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6:00 PM
I documented everything for my colleagues. I'd post a link, but it's in Portuguese.
Only object pools and such. You probably don't need it, and if you need, you should use something that's already written and tested.
And I'm not sure I'll be happy with that code now.
could i learn from an exercise like this (Well, thats a stupid question; im bound to learn something)?
You'd probably make a better use of your time with something else.
like what (what do you think)?
6:01 PM
Like playing games.
Eh, time for big merge.
This won't be pretty.
'No default qt version.' ?
@JohnKaul It depends on what you want to learn.
> 24 files updated, 10 files merged, 0 files removed, 3 files unresolved
Not too bad.
6:16 PM
Ideas anyone?
About what?
I'm getting the error 'No default qt version.' when I try and open the designer
Finally, I know what zipWith does.
@KianMayne Qt Addin? Open options and set the path to Qt.
Why I navigate to the path that Qt is installed in, it says in cut off red writing
6:21 PM
@LucDanton zip = zipWith (,) :P
C:\Program Files\Nokia\QtVSAddin\bin\qmake.exe could
and then it gets cut off
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, zip appeared right before zipWith so I guess that works.
(,) 1 2 yields a pair
Yes, (,) a b = (a,b).
zipWith is the generalized version of zip, allowing to use something other than (,).
Crap, I think I've just made myself look really stupid
6:25 PM
Don't worry, that's expected.
What making yourself look stupid?
Happens all the time.
OCaml doesn't have (,) as a function. In retrospect, (,) is weird.
why is it weird
6:27 PM
Oh, it's OCaml.
To be honest, it would be nice if the Visual Studio Qt Addin pack actually had qt packaged with it
Because , as a syntactical construct is associated with tuples, not just pairs. The (1, 2) <-> (,) 1 2 equivalence is cute but it breaks down with (1, 2, 3).
@LucDanton That's where (,,) comes in.
@RMartinhoFernandes Not at all, it's just that I'm relating my learning Haskell to my knowledge of OCaml.
I am not making this up.
6:28 PM
@LucDanton (,,)
I'm never writing OCaml ever again!
Why? Because of (,) and (,,) (and so forth, up to (,,,,,,,), I think)?
And of course (,) (,) 1 2 3 is more convenient to write/parse than the infix notation. Prefix wins again!
@RMartinhoFernandes Because it makes sense on a level that I never experienced with OCaml.
@LucDanton I don't think that's what you think it is.
6:31 PM
i think it couldn't work because haskell functions only take a fixed amount of arguments
@RMartinhoFernandes Correct, move an argument about or still need to resort to parentheses.
Stack-like languages win again!
@CatPlusPlus Holy crap.
For all your tupling needs.
6:33 PM
I swear, if I ever see someone use that shit, I'll end up running from the law.
But that's a GHC extension.
Which pretty much makes it standard.
Screw the Haskell Report.
what's a GHC extension?
That gigantic tuple thing.
It has to be.
That's odd, stack-oriented syntax apparently hijacked the parts of my brain previously used for FP syntax: I thought (,) 1 (,) 2 3 would be fine but the correct form obviously is (,) 1 $ (,) 2 3.
And I think I spent 2 hours of my life tops with Forth.
6:35 PM
I wonder when it'll break. 541 arguments.
I refuse to believe that's part of the Haskell Report.
i think it creates the function on demand
I reached t9564
What's t9564?
6:38 PM
ReadConsoleInput: resource exhausted
9564th type.
It's generated on demand, because this is what the source code for Data.Tuple shows:
No, it doesn't start with 1.
module Data.Tuple
  ( fst         -- :: (a,b) -> a
  , snd         -- :: (a,b) -> a
  , curry       -- :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
  , uncurry     -- :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c)
  , swap        -- :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
#ifdef __NHC__
  , (,)(..)
  , (,,)(..)
  , (,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,,,,,,,)(..)
  , (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)(..)
It's ... -> z -> t28 -> t29 -> ..., at least here.
6:40 PM
That's more confusing than 1-based vs 0-based.
looks fancy, what's that?
> There is no upper bound on the size of a tuple, but some Haskell implementations may restrict the size of tuples, and limit the instances associated with larger tuples. However, every Haskell implementation must support tuples up to size 15, together with the instances for Eq, Ord, Bounded, Read, and Show. The Prelude and libraries de?ne tuple functions such as zip for tuples up to a size of 7.
Hmm, it's not an extension after all.
But not required.
why did you make fun of my question earlier :(
6:41 PM
@Nils Haskell's tuple constructors.
Impossible, This is the first time I'm witnessind DeadMG's absence :o
I think 150000 is bit too much.
I wonder why the longest increasing subsequence is always presented as an example for dp. After all I could just iterate over the whole sequence and have a counter which is increased as long as the seq is increased if a[pos-1] > a[pos] then reset this counter and check weather we found a longer seq before. I see no need for this to take O(n^2)
never looked at functional programming so far, but people told me to
@KianMayne You there?
It does work with 15000, though.
6:43 PM
@Mobinga I'm here
@RMartinhoFernandes Interesting new icon, what does it mean?
It's Robby.
Robby the Robot.
Carrying Altaira, though you can only see her boobs and legs.
So, if you ever needed a tuple with 15000 elements, Haskell is the language.
@KianMayne So, what idea have you come up with?
@CatPlusPlus It only breaks down because of a buffer limitation somewhere.
And C++11 can have tuples that big too. Theoretically.
6:44 PM
Yeah, it works when loaded from file. With 150000 the compiler dies.
GCC will likely ICE long before.
@Mobinga Nothing yet, I'm installing Qt for Visual Studio so I can actually use GUIs in C++ for the first time @:
Or rather hangs and thinks. It'll probably output something when given enough time.
And the module is just foo = (,, ... ,,).
@RMartinhoFernandes Challenge accepted.
6:46 PM
That reminds me that I want variadic templates in MSVC. :<
1498 more lines.
Wait, wrong order of magnitude!
Oh god my memory
6:48 PM
I'm lolling so hard.
Why use memtest software, if you can run g++ instead.
Welp, looks like wine got killed during the whole affair.
main.cpp:1510:39: required from here
/usr/lib/gcc-snapshot/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7.0/../../../../include/c++/4.7.0/type_traits:1328:12: error: 'value' is not a member of 'std::__and_<std::__not_<std::is_reference<const std::_Head_base<889ul, int, false>&> >, std::__not_<std::is_void<const std::_Head_base<889ul, int, false>&> > >'
g++-snapshot: internal compiler error: Terminated (program cc1plus)
Kernel is not in a mood for playing around.
How big a tuple were you trying?
and before that my terminal is filled with int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int
1500 ints.
6:54 PM
I was right, then. ICEd long before 15000.
Everything is so slow from being swapped in now.
I'm still stuck with the question of how to write a html parser.
Let's do Clang now. It can't deal with my libstdc++ in C++0x mode so it's gonna be tr1/tuple for additional hilarity.
Like any other parser. Grab/write a grammar, and throw it at a parser generator.
never used a parser generator
What about just writing a program which parses?
6:58 PM
You could do that, but it would still be a good idea to write a grammar.
Clang is eating a lot of processor but memory usage is increasing at a much slower rate, I can still write here!
Makes a good guide for hand-writing the parser.
@LucDanton Nice!
From what I hear I'm liking clang more and more each time.
Pity GCC is still far ahead in features.
Oooh it compiled with 1500 just fine, barely any swap.
So first writing the syntax down as learned in the theoretical CS class.
And then
@LucDanton Crank it up!
6:59 PM
@Nils Why'd you want to write that?
$ clang++ main.cpp -ftemplate-depth-20000
Just learn how stuff works.
What could go wrong.
Wait what? Already done?
I forgot a 0 again!
Maybe I just download the source of lynx and look at it, guess Chromes or FFs code is too difficult/sophisticate.
It's maintenance time, isn't it?
7:03 PM
Oh, yeah.
It's about now.
It's still working, though.
No, it isn't.
It is
7:04 PM
So much swapping...
It is.
Well, 10000 is clearly out of reach on my system.
It blew up already?
Well I was running out of swap and I didn't want random programs to be killed.
Or crash. No idea what happened to wine.
7:10 PM
Ok, fair enough.
So there is something to be said for first-class language features rather than library-level features!
Yeah, GHC's super tuples are certainly not library-level.
Maintenance started.
But the chat is still rolling!
Chat always seemed independent.
7:37 PM
What is the C++ thing for strtok?
using streams, just don't remember what it's called again
I guess I was thinking about words, not tokens
Also what is this strtok you're talking about.
7:38 PM
lol, so yea boost.tokenizer is what it is
it's a C thing
@CatPlusPlus Evil incarnate.
@TonyTheTiger std::ostream_iterator perhaps?
@LucDanton yea
Just wondering
But what the hell is Assembly useful for
I don't know. Who needs to run code, anyway, right?
7:41 PM
humm boost
@CatPlusPlus But that's generated
I meant hand writing it
And Alt.
7:57 PM
no shift love?
Nice touch.
I managed to change the grammar so that if you're using type deduction from :=, then you can skip having to use var
That sounds familiar.
however Bison will bitch, endlessly, if I cut the other var requirements
8:18 PM
Wasn't the maintenance outage supposed to be a "short outage"?
@RMartinhoFernandes Withdrawal symptoms already?
After 5 seconds in.
Does anyone know when Google Apps g+ support is coming
8:37 PM
Just woke up.
gasp SO is offline
I should probably go back to sleep then.
> We are aiming to keep the downtime to about one to four hours.
It was not supposed to be "short" afterall.
Never seen that blog actually.
> We Have an Alerting Problem
I'd say they also have a flagging problem.
> The company was founded in 1998 by then-MIT graduate student Daniel M. Lewin, and MIT Applied Mathematics professor Tom Leighton. Lewin was killed aboard American Airlines flight 11 which crashed in the September 11 attacks of 2001.
^ It's a small world we live in.
8:53 PM
And now I know the difference between foldl' and foldl... roughly!
foldl' doesn't blow up.
AFAIK strict folds are generally considered to be a better thing to use, unless you know what you're doing.
Well I've never extensively used a lazy language so I've never used foldl, strictly speaking.
binary_iarchive and binary_oarchive are supposedly not portable. My world is shattered.
what are they?
Boost.Serialization binary archive implementations (input/output).
9:01 PM
seems strange that such a thing would not be portable
I'm going to try using EBML.
whenever I see any acronym with ML at the end, I feel a massive internal shudder
Does ML count?
It's sort-of binary XML, but without being XML.
9:10 PM
I can't help but read "XML but worse" into that
It's not that bad.
@CatPlusPlus The Date format is... interesting.
It's used by Matroska, so it works in practise, I guess.
And having a well-defined format would certainly help for not breaking compatibility. Not depending on ordering would help, too.
damn, I really, really need to ask a concurrency question
@CatPlusPlus that's pretty lame of boost
9:26 PM
@DeadMG SO seems to be back up.
1 hour later…
10:36 PM
how's things?
they are good my friend
how about you?
oh nice :) Yea I'm good
so what are you up to?
was out with family all day, BBQ
was nice :)
10:38 PM
ah sounds really nice
yea, kinda cool
and last night went to BBQ with some ex coworkers
was cool too :)
what did you barbeque ? =)
and tomorrow I"m gonna go play computer games with a friend, hahaha
that's also nice to do once in a while =)
yep it sure is :)
esp after the rather frustating weeks I've been having
10:41 PM
yeah I think I heard before, quitting your job?
yea well, kinda been forced to due to circumstances, which I won't go into on this chat
yeah I understand
have you found any new jobs?
oh, yea, it's just getting that interview eh
but I've been having some help from @jalf with my CV, which will make it easier for me, I'm sure
cool =)
do you have an online copy of it for me to view?
I swapped 330 shift/reduce conflicts, and now I've got 3 shift/reduce and 2 reduce/reduce
10:51 PM
meh, no, not at the moment
oof, tired
ugh, I have been failing to be tired for a while now
I'm only tired when I have to get up, lol
it's quite late yes
@DeadMG did you get to ask your concurrency question?
10:54 PM
no, I didn't ask
I figure that I should wait until I've implemented the language serially before looking at concurrent metafunctions
time to sleep, good night y'all
Hi all !
@DeadMG - How to link my SO profile to my website. I mean, a pic that says my rep, badge info etc.,
11:06 PM
I have no idea
I saw a user did it. It automatically updates and reflects to his profile on SO
there's a button that will make it for you
I just don't know where it is
ask on meta?
this is the one for my profile
it's called "Flair"
11:11 PM
exactly I was looking for.. will check that ...
hey ppl , wasups
I've significantly reduced my grammatical problems
hi @Tenev
@TonyTheTiger - I don't see that on my profile stackoverflow.com/users/528724/mahesh
now I've only got a few shift/reduce left but I'm not totally sure how to solve them
hi @ Mahesh
11:16 PM
@TonyTheTiger - Is there anything special I should do to get the flair displayed for my profile ?
guys whats highest number of lines u ever coded in a single program
the program I'm working on right now has 2000 lines written by me
7000 or more lines, if you count the ones auto-generated by Bison as well
@Mahesh no, it should just be in one of the tabs, there's stats, bounties, prefs, and flair
I'm sure you've just overlooked it
@TonyTheTiger - Yep... Thanks
11:24 PM
It said "Simply copy and paste the below HTML snippet wherever you want to show off your Stack Overflow flair:" Can I use this in a .doc file too ?
not unless you think that Word is a browser
@DeadMG - Got you. BTW, is that your pet on ur profile pic ?
yes! it is my puppy
name ?
it has a name? I only ever refer to it as "puppy"
11:27 PM

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