Nov 11, 2019 23:06
This appears to do what I need it to do,
Nov 11, 2019 23:06
Please put that as the answer for the question so that I can accept it.
Nov 11, 2019 23:05
Would PHP handle this case correctly?
Nov 11, 2019 23:05
So in the case of adding 150 days worth of hours
Nov 11, 2019 23:03
I cannot do that in this case
Nov 11, 2019 23:03
This is not the functionality I need, I need DST boundaries to be calculated when crossing them
Nov 11, 2019 23:02
I believe what PHP does is that it literally just says whats 150 days forward and then slaps the time component onto that,
Nov 11, 2019 23:01
My point is that is not a correct representation of adding 24 hours or 1 day
Nov 11, 2019 23:01
I don't think PHP is doing anything under the hood to "calculate" the extra hour and hide it
Nov 11, 2019 23:00
2019-06-14 09:40:00 + 150 days is not 2019-11-11 09:40:00 That is 150 days and 1 hour.
Nov 11, 2019 22:58
I was hoping that DST calculations happened automatically when adding a date interval that caused a date object to cross a DST boundary. As maintaining this myself would be problematic and prone to breakage. Adding 150 days to this date isn't adding exactly 150 days because of DST
Nov 11, 2019 22:58
I don't think you're understanding what I am saying here. In some places, DST happens, and in others it doesn't. When setting timezones on a PHP date object, PHP automatically determines the changes across DST. If you convert from a timezone thats in DST to a timezone thats out of DST. PHP will do this math for you and return the proper time. In this case, I am adding a date interval that causes the DATE to change from inside DST, to outside DST. Adding 150 days to the date means that the time has actually changed in that timezone.
Nov 11, 2019 22:58
Because DST is not explicit across locations and timezones, I'm trying to figure out why PHP doesn't handle this under the hood for me as I assumed it did.
Nov 11, 2019 22:58
My point is that it does not adjust the time accordingly. If you run the code above you will see it does not adjust the time component of the newDate to reflect that it is in a different DST for that timezone. If PHP were doing this conversion under the hood for me newDate would have a time of 8:40:00
Nov 11, 2019 22:58
Because 150 days after 2019-06-14 in the US/Central timezone passes a Daylight Savings Time boundary meaning that adding 150 days results in the timezone falling back an hour. So technically speaking, +150 days to this date is actually +149 days and 23 hours.
Nov 11, 2019 22:58
@Barmar I figured by not specifying a time component, that PHP would know that adding 150 days to the date would result in crossing a DST boundary, and would appropriately adjust the time. This doesn't seem to be the case. Is there something I need to add to the DateInterval string to get PHP to calculate the time component properly? In this current form, its obvious that PHP's DateInterval is not calculating DST changes correctly when added to a date.
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
@BenjaminW. yes there is a shebang line. #!/bin/bash
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
@BenjaminW. I added another edit showing the results of the code you suggested. Is it of note that this is happening inside an SSH session?
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
@BenjaminW. that returns ''
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
@anubhava that prints nothing. It seems whenever I try and assign the output of a command to a variable I am not able to echo or print that variable out
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
@anubhava cat -A returns the value of the key.prop file.
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
This code when placed in and executed there is no output displayed
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
@anubhava when I do just the cat of the file the contents are displayed.
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
@melpomene The code that I have provided in my edit does not work when run as a shell script. Nothing is echoed
Oct 4, 2018 08:43
I'm just trying to get the contents of that file echoed out, I can't set the output of the command to a variable and echo that either.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Apr 2, 2018 03:48
Thank you @Loktar
Apr 2, 2018 03:46
Trying to figure out what is happening in this function, I don't understand what the double =>'s are doing?

    toggleEnabled = skill => event => {

      //do something
Apr 2, 2018 03:42
Hey guys, have a quick question about some ES6 syntax that I am unfamiliar with. Would anyone here be willing to help me out?
Sep 12, 2012 22:39
Sep 12, 2012 22:37
Sep 12, 2012 22:36
I have a quick question on the $.ajax functionality of jQuery, does someone have a quick second
Mar 28, 2012 22:02
What additional context would you like?
Mar 28, 2012 22:00
having to use the setTimeout seems to be a hacky way of going about fixing that issue, i'm trying to come up with a better way of doing things but as of now thats the only solution that I have come up with
Mar 28, 2012 21:57 Anyone want to help me investigate this bug?

Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Apr 2, 2018 03:45
Thanks! Trying to understand what's happening in this function, I don't understand what the double =>'s are doing?

toggleEnabled = skill => event => {

//do something


This room is often empty cept rlemon. he's always here.
Sep 12, 2012 22:38
rlemon, you there?