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7:15 AM
it’s not, it’s a view into an array
it can’t control how long that array lasts so you’ll want to copy/move your data to somewhere
Do you need root access to grant privileges in sql
I'm trying to host an app but none of the credentials work I keep getting denied access
Running remote queries
7:43 AM
@sehe ?????
I don't do Christmas presents.
@Telkitty oh, thanks for the offer. I didn't expect you to respond that way :)
8:10 AM
main.cpp:8:31: error: all paths through this function will call itself [-Werror,-Winfinite-recursion]
    transaction transaction() {
9:17 AM
didn't know this one
9:30 AM
did you check out the tests?
perhaps not very relevant for you as it is desktop
still a somewhat nice api for sending keys and clicks
10:08 AM
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Xmas bby :) :D
10:21 AM
Merry Christmas (=
Merry Christmas
Does anyone here have any experience in compiler design, i am currently working on a lua compiler, and am trying to figure out the best route to go, i have some basic knowledge in compiler design i am just struggling to get off the ground with my project, as i have never really tried to create a compiler before.
@daniel have you written a Lua parser?
yes, you have a Scanner / lexer, that scans the file character by character and tokenizes the file, that then gets sent to the parser, i think, most of my knowledge is based off of dissecting compilers and parers, and blogs / answers.
@daniel what features do you want your Lua compiler to support?
10:32 AM
pretty much the main purpose of my lua compiler is to take my lua code and create a executable file out of it, also needs to link the framework that comes with it.
my project is currently on github, though has little to no code on it at the moment, since i am trying to get things figured out, github.com/DarkEdgeStudios/Love3D
@daniel I would reccommend that you retrieve the Lua source code first.
@Elyse you're experienced with languages, what would you suggest?
Suggest for what?
@Elyse Should @daniel just take the Lua source code and modify it to include his framework features?
I have no idea.
10:58 AM
@AngryLettuce ping me again if you gw2 these days (et Noyeux Joël aussi)
11:15 AM
It would be fun to collaborate with other people on projects.
11:31 AM
What the actual fuck is this issue: github.com/tqdm/tqdm/issues/80#issue-123857155
I really do hope she's just a very bored troll
merry christmas
lol, my me me has more stars than the rules and nospoiler message
Banned from all of @github for using eggplant emojis? Good going SJWs. @GitGudGG here I come! https://t.co/eRuPK2aepA
lol that avatar
11:59 AM
@Xeo The kek is strong.
> fatal error C1075: end of file found before the left parenthesis '(' at '<file path>' was matched
gawd I hate this error so much
because it just doesn't tell you where the problem actually is
well it’s at <file path>
what more do you want
Except it isn't :(
bad header?
Merry Friday everyone
12:08 PM
Thanks starfish :D
Happy Everything to Everyone!
Q: Abstract Syntax Tree -- tis title what so?

Jaqueline Vaneki di 1 nore to Go or not to Go> more symbols ...FO estion body does not meet our quality standards. Please make sure that it completely describes your problem - including what you have already tried - and is written u no, tea

You only have 7 days ... until 2016
@Xeo So, apparently...? Eggplants are associated with dicks. And it's not just github that sees it that way: instagram did that too, apparently (ban the use of eggplant in searches since people were using it to tag sexual photos).
I mean, I guess that person was attempting to stir the pot maliciously, as their only comment was just the eggplant emoji and nothing else, no other explanation or addition to what was being discussed.
I'm so bored.
12:18 PM
Merry boredom.
@Elyse Help me come up with project ideas.
@ThePhD Create a project that crawls the web looking for trendy notions and generates ideas for projects based on them.
@rubenvb Do you experience this bug?
I do. Sucks.
> If several elements in the range are equivalent to the greatest element, returns the iterator to the first such element
Well fuck me
I need t to return the iterator to the last such element.
12:28 PM
reverse the range
> If several elements are equivalent to the largest element, the iterator to the last such element is returned.
... Who...
.... You know what, it doesn't matter.
It works.
> If SQL was the wrong choice, well good luck to you migrating everything to MongoDB (which is per se the wrong choice again, so prepare for migrating back).
12:31 PM
I remember the difference because of a library DR that recommended adding a note to make it obvious that std::max_element and std::minmax_element were different wrt the max elements returned.
But.. why :|
Today in YouTube: Copyright claim on video (not audio) of game playthrough by person who did the playthrough. So, now people own the patterns in which they use gameplay mechanics?
@Xeo I... don't know.
@ThePhD Could also do upper_bound and then prev it.
upper_bound and lower_bound are such nice algorithms.
I am watch this video titled 'The Scariest Videos on the Internet' on the youtube - turns out that it's really a comedy as usual ...
12:33 PM
Almost 2016, Telkitty still can't Engrish.
@Xeo Er, it requires the iterable to be sorted, right?
@Morwenn Yeah.
Gawd. Good thing I'm planning on sitting almost the whole day. My legs are killing me.
the only language I fluent is gibberish, remember?
@ThePhD the eggplant emoji means "dick". Everyone knows that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't until a little bit before just now. .-.
12:42 PM
And dick means pleasure.
Why doesn't like pleasure?
My iterator is not default-constructible
I think this is illegal in the latest standard, no?
Regardless, I don't see how spam is justifiable, be it eggplants or hearts.
29 mins ago, by ThePhD
I mean, I guess that person was attempting to stir the pot maliciously, as their only comment was just the eggplant emoji and nothing else, no other explanation or addition to what was being discussed.
I don't know why in VS
They don't just make Ctrl + F Edit.Replace
Instead of Edit.Find
Edit.Replace shows more and is functionally equivalent to Edit.Find, and I don't have to expand my find into a replace or hit Ctrl + H if I later decide to replace stuff (or that dropdown thing).
There are many shortcut patterns
you can redefine that keyboard mapping if you want
12:48 PM
I look the users twitter wallpaper & I think the ban is justified, the user is not as innocent as (s)he claims to be ... it's not just about eggplants ...
@ThePhD std::max_element(std::rbegin(array), std::rend(array));
@Morwenn Yeah, hat's what I'm doing, but I'm running into a problem.
@ThePhD Remap it yourself?
@Xeo I am, I just have to do it AGAIN because my computer tanked, so all of my little quips are coming back fresh.
std::reverse_iterator doesn't support... operator= ???
12:50 PM
The fuck.
"Attempting to reference a deleted function" what the fuck do you mean a deleted function, VC++?!
Oh. It's because the stored contained is const.
inb4 pebkac
damn, too late
Also, I could ignore the problem but not using crbegin and crend.
I mean, who needs const iterators anyways.
anyways, const_iterators shouldn't disallow assignment to the iterator itself
It's because I've got a std::reference_wrapper<const Cont> on the inside.
12:53 PM
That's a good code smell scent, actually
what's the difference between std::reference_wrapper<T> and T*?
One tries to enforce reference semantics and I didn't want to have to code for the case where T* container == null
Takes a reference and a reference only, but now I have to figure out how to make it trivially copyable and const.
... I probably can't.
Guess I'll just const T*.
Oh, it can't be null. That's nice.
T* with T = const Container doesn't work either q_q
Maybe.... maybe I should just const_cast away the difference. >.>
Lounge holidayin'.
1:03 PM
Why is it still non-copyable ;~;
Well, there we go.
That's fixed now.
No more const members \o/
... Don't
Don't judge me, it's Christmas.
Where's your holiday spirit. q_q
sup, derpstorm, just keep at it <3
1:07 PM
@ThePhD :D
What did you guys get for Christmas? :P
@ElimGarak fat, we all got fatter
Nothing at all.
I got a halberd
Unfortunately, my tally for car-related fatalities in the area has been increased to 4, with the youngest one being 20 years old. Reason for all crashes: Speed-induced catastrophe. No innocent bystanders (non-barteks) harmed, even though one of the vehicles hit a car from the other direction. Both passengers are only lightly injured. Good day.
1:19 PM
Hrm. My rref(A) algorithm is breaking.
Why would you actually do that
Marking commits with their index is thoroughly useless
Doesn't work well with merging.
Commit: commit
@ThePhD You sound like you're going cowboy all the way down again.
@Elyse Great point
1:21 PM
@Morwenn I am not. :c
Right. To get the REAL index and not the reverse index
I need to subtract from the maximum index.
auto pivotcolumnbegin = pivotcolumn.crbegin( );
std::advance( pivotcolumnbegin, rowi );
auto pivotcolumnmax = std::max_element( pivotcolumnbegin, pivotcolumn.crend( ), ::detail::comparator( ) );
intz pivoti = std::distance( pivotcolumn.cbegin( ), pivotcolumnmax.base() );
There we go. Now it all works.
> ( )
> nce( pivot
y u do dis phd
Spaces are nice.
Oh. I think I did something wrong again...
Oh. Right.
psst: std::next(pivotcolumn.crbegin(), rowi)
pivotcolumnmax.base() is pointing to pivotcolumn.cend()
wat do
1:31 PM
Which is yielding 1 more than usual.
@Xeo OH, so it was just called next!
I was looking for it.
And all I remembered was advance, and advance was kinda shitty.
I should look harder.
Maybe instead of columns - 1 - std::distance( pivotcolumn.crbegin(), pivotcolumnmax ); I should just do std::distance( pivotcolumn.cbegin(), std::prev( pivotcolumnmax.base() ) );
... Second makes a bit more sense I guess?
std::next is cool because it simplifies things for forward and bidirectional iterators.
sup lounge
I'm confused.
I must be doing something wrong.
1:41 PM
always fascinated by obfuscated code that is formed in an ascii art, I don't even understand 90% of what is written in it
dat machine
Hello people, can I ask a quick question? int deck[3] is an array, but deck[0] is an integer, right?
Thank you.
1:55 PM
such an awesome movement, remove all the potential competitors right at the start ...
Right. I forgot.
C++, for multidimensional stuff, puts the dimensions in backwards.
Visual Assist really isn't doing me any favors right now with my debugging.
Visual Autist
@ThePhD "puts the dimensions backwards"?
@melak47 double[3][2] means 3 columns, 2 rows; mathematics says A^3x2 is 3 rows, 2 columns.
That's the meaning you give to it.
2:01 PM
C++ doesn't care about columns and rows.
It could just as well mean 2 columns, 3 rows.
Or two boxes with three potatoes per box.
this sure is a sunny Christmas
wtb std::make_reverse_index_sequence
I honestly wish parameter packs were more... malleable.
2:07 PM
You wish you programmed in D.
there are no such thing as columns and rows either
@KhaledAKhunaifer :B
Oh. That's right. I need to upgrade to VS 2015.1
AFAIK C++ doesn't have multidimensional arrays, it's a syntactic sugar that transform into creating huge number of 1D arrays
Oh crap
std::index_sequence is real now?
2:21 PM
C++14 boy
Man, fuck me, I have to update all of my code.
@ThePhD Anytime :3
Now I understand why, when newer, shinier standard stuff comes out,
companies don't immediately switch over.
And my codebases aren't even that big. =/
Merry xmas lounge :)
2:26 PM
no wonder there is a hype over Nutella, I bought a bottle a week ago, and it even makes plain tea cake that end up no being eaten by anyone home delicious .. where has this been all my life
@ThePhD Sorry, I mean... Anytime <3
@Borgleader Oh, I wasn't referring to that. Just the tiredness I feel at even thinking about refactoring the whole codebase for std::index_sequence.
@ThePhD I don't use VS mainly, but from what I heard, it took microsoft 10 years to catch up with C++11
@Borgleader You can do whatever you like with me, babycakes.~
@KhaledAKhunaifer It's still broken, so it actually may take a real 10 years.
@ThePhD well in that case, it's gonna have to wait another 10 years .. lol
2:30 PM
@ThePhD to be honest for me it wasn't VS that held me back in most cases, it was Ubuntu being on GCC 4.8
we might not be alive when VS adapt to C++17
@Mgetz The prior version of debian stable was on some atrocious GCC 4.5, and since the people I worked with briefly didn't want to switch, using C++11 there was a taaad painful.
@ThePhD What? index_seuqence is just an alias: template<std::size_t... Index> using index_sequence = std::integer_sequence<std::size_t, Index...>;
how different could your own index_sequence be? :p
stopC <- struct{}{}
2:33 PM
@ThePhD pretty much, in my case I didn't necessarily need language features (although constexpr and noexcept support would have been nice) so much as I needed library features that GCC couldn't support due to breaking ABI changes
@melak47 His is not standard?
@Borgleader yeah, but switching shouldn't be difficult
template <typename T, T...>
	struct value_sequence {
		typedef T type;

	template <std::ptrdiff_t... I>
	using int_sequence = value_sequence<std::ptrdiff_t, I...>;
Gotta copy-pasta std::index_sequence errywhere
@ThePhD Ctrl-Shift-H
cppref doesn't have index_sequence...
2:35 PM
template <std::ptrdiff_t... I>
using int_sequence = integer_sequence<std::ptrdiff_t, I...>;
Does VC++ even have it yet?
there, done :p
under "Helper templates"
... But why can't I search it?
You know what, nevermind.
It's there.
idk, cppreference search could use some work
also, I'd love it if they (search engine) optimized the crap out of basic_string to appear near the top when looking for std::string :p
oooh man.
Replacing make_indices
With make_integer_sequence
2:38 PM
why not just alias it
I'm checking the template declarations to see if they're compat.
I wonder if Go optimises for { } to select { }.
Steam is slooooooooooooooooooooow
Annnd... they LOOK like they are.
Well, can't argue with that.
@Borgleader maybe it's the steam winter DOS attack
2:40 PM
... Wait.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Their integer sequence is std::size_t.
Mine is std::ptrdiff_t.
@ThePhD You mean index sequence
All of my templates specialize on std::ptrdiff_t....
2:41 PM
integer_sequence<T, T...> can be anything you want
std::make_integer_sequence<std::ptrdiff_t, ...>
Oh. That's a thing.
make_index_sequence just defaults it to std::size_t
just make a ptrrrdifff_sequence :v
signed ints masterrace
2:43 PM
Hi guys.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
Or Happy Holidays.
Whatever's PC these days.
Day 2 of attempting to install Linux on my laptop.
Gentoo is not cooperating.
why gentoo?
@melak47 Because Archlinux didn't cooperate either.
Damned NVIDIA Optimus.
2:44 PM
@user3886129 never install gentoo from a gentoo disk, use an ubuntu disk to install gentoo
IRTA "I suck at installing Linux"
@user3886129 I have one of those things in my laptop
not had any problems relating to that when messing with linux yet.
@melak47 I get a bunch of errors when attempting to install Arch. Something about the NVIDIA driver it uses (nouveau).
Don't use nouveau don't use NVIDIA
But my laptop.
2:46 PM
@user3886129 you could try manjaro. based on arch, but ready to go
stop purchasing shitty hardware made by shitty companies
Alright, there.
I think I refactored everything. Sort of.
@AngryLettuce reinterpret_cast<festive_lettuce>(@AngryLettuce)
@user3886129 have you tried ubuntu? .. i think there might be a support for it, since ubuntu is well supported and has a huge community of linux users
2:48 PM
@ThePhD if everything's broken, you've succeeded
ICE \o/
@melak47 I did it. I broke everything.
did you install Update 1? maybe that fixes it
ThePhD being ThePhD as usual
(false hope is best hope)
Oh, no. I just forgot an include.
THat's one hell of a thing to ICE over. ;;
2:49 PM
@KhaledAKhunaifer I have Ubuntu on my other hard drive.
@user3886129 I bet there are people on ubuntu community who use Nvidia cards, you might wanna ask on ubuntu community forums
It appears I have to install ~special~ drivers.
@ThePhD tell it to STL, he ICEskates all the time!
Awh crap. I used to do make_indices<X, offset>
Oh well. I'll just.... pretend I don't need that for the time being.
And I'm only using a subset of my code... the errors when I pull this back into main are gonna be astounding. ;;
shouldn't a C++X code work on C++Y using the standard stuff, where Y > X ?
@KhaledAKhunaifer yes, but then you're just letting your code rot! he can't do that :p
Well, if I leave my stuff around, I'll keep USING my stuff.
Best way to kill the disease is to get rid of it. Early.
@KhaledAKhunaifer no, things get removed/changed on occasion

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