
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Oct 12, 2018 06:59
Hi Friends, I was wondering if you could help me take a look at…
Feb 20, 2018 09:08
@Arne Cheers :)
Feb 20, 2018 09:04
@piRSquared I have posted the question on the portal
Feb 20, 2018 08:57
I dont want to post it as a question, it could be too silly of me perhaps..
Feb 20, 2018 08:52
All i see the date getting plotted , but no charts there
Feb 20, 2018 08:52
Hi Friends,
I am unable to plot the area chart in bokeh for some reason..

Below is the code used for the same..
from bokeh.charts import Area, show, output_file

# create some example data
Areadict = dict(
I = df['IEXT'],
O = df['OT']

area = Area(Areadict, x='Date', y=['I','O'], title="Area Chart", legend="top_left",
xlabel='time', ylabel='memory')

Jan 29, 2018 04:17
can you please assist
Jan 29, 2018 04:17
However, if i use pd.to_datetime - they get converted to year 1970
Jan 29, 2018 04:17
Hi Friends, I have a column in pandas df where the type is object and the values are (eg: 42872,42741...) these are essentially dates
When i convert them to short date in excel, they get converted in the right way.
Jan 18, 2018 11:16
Yes, thats my fear too
No matter how much i massage the data, it may not lead to satisfactory results.
Jan 18, 2018 10:50
HI Friends, I am dealing with a time series forecasting problem.
I only have 12 data points, and there is no major trend or seasonality patterns.
nor can i make it stationary it seems.
Going by this randomness, I believe expoential smoothing might be a good way to go..
Any thoughts ?
Jan 18, 2018 10:49
Just saw this mesage.
Not a problem now.
i used the below way:
date_index2 = pd.date_range('2017/01', periods=12, freq='M')
res4 = res3_piv.set_index(date_index2)
Jan 18, 2018 07:58
@IljaEverilä Thanks Ilja, Seems i will have to edit the indexes in the first place to something like 2017-01 from the existing 201701 to be able to apply the to_datetime function
Jan 18, 2018 07:50
Hi Friends,
I have an index in a dataframe which is in the string format 201701 201702...
However these are essentially Calendar months of 2017 as you can imagine..
How can i change them to appropriate type datetime
Jan 18, 2018 06:50
@cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ - Thanks :)
Jan 18, 2018 06:18
Hi Friends,
I have two dataframes (one with 80 columns and the other with 81 columns)
How do i find which column is extra in the 2nd dataframe
Jan 16, 2018 10:58
Thanks, However the column can be considered containing float values as well as strings in some rows..
Should i be converting the column to numeric?
Jan 16, 2018 10:53
Hi Friends
I am trying a relatively simple column creation in python/pandas df.

df['GL'] = np.where(df['Profitable'] == 'NA', 'NA', ((df['logpctmove'])/100)*(df['Nomadd'].where(m)))

and my m is:

m = df['elig'] == 0

Can you please advise why I am receiving the below :
unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'
ufunc 'multiply' did not contain a loop with signature matching types dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32') dtype('<U32')
Oct 2, 2018 08:37
cya..happy pythoning :)
Oct 2, 2018 08:27
glad it is fixed now
Oct 2, 2018 08:27
we ended up spending lot of time on this :D
Oct 2, 2018 08:27
can you upvote the solution and mark it as the correct answer as well
Oct 2, 2018 08:27
Oh ok
Oct 2, 2018 08:05
Are you still using iloc ? or have you changed to pd.read_excel ?
Oct 2, 2018 08:01
So it appears only sort=False is different from my solution ?
Oct 2, 2018 07:48
Are you concatenating it correctly ?
please note the names are df1 and df3 in the concat operation.
are you getting any error or warning in the concat step ?
Oct 2, 2018 07:47
that should not be the case.
Am surprised..
Oct 2, 2018 07:43
So are you saying the solution i have posted is right ? as you mentioned you got expected output for df5
Please note i have exactly pasted the outputs of the operations i did in python at my end.
Also I imported the excel-1 using pd.read_excel
Oct 2, 2018 07:41
We are missing something here. I have exactly replicated the solution I have posted. If your dataframe (excels) are exactly like the one posted in the question, then there should not be any float coming into picture. Also, can you review your desired dataframe output in the question. I suspect the value of 1 for Sample-B & B1 combination in your desired df output in the question is misleading ?
Oct 2, 2018 07:41
@T0167 I am clearly seeing the results appropriate; it is the total value
Oct 2, 2018 07:41
@T0167 Can you clarify/elaborate a bit more on how the total value is different and in which field/column ?