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Jun 2, 2016 16:03
yeah, that's what @franssu originally did. I was wondering what the standard approach would be to pipe to a function whose parameter order was inconvenient.
Jun 2, 2016 15:53
does it have something to do with partial applications?
Jun 2, 2016 15:52
revfun is expecting three things
Jun 2, 2016 15:52
how does that work if you are only passing tuple3f to revfun?
Jun 2, 2016 15:48
let tuple3f (a, b, c) f =
    f a, f b, f c
Jun 2, 2016 15:47
And you still wanted to pipe it. Would you just create a wrapper function?
Jun 2, 2016 15:46
Is there anyway of working around that? For example, let's say your tuple3f took the tuple first instead of last.
Jun 2, 2016 15:45
Interesting. So you've gotta pay more attention to how you order your params.
Jun 2, 2016 15:45
So when piping, is the result from the previous function added as the last parameter to the next function?
Jun 2, 2016 15:40
I see, I just RTFM'd.
Jun 2, 2016 15:38
what is snd?
Jun 2, 2016 15:37
let tuple3Add (a, b, c) (d, e, f) =
    a + d, b + e, c + f

let tuple3f f (a, b, c) =
    f a, f b, f c

let (first, middle, third) = ([| 1 ; -2 ; 4 ; 5; 0;  6 |]
|> Array.toList
|> List.map (fun x -> x>0, x<0, x=0)
|> List.map (tuple3f System.Convert.ToInt32)
|> List.reduce tuple3Add)

printfn "%d" first
printfn "%d" middle
printfn "%d" third
Jun 2, 2016 15:37
side note, how are you formatting the text as code?
Jun 2, 2016 15:37
that's cool.
Jun 2, 2016 15:37
Jun 2, 2016 15:35
Jun 2, 2016 15:35
let (_, middle, _) = ([| 1 ; -2 ; 4 ; 5; 0; 6 |]
|> Array.toList
|> List.map (fun x -> x>0, x<0, x=0)
|> List.map (tuple3f System.Convert.ToInt32)
|> List.reduce tuple3Add)

printfn "%d" middle
Jun 2, 2016 15:31
I feel like I might be missing something.
Jun 2, 2016 15:31
Does that question make sense?
Jun 2, 2016 15:31
right. so how do you say I want to peek at the middle or first value?
Jun 2, 2016 15:30
result....? how would I access the middle val?
Jun 2, 2016 15:30
let result = List.reduce tuple3Add
Jun 2, 2016 15:29
So are you able to access parts of a tuple outside of a function? Ie, if a tuple is the return type, can you get to parts of it.
Jun 2, 2016 15:29
right, thanks.
Jun 2, 2016 15:28
Wow, that is cool. Well done.
Jun 2, 2016 15:27
Then the reduce sums them all up.
Jun 2, 2016 15:27
The second converts those bools to 1 and 0
Jun 2, 2016 15:27
So the first Map creates a new array of tuples with bools?
Jun 2, 2016 15:26
oh wait
Jun 2, 2016 15:26
@franssu struggling to get that. I'll send you imaginary internet karma if you can explain how it does that magic.
Jun 2, 2016 15:21
@franssu I've gotta wrap my head around that for a minute.
Jun 2, 2016 15:21
CST (-5)
Jun 2, 2016 15:19
@s952163 Ah, ok I see.
Jun 2, 2016 15:04
It would have made more sense to me to see the message around the main method signature instead of the last line.
Jun 2, 2016 14:59
I dont' quite grok it well enough to understand what the compiler was telling me.
Jun 2, 2016 14:59
The last line would complain about something expecting string[]->
Jun 2, 2016 14:58
let main =

//populateNumbers, calcCrossSumDiff

Console.ReadLine() //get size of array
|> Int32.Parse
|> (fun x -> Array2D.create<int> x x 0)
|> populateNumbers
|> calculateCrossSumDifferences
|> Math.Abs
|> (fun number -> printfn "%d" number)
Jun 2, 2016 14:57
I think I still have the snippet.. one sec.
Jun 2, 2016 14:56
I was piping to ignore (which was me just trial/error).
Jun 2, 2016 14:56
This was the last line of the main method.
Jun 2, 2016 14:56
"Type mismatch. Expecting a unit -> string[] -> int but given a unit -> unit. The Type 'string[] -> int' does not match the type 'unit'
Jun 2, 2016 14:54
Some of the compiler error messages seem a bit cryptic at times, though. I struggled mightily with some code because the signature for main didn't accept any params.
Jun 2, 2016 14:53
and I have a little bit of bench time and figured I'd use it for F#.
Jun 2, 2016 14:51
I've also heard a lot (from F#-ers) that you can write less lines for the same program in F# vs C# and I wanted to see it for myself.
Jun 2, 2016 14:50
Absolutely. A few reasons. Been reading through programmatic programmer and it got me thinking about learning something different. I wanted to learn something that was a different paradigm but still mainstream and something I could mix into projects.
Jun 2, 2016 14:47
@FoggyFinder thanks for typing that up. Very helpful. I hadn't thought about using tuples.
Jun 2, 2016 14:43
So, is that a tuple?
Jun 2, 2016 14:43
oh nevermind
Jun 2, 2016 14:42
super concise. Nice. However, how is fold getting a return of the function? I see the increments but nothing is being returned.
Jun 2, 2016 14:35
@franssu Ok, I get the idea, but not sure about how that translates to an implementation.