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9:00 PM
@rightfold What? What for?
1 hour ago, by DeadMG
fuck off whore
Oh, there it is. Hm....I guess I can sort of see how somebody who wasn't familiar with us could see that as offensive.
This got flagged.
Ok, so we're getting somewhere, but it's not completely working. WEXITSTATUS doesn't always work.
9:01 PM
@rightfold Yeah, just found it. I guess I did see it a bit ago, and dismissed it with hardly a second glance.
@Moshe wait, I think I just saw something about that
do you guys know a good stackoverflow app for android or is mobile good enough?
@bamboon No and no (but Stack is hiring mobile devs, so there's hope).
@Moshe nope, nevermind, no idea.
@bamboon mobile is pretty good actually
Yea, I use mobile.
Oddly, on iOS, where there are plenty of apps, I use the mobile site.
9:07 PM
Mobile is good enough, apart from not being able to reply to specific messages
and sometimes editing doesn't work
Branch prediction was being a dick to me yesterday.
Write it a sternly worded letter
I just realized something.
In my event handling code, there is a condition that checks for a key press event with the Escape button so it can close the application instead of passing anything down the event tree (to go to the text boxes, the buttons, etc...)
If I randomize the length of a process and I don't sort them...
9:10 PM
before I changed the key to Escape, it was Q
hrm, nevermind...
Since my text boxes only needed integral data, I was fine with that. As I pressed Q, I noticed that the Q would appear for less than a second in my textbox
I was like "wtf? The event doesn't even pass down to the textbox..."
Generalized it a bit. play.golang.org/p/x5oGFnvJkj :)
No, I'm right.
Nothing bad happened, but consider an event where the code in the else block would send a message to another computer in the network making it delete a file
9:13 PM
Here's the thing.
or something like that
Would branch prediction still bite me in the ass even then?
If I've got an array of child processes, and I wait for one that's slower than a later one, after the later one, the earlier one will have already terminated.
@Magtheridon96 branch predicition can't do that
@Magtheridon96 I will guarantee that this was not from branch prediction. It doesn't work like that. Branch prediction executes instructions, but does not commit (retire) the results until it's confirmed that they'll be used.
The uncommitted results don't even go into an architected register, not to mention making it to anywhere you can see them.
@Magtheridon96 branch prediction effectively keeps things in a "maybe" state until they're confirmed, calculations from a branch mispredict can't even reach the registers, much less the cache or another machine
9:17 PM
The Go icon puts me off :P
@Magtheridon96 what you have is an honest to goodness bug
Well, it didn't seem like an obvious bug when I was looking it. Maybe it's not my fault. Could be a bug in the Event handling part of SFML. Not sure though. Would you like some code pasted? (5-6 lines max)
@Magtheridon96 event handling is complex, seems more likely that both the window and the text box got the event seperately.
9:20 PM
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) {
running = false;
} else if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) {
running = false;
} else {
@Magtheridon96 Hit the arrow up key twice and hit control+K. No questions, just do it.
The last branch in here is what passes the event to everything else down a tree.
@Magtheridon96 obviously the text box got the event first.
The TextBox is a class I wrote that takes event data to do whatever the hell it needs to do. (No multi-threading is involved in this)
I had to bullshit this application in a single night :/ (No time for better design or cleanliness)
@Magtheridon96 what you're saying is that the impossible happened. I say you have a bug. Now you say you don't have a bug?
I'm pretty sure at least one component isn't working as described.
9:26 PM
I'm not saying I don't have a bug, I'm just saying I don't understand the origin of this bug.
@Magtheridon96 either the text box got the event before the handler you pasted, or it got the event after. That's probably the best place to start.
Or put a breakpoint in the textbox event handler for when that key is pressed and test it
Nice room title, folks.
I'll try that and see what comes up.
or maybe the GUI textbox has a different handler than your' code's event handler for said textbox? (IE, the textbox has two handlers)
Nah, this textbox is a raw sf::RectangleShape and an sf::Text object
@EtiennedeMartel false, I can write one shorter
@MooingDuck Go ahead.
no wait, I only saw the first bit of code
Oh, so you gave your opinion before reading the whole thing? Tsk tsk.
9:31 PM
@EtiennedeMartel yeah :(
@Rapptz Seriously? Damn you, @StackedCrooked!
His cuts right to the chase.
@Rapptz Oh, wait. He doesn't give the explanation for it.
And make it sound like he came up with the thing.
Ha! I still win!
@Rapptz I couldn't see any of the pictures from work, but even reading the titles of each one was hysterical.
9:33 PM
@ShotgunNinja Your proxy is hysterical.
@EtiennedeMartel Work PC.
@ShotgunNinja My work PC doesn't block anything.
@EtiennedeMartel Your work places far too much trust in its employees.
I always think, if the employees get their work done, what does it matter if they go on NSFW stuff during the day?
@ShotgunNinja "Too much"? Seriously, if you're scared your employees might be doing something bad with work equipement, then it's the least of your worries.
That means they have absolutely no loyalty and/or sense of responsability.
9:38 PM
I enjoy a work place where I feel trusted.
@Rapptz Exactly.
Thanks for making that clarification on Branch prediction guys.
Assume your employees are not idiots. It works much better in the end.
@EtiennedeMartel The problem is that we employ a bunch of marketing folks and graphic designers who have ruined it for everyone by getting viruses on their work PCs.
Some of our employees are rather computer-illiterate.
9:39 PM
@ShotgunNinja Hey, we hire marketing dudes too. And artists.
But surely they can trust the programmers to be sensible :3
@ShotgunNinja s/rather computer-illiterate/idiots/ There, FTFY.
@EtiennedeMartel Same here
You can't buy a bunch of antivirus licenses?
@ShotgunNinja Ew
9:40 PM
@Rapptz That's what we call a "mood whiplash".
Also reminds me of a MLP episode. Minus the suicide part.
@EtiennedeMartel Not like the end wasn't foreseeable
mood whiplash?
@Xeo It could have ended with a mental breakdown, but not a suicide.
Like the guy just cries or something.
9:42 PM
Yeah I was expecting him to cry
@EtiennedeMartel Or make some manager happy: get (for one example) IBM Tivoli Manager for Endpoints, so he can monitor that everybody's PC has AV installed, how many need signature file updates, total number of infections across the network, etc.
@JerryCoffin From what @ShotgunNinja is telling me, I think their IT department is staffed by tools.
@EtiennedeMartel Exactly the sort of people you need to keep happy by giving them something to play with and make pretty graphs (and such) to keep them out of the way.
@Rapptz Whiplash is a nice song.
I'm really happy ma workplace doesn't place any restriction at all on us - well, except that we should tell our bosses if we bring an external HDD.
9:49 PM
@EtiennedeMartel @JerryCoffin No, just the other departments. Also, just about all of the previous employees (none of which remain at the company) are all idiots. We apparently got new management a few years ago for our department, and he did a fine job of weeding out everyone who didn't know what the hell they were doing. We're only just now getting around to fixing some of their ancient crap.
But that's about it.
@Rapptz That's sad. :(
Also, we may soon talk our boss into getting us an airhockey table.
Which would be awesome if it happens.
We're about to switch out an ancient Windows 2000 machine running CVS with a modern Win7 or *nix machine hosting a Git repository.
@ShotgunNinja Cool, atleast something is happening.
9:51 PM
@Xeo For real. The only problem with the job that isn't going to be overcome any time soon is the fact that we use Java.
std::string a = "blah";
const std::string& b = ((std::string)(a)); //does b refer to a temp, or to a?
So I'm running into "Interrupted System Call"
@MooingDuck temporary
oh well
9:55 PM
I mean, you're explicitly creating a temporary, what did you expect :P
user image
we have a macros like wtot(X), and I'm trying to figure out if I can safely optimize it. But I don't know about code like fstream b = wtot(L"text");
(Old but still great.)
@MooingDuck ew
so I'll just leave it be
9:57 PM
y u macro?
er, that example would make more sense if fstream was convertable from std::wstring.
@Xeo because my coworkers are old and still code as if this were C.
Silently replace it with a function
@Xeo wouldn't help anything, could break something
and we're close to release so unnessisarily touching things that is bad
Ah, yeah, we have an alpha release on wednesday
Right before the (extended, since most of us took a day off) holiday.
We're also not changing anything / adding anything new, except for bug fixes
hmm. We have UTF8 code thats being converted as if it were local code page to UTF-16, then back to UTF8. somewhere.
10:02 PM
Well, that's the plan anyways. Monday is for the few small features still missing, and Tuesday & Wednesday are locked and for testing / bug-fixing
and so far the only way to reproduce it is to speak french
hm guys, ccould you maybe push me in the right direction? (especially line 62...). I'm wondering how to retrieve the shortest path :F
ca va xd or something like that, the nly think I remember
10:04 PM
@GamErix boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/graph/doc/… "There are two main options for obtaining output from the dijkstra_shortest_paths() function. " I'd start reading there.
oh, and Napoleon Born To Party.. I think
ah sooo, so the path between from and to is std::vector<int> d[to]; ? :D
@GamErix man I don't understand anything on that page, you'll have to tell me :D
I'm getting an EINTR, any clue why?
I don't too.. but.. dijkstra_shortest_paths(Nodes, s, predecessor_map(&p[0]).distance_map(&d[0])); XD
10:06 PM
woot.... fuck.
so, when I have 32,000 nodes, it will put 32000 entries into the vector and each a path to source O_O
that's not what I want
I don't even have the memory for that
there has to be another was ~.~
10:07 PM
or I will just NOT switch to boost ~.~
@GamErix you might want a different function
@MooingDuck boost graph is mind freaking :/ let alone the questions about it on SO don't get answered too
well just opened all paths functions in tabs.. lets start reading and mind blowing .. again :/
@GamErix there's three that say "shortest path s". There has to be a way to stop it short.
@MooingDuck it's s map to strings to hash values. ti's a temporary stop-gap until I flush out a few additional details
10:12 PM
hmm has t and s
"There are several variants of the shortest path problem. Above we defined the single-pair problem, but there is also the single-source problem (all shortest paths from one vertex to every other vertex in the graph), the equivalent single-destination problem, and the all-pairs problem. It turns out that there are no algorithms for solving the single-pair problem that are asymptotically faster than algorithms that solve the single-source problem." bodes poorly
aha! so I need single pair algorithms :D
wait, why use this at all? Use A*!
10:13 PM
but a* has no source and destination parameters...
@GamErix whaaat? Of course it does, that's how it works....
@MooingDuck I seriously can't find it in the overloads, I'm blind :(
"Unlike best-first search, A* takes into account the known cost from the start of the search to v;"
10:14 PM
Or the even better one
Why would fork fail?
A* is dijkstra with a heuristic :e
vertex_descriptor s, <- source , vertex_descriptor t <- destination , I think.. or any other vertex_descriptor which I don't see 2 in one overload
because the spoon sabotaged his date
10:17 PM
zigga zigga zow!
@rightfold I already saw that. Keep in mind I lurk on /r/mylittlepony.
I think R_C shortest path it will be if I manage to implement it.. eh, seriously those boost guys write the code to show off or something? I don't understand that much of it ~.~
apperently all the "best paths" search all the nodes, there is some way to "bail out" but I don't know it
I don't know how to write "visitors" and how to use them
and my old code is just cracky
10:19 PM
it works but,.. bad (in terms of code quality)
shortest path doeant search all nodes o.O
@Ell it can if it finds the shortest path to each node
someone here have ever written something in opengl?
@MooingDuck remove the ! :P
@GamErix search the code I linked for found_goal
10:21 PM
Oh right
Why on earth would you need that o.O
@nicolagenesin yes! (no I don't remember anything)
@EtiennedeMartel indeed
@Ell I'm sure there's good reasons. I'm even sure they're common.
10:22 PM
@nicola I'm learning it, but never written a full application
@Ell allows you to find the shortest, or the shortest 10, or whatever
k, I'm going home soon
@MooingDuck exactly what I needed, thanks
@GamErix so you see how it works now?
10:23 PM
@MooingDuck yep
@Ell same here,i am writing an app that import 3ds models using assimp and render them uscing a free camera.Then i have to select the objects i want and do the trasformations i want (if i modify the drawed things,i have to modify the model too)
Eugh assimp is ugly as hell xD
anyone want chat about solution of c++ programing? :)
i cant get rid of it
@Klasik The only solution to C++ programming is the Final Solution.
10:25 PM
its imposed (university project)
@ShotgunNinja true )
I like channels more than actors for doing concurrency.
what is the final solutions? haha
The Final Solution () was Nazi Germany's plan during World War II to annihilate the Jewish people, resulting in the most deadly phase of the Holocaust, the destruction of Jewish communities in continental Europe. According to historians at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, “The Nazis frequently used euphemistic language to disguise the true nature of their crimes. They used the term 'Final Solution' to refer to their plan to annihilate the Jewish people.” Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of the plan, and the German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler termed it "the final soluti...
killing everyone write in c++?
10:27 PM
that's nice
Nah, just killing the language.
@rightfold I kind of liked Occam (which I suppose I should add, is pretty much channel-based).
i hate c++
i prefer -nothing-
i want live in a world of hiperextrahighlevel programming
smth like
@nicolagenesin me too.
my program {this program has to draw a 1 person game}
heavy cannons
smooth render engine
and kaboom
10:30 PM
@nicolagenesin Try Haskell or Ωmega.
search bar is so far
like the page style
remember me stroutsup one
Thin privilege means you can buy beautiful older houses without having to do tons of renovations to adjust them for your size.
Seriously, how fat must you be?
One of the best ones yet.
So guys i dont know how i can write it :/ i'm tried but my experience low on that point. i hawe two buttons witch need to be clicked in diferent times.. first one in 20sec interval the second one 4min... i thinking abaut loop while(1){ if(passedtime == 20sec) //do domething if(passedtime 4min) do domething } but I have no idea how get passed time :( c++ MFC any solutions?
while (1) { if (passed_time == 20) do_something; } is going to kill your processor.
10:36 PM
Sup scrubs
Use a timer.
I'm having the most productive week in few months at least
@JerryCoffin so, how did your crazy week go?
Time to sleep motherfuckers.
nite nite
10:37 PM
@rightfold I think I need use 2 timers right?
Also don't expect them to fire in exact intervals
That won't happen with while (1) either.
@Borgleader Not too badly -- went to LA, came home, lots of work to catch up on. Looks like my next trip will be to Washington DC (unless the trip to San Francisco starts first)...
10:40 PM
@Xarcell I have a new joke for you:
*Knock knock*
Who's there?
oldjokes dot com
And this is the funniest thing I've ever seen
Q: Programming tutorials that do not use an IDE (C# & C++)

user2312049well the title pretty much explains the core of my question. I have been unable to locate a tutorial/Tutorials for C# and C++ `(I would like to find one for C# but C++ would be appreciated as well)` that encourage you to not use an IDE of any type, tutorials that make you learn EVERYTHING th...

Drag and drop? What the hell does he use to code!?
@JerryCoffin I hear SF is a nice place
he uses wordpad
thats damn hardcore
10:44 PM
@Borgleader Yeah, fairly. I prefer an hour (or so) north in Napa Valley, but for a semi-large city SF isn't bad at all.
@nicolagenesin s/hardcore/stupid/ FTFY.
I still use ed
I use gedit
this chat would be great if there is something like a remote desktop
I spent years doing nothing but assembly language and line editors were the shiznit
so everyone could show to the world (10 people lol)
what they are doing
10:54 PM
yeah let's add remote desktop and webcams so we can be like chat roulette
and then somebody forgets its on, and starts watching porn... Like this LoL Pro player NSFW
"dude! did your penis just throw an exception?"
whats your time there?
did someone of you know GLSL?
about 15-17 minutes
10:58 PM
is it true that assembly guys crack programs 24/7 for a challenge?
not sure if trolling or
no. but we crack a lot of snatch just for fun
well if you can crack the hell out of errors which I can't seem to find in my crashing application that would be great
what dev environment?
and what are it's dependencies?the apps
it's for windows
11:07 PM
win98' times
ok. now I know the target platform.
when compiled in VC++6 works fine, when in VS2012 the crap gets heap corruption
sounds like you're linking static versions of third party libraries
@CaptainObvlious oh :F
well I don't have VS2012 libs... XD
11:08 PM
bet they weren't compiled for 2012
or had different build settings
bink, directx7, katmai (what the hell is that), max (3ds max?), mss32 (miles sound system), zlib (the only one with src)..
well, no joy for this, this game ain't gonne be compiled ever with newer C++ :/
wait. I just realized you said VC++6. WTF!
ye a game from 1998
11:12 PM
@GamErix No.
i'm wondering if updating from direct 7 to direct 9 is just as easy as changing the headers and linked library..
Would adding a girl on Facebook who kept looking at you all year be considered creepy?
@DemCodeLines and you expect us, fake programmes, to answer that?
fuck her.. literally
11:14 PM
she's totally into you
@DemCodeLines that depends. when she was looking at you did she actually notice you or did she have a blank look on her face?
@CaptainObvlious or someone targeted a laser at ya head and she was just looking like a cat to grab it
openclonk .. at first glance I read openplonk lol
i'm still wondering, if you use a webhosting which has eg 10 mb disk space limit, or something, any limit, and instead saving data to files you save data in a different way...
11:19 PM
you know, like a subfolder, and create files in there, and the filenames are the data
could you go about unlimited data storage this way? ; o
(because all files are 0 bytes...)
@GamErix go with cloud storage
@CaptainObvlious I just put up a theory, now something I need xD
and why cloud storage if I can buy a NAS...
11:21 PM
It was kind of a blank look right in my eyes and it happened almost everyday in the class. she would look at least once
@DemCodeLines if you want to impress her do something people don't seem to do anymore.....walk over and freakin talk to her
fuck facebook
@CaptainObvlious yep
@CaptainObvlious I don't want HIV or something :P
gotta expand this shit for switchcasing on strings :|
c++ can switch case on strings? : O
11:34 PM
@GamErix no but you can use some of the new features in C++11 to accomplish a fairly clean way of doing it
It started as an answer I posted a couple of days ago and i'm working on some of the minor issues that have popped up
Uh, I think I found a weird behavior in LLDB.
it uses constexpr, user defined literals and initializer lists to get it close to the natural syntax of C++ instead of using macros or funky stuff
Hmm... to play Terraria, or to go to sleep...
11:47 PM

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