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10:04 AM
ffs with these physics joints.
I can't seem to get the effect I want
what kind of beer do they serve there?
ba dum tschh
10:23 AM
I guess that if laying out an aggregate fails, I don't need to actually throw.
everything would work fine until codegen time (which can't occur until all errors are resolved)
so I could just set the size/alignment to 1 or something.
@Puppy bleh
oh LLVM 3.6 was released.
And also clang 3.6.
> clang-format now supports formatting Java code.
lol what
10:31 AM
> The PreserveSource linker mode was removed
fuck, I depended on that.
> Nested namespace definitions: namespace A::B { ... } as a shorthand for namespace A { namespace B { ... } }
> Clang can now self-host using the msvc environment on x86 and x64 Windows. This means that Microsoft C++ ABI is more or less feature-complete, minus exception support.
bah, exception support
support moar windows exceptions plix.
Why are they not supported yet?
Are they incompatible with LLVM's exception model?
10:35 AM
well I think that part of it is that LLVM and Clang just don't have that many Windows devs
oh clang 3.5 already had static_assert without message, nice
@райтфолд FINALLY.
So many fucking formatters take my namespace A { namespace B { code and do fucking double, triple indents.
> Support for for (identifier : range) as a synonym for for (auto &&identifier : range) has been removed as it is no longer currently considered for C++17.
10:39 AM
Fuck that syntax.
And all it's subtle bullshit hiding nonsense garbagefuck
fuck that idea from the start
GCC 5.0 is releasing soon.
It's in Stage 4 atm.
@Puppy Worst part is it's not like you could even control what comes out, or even keep a reference to the iterator.
10:41 AM
neither of those concern me
@Puppy Would've been loads better if you could do (it, value = *it : range ) AND WOW LOOK AT THAT NOW YOU HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER WHAT COMES OUT OF THE FUCKING ITERATOR LOOK AT THAT
yes, but nobody gives a shit about that.
> A new set of built-in functions for arithmetics with overflow checking has been added: __builtin_add_overflow, __builtin_sub_overflow and __builtin_mul_overflow and for compatibility with clang also other variants.
> G++ no longer supports N3639 variable length arrays, as they were removed from the C++14 working paper prior to ratification. GNU VLAs are still supported, so VLA support is now the same in C++14 mode as in C++98 and C++11 modes.
10:44 AM
Is there something similar to #line that allows you to change the source line quoted in a diagnostic?
@Rapptz ooooh... and that means what?
It means it's going to be released soon.
@райтфолд What's wrong with #line?
Also libstdc++ now has full C++11 support.
10:46 AM
@Puppy It only changes the filename and line number AFAIK.
GCC generates code if you have empty non-virtual destructor.
@StackedCrooked Terrible comparison because there's no real code.
@StackedCrooked I would have thought 1 and 2 would be the same.
Well, I tried to make the example as minimal as possible.
I even turned on -O3 to make sure, but nope. They're still different in size.
10:48 AM
@ThePhD That's the case with clang.
GCC, letting me down.
Clang also optimizes away null operations on new'd values.
GCC never does that.
Why can't I search for headers in cppreference?
@StackedCrooked You made it much too minimal.
also I believe that officially, on Linux, you can actually hook the function, so GCC can't guarantee that the body is actually the body in the source.
I use a custom Google search that changes "cpp foo" into "foo site:en.cppreference.com" .
10:52 AM
error handling hard
It works very good. (I use the same for "so" and many others.)
@Puppy That would totally kill the optimization I think.
You can hook functions if you compile with instrumentation enabled.
But that's a special compiler flag.
@Puppy Or does this only apply to destructors?
any function afaik
@ThePhD Added some runtime instructions. (1) and (2) are the same now.
alright so
some errors are easily handled as exceptions, but some errors are more problematic.
like "What happens if you try to get the arguments for a function where the argument types are malformed?"
then you quit!
11:00 AM
but then I can't offer incremental re-analysis.
so for example, if you have a constructor for a UDT and the argument type is malformed, is your type copyable or not?
guess I'll need enum Copyable { Yes, No, FileNotFound }
Isn't that a compiler error?
well, of course it's an error
the question is how do you handle it so that you can a) issue a decent error, and b) continue analyzing for more errors, and c) keep your state valid so that if the user changes his source to be valid, you can incrementally re-analyze it
The it can't be copyable.. not?
well it could be copyable :P
ya just don't know
I don't get it, why is half the Internet discussing the colors of a dress? Is this the new ice cube challenge or something?
11:08 AM
@FredOverflow First world problems again?
@FredOverflow Because the color you perceive the dress as being is radically different from person to person.
@FredOverflow Because it is easy to have an opinion on that? It is much harder to have an opinion regarding Russia and Ukraine. :)
Ah, so it's like instead of discussing Concepts at a C++ meeting, people keep pondering on how to write a for loop? :)
I reckon most people are bored & had nothing else better to do, they don't like to admit it
Mar 4 '11 at 11:09, by FredOverflow
> Quite often, there's a problem. People don't really want to argue about these big things. You come with something like [...] how to do a type system for templates, we don't get a discussion about that.
Mar 4 '11 at 11:09, by FredOverflow
> Now if you discuss about how to write a for loop, you get a really splendid discussion. If you start arguing about wether you should have a space in between the int and the star in a pointer-to-int, you get a REALLY furious discussion. People actually LOVE discussing things that don't matter, because it's so easy to have an opinion about those things.
11:12 AM
ah no
that's not correct.
it should be boost::variant<bool, unordered_set<Error*>>.
that way I know to avoid double-reporting the same error(s)
maybe if you're gonna resolve an overload, I can do partial resolution if there are some errors
Can I get GHC to run signal handlers on the same thread that caused the signal?
oh hm
and if you have a function that you tried to export where the export failed, then you may or may not have an implicit this parameter, so I don't really know if the arity is correct.
@Fanael Haskell has signals?
11:22 AM
@FredOverflow The programs generated by GHC typically run on systems that have signals.
@райтфолд If I use a programming language that compiles to JavaScript, can the program open files? Or am I restricted to some kind of browser sandbox?
@StackedCrooked is this like the "create hotpatchable image" option for msvc?
I'm not familiar with that.
@FredOverflow It depends on where you run it.
JavaScript is a programming language that does not give a shit about files.
11:29 AM
@StackedCrooked puts dummy bytes at the start of the function to guarantee that there's always enough space to put a jump and crap to hook it
Ah. I don't think so.
Or maybe it is.
no, it isn't
Instrumentation will insert calls to the hooks at the beginning and the end of each function (or according to some filter).
if I recall correctly, what basically happens is that the linker replaces the address associated with that name.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit who's Spock? I think I've heard of him
aah the Star Trek actor... sorry to hear that..
11:40 AM
clang is terrible at -ferror-limit=1.
When it emits one error, it takes a shitload of time before it quits, as if it continues analysing anyway.
@MarcoA. I'm not.
millions of people die every day
@MarcoA. No, Spock is the acted character.
@Puppy sorry for them as well. It's the shitty human condition
The end of a terrible life on a terrible planet.
11:44 AM
I'm not really that sorry about it
their deaths are necessary for their children to survive.
but more generally, there's nothing particular about this day- hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, around the world die every day, have done since I was born, and will continue to do so until I join them and afterwards as well.
and there's nothing different about Leonard Nimoy in this respect.
They will probably still do so when you've joined them.
I suppose we die because it's the minimum-energy-right-and-most-evolutionary-logic thing to do. Still... that doesn't mean I like the plan.
@Puppy According to my calculations, 400,000 people die each day.
11:52 AM
Only four hundred?
Did I use comma wrong again?
If you use Clojure, 400,000 is two terms: 400 and 000!
Let's say half a million. That's less ambiguous.
@райтфолд Yes I know, you're in love with the whole "comma = whitespace" issue :)
I want to move to a hut in the forest.
I love the forest.
11:55 AM
real forest or the one with internet access?
I wish your dream come true (so I don't have to ever see you again here)
@FredOverflow I came to 255,707- that would be the baseline rate to sustain our current global population.
What do you guys use to make whole web page screenshots in Firefox?
I use Mysticial.
@wilx minimize the font size then print screen?
assume you use window OS
@chmod711telkitty I want the stuff to still be legible. :)
12:05 PM
I wish I were happy.
Q: Take a full page screenshot with Firefox

Omar AbidI'm running Firefox on a Xvfb in a VPS. What I want to do is to take a full page screenshot of the page. I can redirect Firefox to particular page using firefox http://google.com and take a screenshot (inside X) using ImageMagick import root -window output.jpg The problem is, most of the p...

@райтфолд remember to bring that useful person with you when you go living in the forest
@райтфолд Pull ups make me happy. Maybe you should try that?
in the forest
12:07 PM
@FredOverflow I have just found this and it works.
Q: How can I use firefox to take full page screenshots from command line?

NymeriaI need to take a screenshot of a whole web page. I have seen How can I take a full page screenshot of a webpage from the command line? where many ways to take a screenshot are proposed but I need to use firefox for a better effect.

A: How can I use firefox to take full page screenshots from command line?

FireflightIn Firefox you can hit Shift-F2, then in the command line that appears, just type: screenshot filename.png --fullpage There are several more commands and options available as well.

Wow, that was easy!
> I would've been kicked out of the house. :D
A: Take a full page screenshot with Firefox

MouagipSince Firefox 32 there is also a full page screenshot button in the developer tools (F12). If it is not enabled go to the developer tools settings (gear button) and choose "Take a fullpage screenshot" at the "Available Toolbox Buttons" section. source: developer.mozilla.org By default the scre...

12:22 PM
what to do
finish a project
go to the forest like you have dreamed of?
come on, you can do it!
which one?
@FredOverflow freddy! how are you doing at tormenting the youngstas?
12:38 PM
whichever is nearest completion
object TokenPosition extends ThreadLocal[Int]

sealed abstract class Token {
  val position = TokenPosition.get

case class Identifier(name: String) extends Token
@райтфолд Am I evil? :)
@chmod711telkitty Written exam next week. 100 souls expected.
@FredOverflow That code is ridiculous.
@FredOverflow brutal, I love it!
sealed abstract class Token { def position: Int }
case class Identifier(name: String)(val position: Int) extends Token
Note how the second parameter list doesn't participate in equals, hashCode etc.
12:53 PM
@райтфолд Ah, I didn't know that was possible!
Still, having to write that second parameter list for every token class will be somewhat tedious...
Maybe macros could help with that? :)
@FredOverflow Make it an implicit parameter.
Problem solved!
Something something thing...
Just be sure to make it of some more specific type.
Because having an implicit Int in scope doesn't sound like a very good idea.
1:00 PM
@райтфолд I would still have to write the implicit parameter list for every token class.
Oh token class.
I have a better idea.
Let's hear it.
woah, freddy has a nurturing side ...
sealed abstract class TokenType { type Value }
case object Identifier extends TokenType { override type Value = String }
case object StringLiteral extends TokenType { override type Value = String }
case object IntLiteral extends TokenType { override type Value = Int }
case object Class extends TokenType { override type Value = Unit }

case class TokenPosition(index: Int)

case class Token[TT <: TokenType](tokenType: TT, value: TT#Value)(implicit val position: TokenPosition)
1:07 PM
It's important that Token is invariant on TT.
he he he, TT
You can even make an auxiliary constructor for when TT#Value is Unit (using =:=). :)
he he he, titty pound
Hmm, though now you can't polymorphically handle tokens without existentials. Dependent typing to the rescue!
case class Token(tokenType: TokenType)(value: tokenType.Value)(implicit val position: TokenPosition)
1:22 PM
Yeah... except mere mortals should be able to maintain this codebase sometime in the future.
Wait, I'm preparing an SSCCE.
@FredOverflow Why?
I'll see if I can figure out a case class-based version.
brass band passing by :D
They were pretty good actually.
1:34 PM
Aaaaa stupid type erasure.
@FredOverflow I know! Just wait a little longer!
I'm going to use an extremely advanced Scala feature!
@райтфолд if?
No, type tags.
Pattern matching can then be done with case Token(typeTag[Identifier.type], name) => … or something like that.
Actually I don't know the syntax but it should be possible.
You can implement a custom extractor that compares the type tags.
But I'd just go with the normal ADT approach with (implicit val position: TokenPosition) on every case class.
I am bored and I have nothing sensible to do.
I did some laundry.
I cooked some lunch.
I watched some videos.
1:55 PM
play videogames
Now what?
This is Ubuntu. Not an option. :)
yes it is
Also, I have nothing to play.
get steam
@wilx Learn Scala.
1:55 PM
I have Steam. But nothing that I would like to play.
mount and blade: warband?
@райтфолд I have hard time learning something when I do not have an aim to code in it.
@райтфолд I think I'll just stay with the ThreadLocal solution for now ;)
Is there an eztv.it replacement that is not full of spyware?
1:57 PM
@райтфолд Also, I decided to write the Lexer class in Java, because Java has the switch statement!
Scala has match.
private Token identifier()
    for (;;)
        switch (nextChar())
            return new Identifier(input.substring(begin.get(), position));
        case '0':
        case '1':
        case '2':
        case '3':
        case '4':
        case '5':
        case '6':
        case '7':
        case '8':
        case '9':
        case 'A':
        case 'B':
        case 'C':
        case 'D':
        case 'E':
        case 'F':
        case 'G':
        case 'H':
What do you need switch for?
Efficiency. I want a single lookup per character.
Use the @switch annotation in Scala.
2:00 PM
never heard of that
Scala optimises matches already, FYI.
@switch is like @tailrec in that it emits an error if the compiler can't optimise the thing.
case ' ' | '\t' | '\n'
Nice syntax. TIL
@FredOverflow I've never used it, but I tend to skim documentation whenever I learn something, so I know what features are available.
2:04 PM
Is Scala that language that compiles more slowly than C++?
highly unlikely
Scala does not have a preprocessor.
But it's definitely a lot slower than Java.
Scala programs can compile very slowly.
If you use lots of implicits.
If you don't use implicits it can compile quite quickly, especially if you don't start a new JVM for every compilation but instead use something like sbt '~compile' or sbt '~test' which watch the file system and compile/test on source change automatically.
2:07 PM
Yes, you read that correctly.
What's that?
A language feature so abstract that one of its use cases is type classes.
It's a generalisation of type classes.
Type class instances pretty much are vtables passed around implicitly. In Scala you can have anything passed around implicitly.
They're also used for implicit conversions.
2:10 PM
The problem is that if you have an expression foo.bar() and the type of foo has no member bar of the correct type, Scala will look for implicit conversions from the type of foo to types that have a bar member with the correct type.
This is what slows down the compiler.
And it has to look for all of them since it must emit an error when it's ambiguous, so it can't short-circuit.
And the type system is Turing-complete so you can slow down the compiler arbitrarily if you want.
But by that logic the Perl compiler is also slow. :D Here's how you slow down the Perl compiler: BEGIN { print "haha infinite loop at compile time\n" while true }.
@FredOverflow I want to write a macro annotation for this: gist.github.com/rightfold/c785746f186795447186
2:18 PM
So that you can just use <% or : instead of implicit or implicitly.
So implicits make identifier resolution O(scary)?
Perhaps. I don't know the exact implementation.
Maybe it's a variation of a hash table (have to account for subtyping).
private def identifier(): Token = {
  while (true) {
    (currentChar: @switch) match {
      case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' | 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' | 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' | 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | '_' => nextChar()
      case _ => return Identifier(input.substring(TokenPosition.get, position))
Weird that it does not compile without the assertion, though.
2:38 PM
val lexer = new Lexer("marry had 99 bottles of beer")
var token = lexer.nextToken()
while (!token.isInstanceOf[EOF]) {
  token = lexer.nextToken()
no you fool, she a little lamb. The wall had 99 bottles of beer on it.
At least, it did until @MartinJames took some.
@FredOverflow Terrible.
@FredOverflow eww early return.
@райтфолд I meant the @switch annotation.
@райтфолд How else are you gonna break out of an infinite loop? ;)
First of all, use if (range(…) contains currentChar).
2:42 PM
Will that work with @switch?
private def identifier(): Token = {
  while (range(…) contains currentChar) {
  Identifier(input.substring(TokenPosition.get, position))
Also, make the Lexer class local to a function def lex(text: String): Stream[Token].
Don't expose mutable crap.
@thecoshman :-|
And while you're at it you can get rid of the thread-local and make it a var in the lex function.
2:49 PM
So that it's actually possible to use multiple lexers at once.
@FredOverflow this is a nicer approach:
def lexSingle(text: String): (Token, String) = …

def lex(text: String): Stream[Token] = {
  val (token, newText) = lexSingle(text)
  if (newText == "") Stream.Empty else token #:: lex(newText)
Perhaps with some state (such as position) as a second parameter to lexSingle.
@райтфолд A stream of tokens would certainly make testing easier.
Or I could just use eager lexing, as we discussed the other day.
Sure, then use Vector and +: instead of Stream and #::.
2:54 PM
Or VectorBuilder and a while loop to remove non-tail recursion.
What I find weird is that field access is always a method call in Scala. Even for private fields of final classes.
Not for fields of Java classes.
JVM inlines the methods anyway, so it doesn't matter.
It does? Okay then.
The method calls are needed for ABI compatibility.
2:56 PM
Wait, ABI compatibility? Please explain.
If the library you use suddenly changes def to val you still want to be able to use it without recompiling your code.
The API hasn't changed (because Scala supports UAP) but the calling convention would have had (method call vs field access) if it didn't use method calls.
But I don't know why it does it for private fields.
C++ Primer's chapter "Declaring a template type parameter as a friend" starts at page 666. lol
3:00 PM
Template parameters as friends are literally Satan?
> abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {
lol body builder
ah, wait, class templates can't be friends then?
@StackedCrooked They can?
@райтфолд Does it have abs method?
3:09 PM
No, but it is abstract!
3:22 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit here's a cute link to remind you of American exceptionalism ;-)
sup sup
3:37 PM
@Steve Hi.
@райтфолд Do yo have a recommendation for a Compile-To-JS that I should learn in place of Javascript?
Fuck. Shit. Stack!
@TemplateRex oh my
3:40 PM
@Nooble When said quickly that almost sounds like Rightful Fuck.
@ThePhD ClojureScript.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit he must have watched Alexander the other day
im lost
@Steve Where?
Oh, and since Bartek also does stuff with this...
3:46 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Which compile-to-JS language should I learn? (Or do I just learn Javascript itself?)
Compile-to-JS? Is that not a decompiler?
First of all, it's "JavaScript" with a capital S.
Secondly, JavaScript is beyond terrible.
@ThePhD F#.
@MartinJames A decompiler retrieves the source from the target, so no.
4:01 PM
@ThePhD Dart.
Sounds like a film title. Sequel would be 'JavaScript is Beyond Terrible II'.
Beyond Terrible Episode 2: JavaScript
@AlexM. lol
Beyond Terrible S01E03: The Return of Haskell
wait I think I got the name wrong
there we go
4:13 PM
@Jefffrey Hey.
I meant: hey!
@Alex how was your pizza?
The exclamation mark makes a world of difference.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 10/10
@ThePhD i write in JS, look at Flow too. Typescript is an option if you absolutely masturbate to OOP
4:15 PM
@AlexM. -IGN would eat again.
10/10 Like Call of Duty but with cheese. - IGN
There are Roy and Purescript if you actually want to write decent (read FP) code
But I dunno if I'd use any of those in prod
@AlexM. so it was terrible?
@Borgleader but with cheese!
The cheese cancels the terrible out
4:23 PM
lolwut. Are people seriously suggesting that writing verbose braces is to be done at all times, just because you might later add new lines to the conditional and momentarily forget how to code? What absolute nonsense! — Lightness Races in Orbit 10 secs ago
|x| where x ∈ ℂ is √(real(x)^2 + imag(x)^2), right?
So for x ∈ ℝ it is √(x^2).
I never realised this!
Does this generalise to hypercomplex numbers as well?
4:26 PM
you never realised that |x| is √(x^2)?
I was taught that at age 7
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I am pretty sure you were not taught square root at elementary school 2nd year. :)
@wilx Then you ought to reevaluate your certainty.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Umm. Done. Still the same.
@wilx Also, that's primary school fourth year, not "elementary school second year".
@wilx Then you're just an idiot. How could you possibly know or not know what I was taught and when, let alone be "pretty sure" about it?
lol, Congress passed a bill to fund the DHS. for a week. gg
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, I do not know the British education system well. 7 year olds here are in the 1st or 2nd year of the school kind that is not pre-school.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I can be pretty sure because of my knowledge of 7 years olds.
So, yes, I remain pretty sure.
4:35 PM
@chmod711telkitty backyardchickens.com/a/…
@wilx Disturbing.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The Apple's goto fail was pretty silly, considering it could easily come up in code review if only they chose to format the damn code.
@wilx Not only that you have "knowledge of 7 year olds" (lol) but that you have decided to supplant your country's apparently wildly inferior education system onto mine!
@milleniumbug inorite. fecking muppets
There are programs for that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit TBH, I dislike mandatory blocks as well. The coding standards (in Java) at my work has recently been changed to require that. Thankfully, IDEs can handle that pretty well.
@wilx coding standards at work -.-
probably a good thing
but I'm glad we don't have them because I'd have to give up some of my preferences (because, although I'm the technical lead and generally get my own way on this kind of stuff for the whole team, my boss likes to jump in with excess stubborness and control when he spots something simple that he actually knows something about, such as the fact that different coding styles exist, and he likes to make a noise and stomp around).
and frak that
4:40 PM
Does anyone use the clang-format plugin for Visual Studio?
Oooo! New Elementary season. Want!
well I just had an amazingly successful Pathfinder session
I was facing like, 100 people, and I stood in the stairway, buffed myself to a ridiculous AC for my level, and then knocked practically every single one of them unconscious or blind.
@Puppy How? By farting?
color spray and glitterdust
4:51 PM
What is Pathfinder?
D&D 3.5E, give or take.
I need to support string literals so i can hack a printf function
@Borgleader CoD is great

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