Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Jan 8, 2019 14:38
@MikeJenkins Hi & Good morning, sorry didn't see your reply. Yep, it'd be considered a subquery. Here's some more info on them, they can be very useful. essentialsql.com/…
Jan 7, 2019 21:35
Err, sorry. Didn't notice correction, one sec. Actual statement would look more like:

insert into device_package (device_id, package_id)
values ((select device_id from devices where macaddress = '44:44:44:44:44:44'), 'package_id')
Jan 7, 2019 21:33
Something like this perhaps?

insert into device_package (device_id, package_id)
values ((select id, package from devices where macaddress = '44:44:44:44:44:44'), 'package_id')