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7:01 PM
is it beer thirty yet?
In my town, that's a place you can go
7:18 PM
where everybody knows you name?
@Tiffany so your bf doesn't get killed by UofL fans where he lives? lol...
I know we give UofL fans crap around here bcz of how much this part of Kentucky is UK territory
@rabbitguy I guess not. But he's a football player too, about 6'6", he's not likely to be fucked with.
football player, eh?
the geek is dating the jock :P
he's a geek too :P
haven't determined which one is geekier. I think we're almost even.
do you play sports?
taekwondo, off and on.
7:24 PM
you're geekier bcz you don't really play a sport
he's jockier
@rabbitguy does beerpong count?
pfft, taekwondo not a sport?
it's a martial art
martial arts require physical ability and discipline
martial arts are classified as sports to me, hell, they're in the olympics
7:26 PM
yes, but you are off and on...
pretty sure football is fulltime
he's off-season now
does he not lift weights in the off-season?
he lifts weights every week I think..
but he has to have a different build during season
and do you do martial arts every week?
offense guard or something
7:28 PM
lol... "offense [sic] guard or something"
love it
I used too. I've taken an extended break because of physical and mental health kept fluctuating too much. I plan to start going back every week next year.
you mean football or handegg, @Tiffany ?
handegg, haha
you jelly @tereško?
> I plan to start going back every week next year
Everybody does :P
no, I am just saying to football is played using feet and a ball
7:30 PM
I know I know... you wish that futbol was as exciting as football, but you can't have everything in your third world country :P
we actually are fans of hockey here
actually, that is my sport as well
we have a minor league team just north of here that last year I had half season tickets to
the belt I'm at, I have to begin sparring in order to continue progressing
football as in American football, so rugby everywhere else
@tiff is scared she's gonna get hurt :(
nor really
@Tiffany in rugby you dont get an armor ... and sometimes when you play, it's done in mud, while it's snowing
7:33 PM
No, not scared I'm going to get hurt. Problems I've been having: some of my medications give me dry mouth, so days that I'm going to tkd, I have to drink a ton of water leading up to practice. Even then, I don't usually get enough. Then when I'm at practice, I get woozy because I'm dehydrated. While I'm allowed to get a drink in the middle of practice, it's frowned upon.
@tereško grid iron football is played in all weather and all field conditions
So I'm going to have to talk to the owner to figure out what I can do so that I can stay hydrated well enough during class. I'm also in the middle of trying to find a bipolar medication that works for me, and because of how physically exerting practice is, I want to wait until I'm on something for more than a month.
Right now, my bipolar isn't being treated, and the days I wanna do stuff vary so frequently.
LASTLY, I'm the advisor for a gaming club at my college, and the members decided to switch meeting days from Monday and Wednesday to Tuesday and Thursday. TKD classes on Monday and Wednesday start 15 minutes after I get off work, which leaves little time for me to get there on time.
I was doing it early in the semester, but it was challenging. I'm going to see if I can get the members to go back to Monday and Wednesday...
Tuesday/Thursday, TKD starts 45 minutes after, which works out better for me
(most of that is directed to @PeeHaa)
why isn't your bipolar being treated?
last two medications gave me hives, then last appointment I had hives from an unknown cause, so psychiatrist wanted to wait for the hives to go away before starting me on something new
I have a new appointment later this month
enjoy the roller coaster until then
what else can you do? :)
just don't do anything I wouldn't do... which means you can do anything
it's when I'm manic that you really gotta watchout for me
that's when my ultimate crazy kicks in
7:42 PM
I think I get hypomanic
my manic episodes aren't too extreme. They do veer off in the direction of reckless, but not to the point that I'm injuring myself or others. The most I've done is forget about a bill that I had to pay, and overspending on junk
I end up on hard drugs, random sex w/strangers, outrageous spending sprees
it's pretty rough
hopefully this past summer will be the last time that happens to me
@rabbitguy So a normal friday night?
I'll stay on these meds regardless the side effects
7:46 PM
I also sabotage my routines/habits that I've tried building up so that I keep my job. Like not getting enough sleep. Or intentionally taking my time to get ready for work in the morning. Really stupid shit like that.
@PeeHaa yeah... kinda like college, only now I have responsibilities and stuff
@tiff if I am smart and stay away from the hard drugs, I can normally minimize other damages so that I am not playing cleanup for months afterwards
/me leaves home for work usually just before 13:00 ... but laziness is not medically treatable
or years in some cases
@rabbitguy yeah, thankfully I haven't had any problems with hard drugs. I know I have an addictive personality/tendency, so I stay far away as I can.
Hey guys
I have another, more PHP related question
7:48 PM
@sweg_yolo_69 go for it
When I execute
$file = fopen($filepath, "a");
if the file doesn't exist, is it already created, or is will it be created when I append a line?
@rabbitguy Taking xanax daily, or almost daily is enough to frustrate me, because of how harmful it can be, but it helps anxiety and some of the bipolar symptoms. :/
Fairly certain it won't be created, and you'll get a PHP error
that's pretty simple to test though :P
they have me on effexor for my anxiety, but it's a shit drug
From the PHP site for the a mode:
Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it
I see my psychologist next monday
she better change my meds
7:51 PM
@sweg_yolo_69 k, so sounds like you have your answer
I had a cousin give me a Kolonopin this past weekend at Thanksgiving... I had never had one. It was very mellow, but I know that drug is highly addictive, so I am gonna float the idea at her and see what she thinks
Yes, but does it attempt to create it when I execute just fopen() or does it create the file when i append something to it?
What I want to do is
if file exists{ append data} else { create file and append a specific first row then append data}
@rabbitguy I know someone who takes klonopin for anxiety, he says it just gives him a long-lasting mellow feeling.
It's a CSV file
that's what I am using cbd's for right now, only that's costing me $150
a week
7:54 PM
Open for writing only; place the file pointer at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it. In this mode, fseek() has no effect, writes are always appended.
Thanks for that link but it still isn't clear to me
Did you test it?
Nope, though I guess that would solve it pretty easily
Yes I would guess so too
damnit... I'm about to just write my own gd libraries for IRC bcz all these libraries I am attempting to use suck ass
8:04 PM
Hey Rabbit guy, a bit of a weird question, but would you happen to be a flabby rabbit?
@rabbitguy You're going to write your own GD libraries, but with blackjack and hookers?
So apparently just fopen("non_existing_file", "a") creates the file
@Machavity would be about as helpful to write it w/blackjack and hookers than to use the libraries I keep finding
@sweg_yolo_69 flabby rabbit? Imma assume not since I have no idea what you mean by that
Never mind about that
@rabbitguy hides the knives He means nothing by that!
8:11 PM
@Machavity you reminded me of a story from /r/nosleep..
@DaveRandom wanna see something disgusting?
a buddy of mine got this error developing a java app just now:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: OutOfMemoryError thrown while trying to throw OutOfMemoryError;
@JayIsTooCommon We already have seen your face a couple months back
8:15 PM
you know you're out of memory badly when you throw an OOM error while trying to throw an OOM error
@rabbitguy Java just "Yo dawg"ed you
@Machavity hahaha... funny stuff
@PeeHaa I have been running for 2 days, 21 minutes and 39 seconds, since 2016-11-29 19:53:50
Damnit jeeves
Just die already
8:16 PM
That's not very nice
@Jeeves do you sit when you pee?
@PeeHaa does
Another easy question, should I declare empty variables like:
$variable = "";
@sweg_yolo_69 personal preference
In php there is never reason to do the first
8:18 PM
At the very least make the intent clear by doing = null
@sweg_yolo_69 Inside a class, the first will set it to NULL and the second to an empty string
@PeeHaa Yes, I think = null would be the best
Mobile chat... that was in reply to you @PeeHaa
Thanks for clarifying :P
Anytime, did you see that code challenge earlier? @PeeHaa if so, I can too show you something nasty
@JayIsTooCommon the advent one?
can someone clarify the order that the call backs are called in JQuery Ajax requests using the Promise API?
I haven't really looked at the challenge. Show me the car crash @JayIsTooCommon
This is my mates technique of doing it in ruby /cc @DaveRandom
8:23 PM
def move(l,d)
@d+=(l=='L'? -1:1);@d=3 if @d==-1;@d=0 if @d==4
1.upto(d) do
puts "Part 2: #{@s=t}" if (!@s&&@p.include?([@x,@y]))
@p << [@x,@y]
end end
def t;@x.abs+@y.abs end
IO.read('kev.txt').split(", ").each{|i|move(i[0],i[1..-1].to_i)}
puts "Part 1: #{t}"'
And it works xD
Is the guy ok? :P
@JayIsTooCommon huh, didn't know ruby is a perl dialect
@PeeHaa :P
8:26 PM
@bassxzero fuck jquery
@tereško why don't you tell us how you really feel?
@tereško but it is so noob friendly and i'm clearly a noob.
@rabbitguy how I really feel is that jquery in workplace promotes bad code to be written (not only bad JS but also bad HTML, bad JSON, bad CSS and bad PHP)
@tereško does that mean you don't use it at all?
not pure JS
I have seen too many var foo = $(this).attr('id')
@bassxzero why not?
8:28 PM
@tereško I sometimes just use jquery just because the APIs are more accessible…
@bwoebi examples please?
Maybe a stupid question, but what's bad about var foo = $(this).attr("id")
Oh, I think I see it now
id is unique and $(this) suggests that there are multipel?
because it should be: var foo = this.id
mainly what's bad about it is that it's in jquery
@sweg_yolo_69 it's inefficient
8:30 PM
@tereško operations applying on the whole set of the querySelectorAll in first place… also native JS has no trivial each()
@bwoebi what about the JQuery API over xmlhttprequest?
that seems quite trivial
@bassxzero what about Fetch API?
@tereško Doesn't work on a domnodelist though
@tereško browser support?
@PeeHaa [...domNodeList].forEach()
8:32 PM
Fuck off
that's a thing?
I'll give you that JQuery can be shit, but it's the same shit in every browser which makes like easier.
@PeeHaa yes
@tereško What will caniuse tell me?
@PeeHaa should be IE10+
8:34 PM
wait, no, only on Edge (but all version of it)
@tereško IE 9 only :-( // IE 8 support is a real thing :'-(
I personally use it only for mobile JS for now
@bwoebi seriously?
@bwoebi ?
@tereško yes…
well .. just use babel then
8:35 PM
@tiff you need to hang out more in here so I don't feel like the room's only certified crazy guy
@bwoebi have you thought of looking for a new job. It might help with all those suicide-watch costs.
@tereško meh, most of what I do is backend work
I am currently trying to talk the management into dropping IE9, since 80% of our users are mobile
Seeing you discuss about bad code made me realize that my code could be better, but IDK how to make it. I have
if(!file_exists($filepath)) {
$file = fopen($filepath, "a");
fwrite($file, "unique data that is writter as the first line");
$file = fopen($filepath, "a");
fwrite($file, $data);
I realize that I am opening the file twice, but I can't seem to work it out, since just executing fopen($file, "a") will create it if it doesn't exists
what are you actually trying to do?
8:38 PM
writing data to a file, but if the file doesn't exist, first add "unique data that is writter as the first line" then add the data
It's a CSV file basically
no, that's your solution
what problem are you trying to solve?
It's a function that takes data as input, then writes it to a file which is deleted every month
@tereško We're currently in train of migrating from 5.3 to 7.0 … That's the most important thing…
It's a CSV file, so the first line will define the column names
@bwoebi same here
8:40 PM
@LeviMorrison do you prefer Bag::getFrequency($element) Bag::setFrequency($element, $frequency) or Counter::get($element) Counter::set($element, $frequency) ? :P
@sweg_yolo_69 why not just append the year-month to the file name ?
@rabbitguy lol
@rabbitguy sorry
I don't see how that will help me?
@Wes ... not sure I followed. What's a bag and what's a counter?
@sweg_yolo_69 you wont need to delete the content of the old month file
8:42 PM
bag as in multiset
or counter in python
But I want to
Is it possible to add columns to a csv file in php? I was working on a project, and we ended up adding the column headings with powershell. I didn't know it was possible to add column headings in php...
but apparently adding column headings is pretty easy in powershell
@Tiffany check phpexcel
The first line determines the column headings
@Wes Not sure I've used either of those.
A set which allows multiple elements of the same identity? That's not a set... but must have some use-case because various places keep providing it.
I guess the code is good enough, as this will just be a side project
It doesn't appear you should be able to "set" frequency.
It's something that happens based on the number of elements of the same identity that are inserted.
/cc @Wes
@LeviMorrison setCount is the function in guava, also in apache commons, c#, python
!!wiki multiset
In mathematics, a multiset (or bag) is a generalization of the concept of a set that, unlike a set, allows multiple instances of the multiset's elements. For example, {a, a, b} and {a, b} are different multisets although they are the same set. However, order does not matter, so {a, a, b} and {a, b, a} are the same multiset. The multiplicity of an element is the number of instances of the element in a specific multiset. For example, an infinite number of multisets exist which contain elements a and b, varying only by multiplicity: The unique set {a, b} contains only elements a and b, each having...
8:48 PM
What's the real use-case for that?
comparing elements' cardinality regardless of their order?
@rabbitguy do you ever have moments when your bipolar was untreated that your mind felt like it was navigating through fog?
@Jeeves so, an unordered list basically?
@Wes For what it is worth I can't find any non-examples of this function's use on github.
My point is that it's a meta-method that people provide but I don't think anyone actually uses.
$a = new Vector(0,0,0,1,1,1);
$b = new Vector(1,1,1,0,0,0);
$a->valueBag()->equals($b->valueBag()); // true as all elements appear with the same frequency in both the vectors
it's not something i invented, tho :B it doesn't have a million use cases, but it has a name to identify the feature, that is basically just counting occurrences
8:54 PM
I guess this is a method (and class) that I wouldn't consider a need.
$a = new Vector(0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
$b = new Vector(1,1,1,0,0,0);
$a->valueBag()->equals($b->valueBag()); // false, 1 has different frequency
$a->valueBag()->uniqueSet()->equals($b->valueBag()->uniqueSet()); // true as unique elements appear in both the vectors
Also I wouldn't make "bags" from "Vector". I'd definitely construct a Bag from an iterator.
it's a view
...a multiset isn't doing anything smarter than a simple contiguous array?
is not related to the implementation, multiset is an abstract data structure
the most common implementation is HashBag that wraps a HashMap<element, frequency>
except that when frequency is 0 it removes the entry
8:58 PM
Then why can't you use the iterator?
and doesn't allow negative frequency
how is iterator related?
If you aren't going to be able to re-use the array as the multiset's innards
THen why provide a method for it?
Instead of a more general iterator?
what do you mean with re-use the array?

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