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1:02 AM
@Mgetz It's been decades since anybody found a vulnerability in MULTICS (or course, also decades since anybody used it much...) Seriously, its security model really was pretty good though.
1:25 AM
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn you need to look at the number of actual PWNs, etc
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn When you look at exploits in the wild that are taking down people's systems, etc its pretty hard to find anything on Linux
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn In the early 2000s we used to be able to do GUI tricks to get root access. For example, pressing help on the Windows 2000 Login would bring up a help explorer that had root access, and could be used to take over the system...
1:49 AM
@Mikhail wut... Linux is technically speaking the MOST pwn'd OS. (but only because of routers and lack of patching)
@Mgetz you are technically correct
but if we start looking at user land and vendor config we'll hide the computer science :-)
like every Android with a Chinese government backdoor runs Linux
In all fairness... if I wanted to pick on the linux kernel... I'd just start with the complete disaster that is the driver model. All of which exists because politics and GPL2
VFIO is the way :-)
NVIDIA drivers aren't really drivers, they're compilers
the linux or windows ones?
because between AMD and NVidia they changed the entire driver model to isolate that crap in userland
The package nvidia releases includes compilers
1:53 AM
meanwhile linux still thinks kernel GPU drivers make sense
I just like when AMD tried to upstream stuff
and then Linux told them to fuck off
they've done the same to literally every hardware vendor at some point
it's why android is such a disaster zone
Not really sure whats going on in Linux driver land, I mean I worked on Linux drivers before for GPU like devices and it was by far the easiest thing. Just memcopy.
with VFIO you have something in userspace anyways
While others constantly changes passwords, I sometimes change the logins .. and development machines are mostly off the internet, they are not the ones that I use for every day browsing/carrying out other chores. I am a firm believer that you can't steal something if you don't know where it is ..
@Mikhail the linux driver model does have some organization, but it's largely whatever the vendors want to get away with as best I can tell. They don't have very strict rules about what can be done where and at what time
Windows and MacOS however get really pissy if you do things in an interrupt handler
1:57 AM
I don't blame them
I just imagine some engineers at AMD trying to do the right thing and get their stuff upstreamed, and then being shit on
that is also a linux thing
the kernel dev community can be super toxic
2:45 AM
I just kinda feel that other projects are able to more effectively manage industrial cooperations

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