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Jul 8, 2013 07:11
3. In my code I am unaware of which string is used among a), b) and c). 4. The question is how do I separate the string to "My name is XYZ" and "I live in ABC." respectively.
Jul 8, 2013 07:11
I need to split a string based on a word. That word may be of any Case and I need to preserve the case of the array of sub strings. Example: 1. The string May be a) "My name is XYZ and I live in ABC." OR b) "My name is XYZ AND I live in ABC." OR c) "My name is XYZ And I live in ABC." 2. Now, the separating string may be "and" OR "AND" OR "And".
Jul 8, 2013 07:10
hi everyone
Mar 13, 2013 11:50
5 mins ago, by james lobo
Hi all, Can any one help me optimize my query "select count(KeyArg) as StoreRec FROM SystemDictionary WHERE KeyType = 6 AND ExtendedArg = %s AND VariableText1 = 'Y' AND (VariableText2 is NULL OR VariableText2 <> 'Signed')
Mar 13, 2013 11:44
Hi all, Can any one help me optimize my query "select count(KeyArg) as StoreRec FROM SystemDictionary WHERE KeyType = 6 AND ExtendedArg = %s AND VariableText1 = 'Y' AND (VariableText2 is NULL OR VariableText2 <> 'Signed')
Nov 5, 2012 08:00
Nov 5, 2012 07:59
Table view has a cell with the Price for item and i need to calculate total price after all the contents are loaded. There are 1000's of items in my table view. So is there any event/delegate that is called only after all the CellForRowIndex
Nov 5, 2012 07:58
so is there any event/delegate that is called only after all the CellForRowIndex
Nov 5, 2012 07:57
Table view has a cell with the Price for item and i need to calculate total price after all the contents are loaded. There are 1000's of items in my table view.
Nov 5, 2012 07:55
Hi everyone, I have a question on table reload...
Sep 6, 2012 14:03
any one please help me with the following issue
Sep 6, 2012 14:02
I am adding a subview to the window and it is displayed properly. However the issue is that the window takes orientation and the subview does not.
Sep 6, 2012 14:01
Hi everyone,
Apr 5, 2013 07:55
@iOSBee, i want to convert from $12,34,567 to 1234567 using NSNumberFormatter.
Apr 5, 2013 07:54
Apr 5, 2013 07:54
@iOSBee, I know to convert from 1234567 to $12,34,567 but not the vice versa
Apr 5, 2013 07:50
Hello everyone, I need some help here. I have a string value say "1,23,456.00" and i want to convert it to float as "123456.00". Also need to do using NSNumberFormatter. I can covert a single comma separated value to float but if the string contains >1 comma i get o as the float value
Apr 5, 2013 07:20
@iAmbitious, yes, because i can covert a single comma separated value to float but if the string contains >1 comma i get o as the float value
Apr 5, 2013 07:17
@iAmbitious yes, because i can covert a single comma separated value to float but if the string contains >1 comma i get o as the float value
Apr 5, 2013 07:14
Hello everyone, I need some help here. I have a string value say "1,23,456.00" and i want to convert it to float as "123456.00". Also need to do using NSNumberFormatter
Feb 6, 2013 08:23
what next?
Feb 6, 2013 08:23
what next
Feb 6, 2013 08:23
1. Locate the "ZXingWidget.xcodeproj" file under "`zxing/iphone/ZXingWidget/`". Drag ZXingWidget.xcodeproj and
drop it onto the root of your Xcode project's "Groups and Files" sidebar. A dialog will
appear -- make sure "Copy items" is unchecked and "Reference Type" is "Relative to Project"
before clicking "Add". Alternatively you can right-click on you project navigator and select 'Add files to "MyProject"'

2. Now you need to link the ZXingWidget static library to your project. To do that,
a. select you project file in the project navigator
Feb 6, 2013 08:23
@iHungry I did the following
Feb 6, 2013 08:18
@iHungry i tried but the scanner overlay is not getting launched
Feb 6, 2013 08:14
@iHungry i did all the settings given in the zxing page. But i don't have a idea to launch the scanner from my app
Feb 6, 2013 08:10
Hi all, i need help on integrating the zxing sdk to my app