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6:01 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Unless you mean for someone to do test( fun<the_type>{ "bark", free_func } ), it doesn't work.
if fun was a function, sure, I could return a single type, and then just pass the aggregate down that way,
but that's not the same syntax.
Привет, Коммандир!
Today was depressing: I've been trying to fix the same problem since Yesterday, and I'm still unable to get it right.
> Empires of Eve -- A narrative history book from Andrew Groen that explores the politics, warfare, betrayal, and culture that has shaped the virtual universe of Eve Online.
I find it amazing that ^ exists.
IIRC Eve online has seen its share of impressive dick moves. Of course someone would record that.
In other news I'm glad I shaped my library so that it could handle projection-only sorters, because I'm totally introducing some of those.
6:16 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you mean for me to do what I do internally and specialize for each of the types, that's also a no-go because before I make it to the internal build_function calls that specalize and would take these aggregates, I analyze the types of the argument packs to check for things like constructor-wrapper presence, destructor-wrapper presence, and also default constructibility/default destructibility. So, I'd have to move all of
those specializations to the top level, and then somehow also do these compile-time checks to see if I need to automatically sprinkle constructor functions and other things in there.
Alternatively, I could just append that information as template types at the top level, but then I'd have to use tag types, and would have to forward arguments to an internal constructor, making it so { } syntax would also fail.
Finally, I can't do fun<T> specializations variadically.
This would infect about 4 different places in the codebase to make this work, where I'd have to up-front specialize and thus cluster the top-level with this kind of boilerplate code. In the end, I'd have a copy-pasta spaghetti mess just to support {} aggregate initialization. It's not looking like it's worth it.
If I decided I didn't like myself I could use builder's syntax to isolate each argument pair, I guess?
pavé césar.
hi @Morwenn <3<3<3<3
@Morwenn more than that. It's a game based on dickmoves!
@Ven Yeah, that's what I heard back then :p
a friend of mine told me a lot of stories. Apparently his name is still known as one of the "bad guys" in the fr community :P
Yay hello world works
6:25 PM
@Morwenn Eve is a game I would hate to play but that I otherwise find fascinating to hear about.
@EtiennedeMartel Same here.
There's an alternate universe where I play that game all the time, I'm sure.
@EtiennedeMartel Sounds like sex to me.
Sex is great, with the right person.
(Or persons)
@Zoidberg have it compile to go as well :-)
Why? :(
6:27 PM
@Zoidberg What happened to feldspar? :<
replace oden :p
@ThePhD Still there.
Feldspar was a HM implementation exercise.
It was successful.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm not the right person :p
6:32 PM
@Morwenn s/Eve online/spreadsheet online/
Spread shit online?
@Ven fuck JavaScript:
prettyBody (TS.Expr expr) =
  let text = prettyExpr expr
   in if Text.head text == '{'
      then Text.concat ["(", text, ")"]
      else text
lol using partial functions.
Not my fault Haskell lacks dependent types.
6:35 PM
prettyExpr never returns the empty text.
I could use a total head function and then error in the empty case, and the net result is the same.
could just check == Some '{'
And then never notice the bug when prettyExpr suddenly does return the empty string? No.
Always crash on unexpected data.
(No, NonEmptyText is too much work.)
6:39 PM
TypeScript fail! This is allowed:
interface X { x: number; }

class C {
    static x: number;
    static Mk(): X { return this /*😂*/; }
Double fail, even. this allowed in static context, and C implements X even though x is static.
@Zoidberg it's weird the way you made FunctionExprBody [Stmt] (plural) but Expr (singular)
A function expression body in TypeScript can be either a list of statements or a single expression.
6:47 PM
(x) => x and (x) => { const r = x; return x; }.
you have a doc comment saying "todo multiple expressions" :)
TS.AST is TypeScript AST. FTS.AST is FTS AST.
FTS has no statements.
(Fuck statements.)
well, so, a FTS function can have multiple statements
but a TS one only one.
should it convert 'em using the comma operator?
6:49 PM
Nah, it'll convert them to TS statements.
fun() { f(); g(); h(); }
// =>
() => { f(); g(); return h(); };
ah; okay.
lol; dat; pun;
not a pun. just an azerty keyboard. ; and . is the same button..
6:50 PM
so, if you parse more than one expr, you should make them statements?!
@Morwenn Not especially no since Cicada doesnt play it ;)
Yeah I guess.
6:52 PM
that means you can't know automatically you need to return the last one, can you?
If there's zero or one expression, it'll be a TS expression body. Otherwise a block statement body.
I'm always returning the last one.
If you want void, add undefined to the end.
You can return undefined; in a void-returning function in TS so that's fine.
@Ven AFAIK C is the only language stupid enough to include a comma operator by choice
6:56 PM
@Zoidberg that fucks up your blockExpr; though
because it only returns one Expr
convertExpr (FTS.BlockExpr []) = convertExpr FTS.UndefinedExpr
convertExpr (FTS.BlockExpr [e]) = convertExpr e
convertExpr (FTS.BlockExpr es) = // bla bla return TypeScript statement list
I think the difference you're making between Expr and Stmt is too big.
@Ven Yeah, a block expression is a single expression, just like in Scala.
6:58 PM
It has multiple expressions inside it, just like a function call.
so if there's more than one, you're gonna backtrack?
No, I'll just change the current code to use many.
Expressions can't start with } so it need not backtrack.
blockExpr :: Parser FTS.Expr
blockExpr = do
  body <- many $ expr <* pSemicolon
  return $ FTS.BlockExpr body
7:00 PM
so you're making a diff. between BlockExpr and FunctionExpr
Of course.
Block expressions are an entirely different thing.
They're like the comma operator except they allow variable definitions inside.
Function expressions are lambda expressions.
They are like, parameterised expressions.
7:01 PM
I don't like your AST
closes vim
Why not?
you have FunctionExpr iwth FunctionExprBody
that's either one expr or many stmt
That's the TS AST.
That's not my AST.
Look at FTS.AST instead of TS.AST.
7:02 PM
i might get this done
get what done?
stmts body
It's not easy.
7:11 PM
You have to implement many expression conversions for both to-TS-stmts and to-TS-expr unless you really love IIFEs.
another issue: in your Parse, "primaryExpr" can be "blockExpr"
but that doesn't work
Why not?
because primaryExpr is Expr, not [Expr]
{} has the highest precedence of all.
blockExpr returns Expr
7:14 PM
First one has to add BlockExpr [Expr] to the Expr ADT
Eh, float_spread_sort is considerably harder to update than integer_spread_sort.
@Zoidberg in both FTS and TS
TS has no block expressions.
It has block statements.
7:26 PM
then convertExpr is doomed
The function convertExpr has to be split into two: convertExprToExpr :: FTS.Expr -> TS.Expr; convertExprToStmts :: FTS.Expr -> ({-# this parameter is used for the last expression, e.g. wraps it in a return or throw statement #-} FTS.Expr -> TS.Stmt) -> [TS.Stmt].
fuck it
just forbid middle-of-func "returns" ;D
(or implement them via exceptions like a badlet)
Is this Lounge<Haskell> or what
we're talking about typescript "transpilation" tho
@Ven Yeah I do, but still I want readable output (prefer statements when possible) and I want local variable definitions without IIFEs.
7:30 PM
> >convertExprToExpr :: FTS.Expr -> TS.Expr; convertExprToStmts :: FTS.Expr -> ({-# this parameter is used for the last expression, e.g. wraps it in a return or throw statement #-} FTS.Expr -> TS.Stmt) -> [TS.Stmt].
look me in the eyes and tell me this is not goddamn haskell
I think Idris has the same syntax for function types
He never said it wasn't.
@milleniumbug Idris' more complicated
or maybe they declare stuff with single colon
they do
7:32 PM
yay, I remembered correctly!
(Idris' more complex because it has implicits)
also, I participate in C++-related discussions, so I don't see why i wouldn't participate in Haskell ones.
7:50 PM
@ThePhD It indeed feels good :D
I mean, probably. I don't have users.
I've just earned $78.536
not sure why they specify this up to 3 places
@BartekBanachewicz Doesn't make it better that Germany uses , to delimit decimal places, so I was a bit confused just now.
@Xeo grrr don't get me started on that, Austria does the same
yes, welcome to Europe
7:53 PM
I sure wish to earn $78.536,00 though :P
Oh, sure would.
anyway now that I did some basic shopping and got the monthly ticket i can really cut down spending
I can go full-on indoor nerd mode and say that I just want to save up :D
8:08 PM
Today I wanted to find how many TODOs were hidden in comments in the project I'm working on at work. There were like 550 of them.
ack '//\s*TODO' | wc -l
Too bad, the project I'm working on has a lot of Python :p
In that case RIP regardless of TODO comment count.
I don't know, the JavaScript side of the project is pretty terrible too from time to time.
Rewrite with TypeScript, React, RxJS and Immutable.js.
8:11 PM
Happiness ensues.
It's too big to rewrite already.
Quit and start a new project.
I don't think I have the motivation required to start any new project.
Fuck, Raja Ram is already 74 years old o_o
@Zoidberg NSFL
Then maybe you should be dead.
8:18 PM
> He did not start DJ'ing until he was in his 50s but soon became a headline act in the Psy Trance scene and continues to headline at large events worldwide.
@Zoidberg React is great.
I should start learning Vietnamese.
@Morwenn Is that the Shpongle flautist?
8:34 PM
@wilx Yes :)
It is flautist in British English.
wtf is a flautist.
@Puppy Same thing as flutist, just in the real English. :D
I'm real English and I would have said flutist
@Puppy Also, should you not know that?
At least that is what my dictionary claims. :D
8:37 PM
burn it
Why the fuck would you out an "a" in there
wtf would you put a набиячлэвэлиь here.
Anyway, that guy is inspiring :D
Nope. False alarm.
@Puppy It is on the internet.
8:40 PM
then just burn it remotely
remote code execution exploit into HCF it
I want to write a tool that automates some of the project setup stuff at work and also I want single sign on but the latter is probably never gonna happen.
Creating wiki pages, YouTrack projects, Bitbucket projects, Bitbucket repos, etc is so much work
we have youtrack at my work and everybody hates it tremendously.
8:57 PM
warning: incoming dogstrike
That carpet looks expensive.
it's a rug
I'm talking about the dog.
well she ain't cheap that's fo sho
9:02 PM
hi morwenn
she's not a cheap whore like you
@TonyTheLion Hi :D
@Puppy How do you dare? :o
well I imagine that it's an electrochemical process in the nerve cells in my brain
I need a meme
9:05 PM
Fair enough.
for "Oh look there's nothing here"
Or like "Oh that was disappointnig"
> fuck you nab
great meme
@Morwenn Almo- WAAIT
@Morwenn @Borgleader What's that comic with the short-haired lady who always gets disappointed and shit?
there's probably a good picture I can meme in there
@ThePhD Sarah's Scribbles
9:08 PM
She has the bunny pet
I wonder why every function template is explicitly passed its template parameters in Boost.Sort.
I can't find an
"I have nothing" comic
from Sarah's scribbles
There is none.
I have nothing to provide at least.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ^
Self portrait
@Puppy Well have to let the community decide
The question about explicit rustled my jimmies too.
Wife: Do you fancy coming home at lunchtime for a quickie. Me: It's pronounced Quiche.
@sehe Al Bundy on twitter
@CaptainGiraffe frisk
@R.MartinhoFernandes But very useful. Animals can't decide not to be donors, and they are being slaughtered anyway for their meat.
9:29 PM
@sehe frits
Why isn't there this in the std::? coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/56c9cf002012b6e4.
I'd prefer "iterator_pair" because that's more descriptive.
because it'll be eventually obsoleted by ranges
9:30 PM
Do you even move bro
Stuff like std::unordered_map::equal_range should return it.
well, actually it won't
but among other things that'll want, is a iterator_pair_range_adapter
@Ven Where the blorp should I move in this show of concept?
looks like a new DF like game: goblinsofelderstone.com
but you can write it yourself and it's not that useful, as, for example, std::unique_ptr
9:34 PM
@Ell warcraft-y looks
Is there a way to make a Python script that works both as Py2 and Py3?
by choosing a common subset, yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes Use 2to3
That's not it.
you could write a little dispatcher I suppose vOv
but I guess you mean like a polyglot thing
9:35 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes write it like that vOv
Choosing common subset, anda whole lot of using statemens.
@ThePhD I'm only hitting a wall with strings.
the unicode thing?
Python2 has str and unicode, Python3 has bytes and str
9:37 PM
Oh, think I found something python-future.org/…
# Python 2 and 3: alternative 2
from io import open
f = open('myfile.txt', encoding='utf-8')
text = f.read()    # unicode, not bytes
@Zoidberg do you know how to use OverlayFS?
Think I got it.
@Ell Katt does fo' sho'
I'm afraid to ask him
actually maybe I can do this with btrfs anyway
@Ven If you are going to criticize me for omitting moves, your best tags better not be angular, php and javascript.
9:42 PM
What's a younger woman who seeks relationships with older men called?
I know when it's an older women for younger men they're called a Cougar or w/e
a gold digger
Wooh, got it.
@CaptainGiraffe Why not? His correctness is irrelevant of his success in other technologies.
@ThePhD Jailbait?
@wilx Works for me
9:44 PM
@ThePhD Found one for yourself? :D
Best descriptions are best.
a rom-com?
Romantic Comedy
@Puppy That would be true if he had any kind of argument for his agrument.
You write anime reviews?
9:45 PM
I'm critiquing one for the class in.... 20 minutes. :B
@Puppy Moving pointer values is my deficit.
oh wait
gold digger
usually :P
11 hour day because I'm bad and things have to work tomorrow
not sure if I should get a raise or get fired
at least things work now, that counts for something, right?
@ThePhD Jailbait only works if the younger girl is too young.
@caps Does... uh, 15/16 count?
9:52 PM
If a sexual relationship between the two would not be considered statutory rape, then he/she's not jailbait.
@ThePhD It would for sure when 15/16 => 17/18. 18-year-old could be registered as a sex offender at that point.
Legally speaking.
At 15/16, I'm not so sure. It's possible.
The law is kind of stupid on this subject, so I wouldn't be surprised.
@Zoidberg nóg wester?
I know of a (consensual) 14/18 pair where the 18 got off with "seduction with intent to marry" which just worked out to be a restraining order (or something like that). Not sure if that was a local State law or a Federal law.
@nwp I do that all the time. I bite off too much and don't want to admit defeat. It's a programmer trait, no doubt
@caps Personally I think it's stupid in some ways. For example, if you're both 16, then in my jurisdiction you can have sex but taking a photo of yourself having sex is child pornography.
10:07 PM
@caps Laws have gotten better. Most now allow a some leeway, so (for example) if a couple is only a year or two (maybe three) apart in age, they can have sex without it being statutory rape. When I was a teenager, most of the US made it illegal, even if there was only a few months difference in age--if one was over 18 (or whatever age they chose) and the other under, it was officially rape.
10:37 PM
@slaphappy +NSFW
@nwp nice, I wouldn't have read it if it wasn't for your response
@sehe wow, I am impressed
11:05 PM
Who knew
My ribcage hurts
Guys, I'm dying.
Who isn't
11:20 PM
This really hurts
In my sternum
Contact someone, it sounds serious
I had this before; it was just some cartilage inflammation.
Still scary
It's going away.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you know what causes it?
I have some random pains in the chest too, but they go away once I straighten up, or breathe in
I've had them too in the past, and my doc told me it was because of stress
11:36 PM
@Borgleader no. Only happened once before and most cases don't have identifiable causes.
@milleniumbug with what I had breathing deeply is more painful.
Both times I was asleep. Pretty freaky to wake up in the middle of the night with chest pain and painful breathing.
I should go to the doc, I guess :S
You totally should
@TonyTheLion Yeah, that's what the doc told me last time (last time it lasted a whole day so I went to the doc)
Stress seems to cause me a lot of trouble.
@TonyTheLion pack your bags /cc @jaggedSpire

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