@ALL - Hello, can anybody explain me how to use the following code. I need to validate textbox password using autopostback method but its not working and I found this alternate code MyPWTextBox.Attributes.Add("value", strPassword)
Password : <asp:TextBox ID="tbxt_passwrd" runat="server" onkeypress="window.event.keyCode=0; return false;" Width="200" TextMode="Password" autocomplete="off" onfocus="getFocus(this.id);"></asp:TextBox> This is what I used but still not working
I added in this manner Password : <asp:TextBox ID="tbxt_passwrd" runat="server" Width="200" TextMode="Password" autocomplete="off" onfocus="getFocus(this.id);" onkeypress="window.event.keyCode=0;"></asp:TextBox> but it is not working