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3:00 PM
Don't use wiki tab, put the URL as homepage
I want my Wiki page :(
@Morwenn Contents of Home.md: Moved [here](https://morwen.github.com/cpp-sort) due to shit wiki rendering..
@Morwenn Début d'angine
@набиячлэвэлиь pukes
@Rerito Ok, that's pretty shitty then. I'm sorry for you :/
I've inherited some C++ code with a few linker errors and don't know how to proceed. Is there anyone willing to do a private help, I am willing to buy them lunch and a beer ? :-)
3:05 PM
@Rerito don't you wanna check out the bar instead
there's a party
@JonH Rewrite everything from scratch.
lol i wish :-)
I guess you could say easier said then done! :o)
@Morwenn well hey, so early in the year and I already get a compliment. Now that's a good year
ughh java generics are so awful
@Morwenn Wow this is quite nice
3:10 PM
I can't even do new std::vector<T>()
@milleniumbug Pretty useless though :/
@Ell because there is no std::vector in java?
obviously :P I mean I can't do new T[]
Yes, this is terrible
You have to do (T[]) Array.newInstance(/* get the Class<T> object in any way you can */, len) instead
I'd just use new ArrayList<T>() instead
but with an ArrayList you have to do .add over and over, right?
3:18 PM
I use it together with Arrays.asList, like this: new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(a,b,c));
 Ping statistics for
  Packets: Sent = 40, Received = 24, Lost = 16 (40% loss),
broken internet
@AngryLettuce you’ll have to use all caps
I hate that: I have the chice between an algorithm that runs in O(n²) time with O(1) complexity or one that runs O(n long n) time with O(n) complexity.
Isn't the design rationale of your library "Why not both"
Well yeah, but that's for a measure of sortedness.
3:22 PM
is the complexity referring to "memory complexity"? If so then I'd choose the second one
@AngryLettuce what are you watching?
@milleniumbug Oh well, yeah, I forgot to specify it.
@AngryLettuce still better than comcast though.
I have 50% packet loss every now and then.
3:25 PM
I could make an algorithm that tries to allocate memory to run in O(n log n), but that still runs in O(n²) if it failed to allocate memory.
@TonyTheLion Hitlers of Yesterday and Tomorrow
@AngryLettuce Sounds erm interesting?!!?
twas an joke
@Morwenn So specific, the kind of thing that gives you good internet karma
3:32 PM
I imagine someday a sorry developer with a shitty embedded systems searching on google "oh man I wish there was a sorting algorithm that was fast and worked on that crap when Richard stupid module take all memory"
first it's Robert
OCD trigger
@AngryLettuce I use Richard as default for stupidity, Robert might be the sorry developer
@EtiennedeMartel trigger warning pls
3:34 PM
@VillasV Well, the algorithms I am developping are only useful as profiling tools, so wasting memory is probably not a problem actually.
@EtiennedeMartel learned in the librarby
I need a codebase that can break IDEs
A simple hello world should do it for VS
Complicated metafunctions using Hana, 1 MLOC open-source projects and other stuff like these
IME it’s corner cases that bring down tools when it comes to metaprogramming. Otherwise you either run out of resources or the compiler comes up with an answer.
i.e. if a tool can compute remove_pointer_t<simple> then it can probably manage remove_pointer_t<not_as_simple>
3:42 PM
@MadameElyse My bonus lecture on Karel bytecode, starting @ 54:41
is there a way to know how many parameters a class template accepts?
I mean. By reading it?
Or do you mean at compile-time?
yes at compile time
@slaphappy kinda, up to a limit—but you have to settle on the 'kind' of templates you care
I suppose you could apply the first parameter until it doesn't compile vOv
3:46 PM
Not in a non-obstructive way, I guess...?
or until it compiles I mean
@LucDanton let's say I only care about class parameters, but I don't have variadics
i.e. do you care about something like template<typename T, std::size_t N> struct array;?
no, I can say to people "thou shalt only have typename parameters"
@slaphappy yeah then the usual boilerplate works, the typical Boost.PP-powered quasi-variadic world of pre-C++11
3:47 PM
@ThePhD I thought of asking for "typedef integral_constant<size_t, 4> number_of_parameters" so that's the worst case.
If you had variadics you would use a template-template and then just sizeof the variadic.
@LucDanton how, though?
@slaphappy hang on I have to give it a think
@ThePhD yeah. that sucks.
@slaphappy is this for an after the fact macro, e.g. DETECT_MY_STUFF( my_stuff )?
3:49 PM
@LucDanton it's actually for is_specialization_of
like robot's, but without variadics
@slaphappy you can’t write that
@LucDanton why T.T
@slaphappy can’t declare the second the template parameter
template<typename Spec, ??? Temp> struct is_specialization_of;
:28393122 norepro
@LucDanton at the moment I have is_specialization_of_1, is_specialization_of_2, is_specialization_of_3, etc, depending on number of parameters
3:51 PM
template <template<class> class X>
struct template_arity : std::integral_constant<std::ptrdiff_t, 1> {};

template <template<class, class> class X>
struct template_arity : std::integral_constant<std::ptrdiff_t, 2> {};
I... think?
@LucDanton yeah, so I'm fucked anyway
RIP not having variadics, is this for work?
@slaphappy righto, and you can have machinery that given a template name finds out the right one to apply to and have that behind a macro
but not behind a class template
3:53 PM
what about rebind
@slaphappy I’m thinking about it
yes, you can 'pass' the template name like that
template<class A = nil_type, class B = nil_type> struct some2 {
	template<class _A, class _B> struct rebind {
		typedef some2<_A, _B> type
struct vector_template { template<typename Element, typename Alloc> struct apply { typedef std::vector<Element, Alloc> type; }; };
and then is_specialization_of<some2<>, some2<int, int>>
then is_specialization_of<int, vector_template>
3:56 PM
oh, you're boxing templates
but then how do you test for arity
@slaphappy I can show you in a minute, gotta use the good computer with the good keyboard for that (but really it’s SFINAE magic, C++03-style)
I thought about sfinae
Q: Test the new mobile chat!

balphaRemember 2010, when smartphones looked like this?             Back then, we created a mobile version of chat, so that people could use the bare minimum of features on those and similar phones. Well waddayaknow, suddenly it's 2016, smartphones for some reason now look like this:             –...

@slaphappy it’s argument nr 2 against template template parameters
@R.MartinhoFernandes You might find this interesting.
3:59 PM
@EtiennedeMartel I do, too. The beta was completely broken though
TIL Ctrl+R to search in Z shell history.
@slaphappy is int_<2> tester(typename Arg::template apply<void, void>::type*); enough of a hint or you want something more complete?
@LucDanton no, I think I can get it working from there. I'll show you the code :p
thanks a lot by the way. time for coffee
@slaphappy keep in mind that if the user has to write that themselves, when they write typedef std::vector<Element, Alloc> type; they’re writing (part of) the same information as writing typedef int_<2> number_of_params; as you mentioned earlier—except with oh so much more ugly boilerplate
and when it comes to it you could ask them to write down DEFINE_ARITY( vector, 2 ); instead
@slaphappy coffee sounds good
Ohhh this mobile chat is nice ;)
4:08 PM
@slaphappy in my experience the template<…> to typename boxing (which is a nice way of putting it btw) is only really beneficial for 'exotic' templates. as long as you are within the realms of typename-only (aka template type parameters) templates you can take shortcuts, i.e. knowing about arity is enough to be able to rebind and so on
(and in C++11 and later that translates into using template<typename...> class Foo non-type parameters and calling it a day)
@milleniumbug This is a 5 years old doc
C++ is making me stutter, it’s probably a reaction to requires requires
@milleniumbug Sorry, to late for the observation. It is already removed.
@LucDanton and template<typename Typename, template <typename...> typename = typename TemplateType<Typename>::other_type::type_template>
I actually haven’t been using typename for non-type params :)
@slaphappy there’s… also the Boost.MPL approach of is_specialization_of<foo, std::vector<_1, allocator<double> > >
i.e. type-level placeholders à la bind
yes, it’s nuts
4:16 PM
@qPCR4vir Wow, this counts as an official response, I am honored.
There is really not "stable release".. better go to develop:
lol wat
As seen on the Xbox website.
ActiveX? Fuck that!
4:22 PM
@Will It doesn't have to be. You made it that by insisting that we were wrong about IO vs. CPU bottlenecks :) (It's strange to ask for advice, get it and then say "Surely that's not the case". That's making it a contest. More constructive would have been "Oh wow. I always thought it would be the other way around". And then I'd have brought the same arguments I did, only you wouldn't have had to feel defensive about that :))
@EtiennedeMartel using the spartan browser?
@sehe Chrome.
@набиячлэвэлиь There is really not "stable release".. better go to develop:
I believe you already said that (ah with plink now)
@LucDanton I'd rather have default parameters then.
@LucDanton sure. however by wrapping into a macro, it's somehow easier to write rebind than arity. I guess I have to try both approaches though.
@milleniumbug not. not official.. just a litter informed response. And please, go and contribute - you are welcome!
4:27 PM
@qPCR4vir develop doesn't build
@набиячлэвэлиь Oh ! Im impressed.. that was fast. OK. I compiled with VS2015 and Clion with gcc5. And you?
@slaphappy I was drawing attention to the relationship between arity and rebinding
@набиячлэвэлиь nanapro.org/en-us/…
@slaphappy I've done it several times now. The problem is you can't really do it non-intrusively... The no-runtime-overhead method is to make the mockable type a template parameter. If you're mocking an interface you can use inheritance, of course. If you're using Sean Parent's concept/model stuff it's super-easy to pass in a mock class instead of a real class.
@qPCR4vir Different exception specifiers, error log here, g++ 5.3.0
4:33 PM
Can confirm, I have the same error message, gcc version 5.3.1 20151207 (Red Hat 5.3.1-2) (GCC)
@slaphappy although since you can’t have template<??? Temp> struct declared_arity; struct declared_arity<std::vector>: int_<2> {}; pre-C++11 yeah under the covers the macro really has a limited number of means
@qPCR4vir I will once I'll be more familiar with the library (I forked the repo once to fix a bug with missing headers, but it turned out that the develop branch already had it fixed, so yeah)
@набиячлэвэлиь Thank you! Thas was the very last commit, I have not tested yet. I will. I tested github.com/cnjinhao/nana/tree/…
@qPCR4vir Try git-applying this patch, should fix /cc @milleniumbug
> Compiling the Nana
4:44 PM
@набиячлэвэлиь wow.. thank aging. I'm not so fast. I will need to open a pull request. It will be great if you make it self.. I love seen more people contributing :-)
@qPCR4vir Sure, PR incoming. Which branch should I direct it at, develop?
@набиячлэвэлиь mein brain is now just trying to understand how this chat works....
@qPCR4vir You might also want to have TravisCI support, should I take care of that?
@набиячлэвэлиь Thank again!
@набиячлэвэлиь Of course! ... only I have litter idea how. I just have a new acount there, but it is a new world for me.
@qPCR4vir Okay, I'll submit a PR with instructions on how to support it
@qPCR4vir The PR is there
5:02 PM
@milleniumbug Thank you too very much. I go home.. I hope I will know from you in future.
This is not correct information. The workaround might work but the analysis is off. — sehe 27 secs ago
5:19 PM
@LucDanton I can't pattern-match against apply because it's a metafunction
@slaphappy I don’t follow
oh the box can do it
@slaphappy you have changed name ?
I don't like it
5:24 PM
how's the startup? are you billionaire yet
not yet but soon
very interesting
i m doing some php coding
better than C++
@coincoin ha ha ha rip
such high tech. very rip
composer is like magic
symphony too
I discover a whole new world
actually they want to refactor everything with hack
5:26 PM
legacy code
you know what it is
Hello, world.
I dunno if hacklang is good
@sehe He does have one little bit of a point: some of what many people expect in terms of latency isn't necessarily entirely accurate. Most people have a (usually fairly accurate) idea that physical distance is a good indicator of latency, and as a really general rule, that can be fairly reasonable, but there are times it can be a long ways off too (e.g., the situation Carmack described about latency to display being higher than latency across the Atlantic).
ah java doesn't have friend even :/ that sucks
5:30 PM
Java has no friends
friend sucks
Anyway it has package visibility
ok here's how it goes now
cc @LucDanton
how do you do, fellow kids?
TMP is hurting my brain
I can't wait to get home and do dumb things like javascript
5:46 PM
@CatPlusPlus why?
You shouldn't have privileged clients
but if they pay more and are gentle
I can do both when can we start
@nick I'm fine. How are you?
More code for the same result. I think that's not what the lambdas were made for. — Tomáš Zato 32 mins ago
5:48 PM
@nick you can do TMP and javascript? you're hired!
@slaphappy wait... you have to do TMP at work?
I feel sorry for you
@TonyTheLion good, tired though lol. You?
@slaphappy I pay more than the other guys and I'm very gentle
I promise
I'm good. Not that productive today though
Lol productivity
@TonyTheLion I don't have to. I'm writing a library for stuff, and I use some TMP to make it more solid
5:50 PM
@nick how come you're still up?
@slaphappy oh I see.
I work ridiculous hours
oh shit
hope they pay you well for those
by HK standards yes apparently
ah ok
rephrase- for most places in the world standards yes
5:53 PM
SF Bay Area / silicon valley standards not really but I can't complain its an awesome team
@nick sounds good
> I'm not allowed to complain
I'm happy for you :)
I'm planning on renegotiating a few things though, I think the equity given doesn't really reflect the value I bring although it's not bad
anyways I'm audi 5000 see you in a bit m8
5:58 PM
see ya
lol dude I miss those days when I could just chill in lounge and mumble
rip free time
yea its money or free time I guess
you can have both if you're that dan bilzerian guy
or if you have privileged clients
IRTA "privileged cunts"
6:09 PM
pls I pay cash I just want some happy
fuck why am I still awake
if you ever become chronically unhappy
you can join khaled in the corner of lame
so you won't be alone
how is he in the corner of lame?
due to the overload of ranting about his unhappy past
oh I see
he kinda didn't do it in a while so he's gettin better :P
> Springer made a bunch of books available for free, these were the direct links
These links no longer work. Springer have pulled the free plug.
I was quite inspired to download what I needed locally I see :P
nothing good and free seems to ever last
6:17 PM
I'm so bored.
wat do
create a webapp framework for INTERCAL
lol I knew cosplayers used photoshop to add weird effects to their shots but I didn't know they also altered their butts reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/42xcyd/ivy_nsfw
obviously NSFW if you open the pics there see the first comment
6:24 PM
I should learn INTERCAL.
> Taking douchebag parking to the next level i.imgur.com/nl7XgDB.gifv
dat face at the end
should've used a mod to turn the car into a BMW
Endless Forms Most Beautiful is the eighth album by Finnish symphonic power metal band Nightwish. It was released on March 27, 2015 in most countries in Europe, and Argentina, on March 30 in the UK (although pre-orders made via the Nightwish official site were released on 27 March 2015) and on March 31 in the US. It is the band's first album with new singer Floor Jansen, as well as the first to feature Troy Donockley as a full-time member. It is also their first album without drummer Jukka Nevalainen, who had to take a temporary break from the band due to suffering from strong insomnia, leading...
> Grand Theft Auto V – These Are The Most Photorealistic Screenshots yournewszonenetwork.com/2015/11/…
/cc @ElimGarak
       DO COME FROM (1)
       DO READ OUT ,1
(2)    DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #134
this is so awesome
6:38 PM
@MadameElyse INTERCAL can't simply be learned. It is an experience for the soul.
> action at a distance is an anti-pattern
Mutability is an anti-pattern!
So is your face
> Berduu used ReShade in order to improve the game’s visuals and the end results are as photorealistic as they can get. In fact, you will find it hard to believe that some of the following images are in-game screenshots and not real images. Enjoy!
well its not really in game screenshots if you use another app to make them look better
just my 2c
I think it's just a DX call interceptor
that changes the output
like the gedosato thing
I don't think there's a game today that looks photorealistic without tricks like that
maybe NFS 2015 but it wasn't released on PC yet
6:43 PM
my point is its like saying of a girl who put on a natural look makeup, "you wont believe she looks like that IRL" well she doesnt, she wearing makeup. Sure the "underlying geometry" is the same, but look has been changed regardless
i.e. keep all the repetition inside is_specialization_of
@AlexM. Show me a gameplay video where it looks like that.
and then i'll believe you
until then it goes in my bullshot folder
I don't think anyone hates computers as much as developers.
Your grand-parents.
6:50 PM
hey @Borgleader :) <3
We are rotating secondary SQL servers out of rotation for storage upgrades - no user impact is expected.
@Morwenn no, they barely don't understand it. I can say they don't hate it as much as I do
@Ven My grand-mother hated it the only time she tried.
Computers are wonderful devices.
Now that I think about it, mergesort could be optimized for std::deque if we could access its internal structure.
6:54 PM
What is to be hated is people who are incapable of using them using them, causing trouble for other people.
you can freely hate me, i have no idea how to properly use a computer.
You suck.
I should attempt to start blogging again.
It's mind-blogging.
6:56 PM
And instead of hosting it myself I should just create a wordpress.com account or something like that.
Oh wait GitHub Pages supported Eyjafjallajökull didn't it?
Oh Jekyll it's called.
> warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
cool I thought this was impossible

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