Smart Developers' Lab

Try to stick to English, Post your Query elaborate as best as ...
Nov 20, 2014 06:20
Ah well. I'll ask around elsewhere; thanks for your attention :)
Nov 20, 2014 06:16
It's a constraint of the problem, unfortunately, afaik (I'm trying to do some nonsense with phone calls)
Nov 20, 2014 06:11
It seems like it should be possible to trade upstream for downstream bandwidth in fixed systems (e.g. x bits up, y bits down w/o the possibility to change x or y) by sending some sort of information from one end of the channel to the other ... any ideas/suggestions on where to look or ask for answers?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Dec 23, 2012 20:50
Unrelated question to current discussion: I'm recursively walking through a graph in a way that will result in two values: a cycle, or running into an edge. Would it be terrible to throw an exception on running into an edge to escape the call stack?
Dec 23, 2012 20:45
@henrymb67 It doesn't? D: Now you've got me curious ...
Dec 15, 2012 19:06
In case you run across some resolution someday ...
Dec 15, 2012 19:06
@copy Aah, specifically, I believe this is called making a 'recursive type' (if I understand that haskell tutorial properly).
Dec 15, 2012 19:05
@copy No worries; I'll just go make an SO question. Thanks for trying :3
Dec 15, 2012 19:02
@copy Aaah; I was using @typedef instead of @type . Lemme try that ... (sorry about the misdirection)
Dec 15, 2012 18:59
@copy That was my thought too :|
Dec 15, 2012 18:58
@copy Aaah. Do you know the solution? :D
Dec 15, 2012 18:57
It would look like
{{a: number, b: `something`}}
where I have no idea how I can make b refer to the type declaration it's in.
Dec 15, 2012 18:54
Closure compiler question: I'd like to define a record type that contains itself, but have absolutely no idea where to start. Any tips?
Dec 3, 2012 04:24
Daaamn, it's using the 2d context. That's pretty awesome.
Dec 3, 2012 03:23
I've been fiddling with some hobby projects recently and noticed that, instead of mapping models to views, I'm defining 'add', 'remove' and 'modify' functions that relate changes in the model to the view (as opposed to using a templating system or some such). Is that terrible? Should I go refactor right now?
Feb 17, 2012 20:53
Good to hear!
Feb 17, 2012 20:51
@MatX I have no idea what or how you're using getLastUpdateBy, but if that's where your error is occuring yeah, you should convert it to something non-self-referrential.

As a point of good practice, though, you should really understand why it's breaking in the first place.
Feb 17, 2012 20:46
Apologies for the slow reply; I just had the coolest compile error ever.
Feb 17, 2012 20:46
@MatX Does getComment().getLastUpdatedBy() return an object, or just a straight value? Make sure that it's not potentially referring to anything else.
Feb 17, 2012 20:26
@MatX JSON libraries expect trees; you accidentally made two nodes connect to eachother. Short answer: look at your datastructure, make sure that it doesn't loop at all.
Feb 17, 2012 20:20
"While there is much programmers might like about Dart ..." I've heard nigh universal hatred. Anyone else?
Feb 17, 2012 20:09
It feels like I should use destructuring assignment somehow, but the docs don't reference anything like this (or at least I didn't see that in 'em) :|
Feb 17, 2012 20:08
I can't expect the JIT to guess that the function is pure ...
Feb 17, 2012 20:07
Silly question deux: without using a temporary variable, can I reference the result from a function twice?
I've a function that outputs a result in the form of an array, and another that takes two values as arguments. Any thoughts?
Feb 17, 2012 17:00
It seems like there'd be a story behind that, unless it was just convention.
Feb 17, 2012 17:00
Silly, crazy question: is anyone familiar with why context's fillStyle is set and not called like a function?

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Sep 29, 2012 23:19
@balpha Thanks for your interpretation! It makes much more sense that way :D.
Sep 29, 2012 04:02
'Cuz if so, that's a little bit of a downer.
Sep 29, 2012 04:02
So it's terribly late at night and I'm probably reading the T&C in a paranoid light, but does "consent to give Sponsor a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish ..." mean that anything I make will belong to Microsoft until the Earth is a barren wasteland, populated only by the radioactive cockroach hordes?