($other){
    $otherIterator = $other->values()->getIterator();
    foreach($this->values() as $thisValue){
            return 1;
        $compare = $thisValue <=> $otherIterator->current();
        if($compare !== 0){
            return $compare;
        return -1;
    return 0;
and right?
sorry for the wall.
@bwoebi i'll use php 6
... why not? :B
ah, i'm a massive idiot
ok now it works :P
it's 2 decades that i use windows. i still have no idea what's the best way to set the page file. should reboot now...
1 hour later…
1:44 AM
It's so quiet on internals … no mails about typed props since 7.5h…
Today's Champions League's Final! \o/
2:08 AM
!!rfc closurefromcallable
100% makes me so happy :)
2:27 AM
@littlepootis 'nin
2:47 AM
2 hours later…
4:37 AM
@lvk new to the chat lol
@fyrye, phpinfo is here: ckox.sourceforge.net/-.
Everything is okay.
@lvk checking for potential issues, did any of my test scripts work?
@fyrye, I did all.
@lvk the first example failed?
4:44 AM
@fyrye, No, the first works well. But, the second doesn't work.
@lvk interesting, what mp4 are you attempting to download?
@lvk reason I ask, is a lot of server's are implementing session detection, and will output an empty file if unable to validate the session to prevent XSS.
@lvk Try with the MP4 I linked as well, if you haven't already.
@fyrye, I have tried with Google logo (google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/…); but, I failed.
@lvk I do not see any issues in your phpinfo specifically that would cause it. You will be limited to 32MB in size or 30 seconds, before it stops processing.
@fyrye, But, Google logo is small file.
@fyrye, I have edited some values ($output_path, $out_file, $source). But, Google logo is not uploaded.
@fyrye, Your script shows: "No Content Received".
4:55 AM
@fyrye, I have tried with your link; but, your script still shows: "No Content Received".
@lvk Ok so you are failing to receive any file from the external link.
@fyrye, I think so.
@lvk Here is my same exact script with the mp4, I added a section at the top that checks to see if it already exists and stop processing if it does
@lvk Ok I see it created for you
@fyrye, Yes, torntech.com/test/upload.php works well on its own server.
@lvk it's shared hosting on Apache with PHP 5.3, like sourceforge.
@lvk I don't have admin rights, just my own web directory
@lvk The fact the text file example works, means that everything is fine, just your ability to read content from external hosts.
5:02 AM
them pings
@fyrye, Ability to read content from external hosts?
@fyrye, Have you test on SourceForge?
@lvk try var_dump(file_get_contents('http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4')‌​); and tell me what it says.
5:05 AM
Gm all
@lvk or link it to me
posted on May 28, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Feeds I don't get it
I want to ask can anyone tell me why this class is not showing any function lists in notepad++ ??

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Students extends Admin_Controller
	function __construct()
		$language = $this->session->userdata('lang');
		$this->lang->load('message', $language);
		$this->data["title"] 			= "Home";
@fyrye, bool(false).
5:09 AM
@lvk Ok so that means it is enabled, but just couldn't read the file, NULL would mean they disabled it.
@lvk On the same page, replace that with var_dump(ini_get('allow_url_fopen')); and tell me the result
@lvk allow_url_fopen = 0 or off is normally the only setting that would prevent you from reading a file from a URL.
@fyrye, string(1) "1".
@PraveenKumar if you want nice code insights, use PHPStorm...
Or vim
vim knows php's built-in functions
@lvk ok that matches your phpinfo. Ok well we know it is NOT write permission since the text file example worked. You are unable to read external URLs, so you can update your question. Lets try one more test.
@Saitama thanks for that but pre-made classes shows function lists Whenever create my own it shows nothing in functions list...
5:15 AM
@fyrye, I have no administrative permission for editing the php.ini file.
@lvk manually upload the MP4 I linked to your SFTP server, to a directory that you can access via URL. (like I did with my test). Then create a script to save the mp4 to a DIFFERENT directory using file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/new_file_name.mp4', 'http://ckox.sourceforge.net/bunny.mp4');
Expected behavior
@lvk don't need to
Jun 10 '15 at 7:51, by Joe Watkins
why use notepad when you can carve and paint code on the wall of your cave using the bones and blood of your enemies ...
@littlepootis whats the full form of vim ??
5:18 AM
@lvk found the issue, sourceforge.net/p/forge/site-support/6333 They use a firewall and it is not possible
@PraveenKumar very irritating modal editor
@Google Congrats :D
@fyrye, My uploaded file (MP4) has been move to new directory.
5:21 AM
They should ditch JVM
they use Dalvik, not JVM afaik
@lvk See sourceforge.net/p/forge/documentation/… - They use a firewall to block external connections, so you can not accomplish what you would like to do.
@Saitama Nice quote needs to be framed at my wall ;)
@Saitama the entire ecosystem, I mean
5:24 AM
@fyrye, There is no way to solve my problem?
it's not really true that they don't use jvm, they absolutely require the JVM to go to market
@lvk if you want to make a request outside of your shared hosting look at github.com/pear/HTTP_Request2 may be that can be of some use
their hardware uses dalvik, but the ecosystem very much does depend on jvm ...
@lvk Correct, they block the physical communication of your script to other domains by using a hardware-level firewall like a SonicWall or other UTM hardware.
@PraveenKumar, Have you read all my chat-text with @fyrye?
5:28 AM
verdict is correct anyway, allowing anyone to patent interfaces is craziness ... and would make life pretty difficult for projects like PHP ... it's a win for everyone for sure ...
@fyrye, If I use a pay-hosting service, everything will be okay?
@lvk Nope just putting my nose there ;) sorry if made an offence
@PraveenKumar No worries, you were just trying to help.
@PraveenKumar, No worries. Thank you for your goodness!
@fyrye, Thank you for your help!
any wordpress developer here?
5:31 AM
@lvk No problem, sorry I could not be of more help.
@GovindKumar I have written a few themes and plugins for Wordpress.
@lvk If you could accept my updated answer for my troubles, it would be most appreciated! :)
Thanks for the reply @fyrye actually i want to create custom tag plugin which will search all post type's post using single or more tag.. do you have any idea how can it will be done?
@GovindKumar Have you written a Wordpress plugin before, or are you looking more for it to function only on your theme?
@fyrye yes, i attach default tag taxonomy (post_tag) to all custom post type, now i want to search only particular post type's post using tag.

eg. site.com/custom-post-type/tag/anytag
it must list all that particular post of that custom post type tagwise.
encode php files ?
as for the ability to search for posts types and tags you would do something like `$args=array(
'tag__in' => [],
'post_type' => $post_type
5:41 AM
but if i want to pass post type using the url
so you're having issues with parsing the request? `add_action( 'parse_request', 'get_post_type' );` `function get_post_type( $query ) {
echo $query->query_vars['post_type'] }`
@fyrye Thanks for the reply, but this is not that much helpful , is there any way to make custom permalink to get data according to url query variable .
i want something like this,
example.com/custom-post-type/tags/tag1/tag2/tag3... so on
@littlepootis oh...
5:58 AM
@GovindKumar not sure I am following the specific issue you're having in regards to the final result you're after. Sorry and good luck.
6:16 AM
I'm having a really annoying issue (again) with opcache
if I remove zend_extension=/...full path.../opcache.so it doesn't load
if I add it, it adds twice
thus I get cannot load opcache - already loaded error on 7.0.6
there's no other php.ini nowhere else
by twice I mean this:
Zend OPcache

[Zend Modules]
Zend OPcache
6:36 AM
did you check
Configuration File (php.ini)
Loaded Configuration File
Scan this dir for additional .ini files
what's your configure?
yes it's just one single ini file loaded there, 1min
it's 4am, still so early to touch this stuff for me I feel
on windows i'm not required to add --enable-opcache, as it's enabled by default
try checking help
or try --enable-opcache=shared ? but just guessing
alright thanks
lol, did it work?
i'm accidentally useful
nah, but I'm giving a few more tries as it seems this is gonna take a few more makes
so I'm waiting :p
time for coffee..
7:00 AM
it's normal for opcache to show as zend extension and zend module
also, it's always shared, can't be built statically
morning joe
1 hour later…
8:20 AM
sorry I had an annoying long call, thanks @JoeWatkins I see. correct me if I'm wrong when --enable'd these are compiled into shared objects in /modules... and I should be using that as the .so path?
you should make install
I do
you can use relative path for ze, if it's installed in the correct place ...
@NikiC is there any way to add some more routes, after creating the initial dispatcher...
For example I have this dispatcher:
$dispatcher = \FastRoute\simpleDispatcher(function(\FastRoute\RouteCollector $r) {
    $r->addRoute("GET", "/", function (Request $request) {
        // Do stuff...
hi guys! I am curious if any one of you knows any good search engine for php
or should I implement it myself? if yes, what is the best way of managing something like this given my configuration: hhvm and mysql
8:26 AM
so, after that initialisation, is there can I add some more routes?
@Saitama I don't know how to help you, sorry
do you have any idea about my problem thogh
No I was actually asking it to Nikita...
$dispatcher = FastRoute\simpleDispatcher(function(FastRoute\RouteCollector $r) {
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/users', 'get_all_users_handler');
    // {id} must be a number (\d+)
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:\d+}', 'get_user_handler');
    // The /{title} suffix is optional
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/articles/{id:\d+}[/{title}]', 'get_article_handler');
no I mean...
$dispatcher = FastRoute\simpleDispatcher(function(FastRoute\RouteCollector $r) {
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/users', 'get_all_users_handler');
    // {id} must be a number (\d+)
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:\d+}', 'get_user_handler');
    // The /{title} suffix is optional
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/articles/{id:\d+}[/{title}]', 'get_article_handler');

// Add a new route into the dispatcher...
// Dunno.. if this is possible... or maybe there is a way...
$dispatcher->addRoute("GET", "/newROute", function($blah){ return  "abc"; });
afk for a while.. bbl
8:37 AM
^ this
There's no way to do it that I can see without extending the dispatcher
but it's not really something you should ever need to do
colophon: a publisher's or printer's distinctive emblem, used as an identifying device on its books and other works.
9:08 AM
@Saitama Only possible if you keep around the RouteCollector instance and then create a new dispatcher every time you add a route
@Saitama Here's some code: github.com/nikic/FastRoute/issues/62
However, I don't know what this would be good for ... seems really odd to me
9:24 AM
Which one?
- what a nice gift.
- such a nice gift.
9:44 AM
guys, I have a table user. I want to enable full-text search for it. I am not sure how to prepare the table for this matter. I want to search in columns first, last, username. I saw something on the ALTER TABLE documentation, but MySQL documentation is pretty useless often
Morning php peoples!!!11
I spotted a wild @Gordon
anybody, please?
@NikiC Thanks! Looks great!
@Jimbo right one is Gordon ?
10:05 AM
wow @Gordon, you met Justin Beiber!
Can somebody help me, this code is derived from my jsp project and I'm converting it to php. if( $_SESSION["role"]==("superadmin"))
@NikiC did you ask them to shut up ?
if( $_SESSION["role"]==("superadmin"))
I like to do an if statement to the role variable that if it is a certain value.
where u at @Jimbo ?
10:20 AM
@WTFZane if( $_SESSION["role"]=="superadmin")
@PraveenKumar does everytime i call a variable in a session i will include a $_SESSION?
Morning - can anyone help me with doctrine
how can i do like query inside the many to one attribute
inner join?
at the moment my dql look like
SELECT venue FROM ElementaryAdmin\application\model\entity\venue venue WHERE venue.building LIKE '%f%' OR venue.street LIKE '%f%' OR venue.city LIKE '%f%' OR venue.contactNumber LIKE '%f%' OR venue.pointOfContact LIKE '%f%' ORDER BY venue.building ASC
but i have attribute called country
which is id here but name on the country table
@WTFZane can you help?
sorry i cant understand what you want to do
please explain it well
10:35 AM
ok i have the venue entity
and the country entity
venue entity have attribute called $country
@FaizRasool You can explain that in one message
@MorganTouvereyQuilling sorry man
 * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="country", inversedBy="id")
protected $country;
i want to make the DQL query to search(LIKE) both in country and the venue
@WTFZane does it make sense dude?
@WTFZane Yes every time oe you can make a function which gives you true or false based on your conditions
@JoeWatkins yah. looks like they did ^^
I didn't bother writing lester of course
@Saitama just use as many dispatchers as you need.....and chain them togther yourself.
10:45 AM
@Shafizadeh Yep!
@JoeWatkins PHPucEU in Majorca :)
@Danack hmm... good idea...
i have explained my whole question here, can any one help me. stackoverflow.com/questions/37498119/doctrine-like-dql
11:26 AM
@NikiC hehe … Is all hope lost there?
@bwoebi yeah ...
gdb always crashing when debugging vm :/
especially exception handling
probably it can't deal with global registers or something
11:42 AM
@NikiC Perhaps try lldb then
@bwoebi setting a breakpoint two lines into opcode handlers tends to work ^^
@NikiC but not on the function itself?
@bwoebi yeah, sometimes that doesn't work
if I set a breakpoint on HANDLE_EXCEPTION it'll catch a sigsegv when stepping
Well, in my experience lldb is more stable. The only segfaults I have with it is sometimes inproper cleanup of watchpoints into mmap()'ed memory after the run which then crashes the next run … but that's not a big issue because USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0
@bwoebi does lldb also have a working assembly view?
The one in gdb is super super unstable
11:55 AM
@NikiC Never had real problems with it
It typically doesn't survive more than a few minutes
dis -n func
@bwoebi I mean layout asm
@NikiC o_O
disassembly is not a problem
11:55 AM
oh, well… dunno
I rarely step through asm
what do you need stepping through asm for? @NikiC except for debugging compiler bugs maybe?
@bwoebi not for anything php related
I'm pretty sure I'm pissing in the wind here, but is there any sane way to set up user control for git repositories on windows?
@NikiC understanding the raw compiled and optimized code of programs or what? :-P
@NikiC what I do know is that XCode has support for something similar to layout asm, but that's probably nothing you can run ;-)
12:14 PM
@Wes did you test out that semver lib I shared yesterday?
12:56 PM
... it's saturday, I just realized.
@Saitama Today is Saturday. And Sunday comes afterwards
Rebecca As A Service
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.6.3
Date: Sat, 28 May 2016 13:03:36 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: PHP/7.0.6
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000; includeSubdomains; preload
Public-Key-Pins: pin-sha256="MqRIBGp3ha+CsWQmLSUWjt8VNpPUZRZVJel089OJbQM="; pin-sha256="eFBvkQ4t//OSjQE3fiTZIo8tP/UEVw3jJ4kc+ZWBon4="; max-age=15768000; includeSubdomains
Hi guys .. I got a problem... Please have look here in this paste of code
i also explained problem in that link
hi peehaa
Did you try var_dump($_FILES);?
somewhere before the clauses...
1:19 PM
it give empty error
not an error sry.. it show empty like[name]=>[blabla]=>[blabla]=>...
colophon: a publisher's or printer's distinctive emblem, used as an identifying device on its books and other works.
why Samayo
it is serious problem.. that isset($_file) not work
1:23 PM
hey chrisd
@Jeeves you are a colophon
Bro, it's time you become sentient.
Have been looking into faking it, but it's really hard
@Jeeves you sentinent bro?
Maybe I should just start feeding it patterns and see where it goes
1:27 PM
@Phoenix I was talking to Jeeves not you
Samayo you play tekken3 ?
is lee your best player ?
@PeeHaa fair warning: I'm going to be implementing global event handling today (i.e. things like invites and system-wide notifications. I'm not expecting it to touch too much stuff but... I never expect it
I played a lot 4 years agoo
1:29 PM
oops i forget
@DaveRandom It's ok. Take your time and change everything. I am distracted by another (old) project for now
I played it 10 years ago and would play it again when I get the chance
my favirot players were yoshimitsu, tiger and paul
1:32 PM
Ah yoshimitsu is good also
Hello! Is anybody here?
@PeeHaa I actually think that internal APIs have more or less stabilised now, even that monster commit yesterday didn't actually change any public APIs in a major way, only added an optional arg to one and added a new method. I didn't have to alter any plugins at all I don't think. I might asyncify logging though (can just wait() on that error bailout on shitdown)
@Wes o/
1:32 PM
What's means this "You have reached your question limit"?
I'm not even going to bother correcting that to "shutdown"
@DaveRandom Yeah the blocking logging was me being stupid and forgetting what project I was working on
I am sooo going to keep that
It's not like it's a major bottleneck, it's only local filesystem i/o
Yea still. It's ugly
It turns out google has this "app script" thing that allows you to write simple web-apps that can communicate with google's services including gmail
So I wrote a script that will go through all unread emails every 5 minutes and mark as read emails from Lester and co. (and all responses to them recursively) script.google.com/d/…
1:35 PM
You know gmail has rules, right? :-P
@DaveRandom no, that doesn't work for responses
This way I can mark responses to Lester as read too
oh right, that actually is useful
who's TonyMarston?
To set it up just press "Publish", "As web app" and go further until it gives you a link, then go this link
i solve my problem
function issetImage($image){
	return (file_exists($image) || is_uploaded_file($image));
echo issetImage(($_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name']));
1:38 PM
@DaveRandom he writes to the ML sometimes, his messages are always of superb quality reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/31ulj7/…
@DaveRandom "radicore"
Well that guy is clearly a genius
The framework that is so shit it's not even funny anymore
@JoeWatkins I genuinely have no idea what you are getting at here, sorry :-(
1:41 PM
humm... i should have slept more than 4 hours, probably
numbers aren't very useful, especially if rounded, maybe just an indicator of what kind of majority has been achieved would be better ...
I think I am suffering from brainoworkyitis today
Ah I see what you are getting at
That may be doable and may not be, depends how consistent people are about expressing the required majority in a computer-readable way on RFC votes
no, it doesn't matter what the required is ...
then I may need an example of how a couple of specific RFCs would look
you can detect what kind of majority is achieved regardless of what is required
1:45 PM
That's true
The total number of votes should be displayed though, otherwise it will look like it's unanimous when 1 person has voted
yes, and majority is only useful once passed 50%+1
Damn you @nikita2206 now I'm stuck again in that radicore's dude blog :(
> The attitude of these pattern junkies doesn't work with me. I will decide whether or not I will use a particular design pattern, and I will decide how I implement it. This usually means that I don't use design patterns at all, and those that I do use are implemented in my own unique way.
@JoeWatkins Yeh we can calculate that stuff... still I feel like we should show when things are landslide vs hot contest, not sure how to do that sanely without some kind of per-option numbers - either votes or percentage, not necessarily both
Title (Yes/No) [tag:rfc-majority-minor]
Title (Yes/No) [tag:rfc-majority-major]
(when no majority just omit the tag)
or something like that ...
@Joe I'm a bit annoyed that Levi is taking his time, far too much… I'd like to finally see the union types RFC in vote… May you please go through the RFC with me and look what's still unclear and then possibly push it to vote?
1:50 PM
I can't push it to vote, not my rfc
no, I would push it to vote, after a quick agreement with Levi
Levi is just taking far too much time to discuss details and barely here…
@JoeWatkins I just wanted to ensure that the RFC is ready.
intro is out of date
can I edit ?
yes, please

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