Durai Amuthan.H


Rules → spiff.io/nschat.rules —  Discussion for iOS and OS X ...
Apr 10, 2018 12:48
Any suggestions are welcome
Apr 10, 2018 12:48
Q: how to disable wifi assist without user interaction

Durai Amuthan.HI have couple of URLs that has to be called through wifi not with mobile data. As WIFI ASSIST is on , whenever the wifi is weak ,packets get transferred through Mobile data. I would like to stop this from happening. As far as I have researched, there is no API to toggle wifi assist switch on a...

Aug 26, 2016 08:40
Q: iPhone crash for feeding base64 to webview

Durai Amuthan.HI am using UIImagePickerController to choose image/video,upon selection I am converting the resource into base64 string and I am sending that to wkwebview NSData(contentsOfURL:(info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? NSURL)!)?.base64EncodedDataWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.Encoding6...

May 12, 2016 06:40
Q: StarScream websocketDidReceivePong is not getting called for writePing

Durai Amuthan.HI would like to send periodic pings to server to keep the connection alive. This is the function to send ping socket.writePing(NSData()) But I am not getting the pong back func websocketDidReceivePong(socket: WebSocket){ wsConsole.text = wsConsole.text .stringByAppendingString("\n webso...

Apr 20, 2016 20:37
Q: how to customise AppRTC to receive call

Durai Amuthan.HI have integrated AppRTC in my project and I am able to join the WebRTC call in the room of https://apprtc.appspot.com using RoomName appClient = ARDAppClient(delegate: self) appClient?.createLocalMediaStream() appClient?.connectToRoomWithId(String(roomId), options: nil) I am abl...

Apr 7, 2016 11:57
Q: How to unlock system keychain in OS X using terminal

Durai Amuthan.HI have private key and certificate in system keychain and I want to access it using CodeSign so it needs to be unlocked. if I try to unlock login keychain using below script then no problem security unlock-keychain -p password login.keychain But If I use the same syntax for system.keychain t...

Mar 30, 2016 19:52
Q: xcodebuild is not compiling the project unless it is opened using Xcode atleast only once for cocoapods integrated project

Durai Amuthan.HI have a project with cocoa pods. Here is the command that I use to build the project. /usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme Jenkins -workspace /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Documents/Jenkins/Jenkins2/Jenkins.xcworkspace -configuration Release clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Docu...



Join to become part of the community, not to simply ask questi...
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Any suggestions are welcome
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Q: how to disable wifi assist without user interaction

Durai Amuthan.HI have couple of URLs that has to be called through wifi not with mobile data. As WIFI ASSIST is on , whenever the wifi is weak ,packets get transferred through Mobile data. I would like to stop this from happening. As far as I have researched, there is no API to toggle wifi assist switch on a...

Mar 30, 2016 19:52
Q: xcodebuild is not compiling the project unless it is opened using Xcode atleast only once for cocoapods integrated project

Durai Amuthan.HI have a project with cocoa pods. Here is the command that I use to build the project. /usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme Jenkins -workspace /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Documents/Jenkins/Jenkins2/Jenkins.xcworkspace -configuration Release clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Docu...

Mar 28, 2016 13:39
Thanks in advance !!
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Any suggestions are welcome
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Q: how to disable wifi assist without user interaction

Durai Amuthan.HI have couple of URLs that has to be called through wifi not with mobile data. As WIFI ASSIST is on , whenever the wifi is weak ,packets get transferred through Mobile data. I would like to stop this from happening. As far as I have researched, there is no API to toggle wifi assist switch on a...

Aug 26, 2016 08:40
Q: iPhone crash for feeding base64 to webview

Durai Amuthan.HI am using UIImagePickerController to choose image/video,upon selection I am converting the resource into base64 string and I am sending that to wkwebview NSData(contentsOfURL:(info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? NSURL)!)?.base64EncodedDataWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.Encoding6...

Jun 8, 2016 07:31
Q: How to provide native support for unsupported webRTC JS APIs in WebKit(WkWebview)

Durai Amuthan.HObjective: Providing native support for the unsupported WebRTC JS APIs in WebKit and make WebRTC call through the webapp loaded in WkWebView. So far What I have tried: As of now WebRTC W3C JavaScript APIs is not supported in webkit. There is a cross platform plugin available from cordova to s...

May 23, 2016 10:12
Q: use_frameworks! for only some pods or swift pods

Durai Amuthan.HI have both Objective C and Swift Pods in my project. pod 'WBWebViewConsole', '~> 1.0.1' use_frameworks! pod 'XWebView', '~>0.9.5’ pod 'Starscream', '~> 1.1.3' As swift PODs(XWebView, Starscream) can only be added as frameworks I have to use use_frameworks! But this makes all the PODs as ...

May 12, 2016 06:40
Q: StarScream websocketDidReceivePong is not getting called for writePing

Durai Amuthan.HI would like to send periodic pings to server to keep the connection alive. This is the function to send ping socket.writePing(NSData()) But I am not getting the pong back func websocketDidReceivePong(socket: WebSocket){ wsConsole.text = wsConsole.text .stringByAppendingString("\n webso...

Apr 20, 2016 20:36
Q: how to customise AppRTC to receive call

Durai Amuthan.HI have integrated AppRTC in my project and I am able to join the WebRTC call in the room of https://apprtc.appspot.com using RoomName appClient = ARDAppClient(delegate: self) appClient?.createLocalMediaStream() appClient?.connectToRoomWithId(String(roomId), options: nil) I am abl...

Apr 19, 2016 12:43
Q: How to find PPI programatically with precision

Durai Amuthan.HI am trying to find out PPI(Pixels Per Inch) in iOS. I couldn't find any direct way to query this like we do for display size UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds There is a way to do it by multiplying scale with standard DPI for iPhone(163) or iPad(132) but it's not accurate. If the formula is righ...

Apr 7, 2016 11:57
Q: How to unlock system keychain in OS X using terminal

Durai Amuthan.HI have private key and certificate in system keychain and I want to access it using CodeSign so it needs to be unlocked. if I try to unlock login keychain using below script then no problem security unlock-keychain -p password login.keychain But If I use the same syntax for system.keychain t...

Mar 31, 2016 06:35
@SKT Yes I am gettinng log If I have opened at-least once using Xcode...or else it simply stands like this with spinning wheel
Mar 30, 2016 19:53
Q: xcodebuild is not compiling the project unless it is opened using Xcode atleast only once for cocoapods integrated project

Durai Amuthan.HI have a project with cocoa pods. Here is the command that I use to build the project. /usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme Jenkins -workspace /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Documents/Jenkins/Jenkins2/Jenkins.xcworkspace -configuration Release clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Docu...

Mar 30, 2016 18:10
Q: Set: Cannot Perform Set On Containers

Durai Amuthan.HI am trying to update CFBundleName & CFBundleDisplayName in Info.plist using PlistBuddy /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set : CFBundleName test" info.plist /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set : CFBundleDisplayName test" info.plist It works perfectly when the file is outside of the Xcode Project But ...


iOS Android Python

Should talk about iOS App development related issues. No langu...
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Any suggestions are welcome
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Q: how to disable wifi assist without user interaction

Durai Amuthan.HI have couple of URLs that has to be called through wifi not with mobile data. As WIFI ASSIST is on , whenever the wifi is weak ,packets get transferred through Mobile data. I would like to stop this from happening. As far as I have researched, there is no API to toggle wifi assist switch on a...

Apr 7, 2016 11:58
Q: How to unlock system keychain in OS X using terminal

Durai Amuthan.HI have private key and certificate in system keychain and I want to access it using CodeSign so it needs to be unlocked. if I try to unlock login keychain using below script then no problem security unlock-keychain -p password login.keychain But If I use the same syntax for system.keychain t...


Tamil iOS and Web Developers

We will help what you need! Note: This room is not only for Ta...
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Any suggestions are welcome
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Q: how to disable wifi assist without user interaction

Durai Amuthan.HI have couple of URLs that has to be called through wifi not with mobile data. As WIFI ASSIST is on , whenever the wifi is weak ,packets get transferred through Mobile data. I would like to stop this from happening. As far as I have researched, there is no API to toggle wifi assist switch on a...


Jaipur [iOS] [Andorid] overflowed

This group is for jaipur mobile application developers (#NATIVE)
Apr 10, 2018 12:47
Any suggestions are welcome
Apr 10, 2018 12:46
Q: how to disable wifi assist without user interaction

Durai Amuthan.HI have couple of URLs that has to be called through wifi not with mobile data. As WIFI ASSIST is on , whenever the wifi is weak ,packets get transferred through Mobile data. I would like to stop this from happening. As far as I have researched, there is no API to toggle wifi assist switch on a...



Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Aug 30, 2016 08:58
Any help is appreciated
Aug 30, 2016 08:58
Q: memory leak in javascript for bigger strings

Durai Amuthan.HI am sending base64 string to the javascript function but its causing memory leak when I call it again and again. My gut feeling is the value which is stored in javascript variable is not getting released properly. function showResource(data){ //everything commented out. } I am calling the fu...



Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Aug 30, 2016 08:52
Any help is appreciated !
Aug 30, 2016 08:51
Q: memory leak in javascript for bigger strings

Durai Amuthan.HI am sending base64 string to the javascript function but its causing memory leak when I call it again and again. My gut feeling is the value which is stored in javascript variable is not getting released properly. function showResource(data){ //everything commented out. } I am calling the fu...

Aug 26, 2016 08:44
@Ehsan Thanks Buddy
Aug 26, 2016 08:44
I am posting problem and it have no relation to what you guys are already discussing
Aug 26, 2016 08:43
Oh OK..
Aug 26, 2016 08:42
OP ?
Aug 26, 2016 08:42
I guess some memory leak in javascript causing the issue
Aug 26, 2016 08:42
Aug 26, 2016 08:41
Q: iPhone crash for feeding base64 to webview

Durai Amuthan.HI am using UIImagePickerController to choose image/video,upon selection I am converting the resource into base64 string and I am sending that to wkwebview NSData(contentsOfURL:(info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? NSURL)!)?.base64EncodedDataWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.Encoding6...

Aug 26, 2016 08:45
Q: iPhone crash for feeding base64 to webview

Durai Amuthan.HI am using UIImagePickerController to choose image/video,upon selection I am converting the resource into base64 string and I am sending that to wkwebview NSData(contentsOfURL:(info[UIImagePickerControllerMediaURL] as? NSURL)!)?.base64EncodedDataWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.Encoding6...


iPhone / iPad

Apple iOS development chat. This room has a FAQ at ios-develop...
Jun 8, 2016 07:31
Q: How to provide native support for unsupported webRTC JS APIs in WebKit(WkWebview)

Durai Amuthan.HObjective: Providing native support for the unsupported WebRTC JS APIs in WebKit and make WebRTC call through the webapp loaded in WkWebView. So far What I have tried: As of now WebRTC W3C JavaScript APIs is not supported in webkit. There is a cross platform plugin available from cordova to s...

May 23, 2016 10:13
Q: use_frameworks! for only some pods or swift pods

Durai Amuthan.HI have both Objective C and Swift Pods in my project. pod 'WBWebViewConsole', '~> 1.0.1' use_frameworks! pod 'XWebView', '~>0.9.5’ pod 'Starscream', '~> 1.1.3' As swift PODs(XWebView, Starscream) can only be added as frameworks I have to use use_frameworks! But this makes all the PODs as ...

May 12, 2016 06:40
Q: StarScream websocketDidReceivePong is not getting called for writePing

Durai Amuthan.HI would like to send periodic pings to server to keep the connection alive. This is the function to send ping socket.writePing(NSData()) But I am not getting the pong back func websocketDidReceivePong(socket: WebSocket){ wsConsole.text = wsConsole.text .stringByAppendingString("\n webso...

Apr 20, 2016 20:37
Q: how to customise AppRTC to receive call

Durai Amuthan.HI have integrated AppRTC in my project and I am able to join the WebRTC call in the room of https://apprtc.appspot.com using RoomName appClient = ARDAppClient(delegate: self) appClient?.createLocalMediaStream() appClient?.connectToRoomWithId(String(roomId), options: nil) I am abl...

Apr 19, 2016 12:44
Q: How to find PPI programatically with precision

Durai Amuthan.HI am trying to find out PPI(Pixels Per Inch) in iOS. I couldn't find any direct way to query this like we do for display size UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds There is a way to do it by multiplying scale with standard DPI for iPhone(163) or iPad(132) but it's not accurate. If the formula is righ...

Apr 7, 2016 11:58
Q: How to unlock system keychain in OS X using terminal

Durai Amuthan.HI have private key and certificate in system keychain and I want to access it using CodeSign so it needs to be unlocked. if I try to unlock login keychain using below script then no problem security unlock-keychain -p password login.keychain But If I use the same syntax for system.keychain t...

Mar 30, 2016 19:53
Q: xcodebuild is not compiling the project unless it is opened using Xcode atleast only once for cocoapods integrated project

Durai Amuthan.HI have a project with cocoa pods. Here is the command that I use to build the project. /usr/bin/xcodebuild -scheme Jenkins -workspace /Users/Shared/Jenkins/Documents/Jenkins/Jenkins2/Jenkins.xcworkspace -configuration Release clean build CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/Shared/Jenkins/Docu...