
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Sep 7, 2019 19:51
it's not so much the python/C distinction that interests me, more module/interpreter
Sep 7, 2019 19:40
well, supposing a reasonable interpretation of "python only", how would you manipulate the instruction pointer to implement threading?
Sep 7, 2019 19:37
but let's say we allow bytes and anything else that can be used without an import statement
Sep 7, 2019 19:36
I see what you mean
Sep 7, 2019 19:36
it's not a function/class/callable etc
Sep 7, 2019 19:36
well okay, I suppose if isn't an identifier
Sep 7, 2019 19:36
well, so is if in some sense, no?
Sep 7, 2019 19:35
I don't have a problem with bytes
Sep 7, 2019 19:35
Sep 7, 2019 19:34
well, a .py with only python in it
Sep 7, 2019 19:34
can you really do that in pure python?
Sep 7, 2019 19:34
but to implement _thread, you have to be able to set the python interpreter Instruction Pointer, right?
Sep 7, 2019 19:30
basically, is _thread a sort of language intrinsic, or could it be constructed from lower level language features?
Sep 7, 2019 19:30
and on what side of that line does _thread fall
Sep 7, 2019 19:29
but where is the line between "a python module written in C" and "a plugin that modifies the interpreter"
Sep 7, 2019 18:42
so if try to import stuff, in the presence of a file, that'll raise an ImportError if I'm not using a CPython intepreter?
Sep 7, 2019 18:42
I guess I'm not very familiar with python interpreters
Sep 7, 2019 18:38
I guess that's part of the question
Sep 7, 2019 18:38
or even if there is such a line
Sep 7, 2019 18:38
because I'm not sure where the line is between "python module written in C" and "extension to the python interpreter"
Sep 7, 2019 18:38
well I'm not sure either
Sep 7, 2019 18:21
would it be possible to implement python's threading modules as standard C python modules?
Jul 21, 2019 13:09
@PM2Ring It's a little vague but that's because I wanted to avoid an XY problem, stackexchange culture is weird sometimes
Jul 21, 2019 13:02
that Source Control panel in VSCode is so comfortable to use
Jul 21, 2019 13:01
the one place vscode blows away jetbrains is Git integration
Jul 21, 2019 13:01
Actually I do frequently find the IDE features in vscode are lacking for python, like it has a hard time guessing the type of a symbol, but I don't know if Pycharm is any better
Jul 21, 2019 12:58
I've recently grudgingly accepted to use something other than VS Code when doing Java, really just because the intellij support in jetbrains is so good
Jul 21, 2019 12:57
sure why not
Jul 21, 2019 12:56
Jul 21, 2019 12:54
but most of my colleagues seem to use pycharm
Jul 21, 2019 12:54
@TheLittleNaruto I get alot done just with vscode
Jul 21, 2019 12:54
okay, I just figured with 2 downvotes in as many minutes it was probably already kind of a lost cause on the main site
Jul 21, 2019 12:51
maybe it's more of a chatroom question
Jul 21, 2019 12:51
Does anyone have any input on this question?…


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jun 27, 2019 16:37
essentially the old way was to run "gulp build" and it did everything for us by pulling in a bunch of gulp plugins
Jun 27, 2019 16:36
the build process is currently gulp based and is broken and difficult (at least for me) to debug, so I'm considering just ripping it out and putting in something fresh
Jun 27, 2019 16:35
I've basically got the codebase forked and I'm exploring options
Jun 27, 2019 16:18
which seems like I'd have to go through our code figuring out who uses what and adding imports everywhere
Jun 27, 2019 16:18
I looked at webpack, but it doesn't seem adapted to our use case at all since it only injects code that it can reach through the import graph
Jun 27, 2019 16:17
what would be the simplest and most natural way of doing that?
Jun 27, 2019 16:17
I need to pull the deps, compile the sass to css, and inject the deps, our JS code, and the CSS into the index.html
Jun 27, 2019 16:17
oh, and a template index.html, without the script tags
Jun 27, 2019 16:16
basically our source code consists of a bunch of angularJS code, a bower.json with our dependencies, and a bunch of SASS
Jun 27, 2019 16:16
but I don't really know all the different front end technologies (I barely know how to use npm) so I'm struggling
Jun 27, 2019 16:15
I'm working with some legacy angularJS code here, and I'm trying to update the build process for it
Aug 28, 2018 20:28
if I wanted to manually set up and listen to listeners to change events, I could have stuck with jquery
Aug 28, 2018 20:27
I thought the entire point of angular was to program in some kind of a declarative style
Aug 28, 2018 20:27
that just sounds like... traditional javascript programming
Aug 28, 2018 20:27
Aug 28, 2018 20:27
but like