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7:14 AM
Ebola is the best STD.
irb(main):009:0> public
=> Object
irb(main):010:0> def g; 42; end
=> nil
irb(main):011:0> 1.g
=> 42
but on the other hand - f**k dynamic languages, f**k duck typing, f**k everything-in-a-tuple, f**k auto-vivified attributes. F**k them all, and all their ancestors, and all their descendants.
F* is cool.
Love your compilers and their static / compile time checking. Show them a little tenderness.
7:24 AM
Duck typing is fine, just terribly annoying when it's dynamic.
Unless you pass an AtomicPileCoolingValve instead of a File to a method which duck-type-calls .close...
It's actually "duck as you run, don't look back, and keep your head down" typing.
At least for the runtime version anyway.
@MarkGarcia exactly!
lol close methods
withFile noob.
7:27 AM
@rightføld heh. Also, for the "chuck it all in a tuple - too lazy to think about it any further" brigade - f**k them too for not issuing any runtime errors for attributes that are not appropriate. Grrrrrrrrrrr
Fuck people who think using asterisks instead of letters changes anything except them looking dumb.
@rightføld sensibilities are too delicate in these here parts. But I'll swear if you want me to!
anyway, I've vented. Time to duck-type-call my vents close method.
i feel better now.
and fuck you for criticising my good manners. Yes, you.
7:31 AM
It's not a good manner.
@rightføld no, i am peeved. Peeved! 4 hours chasing an attribute plugged into the wrong argument tuple.
@cat any chance discrap will get a silent upgrade feature?
@aclarke what's an argument tuple?
The EU must be waking up.
I'm probably just drinking too much, but can functional be classified as a subpart of imperative?
7:35 AM
welllllll, Rails (go on, laugh) just lurrrves to have things like
something arg1, arg2, attributeSet1, attributeSet2
For example, imperative let you define a series of steps and then explicitly return something. Function instead says: nope, you have 1 step and it better return something.
@Sofffia "subpart" is an interesting word.
and the attributes are { :thing => value, :stuff => 'blah', :crap => 23 }
Maybe I meant just "part".
7:37 AM
so if something goes into the 1st hash instead of the 2nd, you don't get the effect AND you don't get the result you want, and you stare at it, and you debug it, and you stare at it, and you try something...
@aclarke what do you know of it!?
@thecoshman suddenly people are turning up. Like the alarm has gone off at 7am or work is starting at 9am
I smell fresh coffee wafting down the interweb pipes
Implicitly satisfied interfaces are nice.
ergh... code is using this 'dumb' API, with no support for iterators and the likes. So much crappy code results from it... is it worth trying to wrap it with some smarter logic I wonder... probably not.
@rightføld that sounds likes doors that get satisfaction for doing their job :S
7:40 AM
If it's a shitty API, wrap it.
@thecoshman like the doors on hitchhikers guide
@aclarke exactly
@rightføld vOv it's not shitty, it's just dumb.
having to do manual for loops with index counters and getting a 'size'. Rather than just simple clean 'for each' loop.
@thecoshman He'yar he'yar. I've tripped over duck typing and it's like in one form or another for too long now, and I'm about to revolt. I'm going to be revolting.
I've just been whinging about duck typing and other crimes. Implicit interface satisfaction is more bullshit hiding unchecked errors as far as I'm concerned.
7:44 AM
@thecoshman You can like fucking easily wrap it for that to work.
lucky it's the weekend, and on Sunday i'll be sitting for approx 6 hours in front of a TV watching one of the world's great motor races. Go Loundsie!
@rightføld probably yeah.
> The node at the indexth position in the NodeList, or null if that is not a valid index.
¬_¬ bigger fish to fry. This code pulls out same data about this xml, and rather than making a 'meta data' object, with things like '.version' and '.release', it just stores it to an array...
@rightføld thanks. Might use that
7:51 AM
@thecoshman I once had to edit this C# program where the author used List<List<string>> where the inner list was a list of strings in the format "name=blabla" and "description=blabla" etc. Instead of List<Advertisement> where class Advertisement { public string Name; public string Description; etc }
@rightføld they're probably Rails programmers......
vOv developers
@aclarke it was a PHP and JavaScript guy.
@rightføld say no more.
He also didn't use var anywhere, nor LINQ.
7:53 AM
I might also make a '.getChildren(String type)' function too... a lot of code is doing just that.
Soooo, I woke up and found this on my srs bsns email dropbox.com/s/m1hi293lohgv570/2014-10-10%2007.44.20.png?dl=0
> Regards,
@AlexM. Sir, one must be careful with ones email.
@AlexM. Congratulations on the Knighthood.
7:55 AM
@AlexM. Nice one... Sir Alex.
o_0 I think... yeah... I think this copying the node data from some node object to an array so i can then look through it...
NodeList is silly.
What's wrong with List<Node>?
vOv fucked if I know
8:04 AM
template_env.filters['pascal'] = functools.partial(re.sub, r'(^|_)([a-z])', lambda m: m.group(2).upper())
template_env.filters['camel'] = functools.partial(re.sub, r'_([a-z])', lambda m: m.group(1).upper())
@rightføld In Java? Generics didn't exist back then?
> girls of Reddit what is it like to be horny from a girls perspective? Starts with a warm, tingling pulsation of my clit and increasing wetness and builds up from there, to the point of frustration where I have trouble thinking about anything other than my complete desire to be filled.
Girl horniness, best horniness.
are you rightfold?
@Sofffia nice
8:17 AM
@StackedCrooked He would probably like male horniness.
Or maybe both.
@Sofffia so.... O/P is about 16 years old?
"what's it like to have boobs?"
@R.MartinhoFernandes they both sound wrong really.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit homo phones
> On my clitoris and in my vagina is just like this constantly racing and very moist sexual warmth and my legs pretty much spread involuntarily at this point. There often also comes this strong desire to be.. filled.
Holy shit. I should probably begin reading porn books or something.
@Sofffia you could probably turn that thread into a short porn story. At least a Huster story anyway.
@aclarke 51 shades
@StackedCrooked "consumes" as in you deallocate the memory when you want?
@StackedCrooked Yes. Also, in the strict sense, I think it's undefined to call .size() after moving
@sehe Programmers porn: 32bits of Shades.
@Sofffia It consumes as in printing the contents means removing it.
8:22 AM
@StackedCrooked Did you look for std::make_move_iterator (or, hopefully?, a Boost Range equivalent?)
@sehe yeah
@StackedCrooked lol ADL move
@aclarke 110010 shades of #ccc
@Sofffia lols
@Sofffia not 110010? :(
8:24 AM
@StackedCrooked removing the UB: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/6c18ef85a90f707f (should be ADL-ed too)
@rightføld always go one better
@rightføld Oh right. It was 50 originally.
@Sofffia is that 24bits colour depth?!?! Of course, it's only 50 shades then
@sehe lol
Badness vOv
8:30 AM
@rightføld had to wrap that class into one that implements 'Iterable' that has a 'getIterator' function that returns what you provided. Because apparently you can't just give a foreach loop a ready built iterator.
Oh, that's terrible.
> A heat flows down there, my clit tingles, and ... bear with me now, I feel empty. It's hard to describe, but my vagina physically feels empty, like it needs to be filled with something.
Stackoverflow worst questions - 50 shades of newbieness
> That is really interesting to hear, because it is the exact opposite of what I feel as a man. I kind of just feel like I need to put that thing somewhere. It really tells you how perfect human sexual biology really is.
Ok maybe I should stop.
this-capturing inner classes ftw!
8:30 AM
People are at work and whatnot.
@rightføld phf, yeah :P
Java's only good feature.
also who ever says there are 50 shades of grey needs to buy a monitor of better resolution ...
@Sofffia no . noo .... keep .... going .... just a few minutes more
@rightføld Add enable_shared_from_this and go write some java
@rightføld Ah you knew
8:31 AM
@aclarke TMI
then I had stop a think for a second about where I want the 'node' that I want to iterate over, and where I want the 'nodeList' :P
In Scala, said this is also part of the type. Scala ftw!
there's probably a pun involving bind() here too
@Sofffia It tells you how crude his imagination really is
Also repr is great for code generation.
8:33 AM
@aclarke yeah, bound edition is more expensive
I usually just feel like I need to wrap it up and keep it warm.
@sehe hmm yes, perfect. Spike Milligan once said something like: "Women's genitals should be on their shoulder, and men's should be on their fingertip. Then all you need to do is tap her on the shoulder, and it's already finished."
You know, like from severe weather.
does it make sense for you have a 'node' and for to iterate of it's child nodes? Considering the node attributes... but my main use case is the child nodes really...
@aclarke so women need to carry bags on their genitals? ... that would be quite retarded ...
8:36 AM
@chmod711telkitty hmmm that would feel like a G-string then...
@aclarke Now imagine playing the guitar...
@Sofffia oooooooo
Music + Orgasm
@aclarke Oh come on.
i don't think the idea was too well thought out....
Sexting would take on a whole new level for guys
8:37 AM
IterableNodeChildren seems like a good enough name.
g-string is light ... try a 10 kg g-string on your wife or daughter and try not to flee like a dog from the abuse ensued
@Sofffia actually, why not. Guys carry a bag on theirs
@chmod711telkitty shouldn't put so much crap in your handbag then!
Use Scala and implement an implicit conversion from NodeList to IndexedSeq. :P
@chmod711telkitty Pro Tip if you're going to be hanging around horses: Never wink at a stallion.
8:45 AM
@thecoshman ideone.com/orWvZq :3
Terribly inefficient (better to create a custom subtype of IndexedSeq[Node]) but who cares!
I need some naming advice: I am looking for a good word to represent a fixed-size set
@rightføld but shorter, preferably not a compound
8:56 AM
like "bag", except that is multi_set
@rightføld cuz I like short names
@TemplateRex Now you are confusing two different things. And "bag" doesn't convey that its size is fixed.
@TemplateRex a
I am looknig for the "array" counterpart to "std::set"
vector/set are dynamic, "array/..." are fixed-size
... = ?
8:58 AM
@rightføld yeah yeah, that is easy
but also ugly
satay; a combination of set and array, and tasty as well.
maybe "suit"
@aclarke it wouldn't exist. there would have been nothing to keep a secret, and secrecy is key ingredient
@TemplateRex flat_set, or just ordered array
he meant a static sized set
not a contiguous set
9:04 AM
I know what he meant.
flat_set doesn't make much sense given the context
Tree's are node based by necessity. You can achieve fixed, sequential, fixed size allocation by using flat_set - or Boost Intrusive on top of a fixed size allocation
@Rapptz What does, kind sir Rapptz the new-skeptic-of-the-lounge?
@TemplateRex static_set?
@sehe boost already has flat_set and it is dynamic
9:07 AM
a sequence is an ordered list that could be finite.
like, static_vector?
I meant "what does that mean, kind sir". Sorry
@Xeo yes static_* will work, but its ugly
A sequence is not necessarily a set.
@TemplateRex I know.
9:08 AM
@TemplateRex frozen_set!
@rightføld Eh. It's close.
@Xeo lol
Or if you prefer, mathematical_set
@Rapptz No, it's really not.
9:08 AM
bounded_set perhaps
@TemplateRex The context is, someone is looking for a fixed-size set. Now, think for a second: what /is/ a set? How would it commonly be implemented? How can we make that fixed-size? My answers very much address these research questions
@rightføld How so?
"Sequence" doesn't tell that it cannot contain duplicates.
"Set" does.
@Rapptz wtf
9:09 AM
@rightføld Ah yeah. Bit of a derp on my part.
@sehe yes, perhaps assoc_array
sequence<static_size, no_duplicates, no_order> :D
truthfully I'd just go with static_set
@Rapptz I pointed at existing solutions that omit the "fixed-size" requirement (which can easily be added). You point at an existing solution that omits the "unique elements" requirement (that can be added with effort).
I prefer my thinking aloud to just blurting "eh? sequence?" and gloss over the rest
Ugh, Python's syntax is terrible.
9:11 AM
Cannot put a comma after **kwargs.
@aclarke in Stronghold games, if you set particular names for the player, the generic startup message (voiced) turns from "Greetings sire" to "Greetings Lord <Name here>"
that's the first thing that came to mind when I read the guy's email
You asked me what I'd call it in a very sarcastic matter so I just said the first thing that came to mind.
foo(a=1, b=2,) # fine
foo(a=1, **b,) # syntax error
@sehe boost::flat_set is dynamic, static_flat_set is too long for my taste, but assoc_array resembles Loki::AssocVector
@Rapptz that sounds like something that would be in Boost Mpl. A static set is a set that is static (not just fixed-size, but static). But it raises a good point. How would 'fixed-size' be able to change, and would the initial elements be
9:12 AM
assoc_array is map.
@Rapptz Ok then
> Gebruiken jullie ook aa pee ii?
Ja. Dat doen we, hoor.
@sehe the larger context is trying to replace vector<bool> with a bitvector as dynamic sequence of bits, and allow two dual "views" / adaptors: boolvector and flat_set. Then I want to also have a bitarray with similar dual views: boolarray and a fixed-size flat_set
the fixed-size flat_set is a bitset replacement (not quite drop-in)
@TemplateRex what's the element type for the flat_sets?
@TemplateRex ah
9:17 AM
@sehe int
50 secs ago, by TemplateRex
the fixed-size flat_set is a bitset replacement (not quite drop-in)
a bitvector is either a sorted set of int or a vector of bool
Now, I think you're saying stuff about external interface mixed with implementation
a bitarray is either a sorted fixed-size set of int or an array of bool
@sehe yes, two interfaces, same backend
What does it mean, to "is" something? If a bitarray is a set of int, then it's not a bitarray
Array of bool, that can work
9:20 AM
such a nice feeling, to silence all noisy colleagues with your headphones
I think you're trying to say something about the implementation? ("a bitarray is either implemented as a ..."?)
Scala calls a set of integers a BitSet. No idea why.
Or did you really mean you don't want a dropin replacement for bit_set, but rather a view as something like set<int>?
@sehe actually the otehr way around, an array of bits can be viewed as either a ...
@sehe yes, set<int> with packed representation
Hi, wankers.
9:22 AM
@TemplateRex Hm. You mean, packed storage representaion? Because "representation" implies public interface to me. (I think I get it now, just checking)
@sehe just take an unsigned int with value 0xF: what does it represent: either an array of four bools (equal true) or a fixed-set of the integers {0,1,2,3}
@TemplateRex Yes. So that is talking about storage representation.
@sehe yes, which is basically what std::bitset is all about, taking advantage of data-parallelism
same for vector<bool>
or boost::dynamic_bitset
I don't not get computers, it's not clear when you are talking about the implementation vs. the desired public interface (words like "representation" are ambiguous in that respect)
but their interfaces are horribly mixed up
9:25 AM
@TemplateRex Oh, that's a fact. Because?
@TemplateRex dude if you want a short name and you don't like the suggestions with meaning, call the bloody thing "Joe" or "Sue"
so I want one common storage backed, name is irrelevant, and have two different interfaces: a boolvector and an intset (packed repr. of std::set<int>)
(inb4 because they abstract away the implementation, reducing performance for certain use-cases?)
@sehe bitset has operator[], which is nothing like a std::set
@TemplateRex What you want is an unintrusive bitset, IYAM. Just create a bitset implementation that can work on any odd contiguous block of POD data.
9:27 AM
op[] suggests array<bool>
@TemplateRex Which is probably why it's not called set<bool>
@TemplateRex Yes. I can see why they did. Because, bitset has a different problem domain, and it doesn't apply to the case where you want to "add" bits 0x1276fba and 0x03 to the set.
@aclarke I have never winked at a stallion before. I did, however feed a donkey a few milk biscuits before & it ran after me ...
@TemplateRex It does act like an array that you index, because all intermediate indices are, by definition, stored. In fact, like with arrays, index 0 is always present (for !empty())
/not sure if got joke.
Donkeys are horrible animals IMHO.
@aclarke I know I can use longish meaningful names, I was just looking for short name with connotation of fixed-size, but that seems hard to come up with
9:29 AM
sort of like the bogans of the animal world.
@TemplateRex take a good suggestion and turn it into an acronym
Acronyms are OK.
So that's not a "horribly mixed up interface". It is an interface to match the intended use and implementation style.
@TemplateRex I think what's (not horribly, but still) mixed up, is your premature assumption what behaviour the name "bitset" implies
Hi everyone !
I wanted to know if it was possible to launch a function from a .ini file ?
9:31 AM
@IgZiStO only in a system with a massive security hole.
@sehe ok, lemme reorganize my thoughts. Suppose vector<bool> had not been specialized and std::bitset did not exist yet. Then you notice that packed storage can optimize both vectors of bools and sets of ints. So you would create boolvector and intset and give them otherwise the same interfaces as their usual templated container cousins
@IgZiStO you may be able to launch it into space
UKIP win a by election in Clacton. They don't waste their time do they? http://t.co/P93kSHOdJk
What? ^^
thank you aclarke ^^
9:33 AM
you would not come up with op[] on such an intset, because it already has insert/find/erase type of members
i want to make like a "recent filters used" but i don't know how to launch the appropriate method in Qt
(and bitset already has set/test/reset members as well, op[] is entirely redundant)
@IgZiStO code it yourself. Perl hackers have been known to do this, for example. You obviously have to trust your clientelle
6 mins ago, by sehe
@TemplateRex What you want is an unintrusive bitset, IYAM. Just create a bitset implementation that can work on any odd contiguous block of POD data.
^ that. I think that's a splendid idea and probably not even that hard to implement. Especially when you can take an existing, proven, implementation of bitset and replace the backend with trait-based policies
@IgZiStO store the filter in it's text form or in a suitable abstraction?
9:34 AM
@TemplateRex True. It's a syntactic sugar that jells well with people who refactor from bool[]
I'd vote UKIP if I could.
@sehe I already have that, you can implement a boolarray on top of that as well
can yo explain more aclarke ?
@TemplateRex Brilliant
@IgZiStO Sure he can. But for your health (and ours) it's probably best if you 1. organize your thoughts 2. prepare a good question 3. post it on Stack Overflow (you know, a Q&A site!)
@IgZiStO firstly, if you are talking C++, then the answer is basically a flat-out no. But since you say "store a filter" I'm guessing your code asks the user for a filter, so it has to come off the page/form/cmdline in some textual form...
9:36 AM
Bunch of tossers.
thus, it doesn't sound like "executing a function"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh hi! didn't see you there!
Ok !
@sehe <== What He Said.
Sorry sehe, i'm gonna proceed like this
9:37 AM
or that.
Thank you for your answers ;)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Dwarf tossers.
ok, everyone thanks for chiming in with naming suggestions and other advice
donkey rocks ...
9:38 AM
@chmod711telkitty donkeys would be the first animal to voluntarily ask for a triple ear piercing and a tattoo of a butterfly in the space above its ass hole.
Donkeys drive Ford F250's and live in a trailer.
Donkeys drink FourX Gold!! (budweiser for the rest of the world)
Did LRiO actually jump ship again?
isn't it cute when we throw itch powder on a donkey :)
It is cute btw
@chmod711telkitty I think you mean "boulder", not "rock"
@sehe only because it appears to be dying. or drunk.
9:44 AM
I don't agree. It looks very much like it's enjoying some sense of relief.
@sehe probably just dropped acid then
dropped the bass
just dropped
Dammit. Putin didn't win the Peace Prize.
can I call a small fire a kindle fire?
@chmod711telkitty yes
@chmod711telkitty Hey weren't you going bush this weekend? Please tell me you're not sitting in a nylon tent using the interwebs
10:13 AM
will try, but I am with vodafone so ... with slightly cheaper price comes much inferior internet connection
@LightnessRacesinOrbit thanks
@R.MartinhoFernandes He forgot to pay in a timely fashion
10:30 AM
Nobel peace price is a joke
@chmod711telkitty it's cheap?
this is the medal??
why does it look like 3 gays are having a trisome??
@chmod711telkitty yeah it does look so
You both need a lesson in human physiology.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah, looks more like an intimate circle jerk or something
10:39 AM
there you go
"represents a group of three men forming a fraternal bond" - the euphemisms of the Victorian era were so quaint
it's interesting actually; I wonder whether the notion of quietly promoting equality for homosexuals (something not exactly commonly accepted back then) has something to do with it. it's the peace prize after all
guise, is there a command that does some extensive benchmarking of a process? execution time, used ram, and so on. something more complete than just time
@thecoshman A what?
11:28 AM
Automated upgrade without telling or asking anyone.
@Cicada hmmm - it looks like time actually can report on a shit-load of gross statistics now, including max memory footprint, io counts, etc. Are you aware of that, and still find it lacking, or is that news to you?
so STL thinks C headers shouldn't be deprecated
it makes no sense for them to be deprecated
they are functionally different from the <c*> headers
in what way are the functional differences useful?
11:41 AM
this is beautiful but depressing
and this other song by them, even more youtube.com/watch?v=qh8FxfFiT9Q
nice photoshopping
I like Malala Yousafzai though
she's the only few whom I think truly deserves the nobel peace prize ...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Not explicitly 'useful'.
Though you shouldn't get a deprecated warning for including a C header that includes those.
At least I know GCC doesn't do that.
@aclarke Oh, I didn't know that
C++ can deprecate libc all it wants
11:48 AM
@Cicada me either? - who would have guessed? What a silly place to put it all.
Won't change anything
the only reason I found it was because I ran man time hoping to see a SEE ALSO
I didn't even bother checking it D: should have
"hmmm - I want to find out how much memory my process used. I know, I'll run the time command!"

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