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8:00 PM
> If con is the opposite of pro, congress is the opposite of progress.
hmmm, this question may be incoherent, I apologize. There are two websites hosted on a web server, they have separate domain names. Only one of them is created as a website in IIS. The MySQL database and PHP code determine which website to display. There's still some stuff that has to be done on the DNS side though, I'm not sure what.
Domain Name 1 and Domain Name 2 are both going to the website associated with Domain Name 1. I can't figure out why.
Guessing domain name 1 is the default website in IIS
yes, but the "Default Web Site" was deleted, and Domain Name 1 was made the default
Domain Name 2 is not created as a website in IIS though
It never has been.
Is it an intranet/local/dev domain name or an internet one?
I'm trying to set up the dev environment for Domain Name 2. Currently, production is working as intended
8:05 PM
@Tiffany my brain had a minor aneurysm reading that
now that I think about it, since I set that server up, there wasn't anything I did to make it point to Website 2
I mean is there any DNS setup for the domain name 2? Like is there anything in your hosts file pointing the domain to that server or something
time to go bug the server admin again
Any particular reason why you went with a Windows server and IIS?
8:06 PM
@Sean probably. I don't have access to the DNS though.
@MadaraUchiha It was a decision made before me.
For PHP, Linux and Nginx are much more robust and easy to configure
Unless your stack is .NET, linux servers are both cheaper and easier
(cheaper for the company, and easier for you)
I'm sure it is. But I don't know how to support a Linux server with nginx at this time, and I can't make the argument to switch to an environment that I don't understand.
but we're already an MS shop, most of our servers are Windows-based
Don't get me wrong, I want to switch to Linux and possibly nginx, BUT I need to first understand how to configure and support them. I was given a WIMP server to support, so I received training on how to support that environment. I'll have to set something up on my own time and learn it
@MadaraUchiha if her life is like mine, I rarely get to give input on what I need as a server to get a web based project going... It's usually, "here's the hardware, now you make it work," instead
@Tiffany Please tell me you're not using one of those "PHP out of the box" solutions for production
@rabbitguy In the world of cloud, that approach seems rather silly
@MadaraUchiha In the world of limited money resources, that approach seems common
8:11 PM
@bwoebi So... do you want to take the enums RFC or shall I formally orphan it due to lack of time?
@rabbitguy A linux server is a lot cheaper than a Windows one, that's for sure.
Case #1: A linux server doesn't require a license :D
@MadaraUchiha Used Web Platform Installer to set up PHP on Windows. Mind you, our website was custom-written by a local business, so most of the PHP modules we have running on the server were their requirement. I'm only now beginning to delve into other stuff.
I had a project two years ago I did in php... and when it went time to finally publish it they put me on an IIS box which changed the functionality of my code and I spent another week hammering out those bugs
@MadaraUchiha up front, yes, but generally speaking you have to pay your admin more money if they can install/configure a linux server properly.
I find many system admins know enough about linux to be dangerous, but not enough to be proficient
@MadaraUchiha We're already contracted with MS for several Windows Server licenses, and I think we have support. So... Windows is the better option for us at this point in time.
@rabbitguy what version of IIS? D:
8:12 PM
@Tiffany I'd still argue "not for PHP"
For NodeJS? Maybe, for .NET for sure, for Java? Eh
PHP is really flimsy on Windows
@Tiffany I dunno... that was when I first got here... the project still works, so I don't even look at that VM
IIS has gotten better for PHP support though. I'm not sure how it compares, but MS knows that people run PHP with IIS, and have configurations for it.
But umm, it sounds to me like you need some sort of server on top of PHP (that might be IIS) that gets the request, parses the Host: header and chooses which website to run based on the domain
It used to be fucking terrible.
If you have website1.com and website2.com, PHP code shouldn't make the choice of which website to render.
8:15 PM
Based on what @Sean said, I think it's a DNS issue, which I don't have access to, so I have to wait for the server admin to get off lunch so I can bug him.
@Tiffany That's easy enough to check
ping each domain
the code for both websites is integrated together.
See if the IP resolution is right
@rabbitguy not really appropriate
8:16 PM
@Tiffany I have to agree w/@Madara here... your websites shouldn't be so integrated together
Both domains are pointing to the same IP
@JayIsTooCommon didn't think that was something ppl here couldn't handle, but okay
@Tiffany Then it isn't a DNS problem.
@rabbitguy it wasn't my choice :P
DNS is working correctly.
8:17 PM
@LeviMorrison Hmm, assign it to me… I'll take care of it early next year; currently busy with typed props
@rabbitguy no one 'didn't handle it' but telling a woman to show some leg to get a job done faster is a pathetic comment
@Tiffany Well then go find whomever choice it is and kindly tell them they're idiots.
@rabbitguy that was how the local business wrote it. It routes accordingly though. When it...works...
@Tiffany Can you share the code that's supposed to select the site to render?
Possibly. Depends on how much of it is. I'm not sure what our license entails...
8:18 PM
@kelunik Because it was initially written as procedural code and then the class wrapped around… just leave it as is, it's really just a class because of the initialization
well I'm glad that a guy got offended... that sure saved face here
Again, not offended. It was just a stupid unnecessary comment
@JayIsTooCommon @rabbitguy I wasn't going to do it anyway. Last time I wore a dress was 11 years ago, and I haven't worn a skirt longer than that. Not to mention, I have ugly legs.
@Tiffany "license, windows servers, PHP" my top 3 phrases, and they're all in the same problem space!
And...I don't do that kind of stuff
@MadaraUchiha :P
8:20 PM
@rabbitguy Don't call it offended, it's just … inappropriate.
Just post it and I'll delete it afterwards if needs be
How's your #yoloing into Nginx going?
@MadaraUchiha indeed. the same can be said of confessional developpers vs professional developpers .
Funny that you asked because I've got the console to the VPS in front of me right now
I tried it out on a local VM, took me a full day to set everything up
8:21 PM
@sweg_yolo_69 Sounds about right
I'm currently logged in as root on the console, I guess I should create a user for me and give it sudo?
stay logged in as root
I wouldn't have a problem with this code IF THEY FUCKING DOCUMENTED BEFORE PROVIDING IT TO US
trying to extend their code is a nightmare because I don't know where everything is
you are expecting ppl to document their code?
@sweg_yolo_69 Yeah
8:24 PM
@rabbitguy No, code should be self documenting
I just found a function that includes all of the different "modules," which doesn't include a module I built last year.
hey, I write my code so it is "self documenting", but I am sure anyone else would read it and ask where my documentation is
@Tiffany Then read it. Everything until you know in which file and line every single token of the codebase is.
@MadaraUchiha Should I bother filling out the info such as full name etc?
8:25 PM
There are 40 different classes
@sweg_yolo_69 What?
How are you creating a user?
3/4s of those have a controller
@rabbitguy self-documentation is a lie. Especially architectural documentation.
@MadaraUchiha adduser username
@Tiffany That's not that much
8:26 PM
@bwoebi let's just say I rarely put comments directly in my code... I do documentation, though
@sweg_yolo_69 That's useradd
@rabbitguy I.e. your code maybe calls $this->disableFooBaz(); but why did you disable FooBaz there?!
Followed by passwd username to set their password
@MadaraUchiha adduser worked just fine for me
@bwoebi I've read what I can understand.
8:27 PM
There are some comments.
Don't forget to add your users to sudoers
@bwoebi lemme ask this: ever read someone else's code and thought it was documented well?
@rabbitguy yes.
@rabbitguy yes.
8:27 PM
well now...
@MadaraUchiha I'm using debian
@rabbitguy How much open source work do you do?
@sweg_yolo_69 Ah, makes sense
@rabbitguy @Tiffany with all due respect, it comes across that you both just like complaining and spend more time doing that than actually trying to fix the issue :p. Code isn't magic, everything does something for a reason, find out what those reasons are bit by bit, line by line and it'll start making sense.
I'm trying to find out how the code determines the website. I'm digging through the Router class, which references the Site class. Site class extends SiteBase, so I'm guessing what I want might be in there.
@MadaraUchiha I use open source libraries in my work, if htat is what you mean
8:29 PM
Apart from @DaveRandom's code, that's magic.
@rabbitguy That's not what I mean, no.
I mean contributing to open source
@MadaraUchiha zero
@JayIsTooCommon :D
Start doing some
You read a lot of code by a lot of different people
@MadaraUchiha I would, but I can't at work... my boss doesn't consider that to be work profitable
we've gotten into it once already
8:30 PM
@MadaraUchiha created the user, switched to it, now to apt-get update and upgrade
@rabbitguy you do not need to do open source at work.
the fact that I even have a SO account is only bcz I had to go over his head to approve using this site
@sweg_yolo_69 Go for it
@bwoebi when I get home, I am in single parent mode. I never touch a computer at home, less my phone
@JayIsTooCommon The problem started out being dumped into an "MVC" architecture without any understanding of it. Granted, I've learned enough from this chat to get a general idea of how things are connected together, but not well enough to write my own stuff without an example.
8:31 PM
@rabbitguy okay single parent is hard…
@rabbitguy Wow, that... sounds kinda depressing
@MadaraUchiha not any more. I'm medicated :D
Woo, day4 part 1 :D
@Sean you are so much more patient than me..
8:32 PM
but seriously, I like to cut up in here, and I come across as I am stirring the pot from time to time, but I am harmless, so if I ever really do come across as an asshole, I probably just think I'm being funny. I seriously mean nothing by it yall
@rabbitguy I mean, it sounds pretty touch to learn and advance in a place like that
@MadaraUchiha I want to use php7 on the server, so my options are to get it from a third party repo(dotdeb.org)
@MadaraUchiha there is no advancement here... I am the only developer for this company of approx 250 ppl...
"We make all the tech choices for you, you aren't allowed to explore out of your bubble, focus on your assigned task and nothing else"
@rabbitguy Well then... why are you there?
@MadaraUchiha yep... that's here
8:34 PM
Yup, essentially my life too.
@MadaraUchiha Should I delete the repo from sources.list after I download the package or leave it there
@MadaraUchiha raising a family!
@rabbitguy Raise it while working for a better company?
I need medical insurance because I have a fuck-ton of mental problems that I'm still figuring out what's all wrong.
@sweg_yolo_69 Leave it
You'll need it there for updates
8:34 PM
the money is here I need... my boss isn't the dickhead he was earlier this year
Good point
so I am content for the most part
and I don't want to be stuck without insurance for any amount of time
@tiff really hit the nail on the head there
I can't live w/o insurance, money or not, insurance is more important to me
You know you don't need to leave your current company to search for employment elsewhere, right?
8:35 PM
@MadaraUchiha in this town?
there is no other options
@rabbitguy You're a developer, work remotely...
been there, done that
this job is better, tbh
That doesn't mean I haven't LOOKED for jobs elsewhere, but I don't have a lot of confidence in my skillset, I lack a degree, and I'm paying off a loan that's easier to pay off while I'm employed here.
@MadaraUchiha Currently I'm accessing the server via a console provided by digitalocean but it's really laggy and crashes often. Can you recommend a good program on windows that I can ssh from?
I'm not even complaining about my job today is the funny part!
8:36 PM
@sweg_yolo_69 putty
I'll try it
@Tiffany Develop your Stack Overflow account
Typical mod ;)
Go to GitHub and work on open source projects (by "work" I mean even "open some tickets" and "talk to people online")
Not this one... I have it linked to my work email, yes it's my own fault. :P
8:37 PM
People will find you
I.e. Less talking (complaining) more doing
Seriously, I get recruiters harassing me in my GitHub email address, and I'm not that good
@MadaraUchiha Ah the good ol' "I found your profile on git and stack" :-)
Just do stuff
I got off on a tangent about poor documentation. I started out with a question.
8:39 PM
@PeeHaa Occasionally, I get things like Hola and Runnable and legit interesting things
But I'm pretty happy where I am right now with BenjaminGruenbaum
@MadaraUchiha I really don't understand the whole thing with private/public keys for ssh.
@Tiffany Haha, yeah, so share the PHP code that selects the site to render here
@MadaraUchiha Yeah I got some tempting offers too
@sweg_yolo_69 Right so encryption can be (very simply) divided into 2 categories
Symmetric and Asymmetric
Symmetric encryption algos have one key
The same key that encrypts a message can also decrypt it
Asymmetric encryption algos have two keys, one public that can encrypt, and the other private that can decrypt.
@PeeHaa if you send them my way, I'll tell people you're nice.. honest I will
8:41 PM
You generate a pair of keys locally, and you give your public key to the server
I got frustrated cause I found a function in the Site class that created options for controllers... and I wasn't aware of this function, so I couldn't add the module I wrote to it.
The server can then verify that you are yourself because you are the only person with your private key
@JayIsTooCommon :-)
That said, you can usually SSH with the password you give your user
I haven't used PuTTy in quite a while, so I can't help you there
But there should be a field where you can enter a password instead of using keys
@MadaraUchiha I think this is the function gist.github.com/tktaylor/6b4d23c3ca74cef6848ad5c088b490dc
8:43 PM
I logged in just fine by doing username@IP but there was an option on digitalocean about ssh keys, so I just wanted to ask you what that's about
I did some reading on keys and from what I understood, I encrypt my message with the other persons public key and then they can decrypt the message with their private key. Then when the user sends me a message he encrypts it with my public key and I decrypt it with my private key?
@sweg_yolo_69 So essentially, ssh keys are more secure than passwords (think of them as random passwords with length 1000), and you won't need to enter a password anymore
@MadaraUchiha You need to enter the passphrase instead :P
@PeeHaa If you put one
Everybody does I assume?
@PeeHaa Not if you don't really care about the key
8:46 PM
people, I´m having a report generation in php
People treat private keys like their holy, but private keys are only as valuable as the things they can "unlock"
and i need a progress bar until report shows
what´s the better approach
@MadaraUchiha is my understanding of public and private keys i posted above correct?
@MadaraUchiha I take better care of my private keys than my IRL keys
8:48 PM
@PeeHaa "What do I have behind this private key? A $5/mo server with a stateless service, that's open source with the source on GitHub"
No, I don't have a passphrase on that one
no no no no
inb4 xkcd wrench
A 5p/m server which can be used to do a lot more than $5 damage
@PeeHaa To whom?
This isn't an amazon instance for which I pay by CPU usage, it's a Digital Ocean VPS
Me, my clients, the internet at large
8:50 PM
@PeeHaa My VPS currently runs caption.madara.ninja
That's it.
What kind of damage can an attacker having access to that server do?
At the very least the same as what they can do with any random iot thing
@sweg_yolo_69 That's correct
So with SSH, you give the server your public, and it gives you his
@MadaraUchiha a meme generator?
I'll look into it in the future
@Tiffany With GIF support, yeah
You "talk" to it by encrypting your data with its public, and it replies by encrypting it with yours
That makes SSH secure
If you don't use keys though, a pair would be generated on the spot for this session, so you don't need to worry about security too much when using SSH
@PeeHaa Like what?
8:55 PM
@MadaraUchiha oh geez. I just did it on the removed.png image because I couldn't get the base URL for another image
I want to make a better UI for it at some point
@MadaraUchiha Anything
@PeeHaa Let me ask it this way
Aside from losing my $5/mo to an attacker (in case I don't notice the attack at all for months), what kind of damage I might suffer from someone taking over that particular server?
hence my remark of:
6 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Me, my clients, the internet at large
In that case maybe only the last one
I still don't really see how (not to mention that stealing my private key somehow is probably still more expensive than just paying for a $5/mo server, passphrase or no)
8:58 PM
Just did a command line speed test 917Mbit down and 527Mbit up
So anyway, back to my original problem. It's not the DNS. I tried pinging the implementation of Domain Name 2 on the production box, and the request timed out. I tried pinging the implementation of Domain Name 2 on the old dev box, and it gave the same IP as Domain Name 1. There's still something missing though.
@MadaraUchiha Hahahaha.
though it shoudl be a picture of Schnitzel.
Mmmmm Schnitzel
Now I'm hungry.
@Tiffany Are you setting up production or dev right now?
9:01 PM
So here are the production sites: jwcc.edu = Domain Name 1, Website 1; johnwoodblazers.com = Domain Name 2, Website 2
Do you not have a support plan with the idiots company who developed this PoS product?
@MadaraUchiha Not code support, no.
Now it all makes sense.
@MadaraUchiha is there any way I can limit the server so that no one can ssh directly into root and only my IP could ssh into my user?
9:03 PM
@sweg_yolo_69 Yes to the first one (and it's recommended to do so), no to the second (nor would you want to)
@MadaraUchiha answers falling into place now?
@Tiffany No, it's still a retarded solution and someone higher than PHP should handle it.
@sweg_yolo_69 Just disable password logins
man, yall talk too much in here... I came back from break and there was a poop ton of messages in here!
So the database supposedly should have the mapping info for the domains
9:04 PM
And change the port to prevent most log messages
Are there any brute force protections built in for ssh?
What does the database have?
@sweg_yolo_69 If you use a key, brute force is pretty much impossible.
I don't know why it was written the way it is. Because they're so tightly integrated, for example, our PR team deleted a random category that affects the main site, but because the category was missing, it broke our athletics site.
But you're having the same problem as me
You're being distracted by the small details when you still haven't got anything working yet :P
Like, it was just a white page until I restored a database backup.
9:05 PM
@MadaraUchiha I'll look into keys later.
@MadaraUchiha correct.
@Tiffany Well then, what does the database have?
@MadaraUchiha I'm bad at that... when I have issues making the big picture come together I get side tracked on minor details which I can't even test until I get the big picture done up
oh fucking hell, I figured out the problem
9:06 PM
@_DaveRandom I often compare the way I look with rdlowrey, I only cry sometimes
@Tiffany Production database? :P
@MadaraUchiha I was pointing the domain to .com, when it should have just been the local server's name
ugh broken username parsing...
One of these days I'm going to fix it
9:07 PM
dont' fix it. if you do, ppl will expect you to be able to fix anything
yay, dev environment works now
@PeeHaa NOW *yells*
@Tiffany Careful not to trip the tower of cards from now on :P
@bwoebi I'm almost annoyed enough
Good luck maintaining it for the next 5-10 years!
9:08 PM
Maybe two more times and I will
@PeeHaa I DO NOT CARE!!!
@MadaraUchiha We're hopefully going to be redesigning next year, and hopefully switching to a platform that has better support.
@Ekin did you decide yet?
@MadaraUchiha Uh… you don't set up your dev env anew every few years?
is there a neat list of unstable tests on travis for php-src?
9:09 PM
@bwoebi Community College? Ha! Fat chance.
@bwoebi He doesn't do JS anymore
@MadaraUchiha ??
It's a dev server, not an env
@PeeHaa What does he do now? Scala?^^
@bwoebi I think he's talking in regards to my working in education, and depending on the institution, they tend to be behind the times in technology.
9:10 PM
@bwoebi I actually haven't tried Scala, heard it's pretty nice.
Gave Clojure a try though
@MadaraUchiha I just started fiddling w/it
fwiw, I like it, though I have no need for it currently
@bwoebi (I work at a community college)
@MadaraUchiha fyi, I don't plan on setting up my dev env anew ever few years here either, and I work in the utilities industry
@rabbitguy I don't generally reset my dev env a lot either, and I do work with JS and at a startup no less
@MadaraUchiha nice
9:13 PM
I give the new editors/IDEs a try if I get the time, but mostly, I stick with WebStorm or Visual Studio Code
Now, the last question is, should I care about the backup server going to the wrong website when I put in its local server name, but works fine when I use the FQDN, and works fine when it needs to be prod... not to mention the particular website it goes to is going to be shut down in three weeks....
same... I'll fiddle around w/a new IDE from time to time, but mainly I am set in stone for most things here
for the foreseeable future at least
for instance, I am a netbeans guy. I have been for years... I seriously don't see me moving to another ide, though I know there are probably better solutions out there for me
I do fiddle w/a new IDE from time to time, but I always come back to netbeans
how I was with sublime text versus notepad++
tried out sublime text, liked some of the features of it, but I'm so used to notepad++
yes, Sublime is what I use to code up simple things
switching from notepad++ to phpstorm was a bit of a hassle, but I can't go back now.
9:17 PM
when I don't have a huge project that revolves around the code
I <3 my new phone
the battery is the only thing I am not content with, but I can get over it
@Sean what're you working on? Advent of Code?
When configuring Nginx, should I set the root to /home/user or should I keep it to the default /var/www/html
9:35 PM
@sweg_yolo_69 I don't like serving from the home directory
/var/www/html is fine, I like /srv
I am agree. /srv ftw
Especially for servers with services with multiple stacks
/srv/php, /srv/node, /srv/java
Too bad everything under /srv is basically a free-for-all
@MadaraUchiha but then when I set up my FTP server I will have to point it to that location
@Ekin It is, what the hell is that "i" for the is?
9:37 PM
Would be nice if there was some actual convention everybody used
I see srv is quite common
@sweg_yolo_69 True.
@MadaraUchiha me failing to use a local keyboard
Yeah :(
9:39 PM
@MadaraUchiha Any particular reason you advocate against using the home directory? Because it would be quite easy to set up the FTP then
@sweg_yolo_69 The home directory is generally for the user's files
@MadaraUchiha something something IIS
@sweg_yolo_69 You already have sftp
program configuration, etc.
Also yeah, sftp >>>>> ftp
And FileZilla supports it by default, so double yay!
OK, I'll stick with /var/www/html
So is sftp = ssh basically?
@MadaraUchiha I have the option sftp and ftps in phpstorm. What's the difference
9:43 PM
@sweg_yolo_69 sftp = secure ftp, which is ftp over SSH
It's also faster and better in better
Do I need to install anything on the server?
FTP stands for Fuck That Protocol and it should never be used by anyone.
@sweg_yolo_69 Don't think you do
@MadaraUchiha :D
9:44 PM
You need to configure it though
That was easy. I just put in my ssh details and I got the whole filesystem
@sweg_yolo_69 That works, although you generally want to limit the sftp session to a certain directory
Look into that later
has anyone ever done an open source inhouse chat solution?
if so, what did you use?
I can do it from my client but I guess it would be better to do it on the server
@rabbitguy Miaou, node.
Not mine though, some folks from the JS room
9:48 PM
@MadaraUchiha is that what SO's chat is based on?
@rabbitguy No.
SO's stack is .NET and C#.
That includes chat.
so SO's chat is built from the ground up?

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