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4:01 PM
Remember when the emperor told Mozart there were too many notes in his music? You also don't need to put as many objects as possible into a system, just for the sake of being "pure OO".
Encapsulation and separation of problem solving as-well as tests leads to less errors. :whistle
I honestly am not old enough to make the sweeping statements, but I don't think OO is the answer to everything.
Right, just as any other paradigm will never be the answer to everything.
There is a difference in praising it for everything and using it simply for what its made for.
@DavidKron Yes, but it's not like that's specific to OO in any way. You can write beautifully encapsulated, cohesive Haskell functions and test the shit out of them.
4:04 PM
I was able to get rid of a chunk of code and replace it with a metafunction. Best day ever ;_;
What did you do, compute fibonacci numbers at compile-time?
There´s a difference with having the option to and being forced.
Yes. And there are languages that force you into OO "because everything else is evil, anyway".
However there's nothing stopping you from bypassing separation and encapsulation in OO.
4:05 PM
@FredOverflow Except the Cognitive-theoretic Model of the Universe. :-)
* In most languages i guess.
Encapsulate all data! But remember to make getters and setters for everything
@FredOverflow How exactly are you forced into OO? :|
Just the fact that you have Main inside a class doesn't make it OO at all.
You're not, that's the problem
tests\regression_tests.cpp(170): FAILED:
  REQUIRE( client.recvFrame() == str("\x81\x7f" "\x00\x00\x00\x00" "\x00\x01\x00\x00") + msg64K )
with expansion:
Assertion failed: lines.size() < 1000, file d:\_lib\catch.hpp, line 6376
4:07 PM
@BartoszKP Are you a C# programmer? :)
^ Catch can't print 64K-bytes string
Whining about "OMG EVERYTHING MUST BE IN CLASSES" is funny
@FredOverflow Sure, we can assume that if it will be convenient for you :)
@FredOverflow I was doing some weird-ass shit with proxy objects to pass an extra argument to C++ functions that should be called from Lua
@BartoszKP Thats not what bjarne would say tough.
4:07 PM
There's no difference between a free function and a static method
@BartoszKP Try using Smalltalk sometime. It may not succeed, but it tries a lot harder to force the issue than almost anything else. Just for example, the only way to create an object is by sending a message to an object. Even 2+2 is creating an object then sending it an add message.
@CatPlusPlus Namespace
It's just a lot of :spergin:
@DavidKron And what's a difference between namespace and a static class?
@JerryCoffin Thanks for the tip. The name "Smalltalk" always repelled me, as it sounds too casual ; )
@BartoszKP I'll whine anyway: Why is Main inside a class?
4:09 PM
Smalltalk ecosystem is weird as fuck
@CatPlusPlus I meant the naming scope is whats difference, a "free function" i take as something in the global scope, a static method is in the scope of the class
@FredOverflow Why is main() returning int, why is main() taking char*, why is main() necessary, why is anything
@JerryCoffin Scala does the same, 2+2 is just syntactic sugar for (2).+(2=)
@DavidKron No
@BartoszKP That was (probably) intentional -- one of the original intents was to use it for teaching children to program, and the name was (presumably) intended to make it sound un-threatening.
4:09 PM
@FredOverflow Probably because it's easier than impose a free function into design, which would be useless.
It's a non-issue people like to whine about because they have no idea what they're talking about
Or objective C i guess *pukes
Fuck this industry
@JerryCoffin Thats interesting, I'll try to look into it :)
@BartoszKP Nonetheless, in its own (twisted?) way, it's a pretty impressive piece of work (and definitely not a toy language, or anything like it).
4:11 PM
@JerryCoffin If only Smalltalk VMs weren't that silly
I mean you can't look at Squeak and treat this entire thing seriously
> [...] only DirectX9 and later are supported, as evidenced by the fact that the only value for the D3DResourceType enumeration used by the D3DImage.SetBackBuffer is IDirect3DSurface9. (You can exploit later versions of Direct3D and use an intermediate IDirect3DDevice9Ex to still work inside this scheme.)
It's impossible
wtf does this mean T_T
@CatPlusPlus Yeah -- they certainly have a few oddities (and most Smalltalk environments are stranger still).
@BartoszKP How are free functions useless? Compared with static methods, they improve encapsulation. They also allow you to add functions to a type without having access to the source code of the class.
4:13 PM
@CatPlusPlus Having static methods and non-static methods in the same class in a supposedly "OO language" is ridiculous. Scala got this right and removed static methods.
@FredOverflow Useless in the sense that in Java/C# design they are obsolete. You can always have them in a static class, which is almost indisnguishable from a namespace.
@CatPlusPlus Have to admit I've never tried Squeak. At one time I used Smalltalk/V, and for a while used one that was never published (I was writing its barf collector, part of its VM, etc.)
Any VM with "screeshots" on its page is ridiculous
@CatPlusPlus especially if there's a typo :P
4:15 PM
@FredOverflow Please summarise for me why free functions improve encapsulation
@CatPlusPlus Just click on the link and read what Scott Meyers has to say.
... reading
> Now consider a class with an interface that offers clients capabilities similar to those afforded by the struct above, but with an encapsulated implementation:
> ...
> int getXValue() const;
> int getYValue() const;
> void setXValue(int newXValue);
> void setYValue(int newYValue);
Ahahahaha you've got to be fucking kidding me
This is not encapsulation
And I don't give a fuck who wrote it
@CatPlusPlus looks like java
lol. Anyway, the tl;dr is "free functions don't have access to the internals, hence the internals are better encapsulated".
4:17 PM
@FredOverflow non-friend free functions...
But the fact that this topic generates so much heat probably implies that it doesn't matter at all. Should we discuss int* p vs. int *p next?
class Widget { }
class WidgetFactory { static Widget make() { return new Widget(); } }
// look no access to internals
I really hate javascript
nodejs is going to shorten my life
Static methods and free functions are identical
Ah, you are putting the free functions as static methods inside another class. Sure, that would work, I guess. But show me who does this in practice, except for the Java standard library?
I have never seen that approach in practice. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.
4:19 PM
And you can't say "but it's in different class", because the free function in that article is in different namespace too
The main argument (leaving behind psychological ones: "come on, be honest, you have to admit...") can be reduced to the interface segregation principle
@FredOverflow That's not relevant to the discussion
As for extending the interface of other types
I present to you
@FredOverflow I think you're on to something
class Widget { }
static class WidgetExt { public void Test(this Widget w) { } }
var w = new Widget();
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: come on, be honest, you have to admit... [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-questions]
4:21 PM
That people are idiots and make bad designs is irrelevant here
You can also make friended free functions as Jerry already mentioned, which are identical to static methods inside the class
Exactly. You can make a free function that is very inflexible, and is very far from being free.
@CatPlusPlus So what's the issue? That it doesn't compile? It does in D. So let's conclude this discussion with the insight that the D language is the king of encapsulation ;-)
@FredOverflow It's C#
And there is no issue, it works as-is
Ah, a this parameter. This is an extension method? Nice.
a free function isn't two-way coupled with the class it operates on
4:22 PM
ADL is nice.
Which is an answer to "free functions let you extend interface of the type without modifying the type, and static methods don't"
That methods should've been public static void Test, whatever
Right, so C# got this right in version 3.0 or something I guess. Nice.
@willj Pay attention maybe
Is there a DirectX equivalent to the opengl red book? (that you would recommend)
We already addressed that
4:24 PM
@FredOverflow To be honest I must admit that this is true, that extension methods are being commonly used exactly as being described in the article you've linked : )
awesome :)
And they're not as fucking complicated as ADL
How are they found? How is the call w.Test() resolved?
You only know they exist when you know it : D Or if you use the right namespace by accident.
@MohammadAliBaydoun somewhat better, thank you
4:26 PM
If a class doesn't have that method, all static classes available from current scope are searched
ah ok
@CatPlusPlus I just swam 1km, I'm a little slow
By the way, Scala uses a more general approach: implicit conversions. They allow you to create the illusion that a type T is a subtype of a type U without changing the definition of T.
Accord.NET library has the coolest math interface I've ever seen - you don't get a bunch of new "Vector" and "Matrix" classes - you're just equipped with a family of convenient extension methods for "double[]" etc.
@willj That would be 40 short lanes in Germany. Not bad for a start.
4:28 PM
@BartoszKP That's a bad thing, not a good thing.
@BartoszKP Eh, leaky invariants
Illusions always enforce good programming style
@DeadMG Why it's bad?
@FredOverflow Yeah implicit conversions are bad
because you have a double[], but the contents have a special meaning, but that meaning is not expressed in the type system.
4:29 PM
@DavidKron Right
@FredOverflow I haven't done that for a while, seriously out of practice
46 secs ago, by Cat Plus Plus
@BartoszKP Eh, leaky invariants
that double[] could be any double[], ever.
maybe it's a list of doubles that I got by measuring the length of the dicks of every male in my family.
is the dot product of that gonna make sense?
Is it row-major or column-major
@CatPlusPlus How so? I find it quite convenient that I can call a function that expects a double with an int.
4:30 PM
All right, I agree that implicitness is usually bad
@DeadMG Wouldn't a float array be more than sufficient for that purpose? :)
@FredOverflow Guess why they don't have full type inference
However, I found it very useful in my codebase, when it's well established that all double[]'s are vectors of a particular type
Implicit conversions complicate shit
@CatPlusPlus Who is "they"?
4:31 PM
Scala, doh
@DeadMG obviously
@DeadMG Well a dot product of vector of lengths does make sense : )
@BartoszKP Wishful thinking
If it can be encoded in the type system, it absolutely should be
@CatPlusPlus And what exactly do you mean by that? val x = someExpression; doesn't always work due to implicit conversions?
@CatPlusPlus I'm working on it for 3 years, it works fine.
4:31 PM
@FredOverflow You have to give argument types
@CatPlusPlus And, wrapping double[]'s with another class led to performance issues in the past.
Correctness is more important
@CatPlusPlus Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. I'm afraid you will have to be more verbose with me :-(
No, I have no reason to use Scala
@BartoszKP Also structs
The thing about double[] is that it carries absolutely no meaning
@CatPlusPlus But really, a vector of real numbers, is a ... vector of real numbers. When you work with vectors only, you don't really need to wrap every vector into a "Vector" class/struct
4:34 PM
4 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
Is it row-major or column-major
@CatPlusPlus That's a fair point. I don't remember how is this being resolved, but IIRC it's made explicit in the extension method names&arguments.
That's wishful thinking as well
If you use wrong method on wrong majority, you get wrong results silently
It's like date/time shit that tries to "free" you from thinking about timezones and such
@FredOverflow Not for my dick, at least.
Assumptions are bad; class can maintain its invariants
@CatPlusPlus a vector doesn't have any invariants
4:39 PM
@BartoszKP Of course it does.
Yeah, but it can use overloaded operators, so you lose either way
{ NaN, NaN, NaN } is not a valid vector.
There is nothing convenient about using an array for a vector
@CatPlusPlus Overloaded operators carry implicit logic. Now you're being incoherent :) operator*(Vector u, Vector v) - what does it do?
Who cares.
4:40 PM
I'm not talking about multiplying
@CatPlusPlus compare with:
/// // Declare two vectors
/// double[] u = { 1, 6, 3 };
/// double[] v = { 9, 4, 2 };
/// // Products between vectors
/// double inner = u.InnerProduct(v); // 39.0
/// double[,] outer = u.OuterProduct(v); // see below
operator*(Vector v, double scalar)
I'm not talking about fucking multiplying
@BartoszKP You could do dot or cross product- either would make sense, so I'd move away from operator* with two vectors. +, -, * by scalar, * by matrix...
It doesn't carry implicit logic if you don't make it carry implicit logic
@DeadMG You know that float goes to 10^38 or something, right? :)
4:41 PM
@CatPlusPlus Well I am : ) - to show an example of a problem with algebra and overloaded operators
@FredOverflow I assumed it was something about that size, yes.
It's not a problem if you don't do it
You don't have to overload EVERY OPERATOR EVER INVENTED
* is ambiguous? Don't overload *
That doesn't make the rest any less useful
@CatPlusPlus But if you don't, his point doesn't make sense!
@DeadMG @CatPlusPlus So you propose to add vectors using + but multiply them using a method. That''s a quite incoherent interface.
@CatPlusPlus I want to invent my own operators!
4:42 PM
@BartoszKP No, it isn't.
It's not incoherent goddamit
adding by a vector has a single unambiguous use.
multiplying by a vector doesn't.
@FredOverflow Spoken like a true functional programmer
You mean adding two vectors.
v `dot` u
4:43 PM
But you use either overloaded operators or methods for algebraic operations - that's an incosistency
@Borgleader I want to have spaceships and Japanese smileys and bidirectional sperm operators :)
@BartoszKP A syntactic one. Who cares.
ITT you cannot have an interface that uses named methods and overloaded operators
@BartoszKP No, it isn't. I use operators where applicable, and methods if not.
4:44 PM
Goodbye every class ever
@R.MartinhoFernandes You have to think twice - does that operation has an operator or a method?
No, you don't
@BartoszKP Er, my code completion will trivially tell me that.
even if I forgot from the last time I used it two seconds ago.
@BartoszKP I am the guy that thinks having to think is a good thing.
4:45 PM
Unless you're completely clueless about what you're using
Think about when you start to use the library for the first time.
Read the docs
@BartoszKP Code completion doesn't care that it's the first time.
Read the code
holy shit, I just realized that I'm grateful to PHP.
4:46 PM
Thinking is what this industry is severely lacking
@CatPlusPlus Yes, you can also memorize them. I prefer to start using the library with a clear interface, so I don't have to read the docs.
@BartoszKP Everything is hard the first time you see it. Do you remember std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;? This had to be a joke, right?
@DeadMG Dude, you should see that doctor as soon as possible.
@BartoszKP That- wha- I-
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's actually 8:30am tomorrow.
4:46 PM
How should I create a single hash of two values for an std::unordered_map?
@FredOverflow Well, using this: code.google.com/p/accord/source/browse/trunk/Sources/… wasn't hard for me for the first time - I just started using it, and it works as expected
@BartoszKP Since there is no dot operator, it stands to reason that dot product cannot be a C++ operator, so some very basic logic suggests it has to be a method.
@not-rightfold That depends on how you want the two values to relate.
@BartoszKP Is /// the C# equivalent of Javadoc?
@FredOverflow Yes, I think so.
4:47 PM
you can write one that would hash (x, y) and (y, x) to the same thing, for example.
@BartoszKP Since when was 'coherence' actually important?
@DeadMG OMG, now I want to overload operator. so badly!
    public static void Multiply(this double[][] a, double[][] b, double[][] result)
I'm done here.
Why is it void?
@DeadMG Those would be different.
4:48 PM
@willj I like when the code reads fluently. When there is a consistency, then it reads better. IMHO ; )
:laffo: jagged matrices
@not-rightfold Then as far as I am aware, the usual approach is to start with zero, and raise a prime to the nth power (for the nth item in the tuple) and add the hash of that item to that. Then add that to your result so far.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's only one version, when you don't want to allocate a new matrix
@BartoszKP Yes, it's nice when code is pretty. But that's the least important thing to care about.
4:49 PM
@BartoszKP hahahah, you're missing the point.
@DeadMG Ah.
(Not surprising)
@R.MartinhoFernandes // TODO: enable argument checking xD
 std::size_t VectorTypeHasher::operator()(const std::vector<Type*>& t) const {
    std::size_t hash = 0;
    for(unsigned index = 0; index < t.size(); index++) {
#pragma warning(disable : 4244)
        hash += pow(31u, index) * std::hash<Type*>()(t[index]);
#pragma warning(default : 4244)
    return hash;
        int rows = a.Length;
        int cols = b[0].Length;
4:49 PM
I have this.
@willj Well I think that the whole topic is about things of minor importance, and very subjective : )
@FredOverflow lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes So, what's your point?
This shit will break so hard on slightest mistake
4:49 PM
Not interested in explaining this yet again.
This is terrible
@R.MartinhoFernandes The code is even there, but it's commented out, right under the TODO :D
Acne is a skin disease. I like that typo.
@DeadMG You don't need pow, just use Horner's method.
4:51 PM
@FredOverflow I neither know nor care what that is. It works just fine for me as far as I am currently able to deduce.
I love several overloads that are the same code copied over
: D All right, if you can recommend a better one, I am all ears. But for the last year I've tried all of them ;0
@DeadMG It simply means that a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = ((a*x+b)*x+c)*x+d.
And this one is the most complete (in terms of machine learning and maths) and convenient to use
And all the pointer use
4:52 PM
@not-rightfold Any decent hash function should accept a seed hash (which defaults to some constant)
I love when my math library doesn't compile in safe contexts
@BartoszKP Go read the bits about invariants all over again.
@BartoszKP If no library does exactly what you want, are you a pussy and choose the one that fits your needs best, or do you write your own?
(reminded me of that)
@FredOverflow I want to spend my time doing more productive things, than developing yet another math lib :)
        // TODO: Use bitwise operations instead of strings
4:54 PM
@Xeo needs to post an update about his friend's bitcoin thing
@R.MartinhoFernandes LOL
@R.MartinhoFernandes Before I'll do it, please remind my what are invariants of a vector of real numbers? : )
You've linked implementation of matrices
@BartoszKP No NaN/QNaN and such.
Shut up about vectors
And an implementation of matrices that uses jagged arrays no less :laffo:
4:55 PM
@BartoszKP What about... "a matrix is a matrix".
@DeadMG Fair point, however it's a very minor detail
No, it's not
@BartoszKP You won't be saying that when your program doesn't work and you can't figure out the fuck why.
@CatPlusPlus I'm not arguing whether it's well implemented. I just say that it's easy to use in my case.
@DeadMG Well, NaN's are quite easy to spot, especially when you have them in a double[] in plain sight. I'm working with this lib for a year, and had FEW situations where NaNs indeed were a problem. Took me 30 seconds to find them (in a 1000+ files solution)
@DeadMG It would have NaNs if you also included the females.
4:58 PM
"We had bugs related to that, but don't worry, it's not important"
You win "bad at correctness" badge
@CatPlusPlus I didn't say that it's not important.
what is that thing in PHP that acts like a function but totally isn't?
isn't it like, unset or something?
And also a couple of other things
Well, unset too
I need @identifier.
difficult to use std::aligned_storage<T>::type when type is a keyword.
lol, Wide sucks :P
5:03 PM
Just a gratuitous jab over a minor easy-solvable issue.
Narrow blows.
the C# guys had the same problem- they want to use things as keywords which are identifiers in other languages
so I'm just gonna steal their solution.
I think that you could also do something really dumb like type @50 {}.
5:05 PM
oh well.
@DeadMG You can find a complete (?) list of such ideas here: thc.org/root/phun/unmaintain.html ; D
Choose variable names with irrelevant emotional connotation. e.g.:

marypoppins = (superman + starship) / god;

This confuses the reader because they have difficulty disassociating the emotional connotations of the words from the logic they're trying to think about.
And of course:
Use _ and __ as identifiers.
@BartoszKP lol
ah, you couldn't do @_.
er, I think.
5:08 PM
In C#?
You can.
no, in Wide.
Just not the @50 thing.
btw robot, I request your assistance
brb a sec
I changed my analyzer so that instead of starting at Main and going from there, it doesn't do anything by default so you can use the public API to choose entry points and stuff if you want to.
so I changed my VS addin to start at all the obvious available points- evaluate all the usings, all the functions with no generic arguments, etc.
trouble is, now it's too fuckin' slow to keep up when I type.
I mean, I could swap in a release build instead of debug, and try to debug a release build, or maybe try to optimize the debug build, or maybe just optimize a release build and pray it saves it enough time in a debug build.
or maybe I should just accept that analysis is too slow to be done on hit.
5:16 PM
How slow are we talking here?
it's pretty slow.
maybe a third of a second or a half
if you type more than one or two characters, you can watch as it lags behind
and even if you hit only one at a time, it feels clunky.
maybe I could look into some incremental analysis thing?
Oh, each hit triggers a full analysis?
Ow, that's nasty.
when I only parsed and lexed, you couldn't notice any slowdown.
so I didn't bother trying to do any kind of incremental lex or parse or anything like that
5:20 PM
You should cache all info and have some kind of structure that you can easily modify in particular spots.
I did that for the AST.
you can add and remove a specific file.
but it's a lot easier to track that data than semantic stuff.
you know
actually, I guess it wouldn't be that much more difficult than propagating AST location information for errors and stuff.
Fuck, I'm getting down with a cold.
on the other hand
I think it might be best not to fuck then. Anything that drains energy might deteriorate your resistence. Instead, have a good night's rest?
I'm not sure how comfortable I am re-engineering the analyzer to meet only the needs of interactive use, compared to command-line use.
considering that I share one component between both
5:24 PM
Good night rest + garlic ; 0
gc.template alloc<boolean>(…)
yay MSVC not requiring that.
I have shitloads of arena.Allocate<T>(...) aclls.
speaking of which, Clang doesn't complain if it's missing either.
and I think that Ell compiled Wide with GCC earlier and I don't remember him having a problem...
5:27 PM
What type is arena?
it's a Wide::Memory::Arena.
You only need if it is of a dependent type.
src/parse.hpp:164:32: error: expected primary-expression before '>' token
         return gc.alloc<boolean>(boost::get<bool>(lexeme.value));
It doesn’t say which flag to use to turn it off.
5:27 PM
well that explains it, since the arena is not a dependent type here.
@not-rightfold There's no flag. It's an error.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I assumed DeadMG’s arena was of a dependent type until you said “you only need if it is of a dependent type,” but didn’t notice your message.
speaking of which, I need to fix that bug where I leak all the contents of all the arenas.
5:29 PM
I'll get around to it later
maybe if I incrementally re-analyze and figure out some incremental codegen or something, maybe I can just incrementally do all the fucking shit.
nah, that's too good to be true.
if the C# people couldn't get analysis on key hit working, I probably can't either.
R# does it.
does that work even on the largest C# projects?
It takes a buttload of memory, and the first analysis takes a while if it's a big project, but other than that works super slick.
I like super slick.
ah, well
my goal isn't to be the bestest implementation ever, only to prove that it is reasonably possible.
I probably won't go that route.
I could just do an asynchronous thing.
analyze in the background on a worker thread
present when done.
take latest snapshot and analyze again
5:38 PM
Yay it compiles.
It's not good news if it compiles. It just means that an error is just more elaborate, than to be detected at compile time.
I feel bored.
@EtiennedeMartel I skipped ahead in "WPF4 Unleashed", their example of how to mix directx with WPF (in chapter 19) doesn't work (it runs, but it doesn't display the directx content). >.>
@Borgleader Using D3DImage?
5:43 PM
They also say it's possible to use DX10/11 with this technique by using an intermediate DX9 device. Not sure how that's supposed to work though
@Borgleader Managed to do it a while back. Was a bit of a pain to understand the concept.
But essentially you share a texture between a D3D11 and a D3D9Ex device.
Ah, so both devices point to the same buffer, and you return the DX9 surface to WPF while using the DX11 dev to do all your rendering?
using WPF and D3D together sucks anyway
5:47 PM
Sometimes you don't have any choice, hmm.
I'm starting to like tea more and more.

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