Apr 4, 2023 22:07
I agree, but I think there are more effective solutions, and less effective solutions. A lot of people are proposing this ban stays permanent, but I think will actively harm SO as time goes on. Especially if these tools keep improving.
Apr 4, 2023 22:07
@KevinB and that's great, but the rule is very black and white, so I take issue when people who are using ChatGPT the proper way are banned. "If they truly were incorrectly banned, it's likely the ban will be reversed" who decides this? A human who is humanely prone to error? How does the accused prove their innocence? Has to explain the way all their answers work?
Apr 4, 2023 22:07
@KevinB not sure what you mean. The justice system is long and tedious, requiring a lot of work, isn't 100% effective. When you can spit out 60 answers in 10 minutes, who is willing to spend a few hours to go over them answers and check? When you can spit out 10 answers in an hour that are working and correct, but obviously chatgpt, that's going to take more than a few hours to try and validate ChatGPT has been used.
Apr 4, 2023 22:07
Simply, it's not possible to know for sure. It'll become very much like the judicial system which gets most things right, but you would end up occasionally banning the wrong person. No suggestion here fixes that, and it'd be naive to think that people aren't still using ChatGPT now just smarter to get around the basic detection methods, and also naive to think that there haven't been posts falsely closed due to suspected AI tools.
Apr 12, 2022 14:43
Either way, enjoy efc, it's pretty decent when you've got past the horrid setup.
Apr 12, 2022 14:43
Ah decent, I actually live in St Helens which is closer to Liverpool, but mostly worked in Manchester.
Apr 12, 2022 14:42
Haha cool, happy coding
Apr 12, 2022 14:41
I'm just setting up your solution locally and noticed this, very much suspect it could be the culprit
Apr 12, 2022 14:40
Hey, tried removing [SuppressDbSetInitialization]
Apr 12, 2022 14:40
Ok that makes a lot more sense, try this: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/modeling/… using the DataAnnotation you can define the exact column name on the properties of your User object
Apr 12, 2022 14:40
Why is your Users property virtual? Not sure if that's the issue, can't see why it would be, but might be worth removing it and seeing if that works.
Apr 12, 2022 14:40
I'm a bit rusty on my EFC, but your 'Users' property in your DbContext is null, doesn't get initialized, so your db doesn't have the Users table, or as you said can't map onto it. I don't know how to fix that I'm afraid, but just in case you don't get an answer on this question, should give you a hand when googling.