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12:12 AM
never mind, found a reference stating: The field, including its value, must be a single line
12:30 AM
woot! got a list of all the system level dependencies as given by debian-r.debian.net for from CRAN, Bioconductor, and Omegahat. Nicely enough there are only 111 of them, of which 77 are libs and 47 are dev libs
12:43 AM
Goodie. Is there a repo, or website? We used to keep it in sqlite...
@DirkEddelbuettel I just have it as a text file from manual wrangling right now, I'll make a shell script and a gist to go with my rocker issue (that I'll make) as soon as I get a few more points of interest (size of installed depends, availability, and such).
1:26 AM
If you contact Don you may get it parsed from source. There is no reason to scrape. Tell him I said Hi.
16 hours later…
5:22 PM
"Just as Microsoft lowered the bar to becoming an effective system administrator and developer so, too, may its ownership of R help to close the data science skills gap". Oh microsoft's owenership of R eh? Someone tell Ross.
@DirkEddelbuettel lame article indeed. Now on my DNR list.

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