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4:04 AM
umm ... NSFW
@ScottW Tony was looking for you =/
7 hours ago, by Tony The Lion
Where is my other half?
@Rapptz The rationale is that a non-copyable C++03 type would otherwise get default move special members that could inadvertently break invariants of the class.
There are even discussions to extend those rule to suppress generation of most special members as soon as any one is user-provided (i.e. language-enforced ro5).
@LucDanton :s nty.
a lot of people still blindly do ~my_class() {}
I don't see a problem.
iunno, kinda sucks that friend John Doe wouldn't get copy/move semantics all because he made a useless destructor
4:11 AM
It takes a copy/move attempt, a trip to SO, and then John Doe will learn the proper way of ~my_class() = default;.
Can you do regex searches in github
I'm actually interested to see how many useless destructors there are
Well if anyone would take a trip to the Standard in order to figure out they should go to SO they could instead figure out they should default the destructor :)
in github as a whole really
I see them really often
FTR I'm not a proponent of forward-compatibility in source code.
:( nope
I'm still interested though but I'm betting it's assloads.
not to match tokens like ~class_name() {}
Anyway, github.com/… here's a really basic one that gets 700+ results
4:20 AM
That's really a user-provided destructor for the sake of API stability though. Some of them are, I mean.
Not all of them are useless, github search kinda sucks
also a lot of people do virtual ~class() { } would they not get move/copy either or is that excluded?
Right, that's user-provided as well.
I found out you couldn't do virtual ~class() = default initially.
This restriction is no longer imposed on newer drafts (N3376 for me and sequential C++14 drafts). So you can declare virtual ~Class() = default. — Rapptz Aug 28 at 6:25
Using "fuck" for trash talk sounds really bad.
@Rapptz You mean pre-C++11?
@LucDanton Yeah. I was wondering a while back.
4:28 AM
This is why GCC was initially bad at supporting it btw.
The pre-c++11 requirements seemed pretty weird
Anyone pays attention to The ISO C++ Standard discussion group? I want to mention that std::function<Sig> only works for copyable functors.
4:44 AM
@LucDanton "Requires: F shall be CopyConstructible."
It looks required :s
You don't say.
Are you saying it's a defect?
4:45 AM
> One especially important question is just what a closure is. This proposal has a very simple answer: std::function<void()>.
5:13 AM
What's the (informal) name of the extended capture rules for lambda expressions? 'Generalized captures'?
So it appears.
@Rapptz Hey, would you be up for reviewing my post if I complete it, say, within the hour or so? Not necessarily for technical accuracy, but I always dread posting something in a place where I can't edit it after the fact. (Anyone else also welcome to chip in.)
@LucDanton sure
5:29 AM
How strange, there's a Graphics group by Herb in isocpp
Strange? He announced it during GN
I'm pretty sure that's where the OpenGL question came from (the one the robot was going on about earlier)
But... why?
idk, IIRC he talked about it in his One C++ keynote but I showed up at the end so I missed the explanation. He was at the slide with all the people he'd contacted to work with him on it when I tuned in
I think he wants to bring a 2D graphics API to C++ standard library.
I think.
I hope DeadMG doesn't read this, since he already has cancer, but I think his goal is to standardize something à la Cinder.
I hope the C++ committee doesn't have authority bias :P
Since he's the head chair and all.
5:44 AM
Again, disclaimer, i missed part of the keynote, so watch the damn thing
6:27 AM
@DeadMG @Rapptz There you go.
Urk, the code formatting got munged.
going with C++ highlighting might have been a bad idea :P
Oh hey there's a line at the start that shouldn't be here.
..? that's valid
OP messed up the CV qualifiers.
Don't know why it's downvoted
@LucDanton Looks good. I don't see anything wrong
Oh found a typo
> lambda expresssions
I removed one repetition and fixed a line so far, plus some layout.
@Rapptz Maybe I should pay attention to those red squigglesss.
constructable -> constructible
6:40 AM
@LucDanton Dude I make this typo all the time.
"As a C++03 library predating move semantics" complains about 'predating'. It appears this spellchecker prefers 'pre-dating'. Or maybe that's just throwing it off.
@Rapptz I thought both of them were valid just in different contexts xD
I am sending std::string : `if( (bytecount=send(hsock, input_string.c_str(), input_string.length(),0))== -1)`. Can it be correctly received by `if ((bytecount = recv(*csock, rcv.c_str(), rcv.length(), 0)) == -1)`?

I am getting error: ` error: invalid conversion from ‘const void*’ to ‘void*’ [-fpermissive]` on recv line!
Should be rcv.data(), but that's C++11.
> N3727 A proposal to add invoke function template
> N3739 Improving pair and tuple, revision 1
Also amazing, correctly constrained and consistent constructors for both tuples and pairs.
@Rapptz I done posted.
6:56 AM
lol std::identity.. that isn't the meta-programming one :s
> We also do not require that any enum type, reference type, array type, function type, or pointer-to-member type be allowed as an underlying type.
That last one seems overly restrictive. First one feels inconsistent.
unary_function is deprecated though, seems silly to me
@Rapptz I do have operators::identity.
Arguably, identity_of_t<T> is not the teminology users actually want either. For the uses I've seen, we actually want to exclude a function argument from template argument deduction. So, omit_from_deduction<T> might be an even more useful alias template.
I think some of us toyed with NonDeduced<T> at some point.
... not to be mistaken with is_deduced<T> though :s
> instead they naturally expect asynchronous functions to obey the same parameter passing rules as ordinary functions.
Cool, so I'm not the only one that wants to move away from std::ref(param) and the like.
7:11 AM
Someone took the time to write down everything that was said in a meeting o.O damn...
Minutes are rarely absent from the mailings.
So I suppose it's more of a mailing than a paper.
lol std::pick_a_number
And now to think about implementing splitting.
I should really stop going to bed at 3AM on weekends >.>
7:14 AM
Wow a singleton got proposed in the standard, impressive
Not to mention a class hierarchy with the executor thingies.
So many bad papers
I should stop
So, how do you do i18n with streams as they are?
i18n, worst acronym on the planet
@LucDanton I don't.
But if I did, then it definitely wouldn't be this syntactic mess.
7:18 AM
That's right. And you can't.
@Borgleader I beg to differ. Not nearly as bad as RAII, and not even in the same league of bad as SFINAE.
To be honest I don't see how std::put will help with i18n, but I guess I'll say I'm ignorant.
@JerryCoffin At least those are composed of the letters from the words the acronym is representing. the 18 in i18n is totally unhelpful, infact it's confusing if you assume it has an actual meaning when it's actually just the length of the word.
I find i18n to be a really dumb acronym
Somehow reminds me of an old line from Ambrose Bierce:
Belladona: In French, a beautiful young woman. In Italian, an poisonous herb.
Clearly, the two languages haven't really diverged as much as some people think!
@Borgleader And despite all that, i18n still isn't nearly as bad as either one.
7:24 AM
I'm still not convinced it's any better than the other two.
@Rapptz Boost.Locale has some formatters (as in, it uses Boost.Format), the docs help a little although it assumes you sort of know about the problem domain.
I don't recall where I learned about message translation, probably the docs for gettext.
I didn't ask for opinions at the time, but does join(", ", { "Hello", "World" }) == { "Hello", ", ", "World" } seem like a sensible name?
join(", ", { "Hello", "World" }) == "Hello, World" then?
@ScottW Yeah, so I am. I guess if I were really ambitious, I could probably hit 200K by Monday or so. Probably not gonna happen though, unless an unusually popular question comes up this weekend.
7:31 AM
@LucDanton intersperse?
@Rapptz That's what it is, yes. And join(a, r) == flatten(intersperse(a, r)), i.e. concat (interperse a l) == intercalate a l
@ScottW Pretty sure the serial vote detector would detect and reverse if you cast enough to do that.
Not unless you do it in very small quantities
@Rapptz He has me plonked, but I was going to say to me join implies the result would be {", ", "Hello", "World" }. So imo, intersperse is a better name if the result is to be {", ", "Hello", "World" }.
@Borgleader How'd.. you arrive to that conclusion?
7:36 AM
the join part?
Well join sounds more like concatenate to me. So that goes well with the first version. The plonking, I'm not 100% certain, but I have a feeling he has me plonked. Mostly cuz I asked him a few questions a while ago and didn't get an answer.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Definitely on the wrong side of the hot/crazy scale
", ".join({"Hello", "World"}) in 99% of languages I've used is "Hello, World"
@Rapptz So basically, you've mostly used Python...
7:40 AM
@JerryCoffin Flavour of the week.
Oh oops, I just noticed the second should have been { "Hello", ", ", "World" }. In my previous message -.-;
@Rapptz Maybe I just don't pay attention to enough languages, but it's the only one I recall using exactly the syntax you gave (though I think a fair number use the join(sep, items) style).
@JerryCoffin No you're right. I picked syntax arbitrarily.
In any case, maybe join_with, or concat_with would be preferable. Just to emphasize the relation ship between the sequence of elements and the separator.
And with that, I'm off to bed. Almost 4 am T_T
@ScottW For C++ it would be moronic ;) </cat++>
@ScottW I'm pretty sure "crappily" is already a word.
7:44 AM
doesnt rime with pythonic
Poor choices -- to carry the proper connotation, you need a word that at least contains a c.
@Borgleader That's what happens when Cat has too much Vodka.
Phew I thought you were going to say "that what happens when you make too many jokes"
Up until GoingNative, I never knew people pronounced std::string as "stud string". In my mind, I'm saying "S T D String"
7:48 AM
@Borgleader No, that's "you attack Syria". Oh wait, you said "make too many jokes", not "elect too many jokes". Silly me.
Not sure how expansive I want to make split -- string processing is certainly not my goal here.
@JerryCoffin Lol and on that bombshell goodnight! (Top gear ref)
@MohammadAliBaydoun "stud" is not the proper pronunciation. It should be about halfway between "stud" and "stood".
@MohammadAliBaydoun It sounds like you're trying to say "sexually transmitted disease"
@MohammadAliBaydoun different people pronounce it differently
7:50 AM
@Borgleader G'night.
@bamboon More accurately: some people pronounce it as I've described. The rest mispronounce it.
@JerryCoffin haha, then I am also one of these guys who mispronounces it.
@MohammadAliBaydoun ehh, it'll always remind me of the one above :/
And yes, C++ is a sexually transmitted disease, Scott gave it to me ;_;
People in GN were trying to talk as fast as possible to fit their small time slots probably
7:52 AM
@MohammadAliBaydoun Life is a sexually transmitted disease (with a 100% fatality rate).
@JerryCoffin Gonna check, I may have caught that...
Well, I think it's past this old man's bed time. G'night all.
Good night !
@JBL If you can check, you have.
Good night Jerry
7:55 AM
@JerryCoffin Night
Alright, onto "Don't help the compiler" that I missed.
@Borgleader yeah, rather the other way around:go to bed early during the week and stay up_later_ in the weekend!
8:14 AM
so sleepy...
You're all wusses!
Also, off to D&D
what exactly is a wuss?
Is it like this:
in bin, 1 min ago, by sehe
@RoelvanUden deze hoort duidelijk op Stack Overflow main site thuis. Wij krijgen veel teveel help vampires langs in de lounge. Als DeadMg kan soms een tikkie nukkig zijn, ik vermoed dat het wat erger was wegens gezondheids perikelen
How's that for going extra miles
8:30 AM
According to this anatomically correct Lion plushi... I'm no longer so sure @TonyTheLion is a 'he'
why don't you find it out ;)
sacrifice yourself for the lounge, come on!
> ***NOTE: The genitalia is a surface only affair intended strictly for humor and not functional purposes.
8:55 AM
has anybody been looking into bitcoin?
9:10 AM
but the satisfaction revives her
9:43 AM
The weather is nice today.
Is it so hard to ask for Anti-virus software that isn't trying to sell you shit and doesn't throw popups and notifications every waking moment?
@MohammadAliBaydoun Apparently, yes :((
9:59 AM
@MartinJames At this point I might as well use Windows Defender, at least it's consistent with the UI and doesn't look like a virus itself :/
@MohammadAliBaydoun Krapspersky here :(
@ScottW your other half is here! There is Tony your lion ...
@Telkitty猫咪咪 @ScottW has reproduced by binary division?
10:17 AM
ScottW multiplied
Unfortunately, the clone function is not yet implemented. Currently, it just makes Scott cry. ;.;
Who made Scott cry!?
It was that assembly instruction over there officer!
That instruction shall be removed!
Segmentation Fault: 11.
10:29 AM
@MartinJames that thing thinks anything I compile is a virus, maybe it just means terrible code that it might as well be malicious ?
A segfaulting scott is better than a crying scott.
Tomorrow there's gonna be new episodes of One Piece, Hunter x Hunter and Attack on Titan :D
The best day of the week!
@ScottW ahah
I wondered where you been
aaannd he left again :(
10:53 AM
@Telkitty猫咪咪 not bad
I like Katy Perry :p
11:09 AM
It was a giant brown bear
@Xeo Nope, I missed him. Let's hope the downloads get available really soon :)
Humans can grow abnormally large too, so I don't see why brown bears can't
Like this unlucky man ;_;
11:24 AM
I wouldn't want to meet a bear like that
@MohammadAliBaydoun Poor fella only lived for 22 years.
I wouldn't even be the main course, just the entrée or an appetizer
@Borgleader Why do we need a standard 2D graphics API?
@FredOverflow a 2D sound API wouldn't make sense
Why not? With all these 5.1 systems and whatnot, 2D sound makes perfect sense.
11:31 AM
I have this "New Folder .exe" and "regsvr.exe" virus if anyone's heard of it before.
If you're getting tired of the virus, you can send it to me.
Actually, I have no idea what it is. It just doesn't die. I tried everything.
I even corrupted the .exes :|
They just came back when I refreshed explorer.exe
Just reinstall Windows and you should be good to go in an hour or so.
It's on a pendrive
I feel the urge to remove this USB and break it with a sledgehammer then summon Satan to claim its soul.
USB sticks are so cheap these days... go ahead and do it!
11:37 AM
I'll give it 1 hour.
Maybe I can perform a proper exorcism and restore it.
11:52 AM
As the high priestess to the Goddess of hacking and good coding, you may have her bless
I fixed it ;_;
I killed regsvr.exe, deleted every instance of the malicious program from my disk and reformatted the pendrive and it's gone. And the funny part is, people actually made tools for this virus in particular. lol.
Install Gentoo.
Congrats for having a virus in AD 2013
A headache I have.
12:07 PM
See, the Goddess's blessing is very useful
@not-rightfold Me too. Did you drink?
@FredOverflow Yes.
Did you drink too much?
I drank 7 Up.
@FredOverflow No.
12:10 PM
I also ate chilli-flavoured crisps.
And I drank a banana milkshake.
I like strawberry shakes.
I am amazed you are having headache not stomach ache
Are you spamming us? :P
I have watched Channel 9.
Enough videos for the rest of the year.
How was yesterday?
12:21 PM
Yesterday was a wonderful day. Why?
How was Going Naive 2013 yesterday?
Yesterday was awesome.
It was not only educational but very funny too.
Well, STL did most of the jokes so just watch whatever includes him. :D
Those would be his talk on <random> and the Q&A panel.
@FredOverflow Oh yeah, Compiler Confidential.
That was really really good.
It was very clear and you can see the guy knows a lot.
Can't wait for the stuff to be downloadable. The first day is already available. Not the panel though.
12:24 PM
Mhm. :/
I've seen a few GN sessions so far and none of them were especially interesting
omg dat accent
code on the slides is unintelligible
@DeadMG I watched this Build talk on performance this morning, which may be more interesting for you.
I'd like to watch it, but my brother is a worthless asshole who torrents every second of every day so that nobody else can use the Internet.
12:33 PM
She has very nice voice although not my type of song
@DeadMG Can't he just set the bandwidth to 50% or something?
@FredOverflow Apparently not. Our router doesn't have traffic control capacity.
On the router you might be able to configure that
Every torrent software can be configured to use no more than ____ kb/s.
12:39 PM
I hate it when the torrent client says there are 3000 seeders available but it connects to only 200 of them.
@FredOverflow The raw #kbs isn't really the issue.
the #connections can be the real issue
Those can also be configured.
Time to play Mein Kraft.
Your Power?
@FredOverflow Not to any useful value.
12:41 PM
Minecraft update is out soon.
New terrain generator, finally.
remember, you're talking about the rock bottom of residential connections here.
@DeadMG I usually limited to like 10 connections or something
there's simply not enough to go around even when one person isn't torrenting.
if you cut the number of connections or the bandwidth, there's little point in running the program, you get so little done.
did you get an interview with my ex-employer btw?
12:43 PM
@TonyTheLion The more apt question is, "When was the last time that I could be awake during work hours?"
with the correct answer being "I'm pretty sure it's been several weeks"
oh :(
that sucks
I really need to get that surgery.
Well if it will solve your problem, you should
I mean, what am I gonna say, "Sorry I wasn't available during work hours due to sickness for weeks continuously; and it's chronic; but no worries guise my doc says safe to work!".
that won't fly
12:45 PM
I bought one of those e-fags. I'm charging it up now. Any other Lounger tried them?
@TonyTheLion I agree.
I will never understand why a function called is_sorted_until does not return a bool.
which is why it's quite imperative that either I rapidly become suitable for work, or, I become officially out of work.
@chris idk what it does, but to me it sounds like it could return an index or iterator to the last sorted element
12:58 PM
Just replace length with size, what's the problem?

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