Feb 26, 2015 22:04
OK. Thanks JNYRanger for your time. Have a nice day tomorrow :)
Feb 26, 2015 21:58
:) ... so no option apparently other than saving numbers in normalized format.
Feb 26, 2015 21:54
I am not sure but I have to check this that do QueryExpression (a type of dynamics crm used to execute retrieval of records) allow like or not. But most probably it wouldn't be allowed on left side of the expression. :(
Feb 26, 2015 21:52
Regarding where you are asking about Like clauses are allowed?
Feb 26, 2015 21:48
yes. that is what I have put as a last option. To save the telephone number in a clean format in a hidden column.
Feb 26, 2015 21:48
I really didn't get you where you asking where is it coming from. It would be delivered by a signalR message. Was this you wanted to know?
Feb 26, 2015 21:46
OK. Thanks for your assistance first of all. the constant string would be replaced with a variable that will hold caller's telephone number, i.e. CLI number.
Feb 26, 2015 21:41
@JNYRanger Thanks for your suggestion. Can you provide a sample for this? How could I do/adjust the string transformation code in my sample?
Feb 26, 2015 21:41
@JNYRanger But I am unable to find .Replace() t-sql equivalent in SqlFunctions class.
Feb 26, 2015 21:41
@JNYRanger Does .Replace() .NET function is convertible to T-SQL's replace() function or not?


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
Oct 21, 2014 10:04
can we build asp.net website with scaffolding feature?


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Oct 28, 2013 11:19
@Elegiac hello :)
Mar 25, 2013 11:33
ok friends. see you. get back to work. :)
Mar 25, 2013 11:26
@gurudev You may call a server side from the client side event using web services. Isn't it @RoelvanUden?
Mar 25, 2013 11:20
@RoelvanUden Oh i see
Mar 25, 2013 11:19
@RoelvanUden Any details of being "pretty bad" :)
Mar 25, 2013 11:18
What about Dotfuscator, guys? How much it could protect the code?
Mar 25, 2013 11:12
@gurudev what is ur purpose for this reading?