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8:00 PM
@Rapptz He seemed quite stressed out about a lot of things.
@LuchianGrigore Nobody knows.
He just removed himself yesterday and left.
without saying anything?
never joined since?
8:16 PM
Out of a sudden?
@ScottW Reading that makes me even more sad.
@ScottW you're my singleton babe <3
8:25 PM
I saw that gif
Maybe if the lady released the leash from her hand it would fall out of the lift. But I'm not sure.
maybe if the lady didn't press the close door button on her dog...
@ScottW so what you doing?
@rightfold oh ponies
8:29 PM
@EtiennedeMartel I won't judge it till I've seen it.
Cannibal Corpse - Priests of Sodom
@TonyTheLion Come on Tony -- you shouldn't (even by implication) say anything bad about ponies. Lions love ponies. They make a nice light lunch (or "hearty snack").
Awesome song
@ScottW oh dayum. I feel your pain.
@JerryCoffin I prefer Zebras myself
@TonyTheLion Just striped ponies.
8:31 PM
@JerryCoffin hahaha :)
@TonyTheLion Zecora.
@rightfold Always one step ahead of you.
@EtiennedeMartel -1 doesn't rhyme
8:32 PM
ITT rightfold sucks
@TonyTheLion No no no, I think you don't understand.
I won't suck until you give me a dollar.
@rightfold That wasn't my intention, you silly moron.
> silly moron
8:33 PM
@rightfold He's European -- ask for Euros, not dollars.
@rightfold Well, @ScottW would do it for free.
Yes, but Scott isn't young like me.
Or so you say.
8:35 PM
I want to make shitloads of money.
@rightfold That's what I call clever editing.
if a function takes a typedef for a variant, I should be able to pass one of the variant types... right? I mean, that's half the idea of variants isn't it?
@ScottW actually no longer true, you're mine!
I'm a lion, what do you think? :)
8:42 PM
@TonyTheLion no
fuck off
@TonyTheLion lol, 'Tracey' 'of course it fucking is'
@TonyTheLion you're a lion, you'll just eat him
@thecoshman Shhhhhhh
8:44 PM
@TonyTheLion oooooh, I see
@ScottW yes o_o @tony will tame you and not try to eat you. any chewing is just a sign of affection, relax and enjoy it
have a star :)
@TonyTheLion rather have some money, but the star will do :P
aren't I beaut? @ScottW
wouldn't you just cuddle me?
8:47 PM
(everybody just flatter him, it's easier then him getting angry if we tell him he is an ugly fucker)
Let's have a gang bang.
Let's invite all of Stack Exchange.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: We're banging! [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
if we had a stackexchange gang bang, it would be a sausage festival to rival the Germans
8:49 PM
@thecoshman Those Germans have nothing on us.
I so stupid
@ScottW package visibility.
Yeah it's fugly.
Should have been package T foo() { … }.
8:50 PM
> Java
@ScottW it's just the default, why would it needs it's own name
also, there is no thing access control quite like C++'s protected, which IMO sucks balls
At least make the default private then.
8:51 PM
And not some random thing that's less often used.
gah I fail at geometry. Is anybody free for a while? I need some gimme teh codez
well, in theory, private to the package is a good level of access control, and C++ has no concept of package to compare with... well, maybe namespace... so it is a good default IMO
@ScottW I have to come save you!
@thecoshman the default should at least be more useful. like private, rather than public
8:53 PM
@Aboutblank it's public to the package only, not as public as public
@thecoshman its arguably worse than protected since its not open to subclass.
@ScottW Have some love <3
@Aboutblank it is... default access is public to anything in the package
in java, protected is more private than default
8:56 PM
bah, words
no protected is more open than no modifier, subclasses can see it
oh right
I always get messed up with these
@thecoshman Python will not be difficult for you :)
I wrote a binary tree who's operator< is implemented using std::lexographical_compare. I'm trying to decide if that's worth optimizing.
9:02 PM
I can't do things!
gah. Why am I struggling so much with basic geometry!
3d math is hard
I don't want to say that I gave up... but... I did
It's not even 3d at the minute. It's 2d!
It's like sin and cos.
oh. Then the problem is the right-hand-rule.
oh, then the problem is your brain
It's my brain
I like sin and cos actually. no idea why
they appeal to me
9:05 PM
cos sin
I can do it perfectly on a triangle, it's fitting them to my drawing :L
stupid things wanting me to do them correctly
I give up with you for the night
@ScottW It is just this: i.imgur.com/E3rkspf.png
very simple. I want to draw a quad of a fixed proportion which can have a scale factor applied to it
and can be rotated by an arbitrary angle
This isn't opengl btw, I just need the "formulas" for each point
well, there's the easy way, which is slow. calculate the angle/distance for each point, add to the angle, etc.
and the matrix way, which is merely matrix multiplication, and works great with 3d graphics.
9:12 PM
and then there's imaginary numbers to do rotation
@MooingDuck well, this application is only 2d (this is a different project to me learning opengl)
@Stacked: Have you considered a mobile version of Coliru? :)
@TonyTheLion ¬_¬
this is a little project written in ruby, and I basically only draw with draw_quad which takes 4 x & ys
9:13 PM
@Ell then use tan2 to calculate the angle, add to the angle, then sin/cos to go back to the new coordinates
I'm so bad at explaining things that even I know that was a stupid thing for me to say.
Basically, I just want to be able to input an angle, a centre x & y and a scale factor, and get one of those out
and multiply by how far you want to be from the centre, as that will be one unit
I'm eating Caburys chocolate with a layer or Orea biscuit and cream, it is awesome
I just spent like half an hour writing an optimized comparison routine for my binary tree before realizing it's completely invalid if the trees aren't balanced identically.
@Xeo not really, many have asked for it though
9:20 PM
Damn, I want to test a code snippet, but I already shut down my PC. :|
@Xeo first world problems
huh... coffee raspberries and chocolate make for an interesting burp
@MooingDuck thank you!
wait, I forgot a line
I apologise for the gimme teh codez, for some reason my brain is just not working tonight
9:23 PM
@Ell fixed
thanks very much :)
@Ell Also, cplusplus.com/reference/valarray/atan2 may or may not be helpful
@MooingDuck That's using C99's compound literals. In C++03, you couldn't normally creare array rvalues IIRC
@Xeo yes we discussed that
@Ell {x+scale*cos(angle), y+scale*sin(angle)}?
2 hours ago, by Luc Danton
Well, standard C99 and beyond at any rate.
I think so
agh. I think I might have to take a break from this
thanks for the help anyways, I will look again later, I need to clear my mind
9:26 PM
@Ell I know the equation is right for my interpretation of what you said, I'm just not sure I interpreted you right
@MooingDuck sorry, only saw the snippet and a bit of the context
@MooingDuck I think I just need to clear my head for a while, I'll get it eventually. Thanks though :)
@Xeo np
Imagine a world without anything.
if I have a struct foo, and I want to pass a new instance to a function that takes a foo, do I call it like takes_a_foo(foo) or takes_a_foo(foo())
assuming I do just want the default constructor etc.
9:34 PM
In C++11, stylistically: takes_a_foo(foo{});
But yes, foo alone is just a type name, not an object. foo() results in an object.
Imagine a world without bad software.
@GManNickG that's what I thought
we got a bug report two days ago that our software speaks the date incorrectly for UK. Now this caught my attention, because we have special date handling for the UK. But apperently it's been wrong. For 13 years.
and now lets say, rather then taking a foo directly, it takes a boost::variant<foo, bar> I still call it passing foo()... right... that is the idea of variant isn't it?
@thecoshman yes (assuming the constructor is implicit)
9:37 PM
@MooingDuck o_0 clearly not a problem
ok... and so to take this to full conclusion, if that variant is a typdef, that is just a programmers shorthand effectively, it should work just the same
@thecoshman If boost::variant<foo, bar> allows itself to be implicitly constructed from a foo, yeah.
@thecoshman Yup.
@thecoshman it says "January first" for dates instead of "first of January". The second is more correct than the first.
@thecoshman yes
@MooingDuck hint: both are valid, how anal do you really want to be?
@GManNickG how will I know that?
9:39 PM
@thecoshman I want to make customers happy, but I don't want to validate that I didn't break anything.
@thecoshman docs, headers, or see if it compiles
you don't want to validate?
@Xeo if I don't change anything, then I know nothing broke :D
@Xeo effort
@MooingDuck compiling fails :(
9:40 PM
@thecoshman boost.org/doc/libs/1_49_0/doc/html/boost/variant.html says the constructor does implicit conversions, so yeah, it should work
T must be unambiguously convertible to one of the bounded types (i.e., T1, T2, etc.).
Content of *this is the best conversion of operand to one of the bounded types, as determined by standard overload resolution rules.
May fail with any exceptions arising from the conversion of operand to one of the bounded types.
Yay it works! Thank you guys.
@thecoshman you didn't actually use takes_a_foo(foo()) right? Because that would be a function declaration of a function that takes a function as a parameter.
@MooingDuck I was doing that at first, but tried it with braces and get (I think) the same problem... it's resulting in a huge wall of template errors, so it's slow for me to work through
9:46 PM
@rightfold lol
@thecoshman is it taking the variadic by non-const reference?
@thecoshman or maybe foo{} is not unambiguously convertable to one of the contained types?
AFAIK, not variadic, but I am taking a non-const reference
@thecoshman wait what?
@MooingDuck If takes_a_foo names a function, that isn't a declaration.
@rightfold took me a while
9:48 PM
@Xeo oh
well, it's saying there is no known conversion from the type, to the type in the variant
@MooingDuck s/variadic/variant/
Hi guys
Dammit, tried to use paper as floss. Now there's both food and paper between two of my teeth.
@thecoshman passing a foo{} would create a temporary/rvalue variant, which can't bind to a nonconst reference.
9:49 PM
@GManNickG lol
@GManNickG dont do that
@MooingDuck so.. how erm... huh...
@thecoshman function has to take by const ref or by value to grab a temporary.
const-ref, rvalue ref, value
@thecoshman or just construct it with a name, then pass it as an lvalue.
@Xeo this is why I don't listen to my IRL friends who say I should teach computing.
9:50 PM
@MooingDuck was going to say that, so I can do `Foo foo; takes_a_foobar_variant(foo);
@thecoshman no
@thecoshman No
foobar_variant fb(foo); takes_a_bitch(fb);
I have a question. I like C++ and interested in some open source project. Could you give me a point where should I start. I heard from GitHub, but don't know which project should I choose and where to start...
@MooingDuck I am sure you would be doing better if you had notes infront of you :P
boost::variant<things> a = foo{}; takes_a_foobar_variant(a);
9:51 PM
@Xeo ah, so I have to make an actual variant object first, I can't make the real object, and pass it to something that wants to take a variant ref
@totymedli find something you like the thought of working on
@thecoshman right. The problem is that the variant is a temporary, nobody cares about the foo.
i care about the foo
@thecoshman This sounds good, but I don't want to monkey around in a huge project I can't see through. Thats why I asked about a good tutorial or smaller but worth to contribute projects.
@MooingDuck I take it typdef_for_varaint foobar; foobar = foo{}; takes_a_foobar_variant(foobar); would work just as well
read: I fucking hope so
9:55 PM
@totymedli To be frank, it's generally pretty binary. You either have the knowledge to be able to contribute, or you need to learn more.
@thecoshman yeah, just takes more lines is all
@totymedli generally open source doesn't want notices to monkey around with them.
@MooingDuck yeah, well the the what I make the foobar is with in a switch
@GManNickG I just want to save the 2 hours of Google search funky with some protip:D
@MooingDuck s/notices/novices/
@thecoshman that works fine
9:56 PM
@thecoshman Say what?
@thecoshman wtf brain, stop typing random words
@totymedli you probably are better of just working on your own thing, get a solid knowledge of C++ before trying to help with an opensource project
@GManNickG ... the actual type of object I am creating is controlled within a switch statement, I am creating an event based on input, then passing it off to the queue
neverwinter gateway broken? or is it just my work?
hazzar! I can process X11 events!
oh it started working
10:00 PM
IMO it has a much nicer way of doing it then windows
you just request the next event from X, and can do so either blocking or not blocking. non of this registering a callback function that will have it's neck rammed with events
I like magnets.
@rightfold not quite like @R.MartinhoFernandes does
Can you rephrase that?
I a word
@thecoshman :D
10:10 PM
@StackedCrooked: doesn't coliru provide a web api?
can I see the overview?
it's not really documented, but it's pretty simple
btw, the api is not a public feature, so it may change
any hoops
night all :D
on second thoughts, it would not actually be of any use to me right now
sorry :P
10:13 PM
Day trip to Dublin for me in the morning :D
POST to /compile with request body { "cmd": "...", "src" : "..." }
Bring me some Kila albums. I can't manage to find any.
~ $ curl stacked-crooked.com/compile -d '{ "src" : "", "cmd" : "echo hello" }'
+ echo hello
@DeadMG That's about it.
Is there a list of the main stuff we can use with Coliru?
1. C++ compilation, link and run
End of list :P
10:17 PM
I see you finally updated it with GCC 4.8.1 :)
Did I?
You did.
Where do you see that?
@StackedCrooked You seem to be contradicting yourself. First you said there was no list, then you posted the list you said didn't exist.
g++-4.8 --version
10:18 PM
@JerryCoffin Well, ... dammit.
Is somebody in the mood to deliver me a pizza?
I'm in the pizza to deliver you a wood.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 0 0 775944 Jun 5 13:33 /usr/bin/g++-4.8
Apparently g++ changed without me doin it.
Did someone hack into my VPS?
This looks so funny.
10:20 PM
It was you!
@StackedCrooked wasn't there shell scripts or something
The rest is experimental.
But, indeed, there's stacked-crooked.com/sh
I think the default command there is hard-coded for my wide experimentation.
Hello, World!
@rightfold I have been feeling like playing Frisbee, so if you're within 50 feet of me (or so) and don't mind possibly losing most of the toppings...
10:26 PM
Anyone using QT 5.0?
I think webserver-sinatra.rb is the best documentation for Coliru right now.
while(cin>>x) what's an easy way to only read a single unit of data at a time?
Define unit of data
just need to take in a double and read it using a while loop
but only one at a time
10:35 PM
Out of boredom, I'm writing a small wrapper for libvlc/PyQt.
@user2442335 double x; while (cin >> x) { /* x is this iteration's double */ }?
What happens if they put in multiple numbers?
Is where I'm lost at.
@user2442335 while (cin >> x) does read one at a time (one per iteration). If you only want to read one, period, then if (cin >> x).
@user2442335 What do you mean? If I type 3.14 2.7 into cin, you read two numbers.
@user2442335 if you have while (cin >> x) and the user enters (say) "1 2 3", it'll read 1 on the first iteration, and ` 2 3` will be sitting in the input buffer, and will be read during subsequent iterations.
10:38 PM
Damn, Android doesn't know about curl by default
@Xeo "Damn Android!" There, FTFY.
I thought I could use the Coliru web-api to get a compiler handy while having VIM touch to code :s
@JerryCoffin so if i enter "1 2 3" it will go 1...enter loop 2...enter loop 3...enter loop
My tights are chaffing...
@user2442335 Pretty much, yeah.
10:39 PM
hrm I'll write it out and put a break point in and see if I can watch how it functions.
Thank you guys I love you all
@user2442335 "Welcome to Costco. I love you."
@JerryCoffin What is that a reference to lol
My unit is type-casting to a larger data type!!! I hope I don't have memory leaks
@user2442335 Oh, you poor, deprived soul. Watch Idiocracy immediately.
@JerryCoffin Man, I still need to see that.
10:45 PM
@Code-Guru Yes, you do. Soon!
Thats a big chin
Hrmm...need 9 more upvotes for stackoverflow.com/badges/42/java
Time to go rep whoring...
lol why would you want a java badge? It's only slightly better than having a php badge
Go for brainfuck badge.
10:51 PM
The only one I have is bronze c++...
@LuchianGrigore Because I can!
Currently I do a lot more Java programming than C++...mostly because I'm making an Android app.
U-U, D-D, L-R, L-R, B, A, START

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