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12:00 AM
zpp() should just default to non-strict or whatever
Then you use zpp_ex() if you want to override the default
Yes, but the idea is you'd be able to declare your code as strict mode and all calls would be strict, including for internal funcs
But the default is the "good old" PHP weak parameter types
Right, but why does the function need to know or care what default you've declared?
@SaraGolemon Well to do the strict thing, zpp needs to know you want to do it
the flag needs to somehow get from the opcode to zpp
Yes, and if you explicitly want it, then you change your code...
zpp knows what op_array we're in...
I'm so confused
Can you paste some examples of what you mean?
Does it?
12:02 AM
Sure, EG(current_execute_data)
@SaraGolemon ... oh.
Wait, why do we even pass ZEND_NUM_ARGS() then?
Legacy, it's not used.
Well, it is, but it's not needed
@SaraGolemon See, I was upset that EX_CALL_INFO() wasn't working. But I guess ZEND_CALL_INFO(EG(current_execute_data)) will :D
12:05 AM
EG(current_execute_data) is a siren call. burrow in there, and eventually you'll be producing very bad things. It's already consumed Elizabeth and I...
Andreas-MacBook-Air:php-src ajf$ sapi/cli/php -r 'var_dump(intdiv(0, 10));'
strict? 0
strict? 0
Andreas-MacBook-Air:php-src ajf$ sapi/cli/php -r 'declare(strict_typehints=TRUE); var_dump(intdiv(0, 10));'
strict? 1
strict? 1
ZEND_API int zend_parse_parameters(int num_args, const char *type_spec, ...) /* {{{ */
    va_list va;
    int retval;

    printf("strict? %d\n", (ZEND_CALL_INFO(EG(current_execute_data)) & ZEND_CALL_STRICT_TYPEHINTS) ? 1 : 0);
My work here is done.
@Sara I was actually surprised that compiled. I was expecting some big fat error and it having been removed by Dmitry Stogov as part of PHP 7, or something :p
12:07 AM
doesn't (int) (ZEND_CALL_INFO(EG(current_execute_data)) & ZEND_CALL_STRICT_TYPEHINTS) work too?
@FlorianMargaine I wanted a boolean, but yes that was unnecessary
@Florian Yes, but it won't be 0 or 1, it'll be 0 or whatever the value of ZEND_CALL_STRICT_TYPEHINTS is
@SaraGolemon 32 :)
@SaraGolemon which would be truthy
Could do (int)(bool)(ZEND_CALL_INFO(EG(current_execute_data)) & ZEND_CALL_STRICT_TYPEHINTS) but that'd only work in C++
12:08 AM
It's the Answer to the Ultimate Question of the Universe, Life and Everything, minus ten.
although I'm not sure what the point is
@SaraGolemon Or C99.
C99 has bool?
Well alright then
@SaraGolemon Yes. The keyword's actually _Bool for BC, but you can include stdbool.h to get a nice define :)
#include <stdbool.h>
12:09 AM
I'm so used to C89 in PHP src :p
@SaraGolemon I kinda want to write a fresh PHP interpreter in clean C11 or Rust or something
There's some nice C11 stuff I'd love to use
cough C++14
can't we have a hack in the compiler/makefile to make it use stdbool if it's available, and otherwise provide it our own?
@SaraGolemon Leave this place, heathen!
@FlorianMargaine Er, we do. zend_bool. But we can't guarantee the conversion behaviour ofc. So there's no real advantage to it.
@AndreaFaulds oh.
12:10 AM
@Andrea I have seen the light. C++11 is gorgeous
@SaraGolemon Also massive.
So's Jupiter, still pretty.
Andrea is phobic of C++ ^^
C++ scares me
I could get behind a Rust implementation, but I think it's missing some important pieces for low-level optimizations. They don't have constexpr either :(
12:12 AM
I felt the same way just a few years ago. The key is to work on a well organized C++ project.
I hate myself
Why does strictness imply quiet?
@SaraGolemon oops, tired...
if (ZEND_CALL_INFO(EG(current_execute_data)) & ZEND_CALL_STRICT_TYPEHINTS) {
Ah, that makes more sense
You're putting that in zpp() and leaving zpp_ex() as explicit? Or putting it in zpp_ex() because yolo?
@SaraGolemon No, also putting in zpp_ex.
Despite what you'd expect, zpp isn't a zpp_ex wrapper, maybe because varargs?
12:15 AM
Oh, well, it's not a wrapper, but they both proxy to the same underlying implementation
vacation time officially over :)
I kinda would like zpp_ex() to be able to override this behavior somehow
But I'm not sure what the "right way" for that is
12:17 AM
wb @rdlowrey; Hope you had a great vacation
It may involve making a zend_coerce_parameters() or something, but that way lies madness, I'll leave you to it
Achievement unlocked: melanoma awareness mascot.
(not really, but I am still really bad at sunscreen)
@SaraGolemon iirc some functions actually use that to inspect only part of the passed arguments
12:21 AM
@NikiC The QUIET mode? Yeah. I'm not arguing against that. I'm just thinking an ability to override the default strictness default.
@rdlowrey OMG you are back!
@SaraGolemon I'm referring to the ZEND_NUM_ARGS() parameter here ^^
@LeviMorrison Yeah it seems like every year I get exactly zero accomplished between thanksgiving and new year's
vacation and family and stuff
Hey no worries. Usually you get some chatting done though ^^
12:22 AM
@NikiC Oh, that yeah. It gets used in actual functions, but @Andrea was asking why we provide it to zpp()
Was just a bit worried since I hadn't seen you around ^^
Found an example: lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_TRUNK/ext/gd/gd.c#4793 Passes 2 to only match the first two args ^^
Well I would have been "back" a week ago but my sister was turning 30 this past week so there was an extra vacation to celebrate
Just got home from the airport about half an hour ago.
hey @rdlowrey
where did you go for your vacation?
12:27 AM
The Dominican Republic. I'm very sunburned :)
I'll have to admit that I needed Google's help to figure out just where that is ^^
I hadn't ever been there before. We did one of those all-inclusive things where you can just eat and drink as much as you want.
So I'll be in detox/rehab mode for the next month or so.
Hey @ircmaxell is the PHP roundtable thing on hangouts or something else?
12:34 AM
$ sapi/cli/php -r 'declare(strict_typehints=TRUE); var_dump(intdiv(0, 10.0));'

Catchable fatal error: intdiv() expects parameter 2 to be integer, float given in Command line code on line 1
:D :D :D
@rdlowrey hangouts
@rdlowrey hangouts
@rdlowrey hangouts
12:48 AM
this is going to be interesting
1:40 AM
@rdlowrey hangouts
this is fun
I have returned home
stop it with the evil laugh. The evil laugh would be voting against it
@ircmaxell I'm just anticipating Zeev's response ;)
Sorry, but why not ini_set?
Why declare?
1:52 AM
@sectus Because you can't control the INI in a shared host, and language behaviour shouldn't depend on global configuration
and declare felt neglected
@AndreaFaulds precisely
@AndreaFaulds so, is it good idea to move some directives from php_ini to declare?
@sectus Most of the things in the INI are probably okay to stay there
@AndreaFaulds ALL - MOST = FEW. What about few?
1:55 AM
But declare() isn't where the rest should go. They should probably be set at runtime somehow.
@Andrea for what it's worth, I like your approach to settling the "strict versus coercive" debate. "Why not have both?"
@SaraGolemon I didn't want to have both if it meant mixing and matching in one function. But having just one set of type hints and two behaviour modes that the caller can choose works well for me. Especially as I get to fix ZPP's behaviour, and it doesn't break BC if libraries add hints. :)
Yeah, and I understand at this point why you're not mixing. I was unclear on your goal when I suggested a per-argument basis
And I think I can probably adapt HHVM's callers pretty easily...
2:15 AM
@AndreaFaulds bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46287 I have not heard the phrase 'Numeric character reference' before.....but that's basically implemented with the unicode escape syntax isn't it?
@JoeWatkins Damnit, I saw "Mocking PHP" and I was hoping it'd actually make fun of PHP so I could make a test mocking pun, but you were making that joke :p
@Danack No, I think they mean &#123; (NCR) vs &eacute; (entity)
@AndreaFaulds yeah....but the same thing, specifying characters as numbers, can be done with the unicode rfc can't it - It's just a different set of numbers?
And we'd never support the NCR numbers, now that we have the unicode ones.
@Danack HTML entities and Unicode aren't really the same thing...
"Since WebSgml, XML and HTML 4, the code points of the Universal Character Set (UCS) of Unicode are used."
I'm curious what "support for html entities" specifically they're talking about
2:21 AM
@Danack Sure, but who says you're outputting UTF-8?
@AndreaFaulds everyone who's not insane?
@PaulCrovella I assumed they meant for html_entity_decode, and the request was to make it easy to output non-ascii chars.
@Danack that already works with NCRs though
I did not know that.
2:48 AM
yay, now I can sleep
Goodnight @ircmaxell :)
@AndreaFaulds ^^ You'll be happy to know I am doing final touches before putting Return Types to vote.
@LeviMorrison Awesome ^^
3:06 AM
Any final feedback on nitty-gritty stuff? wiki.php.net/rfc/returntypehinting
@LeviMorrison , why T_STRING only?
@LeviMorrison TODO: get this error message
@LeviMorrison Otherwise, looks good. Ship it!
@sectus T_STRING encompasses all class names as well as self and parent.
@LeviMorrison , what about T_NS_SEPARATOR ?
3:11 AM
Meh, the patch handles it.
It's just an example.
When it was first created we didn't have the AST changes.
I guess I could update that.
Going to sleep...
goodnight :)
Hmm. I can't run master right now. I did a make distclean, and then ./buildconf --force && ./configure --enable-debug && make and I get a segfault when running tests.
It seems it failed on the first test.
3:26 AM
hello can i post an Out of topic question here.
has any body used mailchimp before?
3:38 AM
Does the hard disk data always get loaded in the RAM before being presented?
@sectus Do you have a clue about what "resident memory" means?
4:08 AM
@nosille , what are you learing/doing? Your questions appear randomly.
@sectus MongoDB
they're not random at all
@nosille What do you mean by "before being presented" ?
Hi. I need an advice on upload base64 encoded videos (3 mins max length) using PHP. Basically I have a list of videos that I want to upload one after the other. Will this be really slow?
I did a test uploading 1 video and it is fine and quick. But for looping in a list of videos the browser tab becomes unresponsive.
@sectus I'm also curious about how data files are mapped in "shared view" (memory?) via mmap().
4:31 AM
Why can't I create a new project with PHPStorm?
5:09 AM
i am new can you guide how to edit httpd.conf file to convert uppercase to lowercase
Good morning folks
5:25 AM
so what is with the PHPNG ??
5:46 AM
good morning to all of you!!!
@zan It's the PHP7 and its awesome.
hi sara
is the JIT engine is ready
m too eager to see it working
6:03 AM
good mornings
@hakre you too
@zan PHP7 doesn't have a JIT. Played with the idea of dispatching to llvm, but passed on it.
can you post a link featuring the PHP7 new features
6:36 AM
so we can install and try it
morning @Joe
@SaraGolemon me too, not for 7, but same, gave in ...
@zan checkout master branch of php-src from github/git.php.net
7:24 AM
good morning
posted on January 13, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by WoolyNeck */

7:44 AM
Why do they call databases "models" and what does "business logic" mean exactly?
Still mongodb?
this time MySQL
business logic is the part of the application that covers the actual "rules" of your specific domain, leaving aside the lower level technical implementation. For example you are building an app for a hospital. Your client decides that a doctor can assign exactly 3 assistents and everytime an assistent is assigned to a doctor it should be logged.
Good morning everyone.
7:57 AM
The part that exactly three assistents can be assigned would be part of your business logic, the logging part on the opposite would not.
I am having a problem in codeigniter. I need to extend codeigniter's jQuery library. Tried it this way.
Created MY_Jquery.php file in /application/libraries/javascript/ and named the class 'MY_Jquery' extends 'CI_Jquery' but it does not work.
Could any one has an understanding how to overcome this ?
1. don't use codeigniter in 2015
2. jquery is a js library, not php
975 queries... yay doctrine :*(
8:19 AM
is there any command where i can find git.exe in windows ?

where git.exe

doesn't work
good meurning!
8:39 AM
wherethefek git.exe
must implement
alias wherethefek=whereis
windows has whereis ?
of course not
I only work with real OS though
C:\Users\marti_000>whereis git.exe
git: /usr/bin/git.exe /usr/share/man/man1/git.1.gz
8:43 AM
@tereško you're with msysgit?
I am using CygWin
it seems to have better ssh integration for git
yes, I just can't work on win anymore :(
I haven't had time to set up a BSD desktop in years
hell ... last time I used one was when I was still at Mediaparks (company I worked for ~7 years ago)
any ubuntu-like linux can be set up in minutes, I'd say, 3x faster than windows
@tereško mediaparks is a pretty old company iirc
8:47 AM
fuck ubuntu
I think I remember it from 99-01 years
9:04 AM
@JoeWatkins You have given my birthday present some more thought by any chance or have you given up on the idea?
@Patrick fix your iterations xD
@Ocramius that looks a bit too similar to the code I am working on... :D
@Patrick see the 2 slides after that one :P
9:12 AM
@PeeHaa I played with enums a bit, haven't got anywhere good with it yet ...
@JoeWatkins Would the idea be to allow customisable values, or just a 0-indexed list?
Just thinking in terms of complexity of type checking
@JoeWatkins Could maybe set some flag at compile time so you can shortcut the type check with 0 < val < x for enums declared with implicit values
(and store x, obviously)
> Suggest Twitter to use person's IQ number as the character limit in their messages
9:23 AM
Could probably use the highest order bit of the long that would store x for the flag actually, having an enum with >2**31 values doesn't make a lot of sense
@SergeyTelshevsky yay, would be able to write longer messages
ahahah, gotta remember not to launch drones near water youtube.com/watch?v=mFOoaFDQJwE
Did anyone listen to that talk late last night on Coding Securely In PHP?
9:39 AM
Does anyone still use the ext/mysql snippet from the pinned message?
@DaveRandom which message?
> ... Snippets: ext/mysql ...
ah this … nope.
@DaveRandom Yo momma last night said she still did
9:42 AM
@PeeHaa Really? Cuz yours is still using ext/mysql...
Ouch. That is just low man
> Yo momma so old, she still uses ext/mysql
@PeeHaa #burn
Speaking of low. @hakre do I need to do anything for fosdem? As in sign up somewhere? Or can I just walk in and that's it?
any dota 2 players?
any php7 players?
9:48 AM
@nosille Format that block please, oreven better use a pastie service
@PeeHaa It's definitely formatted in my PHPStorm
Looks like this when pasted
2 messages moved to bin
Now you know. But please use a pastie service instead if you have a wall of code
Yeh for code blocks that size please use a pastebin
I would say if it's > 5 lines (incl. vertical whitespace) then pastebin
Help keep chat tidy and useful :-)
BTW I see that ctrl+k` is missing from the chat formatting faq for some reason @nosille. For multiline code use that instead of backticks
9:53 AM
I see
hahah my clients will be back by 19, so i have so much time to play ^^
@boyee Slacking off FTW \o/
Hello everyone, I have installed cent os 5 and kloxo panel on my dedicated server, now there is limit for number of table inside one database, please give any way to increase this limit. I'm able to create only 250 tables inside one db, I want it to be 1000, please help me.
@RaviBhalodiya Why did you choose to install an obsolete version on a new machine?
9:57 AM
@ThW Morening
afternoon here
great, Mean about kloxo?
I never heard of kloxo

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