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Me probably too, but I don't really think it matters (as long as it's not the first choice).
For that situation, I like the [i ]
It's clear there's nothing going on with the index
3:33 PM
I think I'd prefer i + 0 in that case
3:53 PM
@StackedCrooked i+0 for me
@Xeo but, the void is horrible
no it's not
it likes you
@Mysticial: You are manipulating the data. By you link: "... defined in C99 were not included in the C++03 standard, but most mainstream compilers ..." means that at that moment subset C99 with all specific features was not supported by C++03 compiler. That all !! But it does not mean that C (C89) is not subset C++. C++ has just added few restrictions ... that all !! You told: "But it is not a subset as ...",- but it depends what you understand by C - K&R C, C89, C99, C11 ? In such way I can say that some BMW models is not a BWM models , because they have differrent looks ... ) — Денис Котов 9 hours ago
@Mysticial: And as you understood you are C programmer, are't you ? — Денис Котов 9 hours ago
the fuck
@Mysticial Are you trying to converse with a Markov Model again?
4:11 PM
@xeo add an example and that is an answer! — Yakk 19 mins ago
People expecting answers from me. Pff.
I'm not breaking my 2 year abstinence
@JerryCoffin This guy is though:
this post has apparently become an injoke to the point where AMD devs joke about adding "extra boolean units" http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=69766971
@Borgleader Ahm.. Uhm... What. That reads like some of those bot twitter accounts that randomly throw vaguely related words together.
It was great to watch my collagues' facial expressions as they were reading it
so much confusion
there's one meme I always think of in these situations, but I can never find it
2 panels, one with a guy with a raised finger, and the other with a lowered finger
oh yes
4:17 PM
hey, that description actually finds it
Nice, there's a Rust proposal to make panic abort by default, instead of throw.
Fuck exceptions.
There's already a flag to enable this.
I return.
Unless you're a Python generator. Then you mostly yield.
4:32 PM
That was decent. I smiled.
I yelled.
#define i_ll_be_back return
i_ll_be_back 42;
Terminator 3 was so terrible.
@rightfold If you have two expressions let v1 = expr1 ; expr2 in OCaml, it's executed expr1 and then expr2, and then the result of expr2 is put into v1, right?
expressions are evaluated
4:35 PM
"Warning 10: this expression should have type unit"
I don't know of a way to silence that warning.
Maybe I can let _ = expr; expr
This sounds strikingly like you don't know what you're doing.
@Xeo ouch
this would be different to normal how?
@Xeo I figured it out, so there. :<
I can discard side effects of an expression and tell the compiler I am doing it on purpose by using the ignore function.
@ThePhD yes
4:43 PM
@ThePhD let v1 = let _ = expr1 in expr2.
It works!
I made a little calculator with registers!
Not all that shabby looking either.
Pleaaase add | to the first case.
Is that... necessary?
4:45 PM
This is so fugly.
I mean, uh.
Okay. ;;
Does it assume I have a blank case if I have a | there?
Like, does it assume there's a case before that that's just empty, or is it purely a syntactical kind of nice-ity?
| is optional.
It makes no syntactic or semantic difference.
4:49 PM
RIP, my calculator computes things wrong. ;~;
That should be 6 * 6 * 12
Which is definitely not 3.
Maybe it's considering EQUALS higher than the other precedences?
maybe your face
4:53 PM
Are OCaml arrays 0-indexed?
5:46 PM
I need a fun Rust project.
@rightfold This is my new desktop background.
What are you pirating?
5:54 PM
Not sure it's gonna stay very long though.
@rightfold anime
It's kinda ugly.
Maybe you should send it to some typographer.
And have them make it look nice.
6:12 PM
@Borgleader I like it a lot.
I made carrot cupcakes
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not with Rust I hope :P
In Lua, how do methods on strings work? Where are they looked up?
I'm so confused.
@BartekBanachewicz help
They're goooood
6:19 PM
@milleniumbug niice
@rightfold Similar to JS, really- there's a string metatable with the functions on. I believe that it's the global table string, and there might be some funnies about being able to change it only from C or something
I suppose most scripting languages implement them using associative arrays.
Can't think of any other way actually.
> The string library provides all its functions inside the table string. It also sets a metatable for strings where the __index field points to the string table. Therefore, you can use the string functions in object-oriented style. For instance, string.byte(s,i) can be written as s:byte(i).
@milleniumbug funky
6:24 PM
@StackedCrooked slightly better because it's not hidden behind the non-contrasting background version: i.stack.imgur.com/jnU8d.jpg
when will you learn to have black text with white borders
because then you can see it on whatever?
Guys, you should try these cupcakes.
when will you learn about your face.
what should I call a thing that is a container of things that I render in a line?
I used to call it List but that kinda conflicts with List<T>
huh, maybe just Line.
6:39 PM
@Puppy hmm
Can I add methods to __index from Lua?
you can't add methods to __index, that doesn't make sense.
what do you mean, "render in a line" ?
6:49 PM
if __index is a table, you add methods to that table, if it's a function you'd need to replace the metatable.
do you have a drawLine? then i would call it a container of points perhaps
er, what does it mean to "render in a line" ?
sounds like edge detection
no, I mean, I have a bunch of random shit and then I render the first shit and then after that, I place the next shit.
@Puppy Line<T>
fortunately it is not generic.
@Puppy Isn't that how basically everthing works?
6:58 PM
for instance if you're drawing a line, you take two points and then you draw the two points and also points between them
i see
yeah reminds me of good old bresenham
@JohannesSchaub-litb TIL about bresenham.
7:25 PM
7:40 PM
/cc @CaptainGiraffe @jaggedSpire
had an interesting experience debugging mouse positions in VS - seems that when you break the program, they don't preserve the mouse position value as it was when the program was broken, so the mouse position changes when you start trying to interact with the debugger ;p
Mouse pointer used to freeze often in 95/98. But never since WinXP. Seems like they changed something significantly there.
Nowadays everything except the mouse pointer freezes.
I need to figure out how to implement setState.
8:11 PM
ok now you can set your state.
well my alternative is to build in Redux straight off the bat and I'm not entirely sure how that is gonna work
With free monads.
see, when you say "With free monads", that's not something I really consider an upside.
8:37 PM
@Mysticial I kind of wrote off Aldnoah Zero when it first aired, but it's not too bad. A little trope heavy, but the pacing is quite good.
Funnier than I expected it to be :D
@Aaron3468 Fuck Slaine.
@StackedCrooked ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He's one of the most despisable villains who isn't actually a villain
Something is fishy w/ HRC's podium @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @Reince @KellyannePolls @seanhannity… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/782260544036147201
tinfoilhatting intensifies
8:52 PM
@Ramy Sure, I do. Oh wait...no I don't. That was just a nightmare...
@StackedCrooked I like how light-hearted they are about pointing out eachother's mistakes
Just yelled "WHAT THE FUCK" at some code. For some reason, my phone woke up & Google chimed in by reading the Wikipedia definition of "Fuck"
9:09 PM
Well, now I know why my parser is busted.
It reads...
$1 = 20, $0
git gud
Literal 20 SEQUENCED WITH $0 (just 0)
Assign $1 to result of right expression (0).
It's reading crap on the right before the left.
... That's kind've dumb.
Precedence is defined as what is closer to the top,
not closer to the bottom, like how you would read it.
That reminds me that Turbo C++ is apparently a required compiler for curriculum in India.
I'm... kind've surprised. Did no Software Developers chime in over there before the policymakers showed up?
It's free, it works and it matches the course materials. Case closed.
9:23 PM
For some values of « works ».
@sehe Some 10 hours late :)
huge onebox
one hugebox
I found my old platypus plush <3
9:25 PM
I want to write a MUD.
@Morwenn sounds cute even without seeing it
Yeah, it is even a sitting platypus :3
@Morwenn All the relevant values of works, for the course creators ...
@Morwenn Makes it sound less cute because more like a linux penguin
@sehe Nah, it's way cuter.
It's even called Veber.
it's getting more remote. Will be needing pictures
9:29 PM
@Borgleader That is my niece!
@sehe Not tonight. I guess it's not even that cute, but I like it.
@rightfold he's a mad fast typist. Or he knows how to seemlessly speed up sections of the vid
Well, now that I finally figured that out, I'm kind've glad.
@sehe I sense some bitterness.
Realism can be quite bitter
9:33 PM
@sehe VS Community is free too ;)
Yes. And it lacks the other qualities. Next!
@ThePhD The one thing I've learned about code is that for every line you write, it's best to have 10 lines of debugging or test cases. I can't win, so that's why I don't like writing code Q.Q
@Aaron3468 Use libraries as much as posible ;)
Thats why I wanna learn all of boost, but I never get around to it
@Aaron3468 I've found that to be totally unscalable - especially with researchy stuff that constantly gets written and rewritten. So I refer full-coverage integration tests rather than fine-grained unit tests.
@Mysticial Any news on thats annoying bug or did you sweep that under the rug for now?
9:41 PM
@Borgleader Swept under floor. I haven't gotten it again since I've commited the change to trunk and I haven't tested the old binaries for a while.
@Mysticial That may be the best approach and often the one I use. For programs that are a few files, I usually let the compiler and one or two lines of skillfully placed print act as the integration tests
And I usually omit tests for stuff that will be obvious when it breaks.
9:48 PM
./include/reaver/vapor/analyzer/optimization_context.h:121:47: note: candidate function [with T = reaver::vapor::analyzer::_v1::expression] has been explicitly deleted
         inline auto optimization_context::_get_futures<expression>()
cc @Morwenn
This is Clang before 3.9.
@sehe He can hardly draw population inferences without sampling those people. As such, his study can only correlate behaviour to social media platforms :)
Also TIL that Boost.Multiprecision's cpp_int is horrendeously broken before 1.61.0 - I have a type that has a constructor taking that and foo(some_cpp_int + other_cpp_int) causes ambiguities with move and copy ctors apparently, because proxy objects?!
@Griwes Without even an = delete?
@Morwenn There's an opening brace on the next line ;_;
9:51 PM
That function is explicitly, but specialized, not deleted.
Like, WTF Clang.
It gives a whole new meaning to the word « explicitly ».
How did this get into any release.
As I said, 3.9 does compile it correctly.
for some values of « correctly »
Also seems I've triggered the GCC 6.1 ICE that I thought I had a workaround in place for while trying to run some Vapor tests on CI.
Only GCC 6.2 and Clang 3.9, both with 1.61.0, didn't fail horrendeously.
@Aaron3468 what study
9:53 PM
And, surprisingly, I'm not actually doing anything crazy in there. :|
Oh snap! Looks like sehe is begging the question
@Griwes always, it's because of expression templates. Easily coerced and easily disabled (et_off). Anyhoops, what mitigates it in 1.61+?
@sehe I have no clue.
I'm asking because I think it is by design.
I know it's expression templates, but goddammit, the behavior on 1.60.0 is just wrong.
9:55 PM
@Griwes Ok. Well. I've always found it reasonable. They're not hiding their abstraction (so not making it leaky). I'd hate to accidentally write code that misses all optimization because I happened to factor out a few helper functions that take cpp_int directly
I admit it is a very common pitfall (stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A85371+et_off) and it does hinder use of number<T, et_on> as a arithmetic type in thirdparty libraries
Sure, but... just... make the ctor explicit then? I don't even want to know what the exact problem is to have caused this exact error messages.
Like... it's ambiguous. A cpp_int overload is ambiguous with the implicit copy and move constructors.
I have no words for this behavior.
Well, I have some words: "you are wrong!". :P
@Aaron3468 It looks like someone was being habitually skeptical, and acts surprised if pedantism is rewarded in like kind
@Griwes Well. I'll keep an eye out on improved behaviour in 1.61 (if any). I wasn't aware of it, so thanks for dropping a hint :)
ok, sweet
Frankly I have no idea what exactly they did to cause these errors.
And... I don't think I want to know.
apparently our government will implement Brexit by passing a law
so now it needs to pass Parliament, which means the Lords can kick it in the shins for a while
10:03 PM
I don't think there's any other way you could implement Brexit by.
You could easily implement Brexit using Undefined Behaviour. Kinda like bogosort for politics.
@Griwes Well, there were some legal theories that the PM could effectively just executively order Brexit and that would be that.
The big difference between brexit and UB is that brexit is nice and UB is awful.
I'd take UB over brexit.
brexit is the "Everything appears to work but actually it silently corrupted the database" of potential UB outcomes
10:10 PM
4chan is 13 years old today
13 years of /b/
Awesome, they all have cycle length 2^32. I wonder how hard it is to find pairs (a, b) with cycle length 2^32?
1 message moved to bin
dude, giant wall of code to the face
Good thing it's not bartek, so there's no riot!
@fredoverflow kinda easy to predict statistically
@Ven yet
@rightfold so it's older than its users now
10:19 PM
When the adaptative sorting algorithm is O(n log n) but the measurre of presortedness it adapts to is O(n³).
I could probably lower it to O(n² log n) though.
Checking orderedness is O(n)
pretty sure that's only for totally ordered one way or the other
10:28 PM
Of course
I have a bunch of places where I could be more generic, but the problem is, then I'm up to like 9 generic parameters
Open templates. Or concepts.
IOW I don't think genericity necessarily comes with large numbers of parameters.
It comes with large number of parameterizable things. They don't all need to be params, usually.
The measure of presortedness is Par(X) = min { p | X is p-sorted } where the sequence X is p-sorted iff for all i, j ∈ {1, 2, ..., n}, i - j > p implies Xj <= Xi.
The naive way to compute Par(X) is O(n³) since p is bounded between 0 and n.
Suddenly, a wild Robot
10:35 PM
I'm in C#
Oh. Poor thing
Yeah. I missed C++ quite a lot of times in situations like that.
Of course, Roslyn helps a lot by making it easy enough to generate code on the fly
But I admit I sort of dropped out of .NET by then
I still recall C# fondly.
But that's probably because I haven't done enough work in it yet to hate it.
I like C#
I also like Python
Python is decent.
Not quite the best, but decent.
OCaml is.... Sadface.
I want my C++ ;_;
10:41 PM
ThePhD is... Badface.
But at least I understand functional languages better now.
@Xeo I am not! :<
@jaggedSpire You're still doing .NET stuff?
countdown to star
@ThePhD still. :(
OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT you have a story to tell.
tfw internet is shit rn
10:42 PM
@Xeo C# is nice most of the time, but it can seriously fall apart in areas it doesn't handle well, e.g. resource cleanup
I have received news I'm gonna get put back on my shiny audio analysis C++ soon though.
@ThePhD check discohorde
@Puppy shudders
I ain't gonna put my airplane-related foibles in public
Chicago was neat though
@ThePhD I'd call C# decent (to very decent). Python... I'm growing less and less fond of it
I do feel I'd rather employ Haskell than Python professionally
@sehe any particular reason or reasons to that?
static typing
Pff, Python. I'd never use it if I could, under reasonable conditions.
10:46 PM
@sehe the libraries though
@LucDanton IKR. It's got everything data scientists could wish for.
@LucDanton I have come to believe they both have viable ecosystems
Time to bye bye.
bye bye
10:47 PM
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
Time to bye bye: 17s
@sehe :D
@Morwenn :3
@sehe fair enough, it’s problem domain-specific in both directions anyway
I probably need to constrain this more tightly
what's the use in producing a generic component when something as simple as displaying text to the screen cannot be done?
probably should specify that the renderer must support a minimum set of features

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