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9:00 PM
GUys I am like 3 seconds spatially away from exploding. I Finisheddddddd@!
Everyone need to have its clone of Puppy. It's like a yellow duck, with C++ skills
@DonLarynx Flush afterwards!
@Mysticial My friend linked me this, you might enjoy it.
@milleniumbug going to Genghis grill right now and enjoying 15 oz of meat no homo
or 12oz and dessert that sounds better.
> If PI ends and can be simplified imagine what programmers can do for the world. have flawless programmed code and security.
9:01 PM
@Rapptz How incredibly useless. lol
> The risk is minimal
1 million dollars/10
@Mysticial Careful bub. I wouldn't underestimate your competition.
9:04 PM
I'm reading the 12 comments and I can't tell if they're joking.
Poe's Law and all.
@Rapptz 'increasing the cost of lunch'
Can’t blame you, that nugget is buried deep inside nonsense. It’s glorious.
@Rapptz Pretty sure he's really trying to improve on Pi by being even more irrational than it is.
Maybe we should try to donate enough to finance some Transcendental Meditation classes for him.
@LucDanton Noo, my lunch money :<
@Xeo The bullies are everywhere.
9:22 PM
Oh yeah.
@Xeo You must construct additional digits at an intense rate of speed!
I couldn't build OpenSSL.
I wonder if I can use another SSL/TLS library instead.
Yeah I was thinking about it.
9:23 PM
> if I discover the final value of pi
I thought pi was infinite.
But I don't know how libcurl works w.r.t. other SSL libraries
So that Kendall guy is obviously a troll.
@EtiennedeMartel Nah, that's just you and your outdated theoretical mathematical knowledge.
but the creator of the Kickstarter is a tool.
9:24 PM
@EtiennedeMartel It's finite. Pretty small even -- less than 3.2.
@Rapptz SSL is not an API.
@EtiennedeMartel it's not infinite; just the representation we use for it is infinite
@LucDanton They're mostly backward compatible with the OpenSSL API.
9:25 PM
It will really help with my hypotenuse project which I think will be a critical component in making space travel cost the same as what a lunch costs. (I would like to bring down the cost of space travel, but I would settle for increasing the cost of lunch)
You quote with > message (and edit with the up arrow)
@CurlyCorvus @LucDanton Beat you to it.
I found this tweet but meh.
I also recommend taking a look at the newbie hints, linked on the right.
it bares repeating
9:27 PM
@CurlyCorvus So what does "repeating" look like naked? Seems like it'd be pretty wrinkled, given that it's been around since Latin (or did it get a face/skin lift during transitions from Latin to French to English?)
Words never age (the assholes).
well it depends. Repeating keeps dying and being reborn every 50 or so years.
I think he's a Texan baby right now but my sources are unclear.
@EtiennedeMartel A base libel, thou scurvy knave!
I just noticed that.
Either the guy is stupid or he's a scammer.
Probably a little bit of both.
Although, if he was a scammer he wouldn't be giving that much detail.
@Fanael Made a bug out of it with a repro solution and steps.
9:33 PM
@EtiennedeMartel Next Christmas, I want a list of the people who've supported projects this stupid. Should be easy to fleece them for a enough to retire on. Best of all, afterwards they'll probably thank me for doing it.
@JerryCoffin Hey, they probably should not have that much money. It's too dangerous, for them and for others.
Now to get my stock Microsoft reply "Thank you for your report, we're working on the issue and will get back to you eventually, maybe. And then also tell you it's not worth fixing." :v
@AndyProwl I stand corrected, VS2015 CTP6 contains the windows 10 sdk
You're doing everyone a service.
I guess the headers for win 10 have been finalized
9:34 PM
@EtiennedeMartel I'm quite sure I can spend the money more intelligently than they would otherwise.
nobody's gonna give a shit if they break you from CTP to RTM.
I didn't know there were 6 CTPs of VS2015 though
@Puppy Yeah--5 was broken badly enough they had to replace it pretty quickly.
the fact that they even did raises my hopes for VS
@Puppy There is that.
I recall some CTPs for previous VSes being super broken and then they were just like, "Nope, that's RTM."
9:36 PM
I can't wait for another broken, underpowered C++ release.
@райтфолд Pantoona teach me javascript.
No, fuck off.
@Puppy You say that, but you do all development on Windows using Visual Studio. I'm betting my right testicle that you would still use it even if it starts releasing flesh eating beetles on your desk.
(We're all slaves to Microshaft).
that's probably a tad extreme for both of us, as I don't want either flesh eating beetles or your right testicle
I develop on Windows with VS because the alternatives are somehow even worse, not because VS is great.
9:38 PM
QtCreator on windows works pretty spiffily, but having to either write my own Ninja Generator or muck around with Makefiles is such a massive turnoff I just can't be assed.
QtCreator wouldn't even break on a breakpoint.
it was decidedly inferior
free from the shackles. going back to C++ mode now.
my long-term faith is in pretty much just LLVM.
they seem to be the only people making much headway
although let's face it, LLVM-VS seems to have stalled somewhat without exception support
Wonder where malloc is...
stdlib.h, neat
9:44 PM
Baby, I don't know, just why I love you so
Maybe it's just the way, that God made me this day
@ThePhD stdlib.h seems pretty messy to me--kind of a catch-all of miscellaneous stuff.
@JerryCoffin "Shit you'll need".h
Oh, right. I'm not supposed to (my_type)malloc
I'm just supposed to let C do it manually, right?
good luck compiling as C++
9:46 PM
I'm compiling as C right now.
This is for a course. We have to uppercase a string. :v
I'm going all out by creating a string struct and making a whole library out of it.
Because why the fuck not?
@ThePhD idk, waste of time?
9:48 PM
@CatPlusPlus I'm stuck in this class and the TA comes around every now and then to look at our laptop screens.
@ThePhD Yes--in C++ you need to cast the return from malloc (if you insist on using it at all, of course), but in C you shouldn't.
Why would you compile C as C++ anyway
I already spent the beginning of class submitting a bug report. :v
1 message moved to bin
@CatPlusPlus Because the Professor would complain.
9:49 PM
@CatPlusPlus Why did u do that plz
There's something wrong with your avatar
No goddamn code dumps
@CatPlusPlus i need some help
Try hospital
9:51 PM
0o0o0o0o0o stop
@Theorem You are in for some trouble
1 message moved to bin
And then I and others saw blue
Kicked because I will not fucking repeat myself
SSCCE ever heard of it bitch
9:55 PM
Lmao. I'm using value semantics for all my string functions in C.
This is actually turning into something interesting.
@DonLarynx Calm down.
No you're not
@CatPlusPlus I totes am, I'll gist it when I'm done!
You're just copying pointers around in a struct
That's not value semantics
9:58 PM
It's close enough, ain't it?
@CatPlusPlus Well, in C, everything is a value.
> once I discover if pi does in fact finalize itself.
(don't ask why I had that tab still open)
Can you overload printf
To do special things with your structs?
9:59 PM
lol no
I can see why anyone would come to C++ from this. It's the most underpowered shit ever.
The best you can do is writing a function that returns a pointer to a NUL-terminated char array.
You can hook function calls
10:01 PM
And you better document how the char array must be freed.
Or write a function that takes a FILE* and write to it.
@райтфолд Bullshit
@ThePhD How new are you m8
Anyway ugh real-time chat in Python
What a pain in the ass
WSGI is annoying
Don't use Python for any new project. You'll regret it.
10:03 PM
@Rapptz p. new malloc
malloc is not pretty
@StackedCrooked so monomorphic
It should take another allocator as constructor argument!
It's probably broken in 10 different ways
10:09 PM
That's the guy who wrote Boost.Asio so I doubt it.
I've only written one allocator ever, and it was a good one which guaranteed zero fragmentation.
A precise compacting GC!
@райтфолд I call bs
You can call Bjarne Stroustrup all you want.
Most avatars breaks for me. I don't get Papptz Cat++ nor Stacked. I get Columbo and Ms. Pac-Mans lover. I feel like I'm missing the UX here.
10:14 PM
You're blocking Gravatar
Ghostery?... hmmm....
It blocks it by default yes
Ah so that's why I don't see many avatars at work.
Ah, there you are! Nice to see you got your monocle back Cat++.
@CatPlusPlus huhuhuhu This will look nothing like anyone else's submission.
10:20 PM
lol ptrdiff
The most I could do is use the bit-switch to trigger the upper case, just to add that last bit of "is this low-level enough for you" to the program?
@ThePhD There's already malloc, free, strdup and strlen.
Calling things 'copy' when it's not really a copy is dumb
Also it should be an opaque handle not a struct
string string_create(char const* str) {
    string result = { .data = strdup(str), .len = strlen(str) };
    return result;
much shorter
10:22 PM
Also copying should be done with memcpy
Also NULL not 0
@CatPlusPlus Not allowed to use in class.
@CatPlusPlus Also not allowed.
@ThePhD Uh what
I would not like to use this API.
Tell them they can get AIDS.
10:23 PM
@райтфолд Can't use any string functions, but I didn't know you could do string result = { .data = ... } in C!
In C NULL is (void*)0 not just 0 afair
Can you do that in C++?
No it's C99
@ThePhD No, because C++ is shit.
Awww. :(
10:24 PM
@ThePhD But you can use malloc?
@ThePhD Submission for... what?
@CatPlusPlus And free!
So I was doing some "C" with libxml2 from some oo virtualz std::leet c++, and I noticed they used the typedef _xmlAttr. I was confused by the underscore, and felt dirty that I was messing with their privates. (I was not afraid about AIDS). Is not _ indicative of private stuff in C? in particular libxml2.
@ThePhD No designated init.
@Xeo Practice for exam, we have to drop it in our unix accounts when class is over (I did).
10:24 PM
@CatPlusPlus Yup.
Also code duplication
I'd be using strdup and strlen if I could.
And seriously what's with the fucking ptrdiff
Because I'm trolling.
memcpy is not for strings and doing it with a loop is just dumb
10:27 PM
@Rapptz Dude, this API is amazing. :D
It's actually p. bad
no error handling what so ever
I'd use this string API.
why is string_free returning a struct for?
what's the point?
@Rapptz I either take a pointer and free the struct itself,
10:29 PM
or I take the value and free the internal data and then return the nullified struct.
absolutely awful
I decided to go with the latter because why not make it easy to break your code.
Can someone tell me when a person will be kicked away from here ?
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
@Theorem: please respect others thnx
@DonLarynx Did you eat chinese this evening?
10:32 PM
@CaptainGiraffe im at a stir fry right now
I went with the 15oz of meat option no homo
And a tuxedo bomb omg. Its basically a cake delicately drowned in chocolate
I haven't eaten yet, stop torturing me. ;~;
@DonLarynx You bloody younglings and your "fresh" sense of humour. Get Jiggy with it!
@DonLarynx I haven't said anything . I just posed a question that i wanted to ask .
and i was kicked away
@Theorem posting 30 lines of code in a chatroom is the equivalent of barging into a social group of any kind and talking to them expecting them to relate to you instantly
*at once
10:38 PM
@DonLarynx aah ok . thanks :)
@CatPlusPlus I am sorry for not being respectful .
0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
I found use of SO today. Answers can be used as gists.
Whats' a gists?
@CaptainGiraffe gist
@райтфолд ew
10:45 PM
@StackedCrooked you can simulate it by serving a slow web page with Boost.Asio and invoking wget to download it.
@StackedCrooked lol
It dates from 99.
@райтфолд I needed a webpage download in an app, so system("wget") it is. I could not for the life of me find a nice up to date curl library for c++. system("wget") works nice enough I suppose.
  9 //  Revision History
 10 //   1 Dec 01  Add leading progress display strings (suggested by Toon Knapen)
 11 //  20 May 01  Introduce several static_casts<> to eliminate warning messages
 12 //             (Fixed by Beman, reported by Herve Bronnimann)
 13 //  12 Jan 01  Change to inline implementation to allow use without library
 14 //             builds. See docs for more rationale. (Beman Dawes)
 15 //  22 Jul 99  Name changed to .hpp
 16 //  16 Jul 99  Second beta
 17 //   6 Jul 99  Initial boost version
@StackedCrooked The numbers don't line up with the vertical bars. This is better:
10:48 PM
0   0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9   1
@райтфолд Yeah, that looks better indeed.
Having an odd number of characters is key.
Is the line marked with '//?' a most vexing parse thing? It compiles and runs but there's no output.
class Object {
    Object() { std::cout << "!" << std::endl; }

int main() {
    Object obj(); // ?
    return 0;
Name changed to .hpp, July 99. Sounds about right.
@Pris Function declaration?
10:49 PM
No it not
It is a plain function declaration
There is no vexing about it.
@Pris So: "yes" :P
@Pris Try actually using the object (add a method to class and then call it) - you'll see it failing horribly.
@milleniumbug obj(); should trigger linker error I think
10:51 PM
@Pris Use -Werror you idiot.
Isn't that ambiguously a call to the constructor of Object as well?
@Pris no, not really
All decent C++ compilers (i.e. clang) warn on local function declarations.
So, are these local function declarations useful for anything?
10:52 PM
They are completely useless unless you add extern "C".
@райтфолд No warnings
@Pris See the first item of this C++ FAQ
@milleniumbug Thanks, that answers it perfectly
C++ is like Perl. In Perl, people don't help you if you don't use strict; use warnings;. Similarly, in C++, I don't help you if you don't -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic.
@райтфолд Why extern C?
10:53 PM
@StackedCrooked Because that's the only way to ever have it link.
-Wall leaves a lot to be desired.
#define Wall 01001001011100000000
I definitely ate that too fast lmao no regrets
@StackedCrooked lol you can't add extern "C" apparently.
Well, in that case, they are completely useless.
So like while java is hell on earth I realized no one really talks about python in here, whats ur opinions?
I'm out of here. Bye.
My python level is 1.
bye @райтфолд
@Pris Ah I see.
I've used pass-key idiom for make_shared a few times.
10:57 PM
Idioms are duplication.
duplication duplication duplication
@CaptainGiraffe It is quite vexing. Not the most vexing, but I’m vexed plenty!
Holy crap at the number of Terraria / Minecraft clones on Steam
I don't like that you can't set the class final with the method I used
@StackedCrooked dat pun
10:59 PM
I like neither duplication nor duplication.
@Xeo You only just noticed?
It's all a bit repunpant

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