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@Lusitanian That question is strange.
1:12 AM
normally i can deal with people who really don't know anything and think they do
because i used to be like that back when i was 12-13
but this guy takes the cake
@Lusitanian I figured out what he wants now.
I know what he wants
He just doesn't get that the solution is obvious and in front of his face
Which is why I'm guessing it really isn't his script he's trying to "decrypt"
that and he keeps tossing around SHA512 which makes no sense in this context
1:44 AM
Hi, anyone encountered this weird behavior in PHP? stackoverflow.com/questions/12417070/…
@thedjaney Odd...
yeah, another weird thing is when I remove the plugin, it still goes white screen..
and when I mean remove, I mean removing the folder itself. Because the admin is also white screen
2:02 AM
@shaquin, it was actually a allowed memory size reached error.
@thedjaney Just saw that.
@thedjaney Next: Check that line :-)
2:24 AM
Why do people debug PHP like that :P --- xdebug is your friend (:
hola @PeeHaa
how's the new job treating you
@Lusitanian that's a PHP extension right? well, I don't have full control of the server.
ah, understandable
it's actually a zend engine extension
1 hour later…
3:46 AM
yeah, everyone who knows me knows that
4:07 AM
I read that entire comment but I'm still not sure what he's getting at
5:07 AM
@all i need help in drawing graphs... in php i have also drawn but i need some help on that please help
@ShyamK hi....
hey @Goofy
@ShyamK how are you?
left Android? you were in Android, right?
@ShyamK i am stilll in android... as i had told some times i need to work on php
I'm good. Playing around.
5:09 AM
@ShyamK thats good ... i need some help from you for generating graphs in php
@Goofy yes I know. I was just pulling your leg.
@ShyamK ha ha ha ...
I haven't used a graph generator b4 but jpGraph seems simple enough...
@ShyamK ok i wil try that...
@Nick hi how are you?
5:15 AM
@Goofy not bad and yourself?
@Nick hectic work... thats it..
Hello Everyone
5:34 AM
6:04 AM
@Goofy for graphing in PHP; have you tried having PHP generate SVG images?
I need to learn SVG
Anyone has a tutorial that's slightly above beginner level?
@Truth above beginner level is pretty much advanced use of the "Path" syntax and using CSS/Javascript on the basic elements, no?
@MidnightLightning Yeah, have something like that?
I've stopped trusting Google as a reliable tutorial source
The first ones are the ones who planted most keywords, not the best ones
Want to learn by example? Here's a large AJAX spinner I created in SVG since I wanted way more frames than a GIF would make feasible: grimoire.pagodabox.com/img/tref_load_js.svg
I'll see if I can dig up the tutorials I used to build that javascript SVG animation...
@MidnightLightning no... but i have already written the code ... can u plez help me in altering that?
6:11 AM
@MidnightLightning wow
Written the code... to do what? create the graph using GD functions?
@MidnightLightning to generate graphs using queries...
@Goofy What form of output are your graphs currently?
@ShyamK Thanks! :D
@MidnightLightning Wow, that's very impressive
@Truth Thanks! I wanted it to be way smoother (aliased) than a transparent GIF, and to leave no doubt that it was a short, frame-based animation; the large shape takes 20 seconds to revolve, the large disk 7 seconds, and the small disk 3. So the two discs sync up at the original "top" of the shape every 21 seconds, but since that's longer than the rotation of the whole shape, it's already rotated past "up" and is slightly askew.
Therefore it takes 20*21 seconds before it makes one cycle and repeats.
Which, of course, would be impossible to do as a GIF without having a GB-sized image file.
6:17 AM
Would be cool if the entire shape spun backwards (in an opposite direction of the discs), think it would look nicer.
@Truth Might be interesting to try; I kept it all going the same direction since that clockwise rotation is somewhat the norm for "loading" spinners.
It's also smaller than a normal animated gif right?
about 17k from what I can see
Yup; and it could be GZ-compressed as well.
I have it set at 50 frames/sec as well, and it seems to be pretty smooth on most browsers I've tried. As long as there's not a bunch of other javascript animations going on at the same time, it should handle pretty well.
6:25 AM
How do you calculate the bezier curves?
Trial and error? Have some sort of generator? Math genius?
I originally created it in Illustrator ;)
So, "generator" would be the answer
Illustrator generates SVG syntax paths for you?
Inkscape (free) can also export SVG if you want to draw there
@Truth Illustrator has SVG in the "export" file option (not "save as"; since it looses editing features), which can convert text to outlines and Gzip it for you as well
@MidnightLightning sorry i was not on my desk... i am able to generate bar graph...
@Goofy Bar graph as an image? varying-height <div>'s?
6:28 AM
@MidnightLightning wait i will paste my code...
@Truth And actually, Illustrator's price came down a bunch with the new Creative Cloud offering, so more people can actually get it!
@MidnightLightning see this... pastebin.com/2aungap6
@Goofy So, yes, using GD functions.
Please, don't use mysql_* functions to write new code. They are no longer maintained and the community has begun deprecation process. See the red box? Instead you should learn about prepared statements and use either PDO or MySQLi. If you can't decide which, this article will help you. If you pick PDO, here is good tutorial.
@Goofy ^
@Truth ok...
6:33 AM
@Goofy If you move your code to Javascript-rendering there's a few nice libraries that I've used recently for SVG rendering Google Charts and d3.js
Are you wanting them to be bars, or did you want lines or some other graph style?
@MidnightLightning tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=88cac5b see this ...
this is the graph...
@MidnightLightning i just need to do add some butification to that.... like fill the bars with solid color...
just guide me how to do that...
@Goofy One immediate improvement is you can use the imagettftext function instead of imagestring to make the text have aliased edges
@Goofy Filled bars is imagefilledrectangle
@MidnightLightning give me two min i will add that and see what happens...
Draw the axis lines last, so they're on top of the bars, not behind them. But draw some faint grid lines first, so they're behind everything
Generating SVG with PHP seems like the best bet
If you want some interactivity, you could use canvas too
6:38 AM
You can center-align the text to the bar width if you use the imagettfbbox function to determine what the width of the rendered text label will be.
@Truth Check out google charts; they're interactive with SVG. You definitely don't need canvas (rasterized) for that.
@MidnightLightning to be frank i am very very weak in php .... i just got some code online and i am trying modify that...
@Goofy no problem. Shameless plug; I do do freelance work if this is part of a larger project you'd like my coding help on.
@MidnightLightning give me 2 min i am trying to make the changes what u had told...
@Truth Oh, and check out this example of interaction with d3.js SVG
@MidnightLightning it says Wrong parameter count for imagettftext()...
6:44 AM
@Goofy It has one more parameter than the imagestring function; it needs to be pointed to a TTF font file on your server as the second-to-last parameter to use to render the text.
Er, both have a "font" argument; technically it's the "angle" argument that's new in the imatettftext function.
("font" is in a different order, though)
Hello Everyone
@MidnightLightning and instead of this imagerectangle($image,$xPos,$yPos,$xPos+$barWidth,($yPos-$barHeight),$red); i added imagefilledrectangle is it correct?
@MrugenRamani Hi!
@Goofy Yes, imagerectangle to imagefilledrectangle
@MidnightLightning yes it worked....
@Goofy Yay!
6:50 AM
@MidnightLightning see this tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=ef4bf80
@Goofy Yay, they're filled! Now just move the declarations for drawing the axis lines to the bottom of the script, right before output, so they're drawn on top instead of behind.
@MidnightLightning sorry i didnt get u...
@MidnightLightning and one more thing can now we have same color for A ,b,c,d if i want to add different colors then? and i want to have nos on x axis... as there are no nos...
@Goofy Lines 53 and 54 (image lines with blue color; which are the axis), cut and paste them at row 74 (right above the "header" command).
Oh my I've got to head to bed
Have a great night, ya'll
@MidnightLightning yes your are right now they are on that line...
thanks a lot...
7:41 AM
> -60 4 hours ago reversal Serial upvoting reversed
That is just completely random. Don't think I was even online at that time last night.
Hi @Sam.
@ShaquinTrifonoff hi
how are you doing, buddy?
@Sam Mostly fine, at the moment I'm trying to use PHP DOM to escape HTML entities for my chat :-)
hullo, just got chat access :)
7:45 AM
how come everyone but me can access this cool chatroom?
@Sam hi how are you?
@Goofy hi goofy
@OliverHyde Welcome to chat!
:/ attempting the @ feature, but cheers :)
You type @ and at least three characters of the user's name, e.g. @OliverHyde, @Oliver, or @Oli.
7:48 AM
@Shaquin test :]
@OliverHyde That worked. Also, if you hover over a message, you can click the reply link on the right.
@Sam Yes, PHP DOM...
lol.....you could have said for XML
and saved my brain some energy from processing
Someone really should put together a ref for new users. The FAQ chat markdown ref is a bit rubbish. Although @OliverHyde you should read it anyway, it's not totally useless. The rules are basically the same as they are in SO comments, except you can do multi-line messages (shift + enter) and multiline code with a 4-space indentation.
See? :-)
Use `'s for code. `code`.
@shaquin sorry, poor internet connection, got knocked of
7:57 AM
@OliverHyde lol, old skool
**bold** -> bold
And they are backticks ` not single quotes '
@dave yeah I live in New Zealand, it's pretty poor internet
@OliverHyde Test in the Sandbox.
@shaq ok will do
7:58 AM
@OliverHyde I'm in New Zealand too, but my internet is fine...
@ShaquinTrifonoff Show off :-P
I'm in a flat with 5 other guys on slingshots unlimited plan
@DaveRandom I'm just saying that it's not inherently because one lives in a particular country that the internet is bad :P
8:13 AM
@ShaquinTrifonoff Come live in the UK, then tell me that. Although I'll admit it's got drastically better in the last couple of years. Basically the Thatcher government f****d the infrastructure, and it's taken the red-tape factory that is BT a very long time to recover.
8:23 AM
Come live in Israel
where 80% of population still have <4Mbps
and 95% <10Mbps
Okay, I get your points.
@DaveRandom Out of interest, what your Speedtest.net DL/UL speed?
(At work)
Although London is not <50mi away. I don't know why people bother with geolocation based on IP to anything more specific than a continent.
Well, that's better than mine :P
It's normally better than that, though.
8:36 AM
<div>This won't work as you expect it ˂/div>
wtf is that ˂ character?
I'm connecting via a mobile phone broadcasting WiFi
the issue with my internet isn't the speed, its the getting disconnected 2 - 5 times an hour
Same with my mobile connection
Luckily, my home connection is much better
8:45 AM
^ Home
Cable FTW!
i'm getting a redirect loop for one of ma pages
(it's not normally that good)
and it's only in chrome only
UserCake Version: 2.0.1

echo "
<div id='wrapper'>
<div id='top'><div id='logo'></div></div>
<div id='content'>
<div id='left-nav'>";


echo "
<div id='main'>
Hey, $loggedInUser->displayname. This is an example secure page designed to demonstrate some of the basic features of UserCake. Just so you know, your title at the moment is $loggedInUser->title, and that can be changed in the a
when I remove
page works fine
what could be the problem?
config.php is here =>

UserCake Version: 2.0.1
require_once("db-settings.php"); //Require DB connection

//Retrieve settings
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, name, value
FROM ".$db_table_prefix."configuration");
$stmt->bind_result($id, $name, $value);

while ($stmt->fetch()){
$settings[$name] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value);

//Set Settings
$emailActivation = $settings['activation']['value'];;
$mail_templates_dir = "models/mail-templates/";
pla help
@SidathWijegunawardana Is there a header() in any of your code?
@SidathWijegunawardana ahh, requires linking to more requires, that makes it difficult to find. It is probably a call to the header function somewhere (same thought as Shaquin only slower).
8:50 AM
ya header.php is here=>

UserCake Version: 2.0.1
echo "
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd'>
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
<link href='".$template."' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<script src='models/funcs.js' type='text/javascript'>
What does the function securePage() look like? It's going to be that.
why do I get it only on chrome?
@SidathWijegunawardana Are there any redirects in your server config?
i'm running on 000webhost.com
@SidathWijegunawardana Did you modify an .htaccess file?
@SidathWijegunawardana What did you add?
.htaccess is here =>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f
RewriteRule .* $0.php
nothing else
If it's only in Chrome, try clearing the Chrome cache. Browser-specific protocol-related problems are usually a problem in that browser, not in the app.
I got this error once
@SidathWijegunawardana btw, a redirect in PHP code looks like this: header('Location: http://yoursite.com/example.php'); exit; read more here: php.net/manual/en/function.header.php
8:54 AM
then I cleared everything incl. the databases
but the problem is that everything worked fine except at some point i cannot login using chrome
@SidathWijegunawardana What error does Chrome output?
the said scripts except the .htaccess are located in a directory /clients
everything works great in the home directory
Ah, 310 = 'Too Many Redirects'.
Can you comment out the lines in the .htaccess file, and try it again?
8:59 AM
another thing is when I access the logout.php, it directs me to localhost page
@ShaquinTrifonoff okay
I've got to go now, so I hope someone else can help too :-)
@SidathWijegunawardana I don't have time to help much either, but you could enable the rewrite log in apache and have a look. Rewrite rules are hard to get correct from my experience.
and i tried. htaccess did not solve the prob :(
@Paul. no luck
And my one)
9:09 AM
@ome hello, and wow. I can only wish for those numbers. Time to cook dinner though for me. hmm, and now they only get faster.
@Paul haha, that is at my Uni, my home speed is slightly slower but still not that different.
and Hello @Paul :)
Yeh speedtesting Uni networks is cheating. It's like speedtesting datacentre connections, doesn't really tell you anything.
9:31 AM
holy crap that's wicked fast internet
mine's like 10megabit haha
hey does anybody know if there's some sort of application that can monitor PHP's memory limit and maybe send an auto-email if the limit is exhausted?
how about
I'm just near a main internet node
but I'm plugged with cable not fiber
or maybe one that can monitor the mammory limit
9:47 AM
@mmmshuddup Well if the memory limit get's exhausted the script will die and an error will be logged. So how about a cron job that scans the error log looking for that message and sends out the email?
@DaveRandom touche. nice thinking outside of the box
whats does this error mean (FB API)

API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.
it's almost sunrise here and I haven't gone to sleep yet. that idea didn't even occur to me
@mmmshuddup Mammory limit could be more of a problem. It's difficult to log nipples.
maybe a photo log of nipples
if there was a need for that I'd be a millionaire
9:52 AM
@mmmshuddup Sounds like a decent description of the average lad's mag
that too
@DaveRandom do you use any frameworks?
@mmmshuddup Short answer: No. Not a publicly available one. I have a framework(ish) of my own devising that I use a lot, trying to write my own MVC framework to get my head around things. But tbh I am not a professional coder (at the moment), I am a sysadmin and the majority of the stuff I write are small internal tools and non browser apps.
10:07 AM
@DaveRandom ahh right on mate.
10:18 AM
well folks I'm gonna sign off now. i need a short kip before work starts in like 5 hours
in the meantime check out that t-shirt. it's fantastic
ah don't kill sharks
@mmmshuddup sharks need to swim for them to breathe ... or is that a myth?
@ShyamK Gilled animals need to keep water flowing through them to "breathe" (they don't breathe in the traditional sense of the word). They don't need to keep moving, only to be able to keep water moving, which they can do with muscular action. So sort of yes and sort of no.
Q: How to config sqlite2 & 3 both in php 5.3.6 on ubuntu 11.10

HarryHow to configure sqlite2 & 3 both in php 5.3.6 on Ubuntu 11.10

In the same way that animals with lungs need to keep air flowing with muscular action.
10:28 AM
I'v seen sharks keeping alive in the air for a long time
like for octopus
is there any guys know about minify ? code.google.com/p/minify/wiki/UriRewriting
@tereško morning.
@cyril hi
@cyril Do you know google minify? code.google.com/p/minify
@MrugenRamani Please do not @mention users to try and get a response to your question. Like the room description says:
> If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
well .. he just had to make sure that nobody will
Also you have not asked a real question. Explain the problem you have rather than referring generally to some package or other.
21 hours ago, by ircmaxell
and don't ping individuals, unless you've worked with them before on that particular problem
10:40 AM
I have problem with minify is when i run this code my css background image load wrong url such like that

insted of this
@MrugenRamani $min_serveOptions['rewriteCssUris'] = false;?
@DaveRandom i have set this after that it has been taken this url
...and if you don't set it what happens?
> Enable debug mode, which will show you the URI transformation process.
@DaveRandom wait 2 min i will try
@DaveRandom i am getting this url when image is load 404 Not Found - localhost/mm/include/images/logo.png";
but my image is here localhost/mm/images/logo.png
@MrugenRamani how does your minify logic works? I mean is it auto creating a different file?
if it is auto-creating, you probably want to check the location of that file because those are relative paths.
@thedjaney i am getting this one localhost/mm/include/minify.php/images/logo.png
can i set using this one ?
$min_serveOptions['minifierOptions']['text/css']['prependRelativePath'] = '/css/';
Hey all, hows things. I have an issue it is a PHP/MySQL issue, I am trying to get my head around. I moved a clients website yesterday to a different host. All seemed well but she contacted me today with an issue.
Long story short I spent hours narrowing it down, because the code is terrible, and found the issue. The coder, when inserting integers into the database, assumed and let the system do the work. So on the old server php or mysql had a string passed to it and converted it to an integer. Now this isn't happening, which should be the case. Is there a setting I can change to have PHP / MySQL behave in the old manner?
wow .. the subject seems unaware of who has access to localhost
10:59 AM
@MrugenRamani no, but could be good
You have to make sure of the order in css files
I know I could go and modify the code but that could take me too long and I am not getting paid for this.
@MrugenRamani please use DDNS or port forwarding so we can see.. but I have to go for now.. maybe somebody else can answer
ok thnx @thedjaney
@Anthony Neither the behaviour of MySQL nor PHP has changed. Both have behaved exactly the same in this respect for a long, long time. It's all about the datatype the target is expecting in a given context, they will both silently convert as needed. Not that loose typing should be taken for granted, in general if you don't know the type of a data store you're doing something wrong. What was the customer's description of the problem? Any error messages?
11:08 AM
@Anthony, use intval() to cast the var to an integer.
You should always do this prior to putting the var in an SQL query regardless, unless you are absolutely certain it is an integer and it is unaffected by any variables that the user might be able to influence.
Failing to do so is asking for an SQL injection exploit.
Ok, granted I wasn't aware that the behavior hadn't changed. However, it was not me that coded this way... I am explicitly handle all variables in their correct form. The developer of this site did not hence my issue. There must be something different on the newer server that is affecting this behavior as the code was not changed when moved.
Basically the 'string' with value '7' is being passed to the statement. On the old server worked with this and didn't error, the new MySQL server is outputting: ERROR: Incorrect integer value: '' for column. Is it definitely not a PHP/MySQL configuration or change issue?
It's like trying to find a needle in a ten tonne haystack with this code.
@Anthony OK my money here is on a reliance on register_globals, which is notoriously difficult to debug - @Leigh is doing just that at the moment, maybe he can give you some tips if he shows up at some point. The long of the short of it is that if that is the error message you are getting, then the 'string' with value '7' is not being passed into the statement. Also the way you phrased that suggested there is probably a gaping SQL injection hole in the code.
Is there a difference when using (Insert INTO VALUES) and (INSERT INTO SET). Thankfully all insert operations flow into one function that creates the insert query. The problem may be fixable there if I can figure out why. There is also this: if (ereg("^[A-Z]+\(\)$",$value)) { //check for mysql inbuilt function pattern
$insertStr .= "`$fld`=".$value.",";
else {
$insertStr .= "`$fld`='".$value."',";
Could either of those be the issue?
A for SQL injection attacks, honestly, I would not be surprised one bit at this stage but I'm not responsible for this code and will not be changing it, I just simply moved it.
@ircmaxell lol! That guy is a genius. Plain and simple.
No wait, I didn't mean genius did I? Penis, that's right.
@MrugenRamani So basically the same, just MySQL specific.
@Anthony Jesus, ereg()? Also, generally just no. That needs a complete rewrite. But if you need to debug for a quick fix, echo out the queries before they are execute and work back up the code that constructs them until you find the problem.
@DaveRandom Doing that now...
@DaveRandom See what I am up against :(
@Anthony currently i am busy so sorry for that
@Anthony What does the echoed query show? Also can you put the function that contains the code you posted on pastebin or similar?
11:39 AM
@DaveRandom Give me two minutes and I will have all that
INSERT STRING: INSERT INTO `tbl_supplier_image` SET `supplier_image_id`='',`image_path`='1347622947_slider-1.jpg',`supplier_id`='7',`supplier_category`='70',`status`='1'

display_error = Failed to add record, ERROR: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'supplier_image_id' at row 1
SQL string and error....
Now heres the thing
the Supplier ID of '7' is being passed to the function.
I think it has something to do with ereg
@DaveRandom Sorry, it is not being passed. One sec
I feel silly after looking at that insert query...
supplier_image_id is the primary keu
And the coder issetting the primary key to null effectively, or 0, since it is an integer column
Double duh
Just omit the field during normal operation. Although if you are migrating you'll want to maintain FK correlations, so you'll need to explicitly set the PK values probably.
This must mean mySQL changed between versions on how it handles somethign like this
11:55 AM
Not sure about that one, not a problem I've ever had but to be honest I cheat quite a lot when doing this sort of thing an export/import through PMA... takes cover behind a large heavy object to protect himself from the inevitable onslaught of abuse that's sure to follow an admission like that
It could take me a long time to check it all. I'd sooner install the same version of mysql and set the required setting to allow this to happen. I know that's just the easy way out but to be honest it's not my problem, I ain't getting paid to fix this BS and have already lost out big on the overall project.
Meh, we all do things the easy way when possible. Why reinvent the wheel I say. Thanks for your help, you pointed me in the right direction sooner than I would of got there.
np :-)
@DaveRandom Sorry to bug you once again, will the IGNORE keyword in an INSERT statement simply ignore that one issue of fail the query all together?
@DaveRandom There are no tips on debugging register globals. You might as well just rewrite your code!
Maybe if you would improve your language skills a bit more, you would actually understand what this topic is about and there's no use for you PHP 'skills' here. — Arthur 30 mins ago
it just ..
@ircmaxell As much as I can work with PHP very well, and work with classes, this is the very reason I prefer to work with .NET. PHP is to open to half assed coding work and everyone and anyone can take a stab at it without understanding the core of why you code in such a way.
The amount of times I find myself fixing bad PHP code is astonishing. Don't get me wrong PHP is a great language to work with, if done right, but it's just too easy to write crap. With NET, at least if there is silly mistakes made, generally it will let you know.
Saying that, well done with your comment.
I salute you
@Anthony Do you have a github?
@PeeHaa No, why do you ask?
Hi, I can get feed data from facebook using $pageFeed = $facebook->api("/me/feed",array('access_token' => $facebook->getAccessToken(),'limit'=>5)); which results latest 5 post shared by me. So i also can get with paging with previous and next page. Is there any way to get next set of post shared by me ? (Forgive me if i ask wrong)
12:46 PM
@ircmaxell Internals question if I may. I have to remove a register_globals dependency from an incredibly large project. Do you know/think it would be possible to write an extension that could generate a report or throw a warning when a variable was accessed and it wasn't present in a functions local scope?
you do know that's what Notices are for, right?
Doesn't really matter what kind of error is thrown. The point is, do you think it's possible, from an extension, to detect when a variable is accessed via register_globals being turned on?
Ok, I wont waste time investigating that then :),
@PeeHaa I don't follow?
12:53 PM
PHP? Nothing will do the job better.
So, I wanted to debug the app a bit. I have an object of socket_id=>socket_object pairs.
In PHP, it's easy: implode(', ', array_keys($sockets));
In javascript? Not so much...
But hey, we've got those fancy iterators and all.
I guess 6 lines of code is better than just 1. Or something.

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