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8:00 PM
This I have for free. Please be envious
@JohannesSchaublitb Yup
@JohannesSchaublitb Hear. Hear. People keep updating the fork of Amarok, but I ditched it in favour of client server solutions anyway
Woo, submitted my first compiler patch!
I changed one whole line!
@CaptainGiraffe I am freaking envious!
@sehe Thank you!
8:01 PM
@CaptainGiraffe That's a title I intend to own, but I postpone the expense each year in favour of about 10 other books !
@sehe It has all the awesome you expect it to have
@CaptainGiraffe i had to pay for them. i'm envious
@AlfPSteinbach Thanks. The swedish university library is quite awesome I might add.
Some book shelf show is going on here? :D
@MrAnubis Yeah whose fault is it anyway.
8:05 PM
why cant the compiler infer if a function is const or not?
Shame I'm unable to change the room subject to Silence Please - Lounge<C++> Annual Nerd Bookshelf Pissing Contest 2012 in progress
@Ell Are you being sarcastic?
@sehe No idea , but I can see most people pasted their shelves :)
@CaptainGiraffe no, I genuinely don't understand why o.o
cant the compiler just check if it calls any non-const functions on members
and the if it does, its not const
That's not what makes a function const. It is what makes a function potentially const. Also, there is the notion of 'logically' const and mutable
8:07 PM
@Ell My reply had grammatical errors, with not so easily interpreted meaning. Why should a compiler make assumptions that are ambiguos
@CaptainGiraffe Those are some really awesome books to be read by everyone :)
@CaptainGiraffe why are they ambiguous? maybe I am confused as to the meaning of const
@MrAnubis Could not agree more, especially the introductory text on general relativity. (The green book)
@sbi just popped that browser tab of the TL;DR stack. Nice (Doubled my stock of C++ books. :))
@Ell The const allows the compiler to make assumptions, non-const statements does not.
8:10 PM
@CaptainGiraffe but couldn't the compiler figure out if something was const anyway?
@CaptainGiraffe I can't see any green book there , the books in background can't be viewed by human eyes I think :)
@Ell No, there is always this extra function call that you cant see that the linker does not mark as const.
it's my understanding that in reality, it's very rare for compiler optimizations to be based on const
especially since cross-TU inlining was introduced
@CaptainGiraffe hmm okay :s
@DeadMG I didn't think it was for optimisation reasons?
8:11 PM
@MrAnubis those were posted earlier: i.stack.imgur.com/oyG6S.jpg
not all builds do cross TU
even if the compiler supports it
@sehe aah, thanks for link :)
@Mahesh I can't listen to that stuff. Ugly mutilated voice mutilations
@Ell It isn't, but mr giraffe implied that, as far as I could tell
TIL it's important to make clean before building a fresh git pull.
8:14 PM
Hmm I realize you all got lots of book. It would take decades to me to read even some of those books from anyone's bookshelf :D
@DeadMG ahh, kk
@sehe I am sorry if that disturbed which is not my intention though :(
The visualizations are just perfect.
And not to mention about the lady in the video :)
@Mahesh She is showing some nice pussy
@sehe I was talking about her pretty face.
8:16 PM
@sehe woaaah minors in the room:O
@Ell Hmm. I'm not saying anything special. Go see that vid (and make sure the sound is muted): youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sM6emA3JMJ4
@Ell There are? Well, congratulations for them :)
@DeadMG They won't survive long. Too many books and talk of const and optimization :)
@DeadMG actually, how old is minor? I'm 16 and a 1/4 :D
@Ell just a std::root(12,2) away
8:18 PM
@Ell Minor is an American term and we neither use it nor care about it.
@sehe aah I see you mean pussy as in cat as in tiger. Yeah I get it now :)
@sehe I'm 12 and what is this?
@Ell And panther and lion
Why are the youtube links are not being properly parsed ?
@DeadMG minor is an american term?
8:18 PM
@CaptainGiraffe What's that green pill for? I can't eat it
@CaptainGiraffe You are? Why do people send you their books? And, Knuth isn't for minors!
@MrAnubis I'll take the red pill
@Ell As far as I know. I hardly ever see it.
@DeadMG I haven't really thought about it o.O
@sehe I already have a dedication from The Donald =)
8:19 PM
@Ell We're about the same age! :D
@Maxpm yaay!
@Maxpm whens your birthday?
@Ell November 6th.
@Eli Mine is tomorrow :)
@CaptainGiraffe is that uci.edu ?
Please don't do this Ell I'm turning 40 in a week and a half.
8:21 PM
@Maxpm november 17th!
@sehe Nope.
@Ell Whoa! :D
@CaptainGiraffe I'd gladly be that age! So I can skip past all the suffering of my life...
@Maxpm cool... lets make a MMORPG significantly more successful than Runescape and WoW combined!
@Ell Ot only goes to more suffering, but along the way you get the tools to deal with it. Also Its a very fun journey
Then 'The Donald' is some kind of culturally defined code that I'm not going to decipher. Meh...?
Anyways, I'm going to be afk
8:23 PM
@Ell Oh God, Runescape. I can count the polygons on one hand.
@sehe Wiki Donald Knuth
@CaptainGiraffe mine isn't a fun journey :( but I wont complain, I still need to find (or start) the Self Help SO sehe mentioned yesterday
@Maxpm haha yes indeedy :D
@CaptainGiraffe that Donald
@Maxpm where are you from? Do you programme in school?
@Ell It's nowhere near fun now, but the more you learn. I wish I could tell you the props =)
8:24 PM
Damn it's cold.
@CaptainGiraffe haha well mine was never fun. then it was fun for about 4 months. then we split up and it hasnt been fun since...

Proposed Q&A site for geek men. They don't understand women, and want to spend more time with their projects, StarCraft2, board games and such. They need help with various Exceptions that GFs can throw at them, and need help fast!

Currently in definition.

@sehe i'm fine getting girlfriends, and keeping them apparently. just not getting over them when the other's parent decides we have to be apart...
grumble grumble
i have a new one now :) who I baked a valentine's cake for earlier today actually
@Ell Read more books... Or just run off. I can't vouch for the Romeo & Juliette style ending
8:29 PM
@Ell East coast US. Yes, I take a comp. sci. class, but TBH I don't really learn much in it.
@Ell that time of the year :)
@Maxpm ahh, I'm in the UK and they don't offer any kind of computing or programming stuff at high school
@Ell None? That stinks.
@Maxpm yeah :/ but I self teach everything - although it seems not very well :S I have never finished a project :O are you working on anything at the moment?
I am the only programmer I know and I don't even know myself very well o.O
@Ell My primary project at the moment is this.
8:33 PM
@Maxpm I may consider contributing :) although I have never tried D. The website was so awful I couldn't find the compiler...
@Ell They have a new website now. d-programming-language.org
The one on the Digital Mars website is pretty bad.
@Maxpm ahh that is so much better!
@Maxpm are you Syntax*******@gmail.com?
Even if you don't learn D, I could always use more feature requests and bug reports!
@Ell That's me.
@Maxpm we should keep in touch!
@Maxpm in a non-gay way I hope you understand ;)
We should! Feel free to email me.
Haha, of course.
Gah, I'll be back in a few minutes.
8:37 PM
I just emailed you, to check if i got the righty guy :L
Oh gods
@Hoxieboy ?
I found myself at the C++ chat lounge, again
Hey at least I'm learning C++ now...
@sehe plink
8:51 PM
@Hoxieboy Ok, what does this code do? unsigned long long a = ~0ull; while (a --> 0) { std::cout << (unsigned long long*)&a << std::endl; }
Well to my untrained C++ eyes, it looks like a while loop that prints out a very long integer and times it by itself correct?
It prints all integers from ~0ull to 0.
>.< i've only started learning C++ like yesterday man
what is the tilde for?
one's complement
so 0x00000000 becomes 0xFFFFFFFF
so the opposite essentially
8:55 PM
the complement
basically yeah
i see
in binary
all 1s become 0s and all 0s become 1s. also called "not"
that's comparison
8:57 PM
Q: Transient Copy Constructor weirdness

Steven LuI've got this here class defined in a header file: class E_IndexList { public: E_UIntegerList* l; inline void *data() { // retrieve packed data: stride depends on type (range) return l->data(); } inline void insert(unsigned value) { if (value > maxval[l->...

^ Cover your eyes b4 l00king!
u were warned
I want to be a pastafarian mom
@AlfPSteinbach My eyes melted before the otherworldly jumbled mass of symbols, I cant comprehend D:
Ima look up file io in C++
9:01 PM
its surprisingly simple XD
well, python is close enough
I don't know Python.
its based from C, though apparently that doesn't really mean anything
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    using namespace std;

    int main () {
      ofstream myfile;
      myfile.open ("file.txt");
      myfile << "Writing to a file.\n";
      return 0;
No need to close it there. It's done automatically when the destructor of myfile is called.
Also: ofstream myfile("file.txt"); is one line shorter
it does return system resources, unless you are writing to the same file at a different time correct?
close returns system resources, yes.
But the file is automatically closed when myfile leaves scope.
9:07 PM
C++ jargon, must learn
how could you describe a destructor, and what exactly is a scope?
@AlfPSteinbach Or internet perhaps
no, book good
book is better
The C++ Programming Language helped me a lot.
I think I need to go to a library then :3
that or order something from amazon
gods and my library is closed on sundays XD
9:13 PM
wow I searched The C++ Programming Language ebook and it came up with lots of choices, the first is The C++ Programming Language third edition, should I start with the first if there is one? or are they all the same just updated
At least I recommend en.cppreference.com/w/cpp. Great website for when you need to know something specific about the standard library.
@Hoxieboy the one by Bjarne Stroustrup. I read the third edition.
@daknøk bookmarked
no problemo
lol found a pdf and it has an image of the book cover, nice waves XD
869 pages, better start reading then :O
9:19 PM
mine has 912 pages
Oh wait I have the special edition. :P
XP mine is a pdf as well, if you could call it mine :s
Just keep one thing in mind when learning C++: i.imgur.com/fBWWL.png
it should be reversed soon after however
once you see the fruits of your labor
I am bach.
@Maxpm lies and slander!
9:28 PM
what time is it in the US?
My final test week begins tomorrow.
That's awesome.
2:30 mountain
@Ell 4:30 on the East Coast.
@Hoxieboy mountain?
9:30 PM
@daknøk what subject? lol
mountain time
@Maxpm Without capitalization, this isn't a name anymore, and the only thing I can associate with it is the German noun "bach", which translates to "creek". So you are a creek? Have you tried talking to your doctor about this?
@Hoxieboy Physics, chemistry, mathematics, Dutch, English and biology.
Is anyone here from London and interested to meet? I'll be in London for a few days beginning of March, and I will have three days there to spend on my own.
@Maxpm I'll be honest - I don't know what states are on the east coast... miami?
@sbi unfortunately not :(
@Ell Pennsylvania, New York, Florida....
I am in Pennsylvania.
9:32 PM
@Ell I'm clear over in idaho
@sbi Will there be candy and puppies?
@Maxpm ahh okay. Sorry I don't know the US well :L I reckon I could name all 52 states or however many there are though
@Maxpm How would I know? I have only been to London once, for two hours, changing trains.
@sbi I have never been to london :'(
London is beautiful.
9:33 PM
I want to live in germany :s
I've been once. Great city.
Me too.
I want to live in norway
although I've never been it just sounds like the perfect place to live
@Maxpm do american girls find a british accent attractive?
I want to live in North Korea.
@Ell Yes.
@daknøk Don't we all?
9:34 PM
@Maxpm of course, but they won't let us in. :(
@Maxpm do they really though? I thought it was just a stereotype?
@Ell British LP'ers are extremely popular on youtube :s
Hi Fred.
hmm intersting :D
@Ell Most do. Some guys find them attractive, too.
9:35 PM
@Maxpm well keep me away from those guys.
I'm going to guess American accents sound dumb anywhere on the globe.
@Ell British girls = hawt
It's annoying - I'm renowned for being extremely homophobic at school but is it wrong to not want to be gay?
@Maxpm Couldn't argue, but no stereotyping ;)
@Ell Certainly there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you live and let live.
9:37 PM
@Ell "I support gays because they leave me more women"
@daknøk hallo
@Maxpm I have nothing against gay people, i just think that people use it as an excuse for being obnoxious and in-your-face. One of my friends came out last year and since then he has become a lot more annoying and has also made advancements on me which I am really not comfortable with...
@Hoxieboy haha thats a good one
@Ell That's pretty gay.
@FredOverflow I'm not gay :O
@Ell I mean your friend's behavior.
9:39 PM
and I also get told off for using "gay" as an insult, but everyone uses it like that!
Since when is "gay" not an insult?
@FredOverflow Back in the 1950's when gay ment merry
@FredOverflow yeah it is. And well it is, but people have used a different meaning of it
@FredOverflow Since it's a homonym.
I don't say "you're gay" to mean "you're homosexual, thus an idiot", I just say "you're gay" to mean "you're an idiot" because I've been saying it that long, the homosexual side of it is completely irrelevant
9:41 PM
@FredOverflow I do have homosexual friends. Those of them who are male, are gay. That's a fact, not an insult.
@FredOverflow WTF?
@sbi Yes, but it's not unheard of to use "gay" as an insult.
@sbi Some women describe themselves or don't mind being described as gay. It's not necessarily gender specific.
@daknøk Well, technology is quite gay, isn't it? :)
9:43 PM
last time I checked this lounge was for chatting about the C++ language, why gays, why now?
@FredOverflow To that I agree. It's a different statement from the one I replied to, though.
@Hoxieboy well it is a lounge. Maybe we should populate a general banter chatroom
I just watched Herb Sutter at GoingNative2012 and he was talking about shared_ptr and its uses. He really taught me something about shared_ptr and how to think about them/use them. Have you seen the talk?
9:43 PM
@LucDanton Oh well. The homosexual women I know consider themselves as lesbian, I think.
@Hoxieboy on-topicness doesn't exist in this room.
@Ell Yes, but for C++
@mantler What exactly did it teach you?
hi (again)
Hello @DeadMG
9:44 PM
That you should keep using pointers/refs as function arguments for functions that don't care about object life time.
@sbi My place is reasonably close to London, I could grab a train there without too much issue
If I had created a shared_ptr I would keep passing in const shared_ptr & although the function never did anything with the lifetime of the object.
@DeadMG I thought you were at loughborough? o.O
I am
@DeadMG I thought I remembered that, but I am surprised you are even considering to meet.
9:46 PM
But thats miles from london?
@Ell I think it's a little silly to use gay as an insult. That said, the world would be much nicer if people could learn to just laugh that kind of thing off.
@Ell It's not very expensive to get a train ticket at off-peak times.
Hm, didn't someone mention Limp Bizkit the other day?
@Maxpm I admit its not very nice, but its been in common usage for my entire life so it just seems normal
9:47 PM
@FredOverflow No, nobody did.
@sbi Well, I certainly considered not saying anything
@sbi Pretty sure Alf did.
@FredOverflow No he didn't, nor did anyone else. So please stop posting those videos now. :)
Perhaps I missunderstood/hard to re-say all he said. But essence seemed good.
@daknøk I will treasure this forever i.imgur.com/fBWWL.png
9:48 PM
He also said dont pass shared_ptr by value.
@DeadMG :) Anyway, think it through well before you commit. Right now it looks like I'd have time to kill during the day on 7th, 8th, and 13th.
@sbi If it'll make you happy... ;)
I think on at least one of those days, I've got arrangements
let me check
@Hoxieboy You can post pictures inline, just post the link and nothing else:
no, I don't
9:50 PM
@mantler That advice is questionable and has been questioned.
@FredOverflow Any language.
@sbi What times of day are we looking at?
It also works for non C++ pictures:
9:55 PM
isn't that the picture that we posted like six times in a row for little apparent reason?
wait isn't that bjorne strousup?
@DeadMG yes
no, it's James Gosling
@DeadMG "during the day" I'll be with dear people in the evening.
@Ell This is Bjarne.
9:57 PM
This is Chris Hansen.
ah, I'll skip them
nothing I like better than soda and programming, isnt that classic?
it'd cost me an arm and a leg to get into London if I had to travel during the peak times
why doesn't D have a complete download of offline installer, and why does the installer by default also install old version 1.0 as well as digital mars C++ from the 90's? somebody should whisper something in Walter's right or left ear. I think
@Maxpm my eyes!

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