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12:00 AM
Wooo \o/
[  0.430] send GOAWAY frame <length=8, flags=0x00, stream_id=0>
          (last_stream_id=0, error_code=NO_ERROR(0x00), opaque_data(0)=[])
Finally no error :-)
And first successful response delivered over HTTP :-)
(by the way… I'm talking about the HTTP/2 implementation for Aerys!)
I just seem to have some off-by-one here:
[  0.430] recv (stream_id=13) content-language: 273
[  0.430] recv (stream_id=13) content-range: text/html; charset=utf-8
[  0.430] recv (stream_id=13) cookie: Sat, 26 Sep 2015 00:00:08 GMT
@bwoebi hehe
ship it!
already fixed ^^
now it's an off-by-two
ah nah…
I just can't count
Or write :P
substracts one…
[  0.453] recv (stream_id=13) content-length: 273
[  0.453] recv (stream_id=13) content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
[  0.453] recv (stream_id=13) date: Sat, 26 Sep 2015 00:06:53 GMT
better now :-D
Mush better
What is GOAWAY? Closing the connection?
12:08 AM
Seems to be my most common mistake in hex … when decrementing, going to 0x10 to 0x09 …^^
@PeeHaa right.
Anyway, it's just the most primitive implementation of the protocol so that I can read data from the stream, push the request to Aerys and write a reply… Now… I need to add support for multiple requests… but well… that's not for today^^
[basically: the HPACK decoding context needs to be shared on the connection]
I already see the HPACK decoding becoming the bottleneck of the whole HTTP/2 implementation… (performancewise)
I totally need that to be an extension… more than anything else.
12:29 AM
@bwoebi Yeah.....it's why I think people will need to start work on a HTTP3 standard sooner rather than later. varnish-cache.org/docs/trunk/phk/http20.html
> For instance identifying the standardized HTTP headers, by a 4-byte length and textual name, and then applying a deflate compressor to save bandwidth is totally at odds with the job of HTTP routers which need to quickly extract the Host: header in order to route the traffic, preferably without committing extensive resources to each request.
(well, that's not exactly what HPACK is… it's actually worse than just that.)
seriously… you want to require routers to huffman-decode your traffic?!
that thing is an abomination to implement in PHP… and not much better in C...
at least as long as you want a certain performance…
@bwoebi tbh the entire protocol is magic to me
@PeeHaa there are mainly two magic things: HPACK and the flow control window.
Everything else makes some sort of sense.
they are doing a whole extra RFC 7541, just for HPACK… doesn't that already show how stupid that is?
was adobe involved in making this spec?
no. But google was.
I agree that it makes some sense to compress headers (they are really bloated in HTTP/1 though…) … But why do you include routing information in these compressed headers??
12:42 AM
@bwoebi Lets me honest. Size of headers is not really a problem for most people
@PeeHaa depends on what you do though… If you do long-polling…
but as that's anyway obsolete with websockets…
Probably only case is when your users just access small APIs
and most things are probably already cached client-side (like JS-templates etc.)
or you're serving all your images always in 16x16 … ^^
then maybe headers are making up the largest part of the request…
but in general… meh…
Or you're google and bandwidth is 75% of your business costs.
/numbers may be made up.
@Danack Don't know, but AFAIK, google is also doing active peering to reduce costs?
12:51 AM
I imagine they are for some stuff, like youtube. But for everything that is unique per customer (i.e. all documents and probably advertising as well) it would be hard to peer that. Presumably - I don't know that much about it. Other than Google obviously think it's worth their while doing this 'not so good' version of HTTP, even when it seems obviously lacking in future proofing.
@Danack nope, all google services are routed through the same autonomous system.
(except fiber)
Then maybe I didn't understand what you meant by peering? I thought you meant transferring data to some ISP's network, so that data can be served more efficiently, when lots of people are going to request it. It would seem to be hard (and possibly illegal) to send users individual data to some other companies hosting?
@Abe Hmm. Seems like pain with little gain. Can you explain why you can add new entries but not update existing ones?
@Danack I mean peering on the internet routing level? basically allowing other ISPs and IXs to route traffic through their networks.
@LeviMorrison i haven't decided yet how it should work. in general i just want to be warned when performing something that is likely to be an error for certain cases, like adding the same value twice to a set
1:00 AM
@Danack which is why they're then probably allowed to distribute traffic to their peers (in the US at least) at much lower price.
sets aren't actually a good example though. it's more about maps
Basically "I forward your traffic, but then you accept also my in-/outbound traffic" @Danack
i want to get a warning when attempting to redefine a key
Which is also why I think "75% of business costs" is, while made up, greatly exaggerated. A lot of the money goes also in the infrastructure probably.
could split the map in several interfaces
1:03 AM
@bwoebi That only shares the cost a little bit. And companies that do that measure how much data is being sent by each party. When it's completely unbalanced with one party sending way more data than the other (and youtube is about 15% of internet traffic apparently), Google will have to pay for that. And yes, when I say bandwith cost, I mean how much hardware they have to buy as well......as they aren't exactly on a capped data plan.
AddMap{ function add }
ReplaceMap{ function replace }
SetMap : AddMap, ReplaceMap{ function set }
DeleteMap{ function delete }
anyway nn.
something like that
gn @Danack
@Abe Adding the same value twice is common.
If you have a list you add them to a set which will remove duplicates.
1:06 AM
yes, but in some cases you want to be warned when performing these things, rather than just ignore/replace the content
@PeeHaa norton says you are a virus
A scammy site is using my repos to draw people to them :P
lol that thing is all over the place :P
1:11 AM
@LeviMorrison it's just too much work though
not worth it
especially since i have mutable/immutable versions of every data structure already
how angry she look ahahaha toy-yoda
1 hour later…
2:31 AM
user image
2:53 AM
why did my chat window refresh automatically??
@JoeWatkins yes
1 hour later…
4:17 AM
@AnmolRaghuvanshi i thought to be the only programming while sleeping
sleep programming @Abe :P
i solved several programming problems while sleeping :P
reprogramming your thoughts while sleeping
yeah that applies me too..
4:45 AM
Hi, pastebin.com/F8RLbjTN this somehow gives me the wrong result, how should I compare to get the max?
It's quite late and I'm out of brain juice
5:08 AM
why do you think php recognizes this as a number '-999999:60' or something even remotely comparable :P
yup, I think I was pretty hopeless doing that
long -> zend_long because portability
decl at top of block because C90 is sensible target
5:18 AM
#include "stdbool.h" -> #include <stdbool.h> because system header
How should I call instance methods internally? For example... an abstract class defines a function for safety checks. Extending that class internally, how can I call the parent's safety checks?
So ".h" for files, <.h> for system headers?
include sys headers before zend ones, good practice, also, some zend header might have #ifdefs that suppose that for example stdbool is not included
Ah right, that makes sense.
Feel free to mute notifications on that repo by the way, didn't think of that when I added you as a collaborator.
is okay
A good example, in that repo, is "from". PHP equivalent would be:

$instance = new self();
return $instance;
With this being in ::from, how can I call addAll?
I ended up creating an instance and accessing the custom object directly, but that wouldn't always work.
If that makes sense?
5:24 AM
I'm not sure I'm understanding ...
eyes open for 10 minutes ...
here's a blurb on calling functions anyway
you can call methods with two different API functions, or construct the fcall info yourself, I suggest using APIS, the calling function is zend_call_function, which accepts zend_fcall_info and zend_fcall_info_cache pointers, you should use zend_fcall_info_arg* API to set arguments
Where did you grab that from?
I just wrote it
Basically just wanted to know how I should be calling methods on $this internally.
Had a good read, looked at get_method, didn't see zend_call_function. I have a bunch of lxr tabs, guides, internals book, etc open.
what you do is lookup the function you want to call in zend_class_entry->function_table, then setup an fci and call zend_call_function
remember when looking up functions, they should be case insensitive, so if you can't find a function names theFunction, lookup thefunction
Okay thanks I'll keep that in mind.
5:28 AM
you can't rely on internals using lowercase all the time, so use whatever case you have from userland, then strtolower if it can't be found
you can use get_method also, however, this might invoke logic you don't want to use, such as _call and what not, it will usually end up invoking this function lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/Zend/zend_object_handlers.c#1081
if the class doesn't have it's own handler set ...
Where fci is zend_fcall_info?
fci is short for zend_fcall_info, fcc short for zend_fcall_info_cache, by convention
fcic fci_cache, something like that ...
am I making sense ?
Yup, enough sense to point me in the right direction.
good :)
there's another API for calling methods, but it's a bit stupid
Also good to not know exactly what to look for because I come across so much related stuff along the way.
5:33 AM
zend_call_method but it takes only two arguments maximum and invokes magic and what not ... depends what you are doing, sometimes useful ...
it's usually better to perform the lookup yourself, so you can skip calling your own ZEND_METHOD if the zend_function->type == ZEND_INTERNAL_FUNCTION ...
Can I use zend_long just like a long?
yeah, use zend_long in place of long everywhere to avoid truncation
some systems long is sizeof 4 and zend_long sizeof 8 because long is 32bit (int32_t) and zend_long 64 bit (on windows __int64) int64_t
you can use int32_t for things like indexes, but it limited the size of the thing to 32bit ... you just have to cast careful, in general though, avoid that and use zend_long because it's setup correctly and everything coming from userland is zend_long (max size supported by arch)
For something like count, would it be better to use size_t or an unsigned variant of long?
use zend_long, let zend figure it out ... today, size_t will work mostly ... but do you want it to work mostly, or everywhere ;)
MySQL is magical
5:40 AM
long live zend_long
it didn't used to be a problem to use unsigned and whatever, it might save you four bytes, but now that php has 64bit support, it gets complicated and the kind of bugs it produces are hard to track down ...
phpdbg -h on windows is broken right now precisely because of lazy coding using int everywhere where it should now be long ...
/me goes to walk dogs, lata
Laters, thanks again
6:30 AM
@rtheunissen your add_all is a good candidate for zend_call_method
Thanks, I couldn't believe that what I did instead actually worked.
zend_call_method(return_value, Z_OBJCE_P(return_value), NULL, ZEND_STRL("addAll"), &retval, 1, values, NULL)
zval retval; ZVAL_UNDEF(&retval) before that, and if (Z_TYPE(retval) != IS_UNDEF) zval_ptr_dtor(&retval) upon return
Hah that's a ridiculous header. zval *object, zend_class_entry *obj_ce, zend_function **fn_proxy, const char *function_name, size_t function_name_len, zval *retval_ptr, int param_count, zval* arg1, zval* arg2
` Only returns the returned zval if retval_ptr != NULL `
If I didn't want to use return_value for the object, how can I allocate a new zval for it? Most information around that has been deprecated.
Because I'm returning the object as it is, which might not be the desired behaviour.
6:55 AM
@rtheunissen well ... it depends, give me for example ?
in general, you don't allocate zvals anymore, not directly anyway
why wouldn't you want to use the return_value there ?
We're creating an object, and saving it as return_value. ie, our function will now return the object.
What if we didn't want to return that object?
I guess we could just reset it later on..
so if for example, you wanted to construct the object and perform some manipulation on it then return a value from it's properties or something ?
use a zval on the stack in that case but remember to dtor it before control leaves function if the engine has no references to it ...
"use a zval on the stack" is the only part of that which I'm unclear about.
6:59 AM
PHP_METHOD(LinkedList, from) /* {{{ */
    zval *values;
	zval stacked;

    concat_dll_object *intern;

    // Attempt to parse as either array or object
    if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "z", &values) == FAILURE) {

    // Create instance
    object_init_ex(&stacked, ce_concat_dll);

    // Get internal object
    intern = Z_CONCAT_DLL(stacked);

	/* do stuff */

	/* set return value, or not */

Ah that's so damn clever and obvious at the same time.
Hmm Couldn't find implementation for method LinkedList::addAll
commit, I'll have a look
Okay 1 second. test.php is a temporary lazy way to test :p
7:09 AM
Fuck I should learn to listen.
you have --enable-debug ?
I don't. I'm not compiling with a php-src clone, just phpizing with my local install. Worth cloning and building you reckon?
you want --enable-debug, tells you about leaks ... of which there are many :)
need free_obj handler set
Okay good, I was wondering how I'm going to determine where there are leaks. Taking things one step at a time, just trying to get basic functionality going. --enable-debug is a configure arg when building PHP itself, right?
7:17 AM
free_obj handler is on my list :)
krakjoe@fiji:/usr/src/php-data-structures/ext$ php -dextension=concat.so test.php
[Sat Sep 26 08:14:49 2015]  Script:  '/usr/src/php-data-structures/ext/test.php'
/usr/src/php-data-structures/ext/concat_dll.c(108) :  Freeing 0x7F4F9B4E48C0 (40 bytes), script=/usr/src/php-data-structures/ext/test.php
Last leak repeated 2 times
[Sat Sep 26 08:14:49 2015]  Script:  '/usr/src/php-data-structures/ext/test.php'
/usr/src/php-data-structures/ext/concat_dll.c(58) :  Freeing 0x7F4F9B4E4910 (40 bytes), script=/usr/src/php-data-structures/ext/test.php
it mostly tells you pretty precisely where they are, the zend_string ones are a bit tricky to track down sometimes because always reported in the same place but can be anywhere you addref a string
That's awesome. Didn't know about the -dextension arg either.
I'll clone and build with --enable-debug.
in your free_obj, call std_dtor after you do your business logic, because when you think about the whole thing should look like


/* ... */


there is no std_ctor, it's std_init, but same thing ...
Writing these down..
7:21 AM
if you call the dtor first, and there is a circular reference to yourself in properties table, things can get tricky
you know about USE_ZEND_ALLOC ?
Nope, I don't.
okay so, when tracking down leaks that are difficult to trace, but also debugging memory errors, its useful to disable the zend mm, this forces zend to use std malloc() which is sometimes easier to trace for leaks ... but more importantly, oob reads/writes are not always detectable when the zend mm is being used because actually the reigon you are reading was allocated by the mm, so it can't tell you are not supposed to be reading it, but valgrind will pick that up when you are using std alloc
USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 in env disables the zend mm
it disables zends leak detector, but valgrinds leak detector and error detector is more reliable ... basically ...
So when building and testing, USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 ?
not always just when you have leaks or memory errors that aren't very clear
normally you should use zend mm
I guess you've used gdb, what about valgrind ?
Okay will keep that in mind. Yup I've used valgrind but not for days.
7:30 AM
when you get segfaults, it's not always clear what causes them when you debug with gdb, this is because gdb doesn't report memory errors that lead up to or precede the fault, valgrind does and it's usually the case that the source of the fault is further up the stack than where gdb will break for a SIGSEGV
you'll need to know this for the next bits ... I'm way ahead of ya ;)
I'm writing them down even if they don't make sense now. Future me will thank me later.
going well though, am I right that you just started to write in C, learning as you go ?
if you don't mind me asking, what made you interested in php internals and exts ?
pretty niche thing to get into, just curious :)
Yup, less than a week ago. Previously it's just been years of Java -> years of PHP and JS after dropping out of a CS degree in my third year. I had a technical interview with a large company two months ago which didn't go as well as I had hoped, but it felt like huge a gravity assist.
I've made a list of books I plan to work through, started a CS meetup in Wellington, and realised that I will have to break into C if I want to get to that next level. Figured a good way to get started would be to write an extension. I came up with the idea at the NZ PHP conference about a month ago.
I bought a C++ book when I was an enthusiastic 11 year old, but only now do I feel like I'm in a position to take it on properly.
Writing an extension seemed like a good balance of work and play.
7:52 AM
you've done well in a week ...
Thanks. :) I've been looking forward to this weekend because it's hard to find time around work in the week.
I have the best job in the world ... I can do this all day every day if I want ... so that's what I do ...
occasionally I'll be pulled out of dreamland to do something ... not often ...
I don't think anyone will ever be able to get me to leave ... a few people have tried ...
you should tell your employer you are expanding your horizons and need time for that during the week, in the end it will benefit them ... if they don't see that, walk away ...
I spent more than 10 years working such jobs, I'll never go back to that ...
We're a small startup with a demanding roadmap, I'd just be putting more pressure on myself if I take time out. It's Python ~8 hours a day, PHP around that. There aren't enough hours in the day to also be healthy, sleep well, take time out etc.
sleep is for the weak ...
I say that too at 4am, but at 8am when I'm supposed to wake up it's more like "I can sleep for a week"
8:00 AM
I don't like startups, there is nothing worse than working your ass off for years only for the startup to fail ... not only do you have to find a new job, but you can't very well use that as a reference ...
you can do the best job possible and still the company fail for other reasons, it's always other reasons ...
That's very true. As my first job, in a casual environment with cool people and a lot that can improved, I have to say it's been good. I wouldn't go back and trade it for something corporate.
it's probably just me, I'll take a job if it sounds interesting, regardless of what the company is doing and whether it has a long term future ... I can't really tell about long term future for business, it's not my thing ...
so safer to take jobs at established places where the chance of failure is slim to none
But where you might not play a key role in what could be success?
We were interviewing for an intern all week and it's very clear when someone is interested in the role, and when they're interested in the company.
I don't care if you love the company but can't do the job. At the same time I wouldn't hire someone who doesn't believe in the product. It's an impossible balance.
environment is important ... I worked on my own for all of that ten years .... I don't want to shoulder that responsibility, I'm extremely interested in code, and that is all ... I don't care about business or any of that stuff, I don't know about it ... having spent ten years in a room by myself, with nobody to talk to and bound by contract not to talk to anyone even if I did have someone, I just want to work in a successful shop that can make use of the special skill set I've built for myself
I won't play the normal interview game, it doesn't get me anywhere
That's a solid position to be in.
8:07 AM
Guys, I'm looking for a good web application idea I could use for the upcoming web development competition I'm participating
if you don't see what is infront of you when you're thinking about giving me a job, I'm out, I don't fit ...
If a job requires that I have a degree, I'm out.
In saying that, I'm considering going back next year to finish it.
yeah that's getting rarer though ... I don't have a degree, but often the most inventive programmers do come from other areas, engineers of another kind can be very valuable ....
Would give me a good amount of free time to practice and learn other things too.
I restarted degree last year, but couldn't pay for it ... or rather couldn't get loans to pay for it ... I'll do it again sometime, probably ...
8:10 AM
So primarily a) to finish what I started, b) university schedule allows for more self-directed study. c) having a degree would be nice.
@HassanAlthaf any ideas on your mind so far
@rtheunissen A project management system, something like a web based IDE for web development projects
they are extraordinarily expensive here, and the red tape in the way of getting loans puts me off from trying again ... it was so much hassle, and I started, only to have to stop after a few months ... I don't have time for that, I'd rather be doing useful things ...
If you know what you need to know then nothing really matters.
Or rather, know what you need to know to do what you want to do.
@rtheunissen Thats the only idea, but I don't think that option is really good, as it is not a very complicated idea I guess to compete with adults.. Most of my competitors hold a degree, I don't have any educational qualification. I'm self-taught.
Doing a simple idea well is better than doing a complex idea poorly.
I am self-taught as well for the most part.
8:15 AM
Well, I agree, but only up to a certain extent.
there are things I'd like to know more about, which is why I started ... twice actually I started, but the first time kids came along and I needed to work to feed em ... I'll probably do it when I can just afford to pay for it myself without relying on government or anyone else ... I regret not doing it when I was the proper age, I was too busy being a dick ...
I just suck at generating ideas.
I wish there was an app which suggested some project ideas lmao
@HassanAlthaf build that ;)
@rtheunissen la impossiblé
> I regret not doing it when I was the proper age

It's never too late.
@HassanAlthaf Coming up with a good idea is by far the hardest part.
8:17 AM
@rtheunissen Ikr, I was thinking of doing a decent one, and after this competition, using the same thing for school Science and Technology fair
Last time, I got owned too hard at school, crappy 5 minute to build stuff which already exist won prizes while I got no prize lol
Again, implement a crappy idea well rather than spend 90% of the time on the idea and what to name it. :p
Speaking from experience here because that's what I always do.
Idc about the name. I just call it with a general name.
in theory, in practice, I have two kids to feed, a very expensive rent bill every month, many other bills, two trust funds ... the list goes on ... I can't work less, and what I earn isn't enough to maintain current responsibilities and pay for educating myself ... I tried to get loans and oh my god the hassle, and it failed ... when you're 18, there is nothing in the way of getting loans, you have nothing to do with your time, it's much easier to do it then ...
If it is an accounting system, then accounting system. Name doesn't do shit lmao.
it's not too late, but it's a million times harder ...
8:20 AM
Hah for me the name is everything.
@JoeWatkins True true. We inteviewed someone who was a DJ for 15 years. Strong canidate regardless. If only money wasn't a thing, right?
@JoeWatkins Although it is never too late, I'm very sure there are some light part-time degree programmes which take some more years extra?
@HassanAlthaf any good at data analysis ?
Yeah but sometimes the overhead of another responsibility is just too much. I'd rather do 4 papers full time than 1 paper a year for 4 years. :S
@JoeWatkins What do you mean?
@rtheunissen I'm 15, and I feel the pressure of studying when I barely have responsibilities. Therefore, it's fair enough that @JoeWatkins can't find time for it.
For sure, I can't imagine taking on work, my own stuff, and a family. So much respect for full time parents who also make time for other things.
8:26 AM
there is a fair amount of genome data in the public domain, there is also a fair amount of statistics regarding it ... with not very much work, you should be able to accept all or part of someones sequence and analyze it to determine predisposition to certain health conditions, as well as the presence of genetic defects ...
Oh god... I'm dying... someone save me
they're relatively simple quaternary sequences, it depends how much time you got for the competition ...
I have about 3 months for the competition.
Within this period, we gotta complete our project.
sounds long enough to me ...
Yeah, I wanna do a top notch job, but considering that i have school and I have another project on for my diploma.
But, just no inspiration on what to do.. lol
8:29 AM
you realize if you made that work, not only would you win said competition, but I'd be surprised if someone didn't invest in the idea ...
If I wanted I could do something like a web-based IDE, but I won't learn anything new + there are loads out there.
Invest in which idea? web-based IDE?
no the thing I just said ...
@JoeWatkins that?
yeah, that
there is a fair amount of genome data in the public domain, there is also a fair amount of statistics regarding it ... with not very much work, you should be able to accept all or part of someones sequence and analyze it to determine predisposition to certain health conditions, as well as the presence of genetic defects ...
that stuff I can't understand it lol.
I suck at english...
Mind simplifying it for me?
8:31 AM
you know what genomes are ?
Not really, never heard.
I have to each something. Night everyone. Thanks for the assist, @JoeWatkins. Means a lot.
welcome @rtheunissen, nn
@rtheunissen night man
@JoeWatkins So, genome is a collection of some DNA ye?
8:32 AM
and DNA is basically properties of a living organism?
yeah, it's the instructions to build and maintain a body
So, for example
Genome = ['hairColor' => 'brown', 'eyeColor' => 'blue']
each element in that array'd be a DNA?
And the entire array'd be a Genome?
Sorry if I am talking shit, but biology is not something i am good at lol
well it's more complex than that, a brief explanation would be en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nucleic_acid_sequence .... but you probably don't have long enough to learn about all this in three months ...
Oh yeah, I get you.
I am not at all good in Biology.
Although I love to study new things, I can't at the moment.
Any good idea would be highly appreciated, I really love your idea, but time is the problem.
I'll be out of this institute by January, and therefore, I can only participate this year.
you know there's nothing really wrong with doing something that's been done before, if you can do it better, that's how things progress ... that's why we don't all own nokia 3310s in 2015 ;)
8:37 AM
I agree,
I'd start straight away with the web IDE, but JS is not something I am good at. :
I'd have to spend some time learning it.
is sunny outside, probably not many nice days left this year ... so I'm out ... lata :)
9:02 AM
Anyone here for wordpress?
9:30 AM
Happy caturday
I do not think anyone is here for wordpress.. Must of us avoid it..
I did make a plugin I think everyone should use wordpress.org/plugins/uninstall
9:42 AM
is fpm working on php7?
<sigh> PHP6 rearing its ugly head again - stackoverflow.com/questions/32795404/…
wtf is "appserv"
anyone who sees that and thinks "man, there's a project who has their shit together, I'm gonna use that" gets what they deserve
9:58 AM
Sadly, I've seen it being used in production systems... though fortunately not for a few years now.... but their seem to have been a couple of references to people using it just over the past few days
You'd have thought that anybody using PHP these days would be aware enough from the messages on the PHP website
@RonniSkansing Nice plugin lol
o/ Hassan.. thx =)
@RonniSkansing I wonder how wordpress felt while approving your plugin LOL
Well I can tell you, whoever approved didnt think there was any need for it
but ended up approving anyways
10:09 AM
@MarkBaker haha nice, i will try it :D
a fck wrong
@RonniSkansing was an answer to this >.>
1 hour later…
11:31 AM
oh, @MarkBaker you are in the room?! good. you answered one of my question in the stackoverflow last month, still I enjoy of your answer. thanks :-)

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