
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Apr 29, 2015 21:05
@TravisJ awesome, thanks again!
Apr 29, 2015 21:03
@TravisJ Thank you!
Apr 29, 2015 21:01
Adding FirstOrDefault() doesn't seem to resolve it.
Apr 29, 2015 21:01
I'm getting an error with that.
Apr 29, 2015 21:01
socialMediaLinks.Select(m => m.socialLink).Where(m => m.langSCId.Equals("en") && m.socialId.Equals("Web"));
Apr 29, 2015 21:01
Here is what I have:
Apr 29, 2015 20:59
This might sound like a stupid question, but I just want to get a single string value from a linq query of a list of objects. How might I do that?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Apr 27, 2015 21:58
I'm calling a method from a view with AJAX that is returning a different view, however, the page is not changing to the other view. Is this not possible to pass a value from an ajax call into a controller method and then return the view of a different page (essentially loading a different page)?
Apr 27, 2015 18:48
Awesome, it works perfectly now. Thanks everyone for your help!
Apr 27, 2015 18:44
Apr 27, 2015 18:44
ok, thanks @Kar
Apr 27, 2015 18:42
Currently I'm just returning List<Player>
Apr 27, 2015 18:42
Ok, I'm guessing I need to serialize the List object in the C# code?
Apr 27, 2015 18:37
thats the ajax call
Apr 27, 2015 18:37
            url: 'PlayerProfile/PlayerSearchResults',
            type: 'GET',
            datatype: 'json',
            data: { playerNameOrId: playerSearch.value },
            success: function (data) {
            error: function () {
Apr 27, 2015 18:36
It is a List of Player objects
Apr 27, 2015 18:36
The code fails on the each. The alert that I have commented out does not get run.
Apr 27, 2015 18:35
players is a list of Player objects that was retrieved from a controller using AJAX
Apr 27, 2015 18:34
sure, np. Sorry new to this.
Apr 27, 2015 18:33
if (players != null) {
            var result = "<table id=\"players-table\"><th>ID</th><th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th><th>Edit</th>";
            $.each(players, function (index, player) {
                result += "<tr><td>" + players[0].PlayerId + "</td><td>" + players[0].LastName + "</td><td> " + players[0].FirstName + "</td><td><button id=" + players[0].PlayerId + ">Edit</button></td></tr>";
            result += "</table>";
Apr 27, 2015 18:31
Apr 27, 2015 18:31
I'm trying to iterate through an object using jquery's foreach, but for some reason am not successful. I've done this before without an issue, but now it doesn't work in a different project, is there something I'm missing?


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
Jun 29, 2012 18:36
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_CONST' on table name may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.